Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Sacrament of Holy Communion


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    Sacrament of Holy Communion Empty Sacrament of Holy Communion

    Post by Poem

    To begin, do you believe Jesus' words what He said My Body is Food indeed and My Blood is Drink indeed?

    If you do, you are 'believer'.  If you take them as He said, then you are  Faithful Believer.

    1 You believe.
    2 You acted on the belief and act.  Faithful Believer.


    Holy Communion is a  Sacrament given by the Founder of the Religion: One Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church for the lives of His Flock.   His.

    Let's see this in action.

    First it is all 'spirit' which gives 'life'.  My words are spirit and life.  I am the Way, the Truth, the Life.  I am the Resurrection and the Life.  I AM.   GOD.  Thus, we are in the time of great seduction where idolatry is the greatest in all of man's history.  Can you believe this?  Where everything under sun has become an 'idol.'  Thus idolatry.

    Lets begin this great lesson which many are still greatly illiterate in.

    Jesus said I Am the Bread of Heaven.  Your's and My Father has sent the True Bread.  His Name is Jesus Christ.  In Latin GESU CRISTO.  What does His Name Mean?


    Jesus is the Priest today.  He is Praying the Mass.  
    He takes the Chalice and fills it.  He has what He calls multiplication miracle.  He takes the loaf of Bread and places it on top of the Chalice gives thanks and blesses.

    He says, This is My Body.  Do this in remembrance of Me who has physically gone away.  But is now present with you.   He passes out His Body to all that are there.

    He then takes the Chalice and says, This Chalice is the New Alliance in My Blood and through My Blood which has been shed for you to remit your sins and give you the Life, do this in remembrance of Him who has gone away physically but is now present with you to give you the Life and I will raise you up on the Last Day. Two reasons for His Blood is given and then you drink. Get this point now. First He shed it and then gives it for our Life and then because He gives it, The Blood gives the power to raise one up to Life.
    Washing the Sins for our puny minds means Medicine to 'cure'. There it is.

    We go to Confession to admit our faults and spill our guts out for the wrongs committed then we go and Drink His Blood to get it washed and cured. Some sins take a few times because it is deeply rooted. Some peoples sins never are cured because they have no Blood to Drink.

    There He is right there.  He is present. He is multiplying Himself in Body and Blood.

    Can you believe it?  This is spirit and life.  It is one thing. God is Spirit and Life His attributes, qualities, what He is. He is these.

    Man who is still the base creature acts in the letter of things when it comes to something written. He cannot equate ink to something spirit and remains in the letter. Ah, what? Spirit? I feel nothing spirit here..!?!?

    An architect imagines a building, a structure, a statue, a something that needs to be constructed with materials.  I'm sure some imagine intangible things.  Like an artist that imagines something and then works to draw it.

    The spirit means to see beyond ink and structure what is corporeal, what is material.  God created a soul and a spirit from His own Essence that which is 'spirit' to create a spirit.  Thus everything with God is 'Spirit'.

    The dullness of the base creature we all have and it is called flesh and blood only understands what is base:  feel, see, touch, smell. If it is not any of these it scratches its head and says 'huh'?  Because it is not 'Spirit' in nature.  Nature as in it was not given anything spirit into its properties. It is based on mud. Mud is tiny bits of crushed rock and minerals with water added.  Base creature.

    The spiritual part comes from the Spiritual Creator.  The Creator is Spiritual in Nature.  What is not material and what is not corporeal.   We have to get a handle on this.  We are two parts.  The flesh and blood is made of mud the soil of earth with water from above and below.

    It is totally and completely made to be a base creature.  Think of flowers.

    It is dressing for the soul.  The soul is the pearl of great price of priceless value to God which Satan wants it too. But Satan is a thief. He steals.

    The soul belongs to God and it was not exiled when created.

    Jesus comes to us in spirit and truth to give Himself as 'Life' for the regenerated souls that were previously not baptized and stained with Sin of Origin.  To raise to 'Life.'  We don't need a million pages to explain life once one is 'spirit'.  We just need God to maintain our Holy Communion.  Those words become the starting point and as one goes up higher and higher, love becomes everything, you change, we change, we become more like God in this changing because that is what God wants for us to be 'his sons.'  Sons of the Father that are 'spirits' of the Father.  Spirit Father, spirit sons. Spirit all Spiritual family.

    The Mud is the dressing that graces the soul with.  A touch of earth.

    Thus they (are on opposites it seems back and forth can't get a handle on things continue to change things what does the Bible say about those given to much change?) Rome over on the other side of the world has no clue? could be worse ? and listens to the pit and thus error continues.

