Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Grace and the Justice of God


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    Grace and the Justice of God Empty Grace and the Justice of God

    Post by Poem

    For this we revisit The Book of Genesis Chapter 6 the times of the Great Sin and the Great Deluge.

    The stress here is 'Sin'.  

    Genesis chapter 6

    1 And after that men began to be multiplied upon the earth, and daughters were born to them,  2 The sons of God seeing the daughters of men, that they were fair, took to themselves wives of all which they chose.  3 And God said: My spirit shall not remain in man forever, because he is flesh, and his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.  4 Now giants were upon the earth in those days. For after the sons of God went in to the daughters of men, and they brought forth children, these are the mighty men of old, men of renown.  5 And God seeing that the wickedness of men was great on the earth, and that all the thought of their heart was bent upon evil at all times,

    Note: this re-occurs throughout history in small and great ways.
    The Lord already had Prophets give the future days concerning the Antichrist who is the son of Satan incarnate, as Christ is the Son of God Incarnate the Flesh side.
    Thus, the word 'Anti' exists to counter Christ. Put these two together we have Antichrist.

    The Lord before the Days of Christ which His Mercy, explicitly the Father's Mercy, was less tolerant and Judgment came swiftly to those like Cain.  These are seen in certain instances, such as Cain's murdering of Abel his own brother, and then Cain's son murdering someone. Saul going after David, on Prophets being killed, by fallen brethren.   It is not written in great detail like a daily dairy but God gives us what He deems important, and the stress is 'most' important for us.  The Lord is the Wisdom and Eye. He sees all, knows all.

    The cause of the Great Deluge was man joining with the branch that was 'exiled' i.e., Cain's and those not in Adam's genealogy what God called the sons of God, found in Book of Genesis Chapter 5. Stressing here 'sons' of God.

    Genesis Chapter 5

    1 This is the book of the generation of Adam. In the day that God created man, he made him to the likeness of God.  2 He created them male and female; and blessed them: and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

    The Justice of God at this time was based on more or less Charity.  No Law, only one commandment we know of that is 'Do not eat of the Tree'.  But knowing God, God is love and He stressed kindness, to love, be charitable not thinking of selfish impudent thoughts such as jealousy because a sibling is accepted over the other due to their charity while the other did not seek to imitate the one whom God was accepting.  God is here showing Cain how to be ‘acceptable’ to God. Manner, behavior, morals, good will.  The other was jealous which comes from 'envy' a capitol sin.  God counseled the jealous one, but that did not help because the jealous one was blinded with envy.  Satan's tools always blinds. The mind.  Your mind is unable to have 'light' to see. Come in into you to give understanding, true affections, sentiments of love and brotherhood.  Thoughts are generated within and comes also from external sources such as another human being, an angel, demons, and God.   God wants our thoughts full of light, based on light not darkness.  Darkness alienates.  Causes blindness of mind, of thought you are walking in the dark. Example using visual perception:  The room is pitch dark cannot see my nose it is so dark. I need light to find my path to brighten up the area, the room.  Not having God's Light is that. No can see in the mind. The mind must see to comprehend perfectly.  This is just a simple example. The reality is our minds were created by God, one of the Likeness to God, having light filled mind.  To see clearly no spots, not wrinkles nothing hidden you see perfectly in the mind first then the vision becomes clear too. God is Light. Thus His Mind is Not Dark no shadows are formed either.  He is Perfect Brilliant Light.

    During the time period of this time, sons of God sought out the daughters of men and took them as their wives, and had children.  A serious mistake from God's perspective.  Remember here God cast out Cain from Adam's family for having committed a most heinous crime.  They were separated good from evil.  God cast Lucifer out for becoming Evil.  The point stressed here is "Evil".  Killing is Evil and God cursed Cain and put the mark on his forehead similar to what God had done to Lucifer, burned into his brows the name Satan. I would think the curse of Cain from God is similar with the name, Satan's son or some sign that cannot be dismissed when looking at the person.  Another Satan. Only God knows the sign.  

    Evil. Know this well. Evil is not ever tolerated by God in His Presence, but, is used as a tool to sharpen and get rid of flies and sick ones.  We are on the earth exiled from God's true Presence, His fullness. God is able to make things happen. He is God.  Not human science here nor lower thinking. It is all God's way. Evil is never going to inhabit Heaven.  Justice of God.

