Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Another Look At Church. Another Way to Broaden Our Gripes


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    Another Look At Church.  Another Way to Broaden Our Gripes Empty Another Look At Church. Another Way to Broaden Our Gripes

    Post by Poem

    In our Church there is the Deposit from Christ, --Let us stress this Deposit is from the Bounty of God, in Christ, for God the Father has given everything to Christ and what Christ gives is from the Father.  Christ our Mediator, the Holy Mother our Mediatrix---, Holy Mother partook in every way possible which God had Her walk through, for the redemption of woman--, the Holy Spirit who is the Author of the Gospel, the Invisible Evangelizer which all of this for the Church comes from the Father, so we have the One God reality in our Church, Christ as Head and then man the imperfect one.  All for man entirely for man to come out of Sin and Death to clean him up and make him ready prepared for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven the Great Banquet from The Father for All In His House presented by Christ the Word of God.  Remember there is no time in Heaven and the New Earth because we are all absorbed into the Eternal Present in the Presence of the Eternal Present Who is God.  Timeless and this Great Banquet goes on and on and on... no end.  Christ is waiting.

    Christ said, in relation of Himself to Church, He must become less and less and the Church to become greater, much like what John the Baptist said in regards to Christ, I must become smaller and He must become greater.

    In the forefront. The visible one. Doesn't mean 'gone'.  

    But as far as our human egos to spiritual ego yes the human ego needs to die completely.   Human ego to become less to point of nil so the true ego our spirits ego is first and only after the likeness of Christ. He infuses himself into us to recreate us in His Image and Likeness who is the true Image and Likeness of God.

    Christ is the Head Pontiff, the Big Kahuna Priest, the Main, the True Pontiff. Super-God Head of His Church which consists of three parts at the moment:  'Militant' 'Triumphant' 'Purgatory'.   All one the mystical body of Christ.  

    We bow to God, Adore God in Christ not the Human being side, but the God-Man. The Redeemer, Savior, Messiah.  That is who we bow and adore. The Word of the Father. God.

    Who is God? Three of them. Father, Word, Holy Spirit. One God, One Reality called God and is always One Reality but they have their Individual distinction, but not individuals that are separatists.  They are one reality and union that is Spirit.

    The Church is actually created by God.  Man is created by God. The Universe is created by God.  God gives and creates us. He is Creator Father all at Once, this is one reality Creator and Father all rolled compressed fused to one reality.  Not separate. The Thought, the Word, the Holy Fire these are one reality. Which is awesome.  Which is God.  So in reality all comes from God.  No soul means no beings in Church.

    Is man such a god himself that he is able to say, that is God? No. It is rather a way to tell others so others may understand this reality God.  God allows us to be able to talk about Him to give expression, we are allowed this by His mercy.  In speech. The Reality of God must be lived and experienced in your own heart and soul. To know and understand this explicitly.  Complex to a point but simple, because God makes it simple. (But we rationalize, this thing called 'rationalism'. This gets in the way blocks our mind from forming the proper thoughts.)  He descends and fills and we have Life.

    Until one rises and is fused to God at some level that is not like the present, I would think, that man really is incapable on his own to say what is God.  To be able to give descriptions for Character attributes, and other attributes, personality, quality of attributes.   But God allows this for us to be able to know God to what He allows to some degree enough to be able to attach to God to have God give us some definitions. God puts these into us and we are actually inspired to contemplate them.  How can one such as us, finite, describe the entire Infinite Being?  Not possible. Unless you are God you cannot.
    But all this is right now 'below' Heaven those not in the Beatific God.

    In the same we have done our best to give some idea of God who and what He is, this also relates to 'Church' what it is and what's its functions. How it is supposed to operate, be, all this.

    The Perfection that is God creates a Church on earth which expands to Heaven and Purgatory, that is, wherever a soul belonging to it exists.  Look! There is a soul belonging to it in Purgatory, their name is so and so. Look! There is a soul belonging to it in Heaven the Triumphant Church, their name is so and so.

    As stated the Perfection that is God created the Church and left it for man to fill it up and then transport to Heaven to the Triumphant one, and is Headed up By the Christ the Leader the Head Kahuna of it entirely. He sends graces to increase flames in Purgatory to help them convert to 'all' love. Remember Heaven is All Love just like its Creator.  You don't love you don't fit here. That is the rule. Evil was kicked out and as a result Hell was created entirely for it.  If, one, you, don't love you end up in Purgatory or Hell.  Depending on what you deserve.

    Jesus said this:  Don't worry yourself with many doctrines; don't fetter yourself with many rules. Be simple and free. Upon you may there be only the light yoke which is not a weight, but a wing--My yoke." Jesus' yoke.

