Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    What Is The Core and the Main of Evil?


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    What Is The Core and the Main of Evil? Empty What Is The Core and the Main of Evil?

    Post by Poem

    Jesus explains to us in the Words to Maria about Satanic possession.  The fully possessed kind.

    First, we go to Mary of Magdalene.  She had seven evil spirits possessing her. But not totally to the point like the man who was fully possessed and Jesus cast these legions of demons into the pigs. That is full possession and when we read the words from the man who was possessed he was not in control. His totality was like being shutdown. He was caged and the demons took this man's body and used for their purposes. Like someone who drives a car. A car has no will. It is controlled by the driver. The man was like this car where the demons shut him up and then drove his body. The man is then what people see in appearance. The demons ran with it. He was just a vessel of their malice.

    Mary was blessed because Jesus came at the right time and benignly cast out 7 demons.  He gave her what she needed in forms of graces, help. Here is a great point to think on concerning the Son of God the Only Begotten of the Father.  He was God the Sun, the Light, the Power in Flesh hidden by the garment of His Flesh.  He being on the earth was able to give graces at the beckoning.  Whereas Jesus is in Heaven streaming down graces after His Ascension.

    Now the other point to consider.  Jesus said, 'What I do you can do also.'  He gave to the Apostles not yet endowed with Holy Spirit power of miracles to be the incentives to bring souls to the faith in Him.  Giving them 'gifts' as you will for their souls to rise to God and be joined to God.

    And then the Apostles watched Jesus Ascend and He said, 'Go'.  Go in my name. Go with Me in you.  I am with you in the Species!  Take Me wherever you go!  I am with you even unto the end of the world!  

    Go in my stead.  Be little Me's. Be the evanglizers, be the disciples, be the apostles, do what I did! I showed you how!  I founded the Church and gave it to you to assist in the mystical building of it in my name. Follow my teachings, my examples, the Holy Spirit will show you how. He will take from me what I said and expound on it. Amplify it. Follow Me.

    Follow Me. Do as I did, Peters! Johns! Thomas's! Andrews! Marys! Nikes! Aglaes!  

    The core of Evil is to be like God fully in power, in thought, in everything God is. But how can a finite being become infinite and have this overwhelming power? Not possible. A created being cannot ascend into God, transform into God. Only One God. Settling for the next best thing, he became Evil thinking he could become God in Evil with the aid of Evil.


    Now listen carefully Jesus said, 7 demons, the eighth is Satan and then you are totally and fully possessed by Satan himself. The 7 demons prepare for Satan to come and possess the soul. They seven demons chain you up one by one. How many chains? Princes as well. There are 9 Choir of angels. How many from each did the Demon drag with him?

    Now lets look at the time of the Abomination that makes desolate, the Book of Apocalypse St. John concerning the:  The seven heads are seven mountains, upon which the woman sitteth, and they are seven kings:  10 Five are fallen, one is, and the other is not yet come: and when he is come, he must remain a short time. ( -5, 1 is, another is coming. total of 7)

    5 are fallen, 1 is and 1 more comes; the Eighth is Satan, his Son. The Son of Satan.  Satan possesses these kings as the spirit of the Antichrist. These are not the Son of Satan the prelude to. The Son of Satan is one who becomes fully possessed and then becomes the Eighth king. The Son of Satan is a from the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ a fallen clergyman. Was fully following the Gospel. From the holy and pure way to seduced and rabid with Satan.

    11 And the beast which was, and is not: the same also is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into destruction.

    Satan wants to possess each and every soul God has placed in a womb on earth.  The soul comes from God. Satan seeks to take them and revenge God.  Take.  I want.  I have to have them. To possess.

    God possesses his children when they come to their senses and attaches to Him and says with loving goodness - will of good soul - here Father! I want you! Take me!.  So son and God possess each other in love.

    Not in possession like you are ruled! But you are loved and My arms are now embracing you! Come child! Lets embrace one another.  That is God's possession.  Hatred is violent and has no love. Do you think hate on that level can embrace a soul, a spirit with love?  Loving kindness? Charity, puerile, holy, kindness, humility? Satan is Hatred fully. He has no love. He forsook Grace.

    Thus the Eighth is Satan in his son. This is not dissimilar in fashion to Christ being God with Father and Holy Spirit with him. It is a mimic of. Satan copies God in God's manifestations as best he can.

