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Gospel Column 

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How does this affect a regenerated spirit that is alive and thriving vivified by Grace?

There are levels and stages of the growth of the spirit from infant to adulthood.

Along all the ways of this growth the enemy of Man and God is at work. He is excited! He sees new 'prey'.  He is now slurping his chops!  Um... tasty morsel to gobble down and corrupt.  That is the enemy and violent hatred bent on one thing: To Destroy the works of Gods creation. The entire creation through...

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The Life Jesus calls us to in the Gospel is to become all spirit.

Thus all his teachings using what is base for us creatures begins with what is base such as coins, food, vineyards, farms, sheep, etc. What is natural to the natural man who sees these things and touches them and uses them. The material aspect of living for flesh garments--Jesus calls the flesh a 'garment' which clothes the spirit. Wrapped in flesh. A most unique and great creation of God.

For man To be...

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When Jesus states to imitate Him, assimilate Him in all ways, he saying to present your gospel. The Gospel of the Master.  We take from the Teacher and make it our own imitating the Master.

The Disciples must have this and make their own gospel in following Jesus Christ teaching. He is the Teacher, the Master Teacher and the disciples must be as their master to be masters. Thus each disciple must master the Gospel in order for the gospel to be used for salvation.  One must become...

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The Holy Spirit's words from Himself:

"I am in every word of Christ and flower on the lips of the Virgin. I purify the mouths of the prophets and saints and make them luminous. I am He who inspired things before they existed, for it is my power that, like a heartbeat, moved the creative thought of the Eternal.

"May my Fire dwell in you and set you aflame, recreating you for God, in God, and through God, the Eternal Lord, to whom all praise should be given, in Heaven...

by Poem - Comments: 1 - Views: 35
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First instance the Gospel of St. John the Apostle inspired by God.

St. John's Gospel Chapter 6:51-55

51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven.  52 If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world.  53 The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying: How can this man give us his flesh to eat?  54 Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen...

by Poem - Comments: 3 - Views: 63
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Notebook 1945-50 Pages 572-578

Notebook 1945-50
Chapter: The Apocalypse of St. John the Apostle
Page: 572-578

Chapter Two

“The Apocalypse is a book of revelation, certainly. Indeed, it concludes the great Revelation. But it is also a prophetic book.
“Both revelation and prophecy come from God. For only God inspires them. Only God can inspire them because only He knows the Truth and is familiar with future events because He is the Eternal, the All-Knowing, and the Almighty.

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Today's thought comes:

Only God Knows the Future.

Only God sees the future and knows it in perfect detail full and complete.
The Lord is in a timeless state. --What is below Heaven all the past, present and future for those of us in Time-- is seen and known by God at His choosing.  This is 'Before they occur.'  

The definition for non-believers seems to be called 'predict'. Other words as well.

The Lord's word is prophecy.  Which is this will...

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Notebook 1944 St Therese of the Child Jesus

From St. Therese of the Child Jesus

Last paragraph.

believe that it suffices to love, to love very much and say only "Jesus I love you!' and say it with true love to be not only justified but loved by God with a preferential love.

Happy are those who with every heartbeat are able to say, 'I love You.' They will expire with this profession of love in their minds, in their hearts, and on their lips. And it will open Paradise for them. For God loves whoever loves...

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Inspirations are quite unique and comes from the supernatural Source above.  What is inspired by God cannot be copied.

Some instance first to get a start.

1)  « Is it not written in your Law: "I said: you are gods, and children of the Most High"? Now if God called "gods" those to whom He spoke, giving an order: to live so that the likeness and image of God existing in man may appear clearly, and man may not be a demon or a brute; if men are called "gods" in the...

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1 Corinthians 13

Charity is to be preferred before all gifts.

1 If I speak with the tongues of men, and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 2 And if I should have prophecy and should know all mysteries, and all knowledge, and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. 3 And if I should distribute all my goods to feed the poor, and if I should deliver my body to be...

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Perfect affections of love

The supernatural thought to some beginning here,

Jesus with His Fusion of Himself to a soul that is Baptized and partaking the Sacraments with good impetus of love the stages and levels of progression.