    Simple and free.  But what have we here? A ton of words from stem to stern in a book that has been like a diary, that consists of thoughts from saints, and then the conclusions, scripture references to aid its members to be literate about the many complex things concerning Church over the centuries.  A reference book.  

    When one is in Grace, the Holy Spirit and Christ are fused to you, have its work in you, you are simple and free as He says.  You adore and worship God just like the angels.  This seems far from reality this thought here. But that is not the case, you actually are close to God. And that is the true reality for God in our state. Evil exists.

    Our Father Who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name, > "Your Kingdom Come" Your Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven." <

    So what is happening?  You are becoming as Our Father Wants.  In Heaven where He is, Is His Will Perfected no Sin, No Evil. Peace, Love, Joy Galore unfathomable!! To No End. Always, Perpetual. So these few words together says, 'Your Kingdom Come to earth as it is in Heaven' To do God's will. God's will is always Heaven on Earth.  But we man have to comply, second it.  Adam did not keep God's command of 'Do not eat from that Tree'. So now all have to face this command, "Do not Eat from that Tree".  The Church is Protection. The Church is Food from God. The Church is fellowship of the spirits in the Spirit. Heaven is spirits fellowshipping in the Spirit as spirits that have overcome their fleshly ego's.  That are adult spirits, matured spirits in the constant state of Grace and possessing individually Grace. They worked from from mud to spirit. Labored to enter into the eternal rest.

    What do you think Adam was in the beginning?  Heaven on Earth in him and all around him. Immersed. Fully Heaven I should add.

    What do you think the Second Adam was? Despite the suffering and pain? Heaven on Earth within him.  

    With the coming of the Christ, God had in mind for the Earth to enter into, have the blessing of a Second Paradise through The New Adam, to bring man back to God as was in the Beginning.  Read the Notebooks and the words of the Prophets in the Old Testament. That is where God the Father first spoke of it in obscure high words which only I think a few understood and then to Maria who was told to give this in a letter format to the Vicar at that time.  ?? What?  yes it is true.  I do not remember the chapter and which Notebook I read it in. It was pretty hard to hear and I was actually shocked to read this!  I was like? What? In looking at the mess in the world through history I thought is that possible?   It is.  Because God said so. If God said so, that is all. And He did.

    Thus there are two roads or two destinies on earth for man as a whole the entire mankind. One is a Second Paradise, not the Era of Peace, and the other is the mess we have today.  Which brings the Antichrist if man does not convert, by embracing the Second Paradise that is available from God for man through Christ and His Church.  You see if man accepts this, Hell will be shut up no idiot demons bothering man and those that are sold to the demon would be repelled and cast out as 'madmen' if they do not see and hear God and convert. God is Mercy and does not delight in the death of a soul. A soul. Your soul dies to Him, imitating Lucifer and the fallen angels.

    If you're not confused yet, here's more.

    Man always ends up saying his version of what he believes the teachings to mean.  And Not Christ's. Thus we have breakups, arguments, debates, and no one seems to be on the same page, much less book.  

    On one hand we have from the Divine we have the Divines Wisdom and Teaching Light, Graces to aid man to walk in them and then we have the imperfect man who doesn't understand the spirit of the letter but only the letter of the letter. Thus has not evolved spiritually, that is his mind is still mud not spirit.  Yes it is true as you continue to read the scriptures to learn it in day in and day out for all your life and you become what you learn > formation, the scriptures form mans thought if man takes heed to them. But the spirit of it means to transform to spirit and not remain in the ink. Be free from the ink. Let the spirit do its work. One reads with a prayer mind set, asking with heart to know the spirit of what they are reading as they are reading and with your soul that is the spiritual part of man the reality of man that without this soul you would not be born.  When we say spirit we don't mean catch the spirit in the loose way, but in the true and only way with your spirit and having the Spirit of God who is the Paraclete that comes to enlighten it and open its ways to you.  

    Christ said, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Paraclete will come to you to remind you of all I have taught you. He it is that will evangelize you.  Christ even said this about the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, 'He is the Author of the Gospel'.  Christ was generated by the power of the Holy Spirit deposited in the Womb of the Virgin Mary. The Holy Spirit's work.  The Third Person of the Triune God.  Let us Make Man in Our Image and Likeness still stands but more so because He is the Son of the Father.  The Perfect Man as far as God is concerned quite more so over the First Man Adam. God directly created a son Adam.  All God had done for the Second Adam was use flesh that was made and then put Himself in it to be born, but, this flesh was without stain and sin, but pure and holy.  Immaculate Womb for an Immaculate Conception.

    Spirit of the letter.  

