Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    At The Crucifixion A Few Words


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    At The Crucifixion A Few Words Empty At The Crucifixion A Few Words

    Post by Poem

    When we have understood that Jesus was edged on by Satan to stop His mission while in Israel, then we can then try to understand how much Satan tried to stop Jesus more closely while Jesus is nailed and hanging on the Scaffold.

    The Pharisees, Herodians, Scribes, Sadduccees are taunting Jesus. Hey! If you are truly the Son of God come down from there right this minute!  Oh, you are a false Messiah! You are not the Expected One. The Anointed One! Come down from there. Show us your true power if you have it! You raised a few from the dead now raise yourself!  Words to this affect.  

    It is really Satan using these souls that are sold to him.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Sun Aug 18, 2024 12:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Post Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:26 pm by Poem

    Book 5
    Chapter 599 The Agony and the Arrest at Gethsemane.
    The section of Jesus' Comments after the Vision of the above

    15th February 1944.

    Jesus says:

    « You contemplated the sufferings of My spiritual agony on Thursday evening. You saw your Jesus collapse like a man struck mortally, who feels his life flee through the wounds bleeding him, or like a person overwhelmed by a psychic trauma exceeding his strength. You saw the growing phases of the trauma culminate in the shedding of blood brought about by the circulatory unbalance that had been provoked by the effort of controlling Myself and withstanding the burden that had fallen upon Me.

    I was, I am, the Son of the Most High God. But I was also the Son of man. I want this double nature of Mine, equally complete and perfect, to emanate very clearly from these pages.

    My word, which has accents that only a God can have, bears witness to My Divinity. My necessities and passions, and the sufferings that I show you and I suffered in My flesh of a true Man, and that I propose to you as an example for your humanity, as I teach your spirits with My doctrine of true God, bear witness to My Humanity.

    Both My most holy Divinity and My most perfect Humanity, in the course of ages, through the breaking up action of "your" imperfect humanity, have resulted disparaged and distorted in their explanation. You have made My Humanity appear unreal, inhumane, as you have made My divine figure look small, denying so many parts of it, because it was not convenient for you to recognise them or that you could no longer recognise with your spirits impaired by the tabes of vice and atheism, of humanism, of rationalism.

    I am coming, in this tragic hour, a prodrome of universal misfortunes, to call My double figure of God and of Man back to your minds, so that you may know it for what it is, you may recognise it after so much obscurantism, with which you have concealed it from your spirits, and you may love it and go back to it and save yourselves by means of It. It is the figure of your Saviour and he, who knows it and loves it, will be saved.

    In these past days I have made you acquainted with My physical sufferings. They tortured My Humanity. I have made you acquainted with My moral sufferings, as connected, interlaced, blended with My Mother's, as are the inextricable lianas of the equatorial forests, which cannot be parted in order to cut only one, but it is necessary to break them with a single stroke of a hatchet to force one's way through, killing them all together; just like the veins of a body, one alone of which cannot be deprived of blood, because only one liquid fills them all; better still, as it is not possible to prevent the creature that is forming in its mother's womb from dying, if its mother dies, because it is the life, the warmth, the nourishment, the blood of the mother that, with a rhythm responding to the movement of the mother's heart, penetrates through the internal membranes, as far as the baby-to-be, making it a complete living being.

    She, oh! She, My pure Mother, bore Me not only for the nine months during which every woman bears the fruit of man, but for all Her life. Our hearts were united by spiritual fibres and they always beat together, and no motherly tear ever fell without leaving a trace of its salt on My heart, and there has never been any internal moaning of Mine that did not resound in Her, awakening Her grief.

    You feel sorry for the mother of a son destined to death by an incurable disease, for the mother of a man condemned to death by the rigour of human justice. But think of My Mother Who, from the moment She conceived Me, trembled considering that I was the Condemned One, think of this Mother Who, when She gave Me Her first kiss on the delicate rosy flesh of Her new-born baby, felt the future wounds of Her Child, think of this Mother Who would have given Her life ten, a hundred, a thousand times to prevent Me from becoming a Man and arriving at the moment of the Sacrifice, think of this Mother Who was aware of and had to desire that dreadful hour to accept the will of the Lord, for the glory of the Lord, out of kindness towards Mankind. No, there has been no agony that lasted longer and ended in a greater grief than My Mother's.

