Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Jesus Stresses All Catholics To Receive Both Species


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    Jesus Stresses All Catholics To Receive Both Species Empty Jesus Stresses All Catholics To Receive Both Species

    Post by Poem

    Jesus dictated to Maria quite the many in the Notebooks about taking both species.  How he reiterates why He gave both.  He describes the certain points to us and really the Eucharist is quite the mystery to many and will be that way because it comes from God.  

    Everything from God is to be 'believed' for them to work properly.  If we short change they don't work.
    Thus the Law of God is the same. If we change His Laws for us, that doesn't mean we have changed His Law that is immutable and unchangeable.  The same applies to everything God gives to man.  If we change man's appearance to a woman physically, the man is still a man with some changes and God still creates men and women in the womb. Man makes a change on earth.  What comes from God should remain as is.  Otherwise we lose.  

    The same occurred at the Garden of Eden.  Man decided to find out what the fruit on the tree offered and what it tasted like.  The Angel Lucifer became Evil and it hung as fruit on the Tree.  It is the fruit that we are to focus on here. If we eat of the fruit from the Tree of Life we gain and keep Life.  The Eucharist is this fruit from the Tree of Life.  Jesus is the Tree of Life and we find that this Tree of Life is written in Apocalypse Chapter 22.

    2 In the midst of the street thereof, and on both sides of the river, was the tree of life,

    Reference to the Water of life

    1 And he shewed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb.

    Jesus explains that he gives the water of life and St. John explains this in his Gospel. Where did St. John get this information from?  From Jesus Christ.  Now everything connected in Faith is influenced by the Word of God, the Divinity of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.  As was in the Beginning.

    As the Author of the Gospel is the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is writing about the Life of Jesus Christ the Subject Matter.  An author speaks, talks, writes about a subject matter.  

    Now God being God writes to us or rather speaks first through living being in this case.  I speak to you through My Son.  He is the Subject for this Book.  The Book of Life.  Those who come to believe in My Son, are in the Book of Life.  Jesus did not start His Mission until the Holy Spirit came and alighted Him. Baptism at the river Jordan by the Baptist St. John. The Baptist said, behold! the Lamb of God who take away the sin of the world! Thus, Jesus did not work until he and the holy spirit were together. Thus, the Holy Spirit was upon the lips of Jesus, purifying and sanctifying Jesus to be the pure Lamb of God, as Man. The Man-God. Once Jesus finished His Mission, became the God-Man. which means Done. Thus His Mission as Man-God was finished. To carry on the Lord's Mission of salvation He recruited disciples and some of them became Apostles who are similar to Christ in their mission and had been given the Mission to evangelize and bring new citizens for the Kingdom of the Christ, which is the same as the Kingdom of God. For Christ is the Savior, Redeemer of God. Mystery here is it. The mystery of God. We are immersed in the Mystery of God until the Final Judgment Day. then all will become clear to all with a soul. The goal for every single soul on earth is to achieve salvation conversion to the Christ. For Christ gives Life. Eternal True Life.

    Now we know in the Poem of the Man-God where Jesus speaks about refreshing waters of life He gives. He even says, I am the Way, the Truth and the 'Life.'   Genesis talks of the Tree of Life.  Put these together and fuse it, we get Jesus as the Tree of Life. Rather is the Tree of Life for man from God, the Bounty.

    The Lamb is what St. John calls Jesus. Because, St. John the Baptist referred to Jesus as the Lamb of God.  Thus we sing the hymn Lamb of God have mercy on us, and give us your Peace.

    The refreshing waters which Jesus takes the time to speak about in the dictations, is really life giving water as well. Water and Blood

    6 This is he that came by water and blood, Jesus Christ: not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit which testifieth, that Christ is the truth   7 And there are three who give testimony in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. And these three are one.  8 And there are three that give testimony on earth: the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three are one.
    [1 John 5:1-8]

    Now the New Earth is Earth as well and thus, we have flesh wrapped around our souls rather a garment of living organs, tissues, etc.  

