Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Some Tips In Living


    Number of posts : 4328

    Some Tips In Living Empty Some Tips In Living

    Post by Poem

    There are all kinds of tips for living out there in the world.
    There is the common to life basics we need. Food, shelter, clothing, work.

    Family is what God created. Man and woman procreate. They join God in having a new soul come into being.

    Now lets fast forward a lot here. We are now somewhere between juvenile and adult spirits. We are in Grace. We hit a road detour a small stoppage that says what do i do next? I have my daily with God, prayer, reading, meditating loving and adoring God down pat I am in like Flin here. My thing is perfect as far as this goes.
    But what do I next Lord? I am working diligently following your teachings and boy my soul is flying in the ether with you! I have never ever had this in my entire! All you say Lord is true! And exact as you have taught. I didn't understand Lord a great deal of your higher knowledge but, I wanted to as you asked to do. So I have become simple in loving as you said. You described what it feel like as the Life you talk about and give becomes more increasingly grander, abundant. I am overjoyed, filled to overflowing Lord, what do I do next?

    I had to take time on a sabbatical to get here Lord.

    Son, you're not ready to convert others set. Oh, that is not what I wanted to hear but, that is what you say I am bowed and I do.

    So in this the Devil is eaves dropping. He says, hmm... I can get you to go and save at least your atheist family members. Bring them here and tell them about the life you have now interior speaking your spirit is now super abundant in Grace.

    Satan knows at this point the soul is eager so some degree and is a juvenile in Grace. Not ready to play with the Big Dogs. (Dog-eat-dog) To play with the Big Dogs one has to be a Big Dog to pounce the Demon Dog.
    Firmly established in Faith not wavering, able to lift a tall building with one finger, pulverize a demon with one eye looking fiercely, and so forth. The superhuman spirit of God in God for God.

    St. Paul wrote we that are all in Christ's Body are a holy nation, a royal priesthood. That means the lay too.
    A Disciple of the Lord is follows the disciplines of the Master. Christians are disciples of the Master. Christ like.
    Christian, is a follower of the Christ. Christ like. The Gospel teaches the deeper meaning of Christ like and disciple for Christ with spiritual assistance His Name is the Holy Spirit who makes Christ real to us. His words alive to us.

    The Eucharist, Both Species brings Christ to us in the spiritually different reality of His Person to us. A real presence that stays and becomes us. We transform to this new being, that becomes the new us becoming Christ like. Thus we truly then are Christians. Christ like.

    Some tips on life how to live it comes from infancy, boyhood, adulthood through the changes of growth.

    We can choose to sit and see the world and say all manner of pointing out the not so good all day long and it would benefit nothing because it is negative. The problem is the world is run by the spirit of the world. That is the biggest issue and the biggest affront. A massive problem for innocence and purity to live.

    God tells us that Grace strangles the monster. At the same time tells us we are not strong enough like the first Christians and need to prepare the exodus to the New Earth everyday. Some don't understand this.

    Why do women join an order to dedicate their purity and innocence the Lord as flowers? For the most part from my understanding of what Christ said, they heard the mystical voice and followed it. Like Annaleah the first one. To keep their purity for the Lord and give it to Him for a sweet aroma of great proportions. They probably find the world to be not of their choice in the many variances. The same applies to Monasteries. All is vanity under the sun.

    The Lord teaches us to live apart from the world while living in the world to mix with them on a spiritual level from the lofty place. To bend over them as Jesus did so as to bring them up to the lofty place. From above. And not from the same level of plain. But from the Communion of Saints which is the lofty place. From above. God when we are in Grace attaches us to Him who is 'above.' Thus He created what is called the Communion of Saints where the Saints commune with one another from the lofty place as Jesus spoke of several times in PoMG and even so in the Notebooks.

    We have to be consistent in our walking with Christ. Faithful. He always comes first. When we are first this is not good Christ is last. From Christ the Lords Bounty comes all. He is the Vine apart from Him we can do nothing and life doesn't progress in the Faith.

    Christ gave to us the greatest help and he calls it the Greatest Miracle given by God. The Sacrament of Holy Communion. Otherwise known as Breaking of the Bread. Where God comes to break bread with us in and through Christ. Food for Life.

    When our lives have met much misfortune to where everything comes apart, house, job, family, marriages so forth and we are living wrecks then for the first time be in Grace as Christ has brought forth for us to live and experience, we are starting from the very beginning of following Christ and it involves tearing out the old way that brought misfortune. We are being rebuilt, remade, reconstructed. The old way is death.

    So many in the faith come to give their life's tips which got you in trouble the first place because they were not "Master's" of the Faith. They were juveniles. Jesus said to John and John said in his epistle you need that no man teach you the faith, because we have the Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus and the Saints and angels who do know God. Only God is the true guide who helps create little guides for certain instances but not the whole.

    God wants us to merit thus these certain little guides are there like messengers who do not have the whole message. Only God has the whole message and it took years for man build that which is. Man is not infinite. He cannot contain that much. But can contain enough to get him through. Little by little we acquire.

    And as for you, let the unction, which you have received from him, abide in you. And you have no need that any man teach you; but as his unction teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie. And as it hath taught you, abide in him.
    [1 John 2:27]

    Well what is PoMG? All three Notebooks? These come from the Source and is wealth of knowledge which Jesus even said that just some is necessary to convert. But he gave massive amounts to be able to stay in them. Not the small portions in the Bible. These are now 10 books some 4000 plus pages to read. Combined with Notebooks comes to at least 7000 pages +-. You can read a page a day for 7000 days with the scriptures. Day noon night inbetween.

    Keep ones thought on things above. This here verse is not really thought of much for there is much distraction in life's tips.

    They are not thinking about the New and Eternal Earth. But this one.

    For another tip what friends in the Faith we make here we will most probably have in the hereafter for they will be there too. So to make friendships with your people of the Faith, God's People in Christ.

    Peace be with you always

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