Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    What Can We Obtain from the Mysteries of Light, the Luminous Mysteries Found in the Rosary


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    What Can We Obtain from the Mysteries of Light, the Luminous Mysteries Found in the Rosary Empty What Can We Obtain from the Mysteries of Light, the Luminous Mysteries Found in the Rosary

    Post by Poem

    Meditating on the Luminous Mysteries is quite a unique spiritual meditation wherein understanding that takes place.  To understand; to have; the progression.  As one spends time contemplating the few or many thoughts the understanding ever increases thus knowing-understanding more. A decade is like a seed and this seed then expands, becomes broader, deeper, while in the meditation. Illumination of conscience, of the intellect of the spirit in man.  From dot to a tree or thereby from what was previous, or what is present as far as what that soul knows, what it has grown to know so far.

    If we stay on the few thoughts and not seek further then you have those few thoughts only. The Holy Spirit is the Inspirer of the Godhead and wants us to have great understanding. Deep illumination and perfect as possible understanding. The purer we are the greater the illumination.

    Example:  We have four pieces of something that obviously came from a larger object. Or five to match each decade of the larger whole.

    God is the Infinite Object Here.  He has infinite treasures that is embodied in Himself; this is the Object of subject matter.  God is the subject matter in this case.  His attribute defines infinity in all these qualities of.  He is infinite in mind, thought, ability.  These three are good enough to get the subject matter started to talk about and grow to know. (A conversation starts to take place ) We have to grow, not Him.  He already knows everything thus we have assurance of knowledge. We go to God the Infinite Library to gain knowledge. We need to understand knowledge that is in this Library.

    Thus the Luminous Mysteries are in essence some pieces of Jesus' Life from the Gospel and these are connected on a straight line so to speak. The Rosary is really the Gospel made into Prayer by the Holy Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary.  We meditate on the Mysteries which the Holy Mother had or has also.  The Mysteries She knows and has given these to those on the earth. In Heaven all laboring has ceased and you are in the Triumphant Church aiding those below.  She experienced these mysteries Herself as She was laboring in time as we do now.  Don't ask how but just believe.

    (A) We as mankind learned evil, know of it and its consequences, the knowledge and understanding is evident all over the world and in us if we partake.  It is passed down throughout the generations of man.  This evil takes good and turns against the good.  Knowledge came from God. Evil came from somewhere we have no idea where it came from and it took over Lucifer, but God does and He deems this knowledge forbidden to man.  He allowed the evil to mask himself as a good chameleon and hang on a tree as fruit.  This evil transformed itself as a gleaming delight to the eyes first.  Intrigue! Hmm that is unlike any other that the Lord God had made. I will check it out regardless of God's warning... The mind of the woman at this point is not obedient. She did not believe whole heartedly.  She was ignorant of God's word as real and true.

    The First mystery is Baptism of water bringing also the Baptism of the Holy Spirit one after the other in rapid succession for Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. This happens sometimes for the believer due to the necessary and or lack of a Christian. Circumstance. Act of the Apostles has instances of this occurring. (I was actually shocked when I happened upon the verse.)

    Once the water is poured on the head the Holy Spirit descends in this case with Jesus' Baptism at the river Jordan.  In many cases this does occur to us.  John the Baptist was pre-sanctified in the womb which the Holy Mother had Jesus in Her Womb.  What's important here in this illustration is what God wants not what is corporeally represented in this illustration. What is material wealth which is not the focus.  What is the focus?  God the Spirit of God to the spirit of man.  The flesh is but a smoke screen a veil, a curtain, a in God's mind a flower of sorts. Only He knows what kind.  We are not creators here. We are the created to enjoy God and each other infinitely as God has thought.  As flesh if we are in the human ego, it is way out of bounds in thought, affection, sentiments for any human being without the fusion with God. Not where we want to be for these meditations. The spirit receives the given vision in the intellect-mind, they are a series of film like where we see without words and there is no sound. We perceive in the mind the thoughts that are being given.  This is what dreams are as well a series of past events that occurred and can reoccur.  We see in our minds like film and this film is represented by what the mind sees. (film is used to help) We just put what we want to see on film.  The mind has made film to be the medium of any event, someones visions, someones life, anything can be put on film. Today it is digital film but still 'film.'  What this represents to us. We see. This to aid in the meditation to progress these definitions.