    Thus Satan tries to be sneaky here.  He tries to put one over on us, those intelligent to understand, 7 demons prepare for the 8th Demon his name is Satan.  Satan was head of the angels who possessed great gifts from God and a strong intelligence to be able to lead angels and men to the knowledge of God untold amounts of minds, souls, hearts, spirits to be in touch with.  Spiritual kind.  To lead to God. To reflect God and by the mere vision of God in him would enlighten every soul, the knowledge of God.  A medium in speaking.  Thus Satan uses this method to snatch, souls of men. He tries to snatch Angels. We can read about something of this nature in Old Testament Prophets.  I think Daniel is one and Tobit? Maccabees? Where the angel Gabriel was held up by the demons causing delay in appearing to explain a vision or words to Daniel that Lord had given him.

    The spirit of the Antichrist is Satan.  This can be found in the Notebook of 1945-1950 dictated by Maria Valtorta the Italian Seer who served God beginning on page 548 to the end of the Notebook. Covers the back end of the book.

    Yes, Satan wants still to be God and take Heaven. As long as Satan is allowed to roam the earth to tempt, Satan uses this freedom of sorts given by God to launch his attack on God and Heaven. That is what we read concerning is last hoorah in Apocalypse.

    When Satan appears in his son, that will be the darkest time in the history of man on the earth. Satan will by God's allowance fully possess the earth wherever a soul bows to him. He will claim nations for a time. He will cause great and small to bear his image. The question is, is this image a physical image that is stamped or place on human being? Or is it the spiritual kind of image like unto what the Lord has said concerning the creation of man? I made man in my image and likeness? Well God being spirit and is spiritually based, it is definitely the image of Satan, named imaged of the Beast as written in Apocalypse. Christ explains this image as well. The souls that eventually sell themselves like prostitutes to Satan will bear his image in them. God will see that these souls are stained and imprinted with the Beasts.

    We refer to the chapter 409 The Miraculous Gleaning in the Plain. Where Our Lord explained to the Apostles about how useful Satan is to God on the earth. And Judas Iscariot was present he who betrayed.

    The Lord Jesus explained that the error that propagates into the future began during His time evangelizing. Pretty much tells us that the present error began in the past. The error of Judas's. He was at that time the precursor to Antichrist. I believe Jesus said the first. Spirit of the Antichrist. Notice by reading The Gospel As Revealed to Me the life of Judas as an Apostle of Christs his habits and ways.

    The Father I believe specifically brought this to our attention, having Judas as an Apostle to learn from. His errors began and then just kept on growing into a massive kill. He committed himself to death by hanging.
    The Blood of Christ became his condemnation and Satan used this to his advantage. Satan is able to use his intelligence cunningly. He is able to use what is available and his dialects are unbeatable by any human being and quite frankly those angels he dragged with him to the Abyss. Angels he was able to lure to himself. That is quite a feat.

    Satan is in Hell in the cave God created for this eternally damned spirit. It is quite difficult to truly understand how he and his band of demons are able to operate on earth to lure and disturb souls here.

    Sister Faustina was given a vision of the demons in hell where they were free and on earth they were chained. Yet, here is Jesus casting out legion from a man fully possessed by many demons. We are legion and we are many. God knows how many. But I think this is obscured quite a bit.

    Maris witnessed in one of the visions Christ gave to her about demons that simply would not budge right away. Christ had to really work at it to get it to go out of a being. I think He was being gentle quite frankly.

    It is quite delicate due to the soul of the being possessed, it has to be taken out gradually without tearing the soul up, causing a tremendous amount of damage to it. Like yanking it off quickly and while its fangs are sunk in the head of the being and possibly do something tear it. Harm. These demons bite the head of being. They crunch it. Satan himself uses his claws to grip the head. Read the explanations carefully and take note. It is quite daunting. And they are supposedly chained up on earth! I am not fully convinced they are.

    In one of the exorcisms the demons are stating they want to roam the earth to tear to pieces every living soul .
    Such as:

    1) Poem of the Man-God: Book 4
    Chp: Demoniacs of Decapolis:

    In the 2nd Book or Book 2 is,
    2) Book 2 Chp.186. The Demoniacs of Gadara.

    The focus on earth before the great and last hoorah of Satan is the materialism that is consuming for man and woman children. Focus is on things and conversations are filled with what will we enjoy next.