Jesus cleanses our hearts through a process to purify it and make able to give and have good affections. He makes our hearts capable of good affections, by preparing it. Nurturing, forming. Formation.

The Holy Spirit is...

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When a soul such as you or I and we, has read and continues to read the Gospel As Revealed to Me, and has been influenced and inspired by God by reading these books, a soul comes to understand that Jesus is talking about the Final earth and Final Heavens.  Otherwise known from the scriptures as the New Heavens and the New Earth that is eternal found in the Apocalypse of St John chapter 22.  The Eternal Heavens and the Eternal Earth for the saints and those whom the saints saved in partnership...

by Poem - Comments: 2 - Views: 91
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From the Book of Wisdom Chapter 1

6 For the spirit of wisdom is benevolent, and will not acquit the evil speaker from his lips: for God is witness of his reins, and he is a true searcher of his heart, and a hearer of his tongue.  7 For the spirit of the Lord hath filled the whole world: and that, which containeth all things, hath knowledge of the voice.  8 Therefore he that speaketh unjust things cannot be hid, neither shall the chastising judgment pass him by.  9 For inquisition...

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Many in the world among the billions of souls planted in the soil, have and are taught, or heard about it faintly what is called love.  Many thousands as young or old hear and see love in others and do not recognize love in themselves. While others love is like a cloud. Thoughts that do not take root in ones mind are like clouds here now gone later.  Many thoughts come to man. How much of it do we reach and take and plant them in our minds?  What do we plant and then water them so they grow...

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All of mankind is so used to being 'man' and 'woman' there is nothing else to live for to think of to do.

As flesh and blood as God teaches we've become. But rather we do not think this way at all and find it ludicrous that someone is that arrogant, ridiculous, and off beaten path, not in reality. Check.. check... check. What are you saying Man? Are you paying any attention? We have to work, we have to be educated, earn a career, buy this and that take care of ourselves etc.,. ...

by Poem - Comments: 0 - Views: 80
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From St. John's Gospel 15:1-END but some here

1 I am the true vine; and my Father is the husbandman.  2 Every branch in me, that beareth not fruit, he will take away: and every one that beareth fruit, he will purge it, that it may bring forth more fruit.  3 Now you are clean by reason of the word, which I have spoken to you.  4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abide in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in me.  5 I am...

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The Lord Jesus Christ, when He began His ministry right after His Baptism in the river Jordan went to prepare in the desert.  He spent 40 days there fasting, praying, contemplating, meditating for the coming warfare with the enemy of God and Man: Satan and the flesh, the world to save souls and bring them to the Kingdom of God eternally.

Mission Statement
Save souls. Teach. Return Grace to Man.  Raise man from mud to spirit.  Obey the Laws of God.  Create a Church. Give them...

by Poem - Comments: 1 - Views: 136
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Sometimes we under go tremendous onslaught of the enemy.  It varies in ways and intensity. It can seem to be Religious and of God a spiritual revelation, particularly refined to the point that it seems it is. With the catch phrase seems to be which means it can fool anyone into thinking so.  That God spoke to you. That someone from your past speaks in your mind. It really can be anyone and sound just like them. Jesus explains this as Satan's way of planting into one's mind that persons voice...

by Poem - Comments: 4 - Views: 118
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Book of Romans 8th Chapter verses

1 There is now therefore no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not according to the flesh.  2 For the law of the spirit of life, in Christ Jesus, hath delivered me from the law of sin and of death.

5 For they that are according to the flesh, mind the things that are of the flesh; but they that are according to the spirit, mind the things that are of the spirit.

6 For the wisdom of the flesh is death; but...

by Poem - Comments: 2 - Views: 155
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Gospel Column Euchar10

In this photo taken, is the image of a true Eucharist. The chalice and the bread which Jesus converts to His Body and Blood of those who hear Him and do as He instructed.

These are then given to His Flock that come to be 'fed'.  Both not one.

