Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    A Point by Jesus in St. Mattews Gospel


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    A Point by Jesus in St. Mattews Gospel  Empty A Point by Jesus in St. Mattews Gospel

    Post by Poem

    Although this not a good feeling and good subject to speak about, the truth must be spoken and made clear to understand for each of us that may be living during the time this actually takes place. To prepare each of our hearts, minds, and souls to avoid at all possibility to so as to not do such things but rather love and prevent.

    As a former technician, the job was to build, acquire, and correct issues.  Or fix problems that were broken. To be blunt. Minus all the fancy wording the world uses to make it sound good.  

    When something wears out it needs to be replaced of material subject matter.  When a human being wears out it needs to be healed and given rejuvenation, re-strengthened.  Given a recharge in speaking.

    Here's where the rubber meets the road. Some saints in times passed that we have read about and is widely known, passed early in their life.  They were astonishing souls that became saints early on and then was declared a saint later on.  Some souls mature quickly due to their circumstances while others struggle to mature and yet others mature on par. Variances.

    The Lord explains in PoMG of the soul its characters, the way it responds and every soul responds differently.

    God the Soul Generator puts our souls into a womb of a woman and then observes its growth, gives it needed graces to become the dominator in the body of flesh and blood.  He sends all kinds of graces we do not comprehend down upon all souls not just one or two.  The whole batch of souls.  How a soul responds depends on its nature. Some souls only love. Some souls help others. Some souls love and help.  You get the picture. Some souls are timid, shy, bashful. Some souls are aggressive.  Some souls are very patient and are not in a hurry.  There are I believe the Lord Jesus said 12 main character types for souls. And He selected each of the 12 as the First Apostles. Correct me if this is incorrect please? But this was many years ago since I read it. Also the Lord said the workers needed to convert other souls would always be insufficient in numbers ratio of those needing conversion verses those already converted. The Lord also said this about the priests. They would be insufficient in numbers. Thus they have great need of our assistance. Those priests that do not want aid, are too proud. No one can do without Help as Jesus said so clearly. Love one another and help and support each other and He was talking to the Apostles who were the First Ones of the New Rite, New Religion, One Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church. Pride says, I don't need any one nor God. I am my own. I can handle it. Then when your flesh overwhelms you by the instigation of Satan where is your pride of don't need? This is what God talks about. He says, you are My Creation. My Soul. I made You. Without God you and I don't exist. The Soul. So He who created created to have us enjoy Him and one another in Him.

    In Him. Outside of Him is Satan the Abyss as the ready.

    The environment a soul grows in influences the soul. For instance if the soul is in high crime area where they need to steal and kill to survive.  In another a soul is raised in a rich environment and has everything at their disposal concerning material aspect.

    This variance and contrast created unequal balance. One is sufficiently supplied the other has to break Laws due to the circumstance.  Thus depending on the character of the soul, the soul responds to each circumstance.

    Let's begin where St. Matthew dictated in his Gospel, in Chapter 24, that there will come a time when, brother betrays brother, father kills son so forth, the point being this is talking about those in the faith.

    8 Now all these are the beginnings of sorrows.  9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall put you to death: and you shall be hated by all nations for my name's sake.  10 And then shall many be scandalized: and shall betray one another: and shall hate one another.

    Now this seems like from a human minded persons perspective such terrible thing. It is. But from a spiritual perspective, brings joy to a soul that is fully in God. Because suffering and pain is what Christ endured to bring us 'salvation'.   God does not think like the world does. God is not the world. God is God.  He sees our flesh and blood as garments but to us He knows it is quite a bit more than this.  God is love. This is perhaps most difficult to consider when others being killed off.  The thought is why did not God prevent killing?  His answer is 'you choose to sin and disobey. Your reasoning has failed and it is not strong.  Fortitude. Temperance.  Prudence.  Justice. God gives us his own free will thinking and the Essence that comes from Him called the soul. He expects us to live up to his standards that comes with the soul:  Free will, intelligence to not let reptiles crawl allover the place and be seduced to lowering ones morals to mud.

    This last verse is generalizing here 'one another'.   But who are these?  one another... Christians. That's who.'
    We've witnessed dastardly things and heard them.  Two Catholics man and woman married, the wife decides no more and sues her husband, but before she did this she asked him to take out 5 million dollar life insurance policy.  ??

    A brother, sues his own Catholic father.  We've read things like this in PoMG. These were in the Religion.

    The True Believer does not do these things. They are loving and adoring God faithfully till death till Jesus calls them up.  Son, time to come home he says.

