Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    God Is Simple


    Number of posts : 4328

    God Is Simple Empty God Is Simple

    Post by Poem Sun Aug 18, 2024 4:53 pm

    Notebook 1943
    page 297

    Jesus says,

    "God is simple. The closer you come to God, the simpler you will become. You will feel in yourself increasingly the tedium and vanity of human science, including that aimed at God, but written by man. The more God speaks to you, the more you will feel the suffering of the harsh, bitter sound of human words compared to the most sweet supernatural tone of my word. Don't worry yourself with many doctrines; don't fetter yourself with many rules. Be simple and free. Upon you may there be only the light yoke which is not a weight, but a wing--My yoke." Jesus' yoke

    Peace be with you always


    Number of posts : 4328

    God Is Simple Empty Re: God Is Simple

    Post by Poem Sun Aug 18, 2024 5:12 pm

    Balance is the thought here.

    When we are in Grace fully, that is attached to the Fire of Love and the Lord Jesus because we have Him in the Breaking of the Bread -- Both Species-- there is this He spoke of above in the first post.

    A balance occurs eventually as one gains compass heading of true North.

    Christ converts us by infusing Himself as this Food we eat and drink. He said this, 'this is the Greatest Miracle God has given to man.' The Greatest Miracle and this was written and disseminated in 1943 to Vatican Roma Headquarters of Clergymen to give and use to teach.  

    From reading the dictations, one can surmise and discern those who truly follow the Lord. It is that way.

    You can see certain souls needing to mature, that are adolescent, juvenile. You can see souls that are confused. You can see souls that try to persuade you that life is about now, forget suffering and pain, doing penance.  You can see the differences of Faithful vs. lack of faithfulness.  

    The thing is we are at one of these places in our own spirits. We notice this through the Holy Spirit who benignly shows us. It is like the others are a mirror of our status in the faith. This aids to become better.

    That is why we should do what Jesus taught exactly. That these variances be no more but the ability to aid each other to full maturity in the Lord of Grace.  Everyone at the same level. That is what the Sacraments are for.  Prayer, time to work, time to love, time to be in subject to one another, time to do charity. To bring all of us to the place where we see each other reflected as loving angels.  We see joy in each other. We see love in each other. We see good in each other. We are at peace with each other. We naturally sing hymns, a few verses of scripture, pray out loud with each other, enjoy God with each other.

    The self help and self help just doesn't work any more.  Sure we have to take care of our bodies but, the spirit of our souls is what makes us healthy. The Eucharist is God come down to make us health. He imparts true health. He imparts perfection. God is Perfect Who descends in Species and then infuses these things into us that is Perfect. He is Perfect God is Perfect. The Eucharist is God.  The Perfect is in the Eucharist. Forget human thinking that is the 'letter'.  The spirit writes in hearts. We need to read the letter to get the spirit.

    Jesus said, be perfect as your Father in Heaven is Perfect.  Jesus was perfectly fused to the Father as Man.  What we must understand is that the Word of the Father, left his abode in Heaven from the Perfect Union with the Father and Holy Spirit, to become Man on Earth.  The Earth is in exile. We are all exiled on Earth, doesn't matter if you are non-believing, believe some occult, believe as atheist, believe in some thing, we our souls all are exiled on Earth.  God is the Father of all our 'souls'. God creates them.  Doesn't matter the condition and the status with which one was born. The soul is God's child comes from Him.  As for the next as true child of the Father, a soul must come to His House from exiled state  This Perfection is being in God. God the Perfect. By being attached to God who is Perfect we become perfect by sheer contact. That is one of the perfections. This how we start the road to perfection joined to the Perfection.

    The mystery is that God creates all souls.  Doesn't matter the condition of your family's belief what race, color of skin, language, the soul is God's.

    The human family is that consisting of the flesh part which descended from Grace.  Fell into slime. Lost Grace the union with God as one thing. Fusion. Understand this word and its true definition.  A soul is spirit generated by the Great Spirit, who is God.

    The human family was created by Adam. Originally by God for God is creator of Man. And then man decided to fumble the ball and miss the goal. Instead Satan scored the touchdown, and the winning team.  The human family is the result of Adam's Sin.  

    If Adam had not fallen, it would be Gods' Family in entirety because all would be in true union with God every soul.  The Father's House.