    And there has been no greater and more complete sorrow than Mine. I was One with the Father. He had loved Me from eternity as God alone can love. He had taken delight in Me and had found His divine joy in Me. And I had loved Him as a God alone can love, and in My union with Him I had found My divine joy. The ineffable relationship that ab aeterno ties the Father to the Son cannot be explained to you even by My Word, because while it is perfect, your intelligence is not, and you cannot understand and know what God is until you are with Him in Heaven. Well, like water that rises and presses against a dam, I felt the rigour of the Father grow hourly towards Me.

    As evidence against brute-men, who did not want to understand who I was, during the time of My public life, He had opened Heaven three times at the Jordan, at the Tabor and in Jerusalem on the eve of My Passion. But He had done that for men, not to give relief to Me. I was already the Expiator.

    Many times, Mary, God makes men become acquainted with one of His servants, so that through him they may be roused and dragged to Him, but that happens also through the suffering of that servant. It is he who, by eating the bitter bread of God's rigour, pays personally for the comfort and salvation of his brothers. Is it not so? The victims of expiation know the rigour of God. Then comes the glory. But after Justice has been appeased. It is not the same as happens with My Love, that kisses His victims. I am Jesus, I am the Redeemer, He Who has suffered and knows, by personal experience, how painful it is to be looked at by God with severity and be abandoned by Him, and I am never severe, and I never abandon anyone. I consume just the same, but through the fire of love.

    The more the hour of expiation approached, the more I felt the Father move away. The more I was separated from the Father, the less My Humanity felt it was supported by the Divinity of God. And because of that I suffered in every possible way. The separation from God brings fear, attachment to life, languor, tiredness, boredom. The deeper it is, the stronger are its consequences. When it is total, it leads to despair. And the more he who, by God's decree, experiences it, without having deserved it, the more he suffers, because the living spirit feels the excision from God, as live flesh feels the excision of a limb. It is a sorrowful prostrating stupor that one, who has not experienced it, cannot understand.

    I experienced it. I had to know everything in order to be able to plead with the Father for everything in your favour. Even for your despair. Oh, I experienced what it means to say: "I am alone. Everybody has betrayed and abandoned Me. Even the Father, even God no longer assists Me". And that is why I work mysterious wonders of grace in poor hearts overwhelmed by despair, and I ask My beloved ones to drink the cup of so bitter an experience, so that they, those who are shipwrecked in the sea of despair, may not decline to accept the cross that I offer as anchor and salvation, but they may grasp at it and I may take them to the blessed shore where only peace reigns.

    On Thursday evening, I alone know whether I needed My Father! I was a spirit already in agony because of the effort of having to overcome the two greatest sorrows of a man: to say goodbye to a beloved mother, to have an unfaithful friend close by. They were two sores that scorched My heart: the former with Her tears, the latter with his hatred.

    I had to share My bread with My Cain. I had to speak to him in a friendly manner in order not to denounce him to the others, as I was afraid they might react violently, and in order to avoid a crime, which in any case would have been useless, as everything was already written in the great book of life: both My holy Death and Judas' suicide. Any other death was useless and disapproved of by God. No other blood but Mine was to be shed, and was not shed. The halter strangled that life, shutting up his impure blood, which had been sold to Satan, in the filthy sack of the traitor's body, blood that was not to be mixed, falling on the Earth, with the most pure blood of the Innocent.

    Those two sores would have been sufficient to make Me suffer agony in My Ego. But I was the Expiator, the Victim, the Lamb. A lamb, before being sacrificed, experiences the red-hot brand, it suffers blows, it endures being shorn and sold to a butcher. And finally it feels the cold of the knife that cuts its throat, bleeds it and kills it. First it must leave everything: the pasture where it was brought up, its mother at whose breast it was nourished and warmed, the companions with which it lived. Everything. I, the Lamb of God, experienced everything.