    Thus the Church should always be as the Thought of the Father has thought the spirit of God, the Spirit of the Letter. The Letter inspired by the Spirit, who is God.  A spiritual letter from the Spiritual Father who uses spirits on the earth.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:21 pm; edited 2 times in total
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    Post Thu Aug 22, 2024 9:37 pm by Poem

    There are two entities in this.  God and Man.

    Man is the one who is in need of total conversion. God is Perfect the Example of Total Converted. Total Converted is a way to express this to help in our thinking process to see God as the Example of examples we can reach and obtain. Jesus said, "Do you think I tell you things you cannot achieve? I am the Truth and God the Word and Wisdom of the Father who never lies. I tell you things you can and will do. In other words, God created man and knows what man is capable of. Jesus tells us things we can do. Faith is the medium with Love.

    So only God knows what is best for us and He does! And He sent and the Son gave! And the imperfect man makes changes still! Can't believe! So why are you a priest then if you do not believe?  This makes no sense.  Jesus said to pass on the Sacred character to those who do believe!  How many priests to date over all the time of the Church do not believe the Bread and Wine become Christ's Body and Blood?  Many, untold many.  We have read some stories that are passed down about a few of them.  At the same time these unbelieving priests influence those in the Church to be unbelieving.  So, to make sure the they believe first.  A Catholic just by this title alone, what it represents in thought to believe in all of Christ's Teachings.

    Example: Hi, I am Baptist. Hi I am a Catholic.  The Baptist says, do you believe in everything of the Four Evangelists and the epistles in the New Testament and do you eat the wafer and drink the wine?  Catholic says I believe most of it what I can understand to a point and I do eat Bread and Drink the Wine but I do not know if it really is Christ's Body and Blood because I feel no different from the consumption as I did when I was not consuming.  Baptist says why not? It says He transubstantiates these in other words converts transforms makes them Those and then you are changed from the old to the new.  Catholics says, I think that's where I have a problem, I just do it as I was taught to do. I have not really given it the much needed thought.

    Well there you go.  They don't meditate and contemplate. Time to ask Jesus himself. Jesus please show me the reality of Holy Communion.  I want to know the truth.  Some words to this affect.  Find a book about it and read it.  

    Jesus says Life. What is this Life Jesus speaks of?  Jesus what do you mean by Life?  I am alive everyday so far I don't really feel any different day to day, I read where some of us Catholics are in some kind of higher way which I don't seem to experience. I would like to know.  The supernatural existence I have not felt nor been in.  Show me Lord!  

    Here is an example to try to relate. Using physical material first then the other.

    I have an apple.  It is visible to my eyes, my brain knows what an apple is by its shape and colors.  My senses of recall recalls taste.  These are all physical corporeal things.

    The supernatural.

    Jesus says Life.  I am physically alive and have life from a current state of mind and physical status.  This is not what He means by 'Life'. It is absolutely spirit.  My soul. The soul is where Jesus comes to give me Life!  Not the flesh. The flesh converts to spirit and benefits but does not profit. The soul is the one that is the truly profits here.  My soul profits and my body the flesh portion benefits as a result of the Life Jesus gives to my soul.  As flesh only with a soul and living the life of flesh solely the soul in this case is embryonic in status. It does give life to the flesh.  The soul the Essence of God who is Life, is living from the time the soul is created. The soul endures a flight from God by an angel taking the soul to a womb.  God to womb goes on a trip.  This soul is the life of the being. It arrives in the womb.  Is born, becomes a infant, then a child, then a man, or woman and then it departs the flesh in was sent to and fused to, to return to God for pre-judgment.   The soul. God observes the life of each soul.  Think on this often to get formed on this. Have to have repetition.  If you are born in a truly religious Catholic home that adheres to God's Laws, and Christ's teachings you are blessed and have disciplined yourself in Faith. This is God's desire for each soul on earth to have this kind of discipline, having the Life in the soul.    To nourish our souls. To raise our souls.

    To Love Means

    "To love means to live with one’s soul united, fused to a single fire which nourishes another soul. Then in fusion, understanding takes place."

    Notebook 1943 page 249 Victors Over the Beast

    Peace be with you always


    Post Sat Aug 24, 2024 6:53 pm by Poem

    A way the enemy uses another soul not in the Faith, is to talk about the Holy Mother, how we pray to Her.  

    In fact we can call upon Eve and  Adam to pray.   Praying to somebody does not constitute praying to God, or they are God, this is quite frankly not correct.  We pray to angels, we pray to saint, we pray to God.  

    God is the All. The Supreme Being. He wants us to 'love' one another. How to do that? By being stiff mouthed?  No by asking for we are in our labors still. We labor to conquer heaven, we labor to convert ourselves to become all love while here.  We labor to do good to all. We give, water, good words, material assistance, spiritual assistance. We ask for spiritual assistance. Jesus said where 2 or more ask in His Name, He hears us.  Well, we have thousands of Saints in Heaven, we have the what's called the Communion of Saints.  < Here we talk to one another as 'spirits'.  They are in God's Presence. So we great assets.  The Communion of Saints.  Commune with them. They commune directly with God in God's Presence.  Clear line of hearing there. Little spirits to the Great Spirit, who is God.  