    This is quite difficult to really do justice.  It has been and will continue to.

    Because man has two portions, flesh from the soil of the earth and a soul from God this causes the complex confusion. I myself get lost in trying to explain.  But in prayer with showering of graces, it becomes clear. After the graces have done its work and subsides, I go back to the lost portion over time until I pray again.  That's how it is.  Progress of conversion. It is to become fully converted to become all love. The Love. The Love is perfection in every way. There is no reaction. It is perfect peace still and predominant. It is perfect joy where there is no ups and downs but steady.

    When we are truly attached to God and God being the Greater, we are in fact absorbed into God while on the earth to aid in our full conversion. The preparatory process to full realization of Love. Love encompasses God fully. Love is His Mantle sort of speaking. But Love is not just thought about loving, it is Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge. Jesus' Blood gives us Knowledge. In His Blood is Knowledge. His Blood gives Life to us to purify and sanctify us in levels and stages. A progression. Because to form a new thought takes time, like a seed. A thought comes to us. It is the seed of some thought. It then gets nurtured to mature and then becomes a tree with branches and fruit. Love is not just word, is everything that brings life to us.

    The soul is the essence of God. God generates life, the soul is this life which when first created is but an embryo and like all corporeal things has to mature, to give life to the flesh so the flesh can be animated. When the soul is in perfect union with God, the soul enhances the heart and the senses of man. To have a pure flesh that has no negative qualities. It is imbued with God's likeness and the soul then reflects God's image. Then the angels come to adore God in that soul that reflects God.

    The Life Christ speaks of and brings to us through the Holy Church in the Sacraments is the process of purification and sanctification needed to clean us up from all the evil. The benefit from this is we trample on all the power of evil who is our enemy, the enemy of God and Man. Man being God's most perfect creation to reflect God's power in image and likeness, to reflect as true sons of the Father Creator. The Triune God. The One God who in Three Persons is One Reality. God created to have love.
    The Father is Universal. To receive love from His creation and then being in union with God the creation loves one another and reflects the attributes and qualities of God-Love. To be all love. Thus all creation is all love. Love that encompasses all that there is. Man fully all love has true peace, true joy, true heart of goodness, reflects back to God all God's goodness and God is then happy and joyful.

    In true peace and joy reactions of human nature do not exist. Rather reflects constance. An ocean of peace and joy, an ocean that is perfectly without waves, but is gleaming the Sun where everything is reflecting beauty. The soul in perfect peace reflects perfectly because there are no waves. Smooth. No ripples. No tiny bits of any, just perfectly smooth like a mirror we look at. The mirror we have is corporeal in nature made from the earth. The incorporeal is what we are talking about here. The spirit in man. The Great Spirit is then perfectly reflected in the grand many little spirits. Like Father, like son.

    The true purpose of God through Christ is to this end. To transform man from the wavy, rippled spirit to the perfect smooth spirit. Ripples and waves cause up and down swings of emotions and sentiments which does not reflect God. When we look at the ocean and it is perfectly smooth the sun is perfectly reflected we can see the details closely. But when the ripples and waves are there the sun is not perfectly reflected but contorted and we see the ripples dividing up the perfect circle of the sun,

    But when we have Christ's in Full Body and Blood, the soul grows more and more retaining more and more and the spirit is not lost. But can recall at any time.  This is because one remains fused to God all the time, just like the angels the are in Heaven and are very much more fused to God then we are at present.  The Beatific Vision of God.

    When a soul reaches God in the Beatific Vision one look is all it takes and that soul has all that they did not know previously in one instant.  Boom!  All the knowledge is then received and retained perfectly and there is no need to 'recall' as we do here. Because the knowledge has been fused like an ocean into the being.  No compartmentalizing.  One time, one look at God and all becomes clear.  

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Mon Aug 26, 2024 7:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Number of posts : 4328

    God Is Simple Empty Re: God Is Simple

    Post by Poem Sun Aug 25, 2024 8:59 pm

    Several parts from Jesus' comments found in the Notebook of 1943 and the Gospel one of them.

    To Love Means (what it means to Love from God's Thought for us to start to begin our growth)

    To love means to live with one’s soul united, fused to a single fire which nourishes another soul. Then in fusion, understanding takes place.