    Mysteries of Light.

    God is Light and He presents to us spirits of smaller finite nature, visions like film strips which are 'thought.' A single thought that is chopped up into bits to flow into our minds.

    When we meditate in prayer like mentioned in the Prayer section as a benefit to aid your mind-intellect, we have the Crucifix laid on the feet or foot at the ankle starring into it, no words coming out of your mouth here just thought of your spirits mind here, and focusing on a mystery it begins to unfold and open up truths from the Holy Spirit who is the Author of the Gospel, Who evangelizes us.  Remember Jesus taught the Apostles that the Holy Spirit is the Invisible Evangelizer before He departed to Heaven.  He told of, taught of, gave the word to tell us what is going to take place and what it is that 'It' is going to do, thus, the important points about the Holy Spirit, such as huge flash of light, "And after His coming your capabilities will increase immeasurably, and you will be able to understand the words of your King, and do the deeds that He told you to do, to spread His Kingdom all over the Earth." »

    This summarizes greatly the Light Mysteries.

    The Points are:

    1 Baptism's --plural -Can happen based on the Holy Spirit-God.

    2 Miracle given to the Mother signifies what God does for His own as well as some other points whatever is needed to bring truth to the souls mind. It can be something for that day? etc.,.

    3 Jesus gives the power of miracles to the disciples to have them water the soil of human hearts, --the mind of human brains, the human senses, to stimulate and send a jolt to the soul--, with love through incentives to the flesh to hopefully ping the spirit of man to awaken.  A rock has fallen --the miracle given being likened unto this rock--and hit them on the head, did it hit both heads or just one?  First head is obviously the flesh head, the second head the spirits head your souls.  The flesh needs to be recreated without blemish and then removing Stain of Origin from the soul that was put there when entering the womb. It's just there this Stain. No matter how much a man tries to remove it, it won't come off. It requires pure water to truly wipe it off.  Jesus' side where the spear pierced is where this water comes from. Baptism by water.  The material water of the earth represents --in reality Jesus pours out of his water on us-- this act. An act of the will.  Your will to act on the belief, which is a Sacrament. To believe.  Faith is belief in God. I believe. It starts as possibly a small faith so tiny that it almost doesn't seem faith.  It is spontaneous like a spark came and said "this is needed for you" like a whisper, like a faint light because it just flashed and we missed the huge flash, we caught the tail end of it. But the Lord, the saints and angels saw the huge flash.  

    The Sacraments come from God. God is the Giver here. He is the Bounty. Thus the Sacraments are Sacred.  The Sacraments are a sacred Bounty of God's. They are pure and holy and to be given when we are pure and holy.  When does this occur?  Baptism of Water. Then Confession. Confession Jesus sprinkles, pours,  His Blood on us.  The Lord's 4 Main piercings are His Hand both and His Feet both. But He has a spear pierce His Side.  He has Thorns pierce His Head and Neck.  He has broken and cracked Ribs, He has His Flesh torn by scourging, by fists, by rocks, by dust, by other objects, by men's feet and hands, by what the Lord God had created to be a blessing for man.  So we have here just enough to meditate on to start the prayer.

    4 Transfiguration on the Mt Tabor.  Jesus runs up the mountain and has the three apostles join Him at the top to pray and meet with the Father.  This is a meeting with the Father!   The Father appeared on the Earth in a sense on just that parchment.  The Two Patriarchs appear and speak with Jesus.  Then a covering happens and they are no longer physically seen. The Father speaks to the Apostles, Peter, James and John.  Peter being the Vicar first one, James being the Second to Peter in Jerusalem and John being the Apostle to bring many truths who is the pure one.  These three play a significant role in our Church but we do not see it this way.   So much is lost over time due to man's weakness.

    5 Breaking of the Bread.  Holy Communion.  Eucharist.  

    While meditating, the Holy Spirit has us focus on certain points said above.  