When the Lord descends to stand behind the priest...

by Poem - Comments: 3 - Views: 185
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Chapter: The Father’s Lesson on the Name of His Son
Page: 612
Notebook 1943

December 29

The Eternal Father Says:

“Write, for there is someone who so desires and thinks of this.

“Paul of Tarsus, at one time a supporter of the synedrium and a relentless persecutor of Christ’s disciples, having returned to the Light by way of a divine thunderbolt and become the tireless Apostle of my Son, in the Areopagus of Athens announced...

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As in the days of Noah, as in the days after Noah of the time of Moses, of the time after the Law, only a few hear and understand.

The Lord said, everything under heaven is for our good because God has so said.  The evil and the good exist.

To find what is good in the evil and turn into good.  Reversing here.  Example: God took the evil done to man and has provided a way out of evil. Such as Pain and suffering done to man can then be used for fasting.  Pain and suffering...

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August 18th,

Jesus is speaking to all who can hear Him.

Today these words come to me:

"Why don't the Mass, the Eucharist, and Confession sanctify you as ought to happen? Because to you they are purely formal acts; you don't make them fruitful through attention to My Word.  Even worse: by lukewarmness, hypocrisy, and more or less serious sin you choke off My Word, which I hurl from the heights of Heaven as a summons and light...

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When the Antichrist comes about, and it is entirely up to man in reality, due to man screaming we want a new king!  God gives to man what man wants most.  If a man and woman wants children and raise a family, God grants. If a man wants to work in factory, God grants. But sometimes God does not grant due to, lack of growth and maturity for one, and other reasons.  And some times, the Devil grants.  God said man should not be alone and that is why He created 'woman'.  Most people don't understand...

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Jesus says:

To love means to live with one’s soul united, fused to a single fire which nourishes another soul. Then in fusion, understanding takes place.

Notebook 1943 page 249 Chapter Victors Over the Beast

Lets think on these things. These are of higher nature of the things of Heaven.  In short the thoughts from the Father given by His Word.

When we actually do read the entire Chapter...

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Picture in your minds eye, the heart of man. Picture in your minds eye the soul/spirit which is similar to a haze of light when regenerated, vivified by Grace. Dark grey and still embryonic or sin laden.

Meditate on this thought: To return to the original thought which God had for man to be as He created man to be.

Lower nature: his flesh which was created beautiful and perfect.
Mid nature: moral compass. Good morals based on God's justice.
Higher nature:...

by Poem - Comments: 0 - Views: 192
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We find ourselves, besides ourselves, and we talk to the Lord audibly and sometimes we talk a bit out of turn and overbearing due to the mess we see verses what Christ taught and said to do.

A priest is sacred to the Lord.  A priest that is on the Way to imitating Christ as close as spiritually possible -- nothing is impossible for God, what is impossible for men.  The Power is God's.  The Gift is God's. The Soul belongs to God we are actually care takers of these souls of ours individually....

by Poem - Comments: 1 - Views: 175
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I think for most of us, since we are young in Grace learning and growing by levels and stages what it is to live the life God has called us through His Word, the Gospel, we tend to struggle with the lower nature being pulled this way that way to what is our own human egos. We struggle on the ascent. We get confused as to what it is that is really going on with us individually. We are pulled down and upwards. With the higher nature, our spirits ascending, while the lower anchored is such a...

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Jesus specifically speaks about saving the soul. The more humanity living in the world seeks to fulfill and dream of material gain, the more God works to subdue humanity with bits in the mouth of a horse to pull the animal man back to where it the soul can find and regenerate in God. The soul. The animal man, runs amuck, thinking it is the life. The soul is principle of life. It is generated by God and then placed in the one only dust for each human being born of a woman.


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Book 4 518. Going to Tekoah. Old Elianna.

Jesus is speaking to the seven of them:

(1) « I knew. But I wanted to put your sincerity to the test. You would have distressed Me if you had lied… But do not speak any more about him, and particularly in that manner. There are so many good things about which you can speak. Why always de-base oneself to consider what is very, nay, too material? Isaiah says: "Trust no more in man, he has but...

by Poem - Comments: 4 - Views: 184
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From Book 1 Chapter 30. The Adoration of the Shepherds

Take a long notice of the angelical choir she is describing.