    God's justice is really about walking in charity, being pure of heart, good willed to a fault as some would consider because they are quite frankly slothful.  Perfection is God. He says be perfect as I am Perfect. Look at Me, which means to contemplate God and you will see little by little how.

    It is the many small things of repetition that yields fruit.  Obedience is not a one time grand thing to do. It is in the many small things.  Constance.  Perpetual.  I was walking in Grace for about year and then fell and have not been since. Constance in this case is time spent not in Grace.  The real deal Grace was constant for one year.  How do you think God calculates this?  Hmm... more time spent out of Grace then in.  You deserve the works of your labors is not this true? Yes. It is. To amend for the sins living in sins must be always from the time you are in recognition and repentance of it.  For some there is no place of Confession for them, so God, sends Saints to assist them, He offsets the imbalance due to human lack of.  He is Just, He is Good, He is all seeing, He is Love.  He sends to lost lands where people have no church, no services, saints from the Communion of Saints. These saints are every moment knocking on some soul to go and help another soul somewhere. Doesn't matter if there is no church, these good souls known to God need faith and hope to believe, to them being the unknown God.  A soul comes from God, regardless of filiation to Christ.  

    Justice of God. In the times of Noah, there was no Law and God I would say, had Adam teach them how to have God prior to Noah’s time. The sons of God.  No one from Cain's side.

    The Mercy of God is Christ. Before Christ, many died in their sins. Died sinners and only a few had Grace and only the sons of God went to Limbo before the Great Deluge.  Those few who were not deserving of Hell or Limbo ended up in Purgatory to be purified.

    We see that God had separated the bad's, the evils from the goods and sons of His that are not exiled from the Family of Adam.  Cain's are eternally dammed.  They like Lucifer expiate eternally were no forgiveness is available ever. No love, No light, No warm sentiments and affections.  Satan turns people into dead numb beings where the sentiments are toast. The affections are nil.  No charity, no genuine charity, just an act.  

    During the Justice of God's time, we see evil spread and sons of Adam not obeying Adam and God, but, instead they join with the Daughters of men that change everything on earth. A game changer if you will.  Plummeted.  This same thing occurs again.  God the Father has this written Prophecy, it's called the Abomination that makes Desolate as written in Daniels Book, a Prophet of God.  This is then seen in greater detail in the Apocalypse of St. John. And then commented in by Jesus to Maria Valtorta to explain in detail what is for our good so we do not become beasts and end up in the Abyss after being burnt to ash while living on Earth under the terrible and horrendous reign of Satan incarnate.

    God's Justice is always, perpetual, constant.  His Mercy is Christ a much greater broader mercy in comparison to before Christ. Divine Mercy. God's Mercy is from everlasting to everlasting.  He is ever patient. But God does have His limits for man.  Evil exists that is why Mercy exists.  There was first a simple command to Adam and then later down the centuries the Law given by God to Moses for a Nation God choose and saved from Egypt.  His mercy is everlasting. But without Christ the Mediator and Mary the Mediatrix, the punishment is swift and severe as we witness reading in the scriptures. Christ has Saints that are right now part of the Triumphant Church praying. Believers on earth praying. Tolerance here folks. How much will God tolerate before having a soul removed for excessive damage done to themselves and those that are affected by this damaging person.  What does Satan want on earth? You to not pray, and be obedient to the Faith, to Christ, all His Teachings and Ways.  Satan wants a dead world where his minion’s rule in your body.  Possession.  He gobbles your soul in sin. He mutilates it. Destroys your heart, and mind. Gobble gobble.

    Less tolerant before Christ.  I would say in levels and stages.  God punished Adam for not obeying. God punished mankind for not obeying which required the Great Deluge event. God punishes and too many people are not believing.  What is Hell?  What is the Antichrist?  What is Evil in God's hands as a tool for motivation?  God has specifically stated through Christ how useful Satan is to the Apostles for crying out loud!  I couldn't believe it at first, second, third and so on and then it finally hit home. Ah! I see this is a tool in Your Hands for our good. All of humanity by the way. Shows our weaknesses, and thus requiring molding of strength fixing of deformations found in souls and hearts and minds thoughts..  To make us strong and motivate to love. I do understand the other side of this however, because we all live here on earth and would disagree as human beings this wretch that is a nuisance beyond imagination and thought.  But Satan is here until God says enough.  He created an angel Lucifer who we can use to learn from how pride, wanting to be God, does to a being. Turns them evil.  Thus, this lesson is a deep one at that to contain in yourself.  The Justice of God. God takes the Evil and uses it for our good.   God warned man and said, "Do Not" but what happened? They didn't believe nor love God enough to believe in Him.  