    For instance while on the second decade Wine to Water. The Water to Wine here signifies transubstantiation. Taking the element water and making it a drink of wine.  Complete change of the elements context. It is still water there but now it has the grapes taste of fermentation. Fermented grape mixed with water with the water being the medium for the grape to be less dense, thinned out. Easy to pour and take down the throat just like water.  Then this goes to Baptism of the Holy Spirit, which the water is from the River Jordan. Jesus does not need to have the stain of Origin removed because He doesn't have one to begin with, So the Holy Spirits descends immediately and this water baptism is a fore taste of whats to come for the rest of us:  Jesus' water from His Side.  Jesus was in a hurry to complete the Sacrifice on the Scaffold many were waiting for the Sacraments.  Baptism, Confession, Holy Communion, Works of Charity, Matrimony, Priesthood, Holy Spirit, Last rights Viaticum.  All of this was hinging on Christ's Successful Passion. All of them.  if Christ did not, then, all He had done previous would be nil. Because His Blood was necessary to wipe, remit all to start and bring a new creation of man.  Life for man.  Consuming everything. Had to die. His Death, totally consumed all the sins of man. He had to die to consume, bring an end to sin reigning. He sprinkled the Earth with His Blood. He explains the whole thing.

    ---This is not really part of the Luminous Mystery but the Gospel and these all connect.
    So we should then understand why the Devil was prodding men with words to have Christ stop at all points here from the Arrest all the way while He was still breathing affixed by nails to the Scaffold we call the Crucifix.  Lets look starting at the Garden. Then the rest of the way. Going back and forth from Sanhedrin to Pontius Pilate, then to Herod and then back to Pontius Pilate. Back and forth, a maze really, Satan's work, and Satan's little Satan's doing Satan's will, while He was looking like a Guilty Man.  You should see that this was Satan's Hour.  The Snakes Hour of Demise while he spewed all manner of contortions through his minions complaining in reality of his losing power. Stop ! STOP !  He is screaming here! Stop!  Jesus said He saw Satan fall as lightning falls quickly to hit the target. Satan was falling from his power seat.  Read the Temptation by the Devil in the Desert.  The Kingdoms of the earth have become the kingdoms of Our God through Jesus Christ, the Immaterial King! Adonnai!.  This is time on earth procession of progress. In heaven from the Eternal Present it is 'Done.'  I want! .... Let Light be made! .... Jesus said often when performing a miracle, 'I want!' and it was done.

    We should see, the Baptism; the Wine become Blood; the Power of Miracles He grants to His disciples who are prepared by the Holy Spirit; the Sacraments of which to becoming and being a faithful and a just follower a real disciple, to be apostles, priests, lay disciples; all are disciples who do as He said. Disciples first always here regardless of maturity of spirit or vocation.

    Meeting with the Father. Jesus' goal was to return every soul back to the Father.  Prodigal Son. To be in the Father's House.  The Wedding Parable, the 10 Virgins, Unjust steward, so forth and the ones mentioned in Poem of the Man-God.

    The order in which the Holy Spirit may bring to you doesn't really matter.  The teachings, the truths is what matters here. You are given more understanding of the Gospel, the Doctrine of the Christ.

    The Gospel, contains the Doctrine of the Christ and is the Doctrine of the Christ.  Jesus said, to love the Gospel.  The Gospel is actually brought into life by the Holy Spirit. Thus when loving the Gospel, you love the Author of it eventually in a hidden way.  I love this!  It has pain and suffering as well.  It has the teachings of evil what it is.  It has the words of Life.  It is 'Spirit.'

    We must spend ample time in our spirits to condition our brains to being spirit rather than just plain ole flesh with tissue and blood.  The tissue and blood work because of the spirit. Thus to make the blood spirit, the tissue spirit, transformation process done by Transubstantiation.

    These are spiritual meditations praying the Rosary.  This method takes a few hours to do and is really never complete. We enter into the mysteries and then re-enter over and over again. Thus the progression of it.

    Meditation is not a simple prayer of a few words from the mouth and then done.  Meditation is the contemplation of something.  Contemplative prayer.  This helps in making our lives a single prayer to God. Which encompasses, virtues, affections, thoughts of good will, goodness.  

    Peace be with you always

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