    If you studied the words of Jesus in the Dictations, after a while you understand why the Antichrist wins for a period.  Too many dull supposed teachers who haven't matured and gave into the lower nature, idolatrous, read Ezekiel, the prophetic book with many pages.  

    The first error in the Beginning remains which the error is disobedience at heart but, man wants to be 'better' than God for some reason.  I still haven't figured that out.  God calls this pride. We think we know better and more than God. We try to be creative in a sense. We try to do things differently rather than follow something 'precise' that works. In this case it is about ones 'life.'  Our life.  No one understands life like God does. Life.  

    The belief is this they do not believe My Body is Food and My Blood is Drink.  So they commit sacrilege and create an heresy of this Miracle given by The Founder of Our Religion.  Which opens the way to the minions of the Abyss to do their dastardly evil things on creatures who God wants to save.  They failed to do what God has given to man to be lords of the earth.  It all goes back to man failing to obey God.  The First consequence. God gave to man the earth to be the lords of.  He then listens to a woman that was seduced by the Snake and children die.  No love for your own brothers. We all come from one flesh: Adam. We all come from one God, The Father, The Word and the Fire of Love.  God, One Reality, One God.
    In Heaven it is one race one language one peoples.  Still don't get it.  Satan divides people.  Separation.  

    Now next scenario:

    A base creature is Praying Mass.  They prep the table with wine and wafers.  Opens the book and reads tons of words. Sounds like a soliloquy where angels yawn and fall asleep. They are not excited.

    Faith. Jesus could work no miracles in his home town. They ridiculed Him, mocked Him. They simply did not believe.  Faith separates base creatures.  

    Base creatures should not pray the Mass.  They think as mud thinks. They see a bread and wine and say things like well Jesus is present. Hey! Jesus is Present! Wow!  

    He said, take and eat, take and drink. If you do this you will have the Life and I will raise you up on the Last Day.  Meaning I AM Food for you. To a great extent did Jesus reveal and teach in the short time of His three years of ministry that He is the Bread from Heaven, greater than Moses. God came to be with Man in the Flesh! All His words are for us! Our souls! For Life! To have Life! God's Life. God coming to save us from Death!.

    Consequently Two Last Days, First one is when your soul detaches from your fleshy heart and appears before Jesus Christ --this is called pre-judgment and then the Last Day where we all get our bodies back attached to the soul and stand before God the Judge to be separated for all Eternity.  The Saved and Redeemed go with Jesus, The Father, the Holy Spirit, Mother of Jesus, Joseph, angels and saints to the New Earth and the New Heavens.  I won't say where the others that were not 'Raised' Up on the Last Day goes.

    Raised up means your spirit is raised to Life.  

    The 7 Sacraments become belittled when Holy Communion, Breaking of the Bread is not done right. You have base creatures as Catholics rather than living spirits in Christ.  Sure you are regenerated but has your spirit matured?  Grace is for the Faithful. The New Rite is not the Old Rite.

    And God offsets where priests are not available. For God is Just.

    But in the New Rite where there are lots of Priests, things must be done according to the Lords Way. What He said to do.  How many Catholics will the Lord Himself have to put in Purgatory due to the lack of truly following the proper way?

    Think about it like this, if the priests did exactly as Jesus taught, the world would be less idolatrous.

    They simply do not understand 'spirit.'

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Sat Aug 10, 2024 4:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Post Wed Aug 07, 2024 5:24 pm by Poem

    It is however unfortunate that there are two schools of performing Holy Communion.

    One is to give just the Bread and the other maintains Christ's Teaching as is.

    So which one listens?  Obeys Christ?

    Which one is seduced by man and Satan?

    One says, He is Present and then after 15 or 20 minutes of digestive action He is gone from you. Once the digestion takes place the Presence is vanished. Disappears. Before acids in your stomach take action to break down the substance into nourishment of the wafer stamped out. Twisting of words. Hey, you won't die! You become gods! God is in you for the total 15-20 minutes, you're lucky to have God!  

    Lets be real here and Not stupid. Do not insult my intelligence.

    The other says, He becomes Food. Humble meek become saints.

    One is an grave error which constitutes graveness due to the fact that they say He is Present and not Food.  A sacrilege and a heresy.

    The Other obeys and lives and has true life and will be raised up on the last day x2.

    Which one has true Life?  