    That is why Satan came, when the Father was retiring in Heaven. He had already come at the beginning of My mission, to tempt Me in order to divert Me from it. He was now coming back again. It was his hour. The hour of the satanic sabbath.

    Crowds and crowds of devils were on the Earth that night, to accomplish the seduction of hearts and make them willing to request the killing of the Christ the following day. Each member of the Sanhedrin had his own, Herod had his, so had Pilate, and every single Judaean who would invoke My Blood upon himself. Also beside the apostles there were their tempters, who made them drowsy while I was languishing, and who prepared them to be cowardly. Take notice of the power of purity. John, the pure disciple, was the first among all of them to free himself from the demoniac claws, and he came at once near his Jesus and understood His unexpressed desire, and brought Mary to Me.

    But Judas had Lucifer, and I had Lucifer. Judas in his heart, I beside Me. We were the two main characters of the tragedy, and Satan was attending personally to both of us. After leading Judas to the point from which he could not withdraw, he turned towards Me.

    With perfect artifice he showed Me the torments of the flesh with unsurpassable realism. Also in the desert he had started from the flesh. I defeated him by praying. The spirit dominated the fear of the flesh.

    He then showed Me the uselessness of My death, and the usefulness of living for My own sake, without worrying Myself about ungrateful men, leading a rich happy life full of love. Living for My Mother, ensuring that She did not suffer. Living so that by means of a long apostolate I could take back to God many men, who, if I had died, would forget Me, whereas, if I had been their Master not for three years, but for many many years, would end up by becoming one with My doctrine. His angels would help Me to seduce men. Could I not see that the angels of God were not intervening to assist Me? Later, God would forgive Me seeing the crowds of believers that I would lead back to Him. Also in the desert he had tried to convince Me to tempt God through imprudence. I defeated him by praying. The spirit dominated moral temptation.

    He showed Me My abandonment by God. He, the Father, no longer loved Me. I was laden with the sins of the world. I disgusted Him. He was absent and was leaving Me to Myself. He was surrendering Me to the mockery of a cruel crowd. And He would not even grant Me His divine comfort. I was alone, all alone. In that hour there was but Satan near the Christ. God and men were absent, because they did not love Me. They hated Me or were uninterested. I prayed to cover the satanic words with My prayers. But My prayer no longer ascended to God. It fell back on Me, like stones of lapidation and crushed Me under its rubble. My prayer, that had always been for Me like a caress given to the Father, a voice that ascended and was answered by a fatherly caress and word, was now dead, heavy, uttered in vain to a closed Heaven.

    I then tasted the bitterness of the bottom of the cup. The flavour of despair. It was what Satan wanted: to lead Me to despair, to make Me a slave of his. I overcame despair and I overcame it only with My power, because I wanted to defeat it. Only with My strength of a Man. I was nothing but the Man. And I was nothing but a man no longer helped by God. When God helps you, it is easy to lift even the world and hold it up like a child's toy. But when God does not help us any more, even the weight of a flower is a burden to us.

    I defeated despair and Satan, its creator, in order to serve God and you, by giving you the Life. But I became acquainted with Death. Not with the physical death of crucifixion - that was not so dreadful - but with the total conscious Death of the fighter who falls after triumphing, with a broken heart and blood pouring out of him in the trauma of an effort exceeding all endurance. And I sweated blood. I sweated blood to be faithful to God's will.

    That is why the angel of My sorrow showed Me the hopes of all those who have been saved through My sacrifice, as a medicine for My dying.

    Your names! Each name was a drop of medicine instilled into My veins to invigorate them and make them function, each of them was for Me life coming back, light coming back, strength coming back. During the cruel tortures, to avoid shouting My grief of Man, and in order not to despair of God and say that He was too severe and unjust to His Victim, I repeated your names to Myself, I saw you. Since then I blessed you. Since then I have carried you in My heart. And when the time came for you to be on the Earth, I leaned out of Heaven to accompany your coming, rejoicing at the thought that
    a fresh flower of love was born in the world and would have lived for Me.

