Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    What Does it Mean to Be Spirit? Seraphim


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    What Does it Mean to Be Spirit? Seraphim Empty What Does it Mean to Be Spirit? Seraphim

    Post by Poem

    If we write in the fashion John speaks always, we would lose audience and people would think we are from somewhere else.  And even when we tone down, we still do.  It's spirit.

    We must be able communicate to souls that have no knowledge as well. Jesus said to be able to speak to those that are illiterate with Christianity.  New way of thinking.   What is new when concerning entirety of life, cannot speak like angels. But must speak to be comprehendible to those seeking to learn or know. Newborn babes in Christ; potential new citizen for heaven.  I would say in close quarters, during meetings, during prayer; when the Holy Sprit directs.  John was always inspired by the Holy Spirit.  When Jesus was with the 12, Jesus granted them the power of miracles. Jesus Grace and Truth, Jesus Word of God, Bread of Heaven, the seraphs are nourished by God in orbit around God. So Jesus rightly says, strive to forget you are men, and strive to change into seraphim. John did exactly that without even being told by Jesus.  The mystical union with the Christ the Word of the Father, before Eucharist and before Holy Spirit.  John had Grace because he was 'just.' He had Jesus right there close quarters, the Word of the Father beaming graces to all that were able to see. So be it!

    Here is what Jesus speaks of becoming spirit.  From Book 2 Chapter 166, where St. John the Beloved has his first sermon to the crowds of potential disciples.   Those wanting to follow God.

    John, who has been listening with his head lowered, smiling to himself, raises his head. His face is bright and he begins to speak:

    « Brothers! The thought of ascending makes you feel giddy. It is true. But who told you that it is necessary to attack the ascent direct? Not only babies, but even adults cannot do it. Only angels can glide in the blue skies, because they are free from all material weight. And only heroes in holiness can do it amongst men.

    We have a living being, who in this dejected world, is still a holy hero, like the ancient people who adorned Israel, when the Patriarchs were friends of God and the word of the eternal Code was the only one and was obeyed by every righteous creature. John, the Precursor teaches us how to attack the ascent direct. John is a man. But the Grace, which the Fire of God communicated to him, purifying him in his mother's womb, as the lips of the Prophet were cleansed by the Seraph, so that he might precede the Messiah without leaving the stench of original sin along the royal way of Christ, that Grace has given John the wings of an angel and Penance has made them grow, suppressing at the same time the human weight which his nature of a man born of a woman had retained. John, therefore, from the cavern where he preached penance, with his spirit married to Grace burning in his body, can ascend to the top of the arch beyond which is God, the Most High Lord our God, and dominating the past centuries, the present day and the future, with the voice of a prophet and the eye of an eagle that can stare at the eternal sun and recognise it, he can announce: "There is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world". And he can die after this sublime song, which will be sung not only in our limited time, but also in the endless Time in the eternal blessed Jerusalem, to applaud the Second Person, to invoke Him on human miseries, to sing hosannas in the eternal brightness.

    But the Lamb of God, the Most Sweet Lamb Who left His bright abode in Heaven, where He is the Fire of God in an embrace of fire - oh! the eternal generation, of the Father Who conceives His Word through His unlimited and most holy thought, and absorbs Him producing an effusion of love, from which the Spirit of Love proceeds, the centre of Power and Wisdom - but the Lamb of God, Who left His most pure incorporeal form, to enclose His infinite purity, holiness and divine nature in mortal flesh, knows that we have not been cleansed by Grace, not yet, and knows that we could not ascend to the high summit, where God, One and Trine is, like the eagle, which is John. We are little sparrows living on roofs and on roads, we are swallows that fly in the sky but feed on insects, we are woodlarks who want to sing imitating the angels, but our singing, when compared to theirs, is a dissonant high-pitched drone of cicadas in summer. The Sweet Lamb of God, Who came to take away the sin of the world, knows that. Because if He is no longer the Infinite Spirit of Heaven, having taken human flesh, His infinity is not diminished thereby and He knows everything because His wisdom is always infinite.

    And so He teaches us His way. The way of love. He is the Love, which out of mercy for us, became flesh. And that Merciful Love created for us a way, which also little ones can ascend. And He is the first to ascend it, not because of His own need, but to teach us. Neither would He need to spread His wings to return to the Father. His spirit, I swear it to you, is closed down here, on the miserable earth, but it is always with the Father, because God can do everything, and He is God. But He goes ahead, leaving behind Him the perfume of His holiness, the gold and fire of His love. Look at His way. Oh! It does reach the summit of the arch! But how peaceful and safe it is! It is not straight: it is spiral. It is longer and the sacrifice of His merciful love is revealed by such length where He delays for the sake of us, the weak ones. It is longer, but better suited to our misery. The ascent to love, to God, is as simple as Love. But it is vast, because God is an abyss, which I would say is immeasurable if He did not bend across to be reached, to be kissed by the souls in love with Him (John speaks and weeps, smiling with his lips, in the ecstasy of revealing God). The simple way of love is long, because the Abyss, which is God, is limitless, and one could climb as much as one would like. But the Admirable Abyss calls our miserable abyss. It calls it by means of its light and says: "Come to Me!" Oh! The invitation of God! The invitation of the Father!