    Which becomes like Christ? Christ Likeness? Which one is spirit? Which one is letter? In fact it says faithless and thus tons of words are spoken.  They simply cannot fathom because they are still base creatures.  

    Which one is of an Pharisaical nature and likeness and which is one is humbled and bowed?

    The beattitudes speaks of to surpass the Pharisees.  The Pharisees never graduated. They remained embryonic base creatures.

    Might as well go join the Protestorsants. Falsehood. The Lie.  

    A believer trying to believe is looking for the truth and is told that the Church is Christ's Church where in Truth is.
    They read the Gospels. They learn one by one the faith through Christ's teachings.  They join the One Holy Church. They go to Mass and receive a wafer (When Both are not given Christ does not honor) The Chariots of Fire said a truth. If you honor God, God honors you.  Now this new Catholic is questioning which one is real and true? The Gospel or what this new fangled lie is?  He/she doesn't know the real truth here. So they may stay or may leave because they heard in the depths of their souls that the Gospel is the Truth and this lie is a lie.  Simple. A lie is always known.  A lie is told by liars and they lie with greatest ease and get used to it. So they the liars tell lies as you would tell the truth.

    So if you do not honor Christ's teachings you are not honored.

    Let's say there are 4 steps to doing something to completion.  But if one does deviate in any, of the steps, the thing is not completed in the whole.  At the step where the deviation is done is where they need to correct to be able to complete the whole.  

    God said a simple few words to Adam.  Do not eat from the tree in the middle. In the day you do you will die the death..  It can't get any simpler than that.  How can you not understand this?  It is point blank.  If you pass gas on your wifes face she will swat you maybe even do worse.  Do you think she won't?  It is simple. You do what God commands. In fact it was life's counsel. God counseled and gave good advice to Adam to keep Adam from death.  To keep one's life healthy without the input of evil.

    Here Jesus is telling man to do the same.  Life's counsel.  If you eat and drink you live and I will raise you up on the last day.  If you don't you die. That simple.  Same advice as God gave to Adam about life. And they don't believe you will die because they hang on the words Jesus said: If you believe in the Son of Man you will live.

    But if you do believe in Him, then you continue to read to find out more. If you believe Him then you believe in Him. And you believe everything from Him which He teaches how to increase your living condition as living spirits.  To have life abundantly in your spirit.   Life is about spirits. Jesus said my words are 'spirit' and life. Life for your spirits.  

    There Jesus teaches to be virtuous.  Thus He gives Himself as Food to help you become virtuous. He gives the power of Life to have Life and live the Life.  To be like God in the end.  Image and Likeness to God. God's only Begotten is the true Likeness and Image of God thus, the Only Begotten gives Himself to convert us into Himself to be Like Himself and God is Himself.  

    Those who believe the letter and remain in the letter are still base creatures and their lives show it.

    The life is for spirits.  Not for the garment. The Word of God when reading it does work on your spirits not your human counter part.  The soul is to be saved not the garment. The garment is clothing and unique it is your cloak, coat that is put on the soul.  The soul is eternal being as in it will always exist. It can exist alive, thriving in Grace vivified by Grace or dead and existing while here and then burning in the Abyss.  That contrast exists but denied.

    Why? Evil exists it's name is Satan. He is in Hell roaming the earth with his minions.

    Peace be with you always


    Post Mon Sep 09, 2024 4:01 pm by Poem

    Continue the teaching of The Bread of Heaven, The Bread from Heaven.

    Jesus is the Bread of Heaven, from Heaven.  The Bread from Heaven.  

    St. John's sermon in Book 2 explains in seraphims words, (being St.John) that he eats from the Bread of Christ.  This is way before Jesus speaks about Himself being the Bread from Heaven.  He learned by Spirit.  John the pure and innocent one.  He was in his early 20's when Jesus said 'Come follow Me.'  John, then left or moved into Christ's school from the 'precusor' to the 'Full Blown.'  St. John being the 'pre-Christ' being the precursor to the Messiah, thus pre-.  In simple terms that's what St. John the Baptist was.  The voice in the wilderness. But is greatest I think in Heaven among the brothers.

    How many precursors are there to-date?  Well, those like John?  We have Grace today.  

    The priests who live the pious holy life are such I would gather in thought. But who are the voices of the Voice?  In The Church Militant?  The Body of Christ, the mystical Body is one body.  But in three parts for our thinking to handle.  Purgatory, Earth, Heaven. It is mystical still even after we know that there are three parts but joined by God in the Communion of Saints. A spiritual body. Our souls are joined in union to Christ to one another mystically. I am using this word lately which means it is mystical -> mystery.