    Oh! My blessed ones! The comfort of the dying Christ! My Mother, the Disciple, the pious Women were present at My death, and you were there as well. My dying eyes saw, with the tormented face of My Mother, also your loving ones, and they closed thus, happy to be closed because they had saved you, who deserve the Sacrifice of a God. »

    Peace be with you always


    Post Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:48 pm by Poem

    Lets focus on these words these few sentences.

    "With perfect artifice he showed Me the torments of the flesh with unsurpassable realism. Also in the desert he had started from the flesh. I defeated him by praying. The spirit dominated the fear of the flesh."

    Jesus is telling us Satan always starts with the flesh, our flesh first then once he has planted his yeast and it festers and grows he has made his way in and then the rest is child's play for him to seduce to greater and greater vices.  

    Once one sins, that is acts on Satan's instigation, telling you edging you to do it, one loses Grace.  One has to go to Confession and then work on getting rid of the yeast formed plant, which is what a bird dropped which becomes ivy, couchgrass, darnel on the flesh. This stuff here needs weedkiller it's called Confession and the Sacrament of Holy Communion with Christ's Blood. When we sin, our blood is then injected with Satan's venom and requires the Blood of God -Christ, God-Man to cure.  The yeast of Satan is insatiable it works for you to go back for more until you are completely and utterly dead.  

    Christ's -His Blood does this.

    Satan's venom does this.

    Get this true point now!  You have a drug addict in your life, could be family, friend, lover, any form of.   Some 1 in 20 are able to overcome. The others overdose.  The ones that overcome are aided by good will of the spiritual kind. We are in a spiritual warfare regardless of if you are believer or non-believer. Satan is a spirit of Evil bent on ruling.  The drug user has a another form of yeast from Satan the added kind.  Compounded.  

    Now it is better to not be of another kind but just noisy kind of demons that harass you to do something but you don't. You repel it because it disgusts you or you simply just don't care for it.  But once you do the yeast has been planted.  You know what yeast is right?  It causes quick action to rise up.  A speeder upper material thing. Satan's yeast is meant for the flesh to speeder upper the vice and this vice grows and grows quickly.

    We want God's yeast.

    We need to be with those of the same mind and activities that think on higher things and live holy and pure lives. The world is sold to Satan.  Demons everywhere.  Just by walking into a store owned by a Satanist who uses spells, magic, sorcery you are then? What do you think?  Thus need to be in Grace. Grace keeps the monster away, and does not affect harm touch.  Grace is God.  We have God and God is the Strongest and Satan flees. The Cross of Christ. Be filled with God.

    From the Holy Hour of Jesus 1944 Notebook

    “I Jesus, do not separate you from My Altar even if you come to it with your souls damaged by wounds and diseases or wrapped in lianas of passions which humiliate you in your spiritual freedom, handing you over, bound, to the power of the flesh and its king: Lucifer.

    What is his work then? Lucifer's

    “That still wasn’t enough for Me. I wanted—since to feel compassion one must suffer what those for whom compassion is felt suffer—to feel the assault of all the feelings to feel your struggles, to grasp the crafty tyranny Satan puts into your blood, to understand how easy it is to remain hypnotized by the Serpent if one lowers one’s gaze for a single moment towards his seductive glance, forgetting to live in the light. Because the snake does not live in the light. He goes into the shadowy recesses which look restful, but are only treacherous. For you these shadows have a name: woman, money, power, selfishness, sensuality, and ambition. For you they eclipse the Light that is God. In their midst is the Serpent: Satan. He looks like a necklace. He is the rope to strangle you. I wanted you to know this because ‘I love you.’

    The Evil One is Satan and he tempts man for the good reasons of God's.

    The Usefulness of Satan

    Book 3 409

    « Would it not be better to destroy the spider? » asks Peter, who is very practical in his conclusions.