    The Judas Iscariot error is the error here. They want material wealth. They want it all, this life and the next.

    This kind of thinking.  

    The evolution of the Judas thinking is have it all now the kingdom of Israel to rule over every other nation and then enter God's Kingdom after living a life of royalty on earth.    This is not Christ's teaching nor God the Father's. This is Human ego separated from the Vine and the instigation and influence of Satanic proportions we do not want to admit.  Lack of Virtues really. Wisdom speaks in Her Children.  

    Pray and meditate on these things.  The demon has amassed great power in our times and without Grace one will fall eventually to the demons overbearing ways.  

    An example of this falling due to Satan's influence:  Judas Iscariot.  He first came to Christ as did the First Apostles and for a while there was able to follow Christ.  Then later he fell.
    This exact thinking and way can happen to anyone that is not fully matured in spirit in the Way of Christ.  The Demon has many simple and complex ways to lure and seduce.  

    At first the Demon made himself like 'another' Tree.  The tree signifies 'Food' and Knowledge.

    The Tree of Life gives everlasting Life.

    The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil gives everlasting Death.

    Which Food and Knowledge do you prefer?

    God gave to man 'intelligence' to use his brain to be wise to discern right from wrong, good from evil and choose only good and the right way.  Not to become dumb and stupid and end up as Food for Satan's belly and burnt to crisp in the Abyss.  That is the reality we don't need to find the answers written in plain ink.  God's Wisdom tells us this.  Use your brain.  

    Jesus tells a few Romans in Book two that if man used his brains he wouldn't commit crimes and end up galley slaves manning an oar.

    Our goal is to be matured firmly rooted in Christ our Lord, Savior, Redeemer, King. Firmly established in Faith not wavering, wobbling, but firm.  A rock solid faith that cannot be moved crushed toasted by the Enemy of God and Man.  To be like Christ firm. That is our goal. We must not be persuaded by any lure of the enemy.  

    Peace be with you always

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    Post Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:13 pm by Poem

    Book 2 Jesus is marching in God to 'evangelize' anywhere there is a soul.  He sees specifically all souls.   This book tells it like it is. If you don't go you don't help convert. It is love that does the conversion.

    Here is another way to look at it.  All Souls belong to God.  And those of us who belong to God are called to imitate God in character and likeness. To love.  That's it. To love. Anything else is not of God. God is Fully and Entirely Nothing But Love there is nothing else in God.  If you could see God right now with your human eyes and feel with your human feelings comprehend through the grandeur of the Visage of God emanating all of His infinite powerful qualities so you can fully feel it, then you would know God to a greater value to bow and adore Him.

    Jesus said to know the 'spirit' of the letter written, which means to know the Spirit of God who inspired them to be written. Then when you read with the Spirit of God with your own spirit, it is the Spirit revealing to the spirit.

    Thus no one can absolutely say this is God and this what He is completely and fully.

    We cannot. We are given things like His main attributes, qualities.  He allows us to recognize these to help us know Him to where we can comprehend Him. How to explain?  I do not know God fully as God is fully. God is Infinite. I am finite. I cannot ever comprehend Infinite because I am not infinite being.  However as a finite being, God allows me to know Him as a finite being is capable to know.  His main quality and attribute and virtue is Love. God's Love is filled with many good things.  For instance I see streams maybe 3 right now and they are colored red blue gold. Each stream represents a certain grace with all of these coming from Love.  Love is the main of this large infinite Bounty. Love generates these things and has love as fertilizer? Love as the main ingredient. Love is mixed with them.  But Love is the main in all these streams. With Love. So then in the stream is a grace of humility a virtue for me to have, a grace of kindness a virtue from love because I lack kindness? You get the picture, what I lack and what I need to have grace build in me to multiply grace. Grace has all these virtues from where there comes kindness, humility, peace, calm, to grow my spirit into a fully a a matured spirit that reflects God and His attributes of character.  

    A cistern that is busted, broken, holed, leaks grace.  Sin causes the bust and leaks everywhere. Dries up grace to where there is no more. Like water gushing out. Picture a barrel with many holes and the water coming of these holes.  Grace needs to heal fix the bust so it will overflow and not leak out.  To fill to overflowing where others benefit; the leak is gone and this overflowing is constant. A leak drains to where it won't fill up and overflow for the benefit of others.

    Thus God wants us to overflow to benefit each other.  

    We go to the Source and remain in the Source, He is the Vine?!  The Vine then gives sap to the branches to bear fruit.   The Vine is the Source.  He is God. God is Our Source.

    Peace be with you always

      Current date/time is Sat Oct 05, 2024 11:08 am