Starting from the relevant portions where the boy sees the light meshed with the moonlight:

« No. I see something like a body » says one whom I recognise to be the shepherd who gave the milk to Mary.

« It is… it is an angel » shouts the boy. « Here he is, he is coming down, he is coming near… Down! On your knees before the...

by Poem - Comments: 1 - Views: 162
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Jesus is speaking at the town of Gibeon:

« The woman of your town who wanted the faculty of speech for her little boy, not because she wished to hear loving words from his lips, but that he might be fit for the service of God, reminds Me of another remote word that flowed from the lips of a great man in this town. God consented to his word, as He did to that of your woman, because in both He saw a request of justice, a justice that should be in all prayers so that God may hear them...

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Jesus speaking to us in many words comments, says,

"You, a finite, imperfect being, no longer exist with your human limitations and imperfections, because you are absorbed, and by yourself have brought yourself to be absorbed by Me.  You see Me in everything--pleasant, unpleasant, joyful, sad--which happens to you.  You act while looking at my Face.  You are fascinated by my Face.  I could guide you with my gaze. With even less: the beating of my Heart of my Love guides you.  You...

by Poem - Comments: 2 - Views: 175
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To make more priests for starters.  This one is tough to swallow.

How to visualize this in your soul?

In Heaven for each soul obtaining it through the Religion, the angels adore God in these 'saints.' These saints are then priests in God's court.

A holy nation, a royal priesthood.  All souls who conquer Heaven in the Faith, become these.  This has already been told by the Christ.  How many believe?  A few.  Now the clergy somewhere in times past, were led astray...

by Poem - Comments: 3 - Views: 202
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A look back on the conversion process from human ego to spirit.

Being born to atheists and I do not say this lightly, I grew up not knowing Wisdom. Not knowing Love.  God to me was a distant star maybe even  a nebula out past this galaxy if other galaxy's really do exist.

I was drafted into the Episcopal Church by way of a lawyer who had to rescue me from my own self destructive nature.  Atheism is in fact destruction of a true soul which God grants to each of us....

by Poem - Comments: 4 - Views: 156
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The Infant Jesus, Child Jesus, says, the world is prickly to His hands which He holds. He switches hands back and forth. He says, it's so cold this globe. Will many of you help Him hold it in turn so He can rest and warm His hands?

Peace be with you always

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Book 4

Not the whole chapter just the points of interest:

Jesus is telling the parable to young children and perhaps the adults are behind these children although it is not said they are:

"The king took him to the desks and read stanzas of poets, episodes of heroes, descriptions of countries.

"Oh! it is beautiful to read. But that is not what I would like.

"What, then? Tell me, and I will give it to you, my boy".

"Oh! I don't...

by Poem - Comments: 2 - Views: 190
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God possesses Life, Wisdom, Knowledge infinitely.

The monkey possesses death.

Peace be with you always

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July 1 1943

He further states:

"On saying 'ten just men,' (74) I did not intend to suggest that the place where there are ten just men will be saved. But it may be understood without error that if ten just and generous souls gather together in prayer, with a holy purpose, to request mercy for a place, I will not reject their prayer. Didn't I say that I will hear the prayers offered by several persons in my Name? My words and my promises are unfailing.


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Chapter 510. Among the Ruins of a Destroyed Village.

12th October 1946.

I do not know in which place is Jesus. He is certainly in the mountains, in a place de-serted after it was destroyed either by a cataclysm or by active war. And I would say that the latter is the more likely cause, because the ruins of the houses show signs of fire in the ceilings protected from rain and still visible through the tangle of bramble, ivy and other creepers and parasitic plants, which...

by Poem - Comments: 0 - Views: 145
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Notebook 1943
Page 472
Chapter: The Church of Rome at the End Time

November 11

Jesus says:

"Let us together propel our gaze into the times which, like a placid dawn following a stormy night, will precede the Day of the Lord. You will no longer be present (referencing: Maria). But from the place of your rest you will exult over it, for you will see man's combat nearing its end and sorrow fading to give the living time to fortify themselves for the last...