    Example, your neighbor asks you for help in fixing there sink because the water sprouted, a disaster took place. You go and help.  A certain human being is in trouble caught by the Devil in a snare. Since you partake of the Communion of Saints, what have you?  Direct line to God. Your faith isn't quite where it should be in casting out demons, so you ask several Saints that are already in the Communion of Saints.  God has given us much more than we think about, contemplate.

    First Christ gives us Himself in Holy Communion.  The Food of God, is God! sorry to say. He is God and transubstantiates common bread and common wine into His Body and Blood.  Thus He comes down at this point and transforms these into His Body and Blood and then we eat and drink to consume, direct fusion into through the flesh. Direct contact with Perfect who is God  He then takes this does the mystical which no human science can describe, explain analyze, since it is not human science, since God created everything all the ingredients that make bread and make wine all God's science to begin with, thus all is God's creation.  Who are we to think we know?  We learn from God to have wisdom to love, to do what He asks of us.  It is God giving to man to infuse God into us which becomes Food and Medicine all rolled into one thing.  Gives health to our souls which the flesh benefits.  The soul profits here.  We come in contact with God and everything of that being profits and has benefits.  Spiritual and corporeal.  The spiritual profits, and the corporeal benefits.  A fusion process which is God's Science, not human science.  Transubstantiation.  Is where God takes common corporeal matter and converts it to incorporeal spiritual essence while looking like Bread and Wine. He also multiplies Himself here, where He comes to each individual, individually.  Therefore we have God in us. Christ in us the hope of glory.  Everything relating to believing Him, living in Him starts with receiving Him in the Species of Body and Blood. To fuse to Him and He to you. We become this.  Two things are fusing here, God and man in this fusion process to become a new creation.  Recreation.  God being the greater has the influence over the lesser to change the lesser into the true image and likeness of God through His Son Jesus Christ. God is Paradise.  God is Heaven.  We pray asking Our Father prayer for Heaven to come to earth. That is first each individual and then the whole combined of mankind, God aids in this process. So man each one has to second this will for this to take place.  Man has to will it.

    Spirit, God.

    Prayer is communication for 'spirits' in God. We all non-believing, believing come from God.  
    But we ask for their support by naming the help we request.  St. Peter, I ask you to pray for me to the Lord our God for strengthening of my faith, my love for God to increase, I ask for the all the graces to help keep me from falling, for wisdom, for eyes to see and ears to hear.  All of this for me to walk faithfully, bring much fruit. To be like Jesus.

    Heaven the New Earth is for all those who make it.  One conquers it as would to conquer a friend, that is to obtain.  So do you think in Heaven, all souls we be dull and still like the present? No. Heaven is all love. If you do not love, you end up in Purgatory or the other.  What one deserves by way of living.  If one sinned much, one must expiate and do much penance to deserve Heaven at once. Not linger around and in despair. But be active in doing good to amend all the wrongs done.  All the crimes committed against God.

    Adam is the father of the human family.  He is in Heaven with the rest for he went to heaven by way of Limbo like all the 'just' in God before Christ.

    Veneration.  We venerate the Holy Mother, because it is right to do so.  'All generations shall call me blessed'.  Luke 1:48.  

    Jesus venerates Her with 3 count them, Holy holy holy.  

    We should venerate Her more often.  

    The saints that have gone before us that are with God in Heaven, are praying non-stop for us done here.  Their prayers are sweet aroma to God. They are in the Beatific Vision of God.  They are in God. God is Heaven.  He hears them constantly.   God encourages through the mouth of angels to ask all the host of Heaven for aid, support, prayers.

    If an angel speaks to you, and give a message from above, his words are 'immutable.' Case in point an angel appeared to Mary, and to Zacharias. The results of are different for each.
    Zacharias was made mute, couldn't speak for the duration of pregnancy. Mary however responded humbly. She became the Mother of Jesus, God made man. Incarnate.

    There are other passages in the Bible referring to where an angel appears to man and man who is unaware, is made dumb and mute due to his response. God sends angels to man. Be always aware of this fact.

    Jesus tells us that what the angel brings to man, the message, is immutable. Because the angel is the messenger of God. Brings a message from God for the soul to do.

    We are actually caught by surprise. Mary was surprised. Zacharias was surprised. The man in the Old Testament was surprised. Which this states, we do not believe. Simple.

    So if you hear your angel speaking to you, make sure you do as he says. It happens.

    Peace be with you always

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