    Man needs water. Man needs life. Man needs nourishment for his is flesh and blood covering for the life giving essence the 'soul.'  So it is a little God putting into flesh to animate the flesh.  God breathed into the nostrils and man became a living soul.

    Thus, man needs the Fruit from the Tree of Life to gain Life back.

    Jesus gave Both of Him Self as Food that is a mystery here regardless of what man tries to say it is in whole.  

    We just the state here what Christ originated and gave to the Apostles to pass down to the generations of Catholics to have the Life.

    Stressed here means more than 'greatly'.   of greatest of that is more than necessary. So be it!

    Glory be to the Father, to the Son, to the Holy Spirit.  Always.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Fri Oct 04, 2024 7:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Post Yesterday at 6:22 pm by Poem

    Notebook: 1943
    Chapter: The Healing Power of Christ in the Eucharist
    Page: 94

    Jesus says:

    "To sustain physical strength, one must nourish the body. The indigent who cannot buy food beg for it from the rich. They usually ask for bread. Without bread life is impossible.

    "You are poor people needing food for your souls. To your poverty I have given the Eucharistic Bread. It nourishes the medulla of the soul, gives vigor to the spirit, sustains spiritual strength, and increases the power of all the intellectual faculties, for where there is vital energy there is also mental energy.

    "Healthy food imparts health. True food infuses true life. Holy food produces holiness. Divine food gives God. "

    "But, in addition to being poor, you are sick, weak, not only with the weakness caused by a lack of food and ceasing when there is food. You are weak from the illnesses exhausting you. How many illnesses your souls have! How many germs the Evil One injects into you to create these diseases! Whoever is weak and sick needs not only bread, but also wine.

    "In my Eucharist I have left you the two signs of what is needed for your nature as poor men and for your weakness as sick men. Bread that nourishes, wine that fortifies.

    "I could have communicated Myself to you without external signs. I can. But you are too dull to grasp what is spiritual. Your external senses need to see. Your souls, your hearts, and your minds surrender only-and still with difficulty-before visible, touchable forms. This is true to the point that, if you go so far as to believe in Me in the consecrated Host, most of you do not admit into yourselves the infusion of the Spirit, from whom quickening, lights, and impulses towards good works come to you.

    "If you believed with the forcefulness the Mystery is worthy of, you would feel a life entering into you on receiving Me. My drawing one near to you should burn you like coming close to a burning furnace. My remaining in you should make you sink into an ecstasy which would carry away the depth of your spirit into a heavenly rapture.

    "The fusing of your corrupt humanity with my perfect Humanity would bring you even physical health; sick in body, you would thus withstand diseases until I should say, 'Enough,' in order to open Heaven to you. It would bring you intelligence to understand swiftly and correctly. It would make you impenetrable to the Beast's unbridled assaults or subtle deceits.

    "Instead, I can do little, for I enter where faith is languid, where charity is superficial, where the will is sketchy, where humanity is stronger than the spirit, where, above all, you make no effort to repress the flesh so that the spirit will emerge.

    "You make no effort at all. You expect a miracle from Me. Nothing keeps Me from working one. But I want at least the desire on your part to merit it.

    "To anyone who turns to Me, crying out for help and imitating the faith of the crowds in Galilee, I will communicate Myself, not, only with my Body and my Blood, but with my Charity, my Intelligence, my Strength, my Will, my Perfection, and my Essence. In the soul that is able to come to Me, I will be as I am in Heaven, in the breast of the Father, from whom I proceed, generation the Spirit who is Charity and the summit of Perfection."

    Peace be with you always


    Post Yesterday at 6:31 pm by Poem

    Notebook: 1944
    Chp: The Eucharist as Greatest Miracle
    Page: 643

    December 27

    Maria speaking:

    On receiving Holy Communion from the hand of Father Migliorini, I rediscover my joy in the Eucharist which Compito had canceled out, that is, the visible presence of my Jesus alongside Father Migliorini. I smile at my sweet Jesus, dressed in white...and, while offering my thanks, I wonder why He is standing to the left of Father. I think his place out to be on the right.