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Notebook: 1943
Page: 311
Chp: Commentary On Joel: Spiritual and Physical Gifts in the Last Times

September 16

Jesus says:

"It is not in the sense in which you understand it. The hour of peace and forgiveness will come for you Italians too; the hour will come in which you will again form an alliance with the Lord, after having been in the hands of Satan, who has mistreated you like a skein of thread in the hands of a furious madman. But the words of...

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The Lord Jesus has told us that, hordes of men and evil demons, will become wild like beasts, ravaging the world during the time of evil.

Possessed by evil spirits.

What's this like?  Read Jesus words about these in the Notebooks in Poem of the Man-God.  Legion and the other called Beelzebub master of the world in the Poem of the Man-God.  Chapters like in Book 4 Diabolical and Divine Possessions.  

Do you want to exorcise demons? Be an exclusive exorcist for...

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Jesus tells us so much in so few words, regarding Mary His Mother, how everything the Mother asks God, The Son grants.  Many do not understand this very grand point.

Some instances inspired by the Holy Spirit:

1 Wedding at Cana. 'Mother, what have I to do with you?'  Means, softly, 'Mother what is it you need?'

2 Jesus says, to My Mother nothing is denied Her.

3 Jesus says as the Word of the Father Salvation is in Mary, through Her. This is the crux...

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For centuries, Christians, have been reading about the Diabolical Monstrosity coming to become incarnate.  Satan's son. The Antichrist.

When taking the time to read the accounts of those who believed it was near, they truly thought they were at the doorsteps of this taking place.  But, in each account there lacked the finer nuggets, not all conditions were present.  As always, man is tempted by others to 'predict' when this will actually occur.

The Prophets whom God...

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Mary of Magdala was the former her former alias name, the lost child of Theophilus. A child of God caught in the throes of vice.

She Mary as Jesus said to Mary Valtorta, her nature is to love and was caught in vice of sensuality a most heinous octopus that strangles a soul, taking its life essence. Being fooled, into thinking it was love. Satan's illusionary ways to use good for evil.  Eclipse.  Hey!  Here's how to get much love as you want! Try this vice, you can come back for more!...

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Notebook: 1944
Chapter: Jesus' Explanation of Hell
Page: 75-80

paragraph from it;

January 15 1944

Jesus says:

"Their malice, instructed by Satan, whose servants or slaves they are (according to the degree of adherence to the desires and suggestions of the Evil One), does not want these acts of withdrawal and turning back on themselves. It thus cancels out faith in Hell as it really is and manufactures another one--if it goes so far...

by Poem - Comments: 2 - Views: 145
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Apocalypse 17

1 And there came one of the seven angels, who had the seven vials, and spoke with me, saying: Come, I will shew thee the condemnation of the great harlot, who sitteth upon many waters,  2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication; and they who inhabit the earth, have been made drunk with the wine of her whoredom.  3 And he took me away in spirit into the desert. And I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having...

by Poem - Comments: 4 - Views: 74
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Book 4
Chapter: 504. Jesus, Light of the World.

28th September 1946.

Jesus is still in Jerusalem, but not in the courts of the Temple. He is in a beautifully decorated vast room, one of the many to be found within the enclosure, which is as large as a village.

He has just gone in and is still walking beside the person who invited Him to go in probably to protect Him from the cold wind blowing on the Moriah, and He is followed by the apostles and some disciples....

by Poem - Comments: 2 - Views: 59
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Excerpt from Notebook 1943
Chapter: The Parable of the Sower: Rationalism as the Most Pernicious Heresy. The "Thicket" of Human Erudition. -
"Worshipers of Human Idols." Those Imprudently Accepting All Doctrines.

Page: 461 midway

Not the whole but a paragraph

Jesus says:

"Blessed are those who not only love You--O Thought of the Father whom Love makes the Word--in the hours of joy, but who even before there is joy, even under...

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