    This same lack of belief is throughout all mankind in every generation.  Christ covers this throughout the dictations to Maria Valtorta.  The quite frankly from human side. God is not deserving of these hateful, disrespectful, mannerisms. He deserves nothing by adoring love. He deserves only our love for having given life to us and on this planet to witness and take in His creation.

    Before Christ the Mercy was not as extensive and sentences of punishments were quick and Just.

    With Christ, He being our Mediator, Mercy is more extending. Because the punishment to Adam was expiated, and then the Law came which states God is now ready to begin the Salvation Plan therein came Prophets to tell us about the future for man.  His Mercy is then much more extending. Amen.

    To God be the Glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

    Peace be with you always

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    Post Fri Sep 06, 2024 6:10 pm by Poem

    God counseling Cain. This same counsel is for everyone on earth.

    Genesis 4:6

    6 And the Lord said to him: Why art thou angry? and why is thy countenance fallen? 7 If thou do well, shalt thou not receive? but if ill, shall not sin forthwith be present at the door? but the lust thereof shall be under thee, and thou shalt have dominion over it.

    If you do well, shall you not receive. If good will, always good is the act, active good will that is constant and perpetual.

    But if ill, sin is present at the door. If you give in to envy, you have sinned. And Satan's counsel is the one you took. Thus, Satan here counsels Cain to kill through a vice called envy. Cain reacted instead of loved in good will. Brother, you are holy and pure, I need to learn this myself.

    Vices are the opposite of Virtue. Vices allows the Evil to reign.
    Virtues allows the Love to reign.

    These are both spiritual in nature.

    Satan is a spirit.
    God is Spirit.

    Man is the one in the middle here a spirit as well with flesh and blood a point to lure.

    God wants the flesh to become spirit as it was with Adam and is with Christ and Mary.

    The spirit of man being embryonic does not rise to God. Once it is sprinkled with the water baptism it becomes regenerated for God to descend. For God to attach.

    A soul not baptized is still embryonic and in the dead state because it is not alive, thriving, vivified by Grace. It is not attached to God. Fusion with God is necessary for every soul.

    Grace had departed from Adam as in no longer descended to alight him. He lost Grace, but, if we consider the Adam went to Limbo, he must have become 'just' once again. He may have gained Grace in some fashion. But not like we have today. Adam did not have Christ's Blood to wash him with until Christ went to Limbo. So during the rest of Adam's life, God was with him in manner we simply do not comprehend.

    Some of the patriarch's had Grace, as Jesus comments on this. But to our bewilderment, we understand to be able to have Grace, attached, fused, we need the Sacrament of Baptism to completely wash the stain of origin. So how did these certain patriarch's have Grace as Jesus so commented? They did have God as Friend and God talked to them. They were 'just' in God, they obeyed the Commandments, they sought God and prayed, they were good willed. They became holy men and are saints in Heaven.

    It would seem that angel purified them in some fashion. Angels brought coals to purity the lips of some of these so they could speak the words of God. But how about Abraham? Moses? Did he have an angel come and purify his lips? It doesn't say. But he believed in God and this was counted by God as faith. So Abraham believed God and had faith in God. He believed without knowing. He believed enough to take his only son Issac to sacrifice him. His faith was firm unwavering. He believed.

    Do we believe this firmly? We need to. We are encumbered by demons in the world of idolatry. Demons everywhere. They are quite frankly in everything on earth. There is no place they are not. How do they take control of so much? Vice. A human being that has vices. They are the doorway.

    What does Christ say about those who are full of Him? They trample on all human and evil doctrines and over all the power of the enemy.

    The Justice of God is in Christ. Christ the All for Man, the God-Man.

    When we receive Christ in the proper way and not the heretical way, Christ who is Perfect, who perfected the Law and this Law is on his Heart, comes to us. All the perfections of Christ are then given to the soul. The soul is then with Christ and Christ with them. All. The Gospel, the Law, the character, the heart, the mind, the thought, the will. You change according to Christ. You are then returned to Origin. The First Man and Woman was created in Grace and perfect. Thus Christ is Perfect the One who gives us back what was lost by Sin and Death. Though this death part the flesh dies only. And then is reanimated on the Last Day of this Earth.

    Christ the bounty of God for mankind.

    Peace be with you always

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:14 pm