    Notebook 1943 page 249 Victors Over the Beast

    Jesus the Vine

    I am the vine: you the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing.
    [John 15]

    I am the true vine; and my Father is the husbandman.
    [John 15]

    The Bread for Men to have Life  (Not human food but spiritual Food for souls to rise up)

    35 And Jesus said to them: I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall not hunger: and he that believeth in me shall never thirst.

    36 But I said unto you, that you also have seen me, and you believe not.  37 All that the Father giveth to me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me, I will not cast out.  38 Because I came down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him that sent me.  39 Now this is the will of the Father who sent me: that of all that he hath given me, I should lose nothing; but should raise it up again in the last day.  40 And this is the will of my Father that sent me: that every one who seeth the Son, and believeth in him, may have life everlasting, and I will raise him up in the last day.

    Believe means to have Faith and Trust in God alone

    47 Amen, amen I say unto you: He that believeth in me, hath everlasting life.  48 I am the bread of life.  

    Must believe He is God and came down for men.  That what He gives is Life for men and this is done by Him giving Himself Body and Blood. To believe to have Faith in Him. Then the Bread becomes Body and the Wine become Blood for you at the Table of Consecration.  Jesus could work no miracles because of lack of Faith in God.  Must believe and have Faith, even the size of a mustard seed. To grow this faith to have like the Mustard Tree branches with flowers and fruit.  Interesting God uses Mustard it is sometimes bitter sweet but one gets used to it.

    51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven.  52 If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world.  53 The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying: How can this man give us his flesh to eat?  54 Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you.  55 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day.

    As true faithful Catholics who have true faith and belief in God this is probably difficult to explain for the majority because we do not meditate on it. We simply believe.  As stated God is simple.

    But lets really dig in and understand more and have a better understanding of this.

    The Lord knows we are exiled on earth. Thus, the need from God to give from Heaven where His Beatific Presence is.  If we were not exiled that means we are in Grace fully as was Adam as was Jesus and as was Holy Mother who both had lived the Eucharistic Life.  She being the Mother of Jesus having Grace from birth. Jesus being the Incarnation of God being Born in Grace.  Grace to give to men.

    I am the Life and the Resurrection says He who is the eternally Immolated One.  I Am Life for your souls. Come to Me and receive this Life.  Do not be afraid of your sins what you have done.  My Blood will wash them when you confess them. I Am Faithful and Just.

    Abiding in the Vine

    56 For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed.  57 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him.  58 As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father; so he that eateth me, the same also shall live by me.

    There it is how to be in Jesus to actually possess Life who He is, He is Life.  

    Jesus said I am the Vine.  I am the Life. I am the Resurrection.

    The Vine where all necessary Life giving Sap is for the branches (each faithful believer)
    I am the Life.  He infuses this Life He is into us by abiding in Him.
    I am the Resurrection.  He raises us up on the Last Day, we partake in the true Resurrection to enter into Heaven.

    Jesus is our strength. He gives us the sap by abiding in Him done at Holy Communion. "Behold! "When  we eat this bread and drink this cup."

    God is simple.

    Thus when fused to the single fire of love, we are nourished and nourish each other, where true understanding takes place.  God is the Fire of Love.

    Here God the Father has His Fire and God the Son has His Fire, they together combined in the union of Fire, generate God the Holy Spirit the Super Fire.  Thus this Super Fire is Grace for spirits to be in union with Them.  When we reach Heaven this will become very clear. At the moment we labor. Then when we reach Heaven, we retire from our labors.

    "To love means to live with one’s soul united, fused to a single fire which nourishes another soul. Then in fusion, understanding takes place."

    "God is simple. The closer you come to God, the simpler you will become. You will feel in yourself increasingly the tedium and vanity of human science, including that aimed at God, but written by man. The more God speaks to you, the more you will feel the suffering of the harsh, bitter sound of human words compared to the most sweet supernatural tone of my word. Don't worry yourself with many doctrines; don't fetter yourself with many rules. Be simple and free. Upon you may there be only the light yoke which is not a weight, but a wing--My yoke." Jesus' yoke.

    When attached united to the single fire, one understands more and more. Growth.

    To God be the Glory! Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen

    Peace be with you always

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