    Listen! Listen! The kindest words are coming towards us from the Heavens left open, because Christ opened the gates wide and left the angels of Mercy and Forgiveness to keep them open, so that while men are waiting for the Grace, at least light, scents, songs and peace should flow down to attract the hearts of men in a holy manner. It is the voice of God Who is speaking. And the Voice says: "Your childhood? But it is your most valuable money! I would like you to become really little, so that you would have the humility, the sincerity and the love of children, the confident love of children for their fathers. Your inability? But that is My glory! Oh! Come. I do not even ask you to test the sound of the good and bad stones by yourselves. Give them to Me! I will pick them and You will do the rebuilding. The ascent to perfection? Oh! no, My little children. Join hands with My Son, your Brother now, and thus ascend beside Him…

    To ascend! To come to You, Eternal Love! To achieve Your likeness, that is Love! To love! That is the secret!… To love! To give oneself… To love! To suppress oneself… To love! To melt… The flesh? It is nothing. Sorrow? It is nothing. Time? It is nothing. Sin itself becomes nothing if I dissolve it in Your fire, o God! Only Love exists. Love' The Love that gave us the Incarnate God, will give us all forgiveness. And no one knows how to love better than children. And no one is loved more than a child.

    O you, whom I do not know, who want to know what Good is, to distinguish it from Evil, to possess the blue sky, the celestial Sun, and everything that is supernatural joy, love and you will achieve it. Love Christ. You will die to the life of this world, but you will rise again in your spirit. With your new spirit, without any further need of stones, you will be for ever an inextinguishable fire. A flame rises. It needs neither steps nor wings to rise. Free your ego from every construction, put love into yourself. You will blaze up. Let that happen without any restriction. Nay, kindle the fire, throwing into it your past passions and knowledge. What is not good will be destroyed by the flames, what is already a noble metal will become pure. Cast yourself, brother, into the active joyful love of the Trinity. You will understand what now seems incomprehensible to you, because you will understand God, Who can be understood only by those who give themselves, without any limitation, to His sacrificing fire. You will be fixed, in the end, in God in a loving embrace, praying for me, the child of Christ, who dared to speak to you of Love. »

    They are all dumbfounded: the apostles, the disciples, the believers… The man to whom the words were addressed is pale, while John's face is flushed, not so much because of the effort as because of his love.

    Stephen at last shouts: « May you be blessed! But tell me, who are you? »

    And John - his attitude reminds me so much of the Virgin at the Annunciation - replies in a low voice, bending as if he were adoring Him Whom he mentions: « I am John. You see in me the least of the servants of the Lord. »

    « But who was your master before? »

    « No one but God. Because I received my spiritual milk from John, the presanctified of God, now I eat the bread of Christ, the Word of God, and I drink God's fire that comes to me from Heaven. Glory be to the Lord! »

    END OF SERMON--------------------------------------

    If you notice John imitates Jesus.  The very first sentence tells of this.
    Throughout Poem, Mary the Mother of Jesus Incarnate, says John is so much like Jesus, another Jesus that the Father has granted to Her and to Jesus.  

    John became a Seraph during the time with Jesus. It is seen in his sermon.  If you can see it, he really is 'spirit'.  He imitates Jesus.  

    The Holy Eucharist gives us Jesus. What do we acquire by this fusion of Him? We become more like Jesus, in character, in thought, in behavior, in mannerisms, in justice, the purity, in the sanctity and all that Jesus is as Man the true Man, a living soul. The Fully Man portion that has a soul, that is deified, sanctified, is pure, holy, innocent, and powerful in spirit.

    As God, the Divine, He is the Second Person always, and always God and always the Word and Wisdom of the Father.

    Read how John describes Jesus the Second Person in the above.  Only those that are angels can say such words, and angels are pure spirits.

    Believe and trust in the Living God.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Tue Sep 10, 2024 5:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Post Sat Sep 07, 2024 6:54 pm by Poem

    The question you have to answer yourself even after Christ has told us, is this, can we become as Jesus has taught? Yes! !
    He gives Himself, we have all. The Bounty of God is Christ. He gives us everything provided we love, obey, be just, good will this is for Catholics. We are in the House of the Father.

    Jesus said, 'he teaches us what we need so we can do what He said.' And he said, 'What I do you can do also.'

    God became Incarnate for the sole purpose of man. Not for any other being. Man. Thus all He teaches is for the man to obtain Heaven, to have God.

    Peace be with you always

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:19 pm