Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    The Communion of Saints


    Number of posts : 4328

    The Communion of Saints Empty The Communion of Saints

    Post by Poem

    Notebook: 1943
    Chp: The Communion of Saints
    Page: 237

    August 14 1943

    Jesus says:

    "I told you that you are this way because you have had the help of Father. No pride should come to him and no discouragement to you, no amazement to anyone, on account of this assertion by Me.

    "I am God and need no intermediaries--it's true. But precisely because I am perfect in everything, in intelligence as in love, I thus know what is necessary for you to spur you on and make you feel how I love you. And this asking for your cooperation to carry out my prodigies is not a proof of weakness on my part or of the inability to act alone, but it is proof of love and intelligence.

    "I love you so much that I stoop to ask you to help Me. I comprehend you so much that I know that this request spurs you more than anything else.

    "To become Good nourishing your spirits, I would not need anyone. And yet I ask for priestly hands to work the miracle of the bread changing into the Body of the God-Man. And so it is for mutual elevation.

    "I have founded a true society in which the members, in my thought, are for one another, one supporting the other. From the greatest to the smallest you all have a reason for existence on the colossal team of my Church, one in essence and threefold in form, as her Divine King and Pontiff is Triune with the Father and the Spirit.

    "The Communion of Saints unites the Catholics of the past to those of the present, the Catholics who are suffering to those battling and those rejoicing. Heaven, earth, and purgatory help and complete each other, and in the same way the members of the Church Militant must help and complete one another.

    "Oh, sublime charity that are born in my Heart, torn by the betrayal first, rather than the thrust of the lance, the living sign of belonging to Me! If you could see what loving one another as brothers and sisters is worth in the eyes of the heavenly beings, according to my commandment of love, none of those endowed with intelligence would want not to love their brothers and sisters with purity, spiritual sight, and spiritual ardor. My first followers loved one another that way, and this mutual love of theirs convinced the world of the truth of Christ.

    "But now.... Can the world still be convinced of this, when hatred has taken the place of love and intelligence serves to do harm; the word, to lie; the heart, to betray; and hands, to kill?

    "Pray.... Go ahead and pray. But can a plant live while leaning on burning granite? No. It dies because its root finds no life-giving liquid. So your prayer dies when not nourished by love.

    "And to think that there would be great celebration in Heaven if the great sinner, man, returned to the Father, who awaits him to forgive, him, shower gifts upon him!

    "I go, bearing the Cross, picking up the crosses which Satan knocks down and which you are unable to bear.

    "The world has rejected the Church, and the churches fall. But woe to that day when the Son of Man no longer has altars to repeat the Sacrifice and ciboriums for the Sacrament of my love."

    Peace be with you always

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