    The Bread from Heaven, is Jesus Christ. John fed on this bread, so did the First Apostles and those disciples believed that believed in Christ.  When He spoke to teach or correct, they ate the Bread from Heaven.

    Let's clarify a big obscure point here.  The Bread of Heaven is Food for man.  Spiritual Food. Comes in several forms. God covers all the forms we need because we are broken by Sin. The Sin of Origin.

    One-- To read and meditate on the Life of Jesus. The Life of Jesus is the Gospel. The Gospel is Good News. The Holy Spirit is the Author and inspired the Gospel to other men to write for coming generations of Christians, these being the Four Evangelists of the New Testament, and to evangelize mankind calling mystically to the souls.  In the depths of their souls.  The Holy Spirit is at work 24 hours a day non-stop, tireless, to all souls below Heaven to come to Christ to be saved.  Unless the Father draws to Christ. So, who does the drawing here? The Father. How? The Holy Spirit.  What does the Holy Spirit have access to?  The Church the entire Church, Heaven, Earth, Purgatory.  Wherever a soul exists in Her.  The One Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church, created by the Founder Jesus Christ and the Author The Holy Spirit but came from the Father. So All three are involved as they are 'inseparable'.  The Trine God.  The Holy Trinity. The Triune God.  However three words you use.  However avoid error.  We sometimes slip and the human evaluation words popup.  The lower man.

    The Gospel in ink is then, what the Holy Spirit is able to speak about to find and read it.  The Holy Spirit may inspire in this fashion but not limited to this fashion:  Find the Bible read the New Testament starting with Matthew. Or Some human being may utter the exact same words but he/she is inspired by the Holy Spirit.

    When Mary said "I am the handmaid of the Lord be it done according what you have said" to the Angel Gabriel, the Holy Spirit came to the Earth in Her womb only?  Good point to consider.  The Mystical Virgin Mary, Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God Incarnate.  What a powerful benign thing occurred here!  Some comments by Jesus explains but, one must be in 'Spirit' and matured to recognize.  

    The Fire Baptism of the Holy Spirit is different in that this Fire came to cleanse mans brain from things not useful for the man. To make man spirit, all spirit. The brain has all kinds of dross.  The brain needs to have only Light not darkness with tons of dross. Needs to be clear of darkness and dross.  So the Holy Spirit appeared as Flaming Tongues on the foreheads of the Apostles to clear the dross bring light to illuminate, and enlighten the man entirely.  Christ works on the heart of man and soul of man and the brain, or the mind of man, making man all spirit one and whole tip to stern. Body and Blood for the human part that fell and corrupted the soul.  His Body and Blood is united to His Soul and Divinity.  United to.  

    We feel our brains are not following our hearts or our souls because the brain became dross again with human things, worldly things, what is flesh to flesh.  So then the brain needs to have the Fire come and burn up the dross.
    So the brain is now in charge of human things to human worldly things not what is spirit.  Have to ask the Holy Spirit to 'refresh' the Baptism by Fire. Read tons of Scripture memorize them in the brain too!  Bring light back to your brain.

    Jesus is the Word of the Father- Wisdom of The Father--- Thus Bread of Heaven-- Spiritual Food for our souls.
    I AM the Bread of Heaven. I Am in Heaven as Bread for your souls.

    Next the Eucharist contains the Bread from Heaven, because Jesus Christ is the Bread from Heaven.

    The Eucharist is His Body and Blood united to His Soul and Divinity.

    The teaching about The Flesh being His Body and the Wine being is Blood, is only after He transubstantiates them at the consecration.  Jesus is is always the Bread of Heaven.  His words feed souls.  My words are: "Spirit and Life."

    My Body and Blood gives you Life so the Bread I am can feed your spirits.  Spiritual Food any way you look at it.  All of Food. The Sin required Antidote and medicine for sick by Sin souls.

    What does Isaiah state?  

    3 Despised, and the most abject of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with infirmity: and his look was as it were hidden and despised, whereupon we esteemed him not.  4 Surely he hath borne our infirmities and carried our sorrows: and we have thought him as it were a leper, and as one struck by God and afflicted  [Isaias (Isaiah) 53]  5 But he was wounded for our iniquities, he was bruised for our sins: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his bruises we are healed.  