    Jesus responds to me, satisfying my desire to receive light, and says:

    “In my pose there is teaching on faith, respect, and humility. How do you see Me? In a glorious robe? No. You see Me as Jesus of Nazareth, the Teacher, the Man.

    “What is the Eucharist? The greatest, holiest miracle of God. It is God. It is God because in the Eucharist is the Son of God, God as the Father, God made flesh out of Love, that is, through God who is Love, and by the work of Love, namely, by the work of the Third Person. It is God because it is a miracle of love, and God is where love is. Love testifies to God more than every word or devotion or act or work. I, the Author of this miracle, which is a witness to the power of God and to his nature, Love, give honor to this miracle. To tell you that it is true, to tell you that it is holy, and to tell you that it should be venerated with the maximum respect. Jesus the Teacher adores his Divine Nature in the Eucharist. This is why I appear to you as the Teacher, not as the glorious Jesus. The glorious Jesus could not adore anything. The adoration of all that exists is directed towards Him, for He is the God who had returned to his Kingdom. But the Son of man can still show his will to venerate the Ark containing Me as God, the Eucharistic Bread, and I do so. To teach you to do so.

    Why am I on the left? Also to teach you. The priest, while exercising his priestly functions, is worthy of the maximum respect. And I assure you of the fact that "I obey his command and "descend as Blood to wash your hearts" and "descend as Flesh to nourish your spirits." Learn from Me, who am humble, to have humility.

    “That's enough for now. Pray. Write what you should write, for afterwards, little John, it will be necessary to work. The Gospel is waiting.

    “Oh, my little John! A seed pearl born in the great sea of pain! But you are destined to become encrusted as a gem in the crown of the Son and the Mother. The more pearls are formed in the sea depths and shaken by profound disturbances extending down to the sea bed, the more beautiful they are. Without them the heart of the oyster would not open, and the nucleus on which pain encrusts the gem would not be deposited in the wound.

    “Tears, tears, Maria! What a thing tears are! They had only one degree less in value than my Blood did. You are redeemed through the Blood of Jesus and the tears of Mary.

    “My peace be with you always.”


    Post Yesterday at 6:33 pm by Poem

    Notebook 1943
    Chapter: Christ the Teacher Who Repeats
    Page: 599

    The Same Day

    Jesus says,

       "To those who, when reading these dictations in a human way, find that I repeat Myself, I respond:

        "I set my stubbornness in teaching against your stubbornness in error.  Good teachers do not get tired of repeating an explanation until they are sure all the pupils have understood the master's explanation.  In a student body, not all have the same will or capacity to understand.  Indeed, the pupils who join will to intelligence are the exceptions.  They are the teacher's pearls, the ones that compensate him for the disappointments occasioned by others."

       " I am the Teacher.  And I alone am the one who, in addition to being the Teacher, am God and have God's all-embracing vision; I know how few there are in my people who listen, comprehend, retain, and apply my Word.  How few are those for whom love is intellectual light and will.  For it is these, caught by Love, who comprehend and live out my doctrine, and for whom to give an explanation once suffices for them to make it a norm for their lives.  The others, dulled by sin or slowed down by spiritual sloth, must be taught tirelessly by Me, always beginning again from the start so that a minimum of light and doctrine can work its way into them and germinate a little plant of Life."

       "This is the reason of my repeating a single knowledge in a thousand ways.  And with this result: those who need it least because they are already one with Me receive it with ever-new longing, as if it were always a new word, and don't get tired of receiving it, since for them it is food and air which, like natural food and air, they always need until the stopover comes to an end and they come to Life, where the contemplation of God will be the compendium of all needs--it will be everything.  On the other hand, those who have most need of it get tired of it more quickly and halt.  Either because that doctrine is a goad for them and a reproach or because their spiritual imperfection dulls them, making them incapable of feeling their needs and the beauty of my Word."

       "But I do my duty as the Master just the same.  I clasp to my Heart the faithful disciples for whom my caress is already a word, and taking consolation in them, I continue the hard task of speaking to the hostile, the indolent, the weak, and the distracted."

    Peace be with you always


    Post Yesterday at 6:35 pm by Poem

    Full read here:


    Peace be with you always

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