    « It would be better. But the spider is doing its duty. It is true that it kills the poor little butterflies, which are so beautiful, but it exterminates a large number of filthy flies, which carry diseases and infection from sick to healthy people, from corpses to living persons. »

    « But in our case what does the spider do? »

    « What does it do, Simon? (Simon also is an elderly man and is the one who was complaining of rheumatism). It does what your good will does. It destroys tepidity, apathy, vain conceit. It compels you to be vigilant. What makes you worthy of prize? Struggle and victory. Can you win if you do not fight? The presence of Satan compels continuous vigilance. Love, then, Who loves you, makes his presence not necessarily harmful. If you keep close to Love, Satan will tempt but he will be rendered unable to cause real damage. »

    « Always? »

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Post Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:04 pm by Poem

    Book 5
    Chapter 605 Crucifixion

    At the Holy Mother
    "The crowd showers the most disgraceful abuses on Her at once, associating Her with Her Son in their curses. But with Her trembling white lips, She tries only to comfort Him, with an anguished smile that wipes the tears, which no will-power can refrain.

    At Jesus
    The people, beginning with priests, scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians and the like, amuse themselves by going on a kind of roundabout, climbing the steep road, passing along the elevation at the end, and descending along the other road, or vice versa. And while they pass at the foot of the summit, on the second open space, they do not fail to offer their blasphemous words as a compliment to the Dying Victim. All the baseness, cruelty, hatred and folly, which men are capable of expressing with their tongues, is amply testified by those infernal mouths. The fiercest are the members of the Temple, with the assistance of the Pharisees.

    « Well? You, the Saviour of mankind, why do You not save Yourself? Has Your king Beelzebub abandoned You? Has he disowned You? » shout three priests.

    And a group of Judaeans shout: « You, Who not more than five days ago, with the help of the Demon, made the Father say… ha! ha! ha! that He would glorify You, how come You do not remind Him to keep His promise? »

    And three Pharisees add: « Blasphemer He said that He saved the others with the help of God! And He cannot save Himself! Do You want us to believe You? Then work the miracle. Hey, are You no longer able? Your hands are now nailed and You are naked. »

    And some Sadducees and Herodians say to the soldiers: « Watch His witchcraft, you who have taken His garments! He has the infernal sign within Himself! »

    A crowd howls in chorus: « Descend from the cross and we will believe You. You Who want to destroy the Temple… Fool!… Look at it over there, the glorious and holy Temple of Israel. It is untouchable, o profaner! And You are dying. »

    Other priests say: « Blasphemous You the Son of God? Come down from there, then. Strike us by lightning, if You are God. We are not afraid of You and we spit at You. »

    Jesus says crowds and crowds of demons can you see it? These are sold to demons. They have become so corrupt as to be demons themselves.

    Yes the Lord does have reign of His earth and commands even the demons with His Power. He sends lightning bolts if they do not listen. Such as the case. He utters His enough at this point where the Lightning bolt is sent, Enough! And then they disperse.

    They are free to tempt. It's like this, the demons are like this thing where they go to prove a soul to see if they have any weaknesses. The Hammer.
    Jesus said at one point to Mary of Magdalene, concerning her, Hammer and Anvil. All souls are in God's hands to be formed to be proven. Does one soul become bad? Oops it failed after working to shape this into a beautiful ornament. The demons tempt man to find a weakness and then from that weakness make it fully degraded and corrupted, useless. It dies. Then they go to the next. A faithful soul does not succumb to Satan's demons who tempt man first to a woman, for woman a man, then riches, money, success, sensuality. These things. God tests us to see if we succumb as a weakness.

    Jesus tells us in the chapter 409 Miracle of Gleaning Crop that if one remains in Christ to get strengthened one is getting virtues graces of all the good ones to make a saint. God tests us to become formed into saints. Some have to go through all kinds to get there while others are born in good families.

    But the goal is for all to become formed as 'saints' to be in the image and likeness of the Second Adam. The First Adam failed and brought all this heaps of to mankind. The Second Adam brought heaps of good to heal mankind.

    I hope all understand the Second Adam is the Grandfather of man.

    Peace be with you always

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