    Jesus came and took all our sins upon Himself instead of us individually having to wipe them. Which cannot be done by a sin stained being.  The Sin brought to man, in all his parts, sickness, diseases, infirmities, deformities, and all this horrid we do not comprehend.  Made man degraded, shipwrecks, ruins.  If we could see the first man and the first woman how they were perfectly created inside and out, with no diseases, no sickness, no deformities, no infirmities, we would then comprehend, the words in Isaiah and then understand Jesus' Death, Jesus' work, Jesus' miracle called the Eucharist.   But we do not. We don't know. So He aids us by depositing on earth.

    Teaching, The Scriptures,  everything to lead us to 'read' and pray and partake.  We are the horses that Lord is saying there is water.  

    “You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink”. It basically means that you can do everything in your power to help someone, but you can't force them to accept your help no matter how much you are convinced that “it” will help them.

    Man has free will and intelligence given by God. Thus the horse is us in this idiom. You can lead the to the Source but the horse has to feed on the Source.

    The Bread of Heaven is Jesus Christ, spiritual and corporeal Food, sanctification, purifies us for the Holy Spirit to come and alight!

    The Sacraments.  The Holy Spirit is in reality a Sacrament, just as Jesus is a Sacrament.  What is the Eucharist?

    Peace be with you always


    Post Mon Sep 09, 2024 4:21 pm by Poem

    Words from St. John's sermon portion. Stephen the martyr asks John who was your master before.  Stephen is later martyred.  To clarify, This is Stephen the martyr asking John.

    Book 2 chapter 166. The First Sermon of Simon the Zealot and John.

    « But who was your master before? »

    « No one but God. Because I received my spiritual milk from John, the presanctified of God, now I eat the bread of Christ, the Word of God, and I drink God's fire that comes to me from Heaven. Glory be to the Lord! »

    I have not written to you as to them that know not the truth, but as to them that know it: and that no lie is of the truth. [1 John 2:21]

    1 Spiritual milk as babes drink the sincere milk of God.
    2 The Bread now as more than a babe but a seraph capable of flight and orbiting around the Christ. Christ the Sun.

    As Christians we drink spiritual milk first and someone or some Christians in our life contribute milk, for those born in Catholicism as in your parents that are true believers, gave you milk.  Prayer, reading scripture, forming your spirits to become adult spirits to feed on the Bread of Heaven.

    Atheists are not born with Catholics parents and are given milk by reading and praying. God is able to nourish us without the need for parents partaking of the Sacraments and it can be a long and arduous road to finding the Bread of Heaven as Food.

    The Sacraments are Medicine and Grace all there one after the other.  

    Baptism to wash the Stain of Original Sin,
    Confession to tell the Lord our problems,
    Holy Communion to receive His Multipurpose that really is simplified by Him so we just need to believe it.
    Holy Spirit. Not really understood as a Sacrament.
    and the others.

    Holy Orders
    Holy Matrimony
    Corporal and Incorporeal works of Charity

    Peace be with you always


    Post Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:22 pm by Poem

    St. John the Baptist was pre-sanctified in the womb. Where the babe leaped after hearing the voice of the Virgin Mary.

    Luke's Gospel

    41 And it came to pass, that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:

    What we should see and conclude to is 'the babe' here. Was pre-sanctified. Yet both were affected Elizabeth and John. Elizabeth was the pre-cursors mother. So what is her position with God? What is her status?

    Now we can learn more indepth.

    You and your wife are Catholic Christians. The wife is pregnant with child. You both are faithful believers who follow and obey. What happens to the infant in the womb? The child still needs to be baptized by water to remove the Stain of Origin, and then, be baptized with the Fire of the Holy Spirit, but this child is held in God's hand and is a sacred being. God's child twice over. First because the soul is God's child and then because you and wife are faithful believers, the child is nurtured from the womb, and then follows and becomes faithful and obeys God.

    The lesson is quite deep. But simple. If we take to human evaluation, we think humanly rather than spiritually. Of course we want what is best for the child to be as Christ to others. To be this light and have graces flowing over flowing. Having given to God following the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary as She brought Her child to the priest to be consecrated to the Lord and then teaching the child, giving it milk spiritually and physically. To care for the well being of the spiritual as well as the physical. Corporeal and incorporeal. So what happens is we end up resuming what God wants. To restore all beings to the point of 'no sin'. Sin remains for a reason because first Adam fumbled. But now we have Salvation from this. We still have to labor. It is laboring in spirit that God wants for us to come out of the human error. To evaluate spiritually with the aid of Heaven. To make spiritual beings.

    This is more or less general explanation. Life is full of laboring for our souls to become all love as God is Himself all love. The ways of Charity.

    Peace be with you always

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