    I'm bored lets go do ....... and after that ......

    I am constantly reminded of making sure we have a social life with our kind, of the same minds and to spend time having good things to occupy those certain times.

    But when I think of Jesus speaking to the disciples to help convert to the Faith, save them from Satan and Death, that is what Christ consumed himself with. Souls. To save us and give us beautiful inner peace and joy! To give this to others what we have in possession, what is awesome. Spread love joy peace so mankind can live in goodness.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Post Thu Aug 15, 2024 7:54 pm by Poem

    Daniel 10:13

    13 But the prince of the kingdom of the Persians resisted me one and twenty days: and behold Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, and I remained there by the king of the Persians.

    20 And he said: Dost thou know wherefore I am come to thee? and now I will return, to fight against the prince of the Persians. When I went forth, there appeared the prince of the Greeks coming.

    21 But I will tell thee what is set down in the scripture of truth: and none is my helper in all these things, but Michael your prince.

    Who is this prince of the Persians? A demon. This demon is a prince class like Michael the Prince.

    Not a human being here is the reference.

    St. John calls them beasts in the Book of Apocalypse.

    Jesus covers these beasts in the Notebooks and found also in the comments of Daniels book.

    Peace be with you always


    Post Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:12 am by Poem

    Here's what Jesus explained to the Apostles concerning how useful Satan is.

    « But if he fortifies his weakness by trusting Me, he becomes strong. Do you think that I am not aware of your struggles? See? Satan is like that spider that is laying its snare from that tiny branch to this stem. It is so thin and treacherous! Look how that cobweb shines. It looks like the silver of impalpable filigree. It will be invisible at night and at dawn, tomorrow, it will shine with gems, and imprudent flies, which roam at night looking for unclean food, will fall into it, as well as light butterflies, which are attracted by what shines... »
    The apostles have approached the Master and are listening to the lesson taken from the vegetable and animal kingdoms.

    « ... Well, My love does, with regard to Satan, what My hand is doing now. It destroys the cobweb. Look how the spider runs away and hides. It is afraid of what is stronger. Satan also is afraid of what is stronger. And what is stronger is Love. »

    « Would it not be better to destroy the spider? » asks Peter, who is very practical in his conclusions.

    « It would be better. But the spider is doing its duty. It is true that it kills the poor little butterflies, which are so beautiful, but it exterminates a large number of filthy flies, which carry diseases and infection from sick to healthy people, from corpses to living persons. »

    « But in our case what does the spider do? »

    « What does it do, Simon? (Simon also is an elderly man and is the one who was complaining of rheumatism). It does what your good will does. It destroys tepidity, apathy, vain conceit. It compels you to be vigilant. What makes you worthy of prize? Struggle and victory. Can you win if you do not fight? The presence of Satan compels continuous vigilance. Love, then, Who loves you, makes his presence not necessarily harmful. If you keep close to Love, Satan will tempt but he will be rendered unable to cause real damage. »

    « Always? »

    « Always. In great and little things. For instance, a little thing: he in vain advises you to take care of your health. A treacherous piece of advice to try to take you away from Me. But Love holds you tightly, Simon, and your pains become of no importance even in your eyes. »

    Peace be with you always


    Post Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:25 am by Poem

    A person is standing on a corner asking for something not necessarily a beggar, but a person who engages you with words to distract you enough to try and get something from you. It could be anything. The person wants to get close enough to you do some damage in some fashion or hurt or just to cause angst. Or just to plant a thought of his so later he can ask for something by acquiring something from you. A loss type thing. The trap is to lure you to something that is not kosher at all. Entanglement.

    This is similar to how the Demon works. Satan commands his demons to go out and create havoc, cause man to become lustful, proud, to the point of being consumed with these. He says something like sow despair, have them lose faith. Give them something else to do besides pray, sing and meditate, have them watch movies, encourage them in a fashion that takes them away from time with God. They roam around looking to snatch and then possess fully. Our will is free to choose. However God does send warnings to have you stay clear of these. Like a person; or a thought in all cases best to be in full control of your faculties so as to hear and by hearing can see.

    Peace be with you always


    Post Sun Aug 18, 2024 2:04 am by Poem

    Jesus also talks about possessions that are seemingly not possessions. Some demons hide in the dark place in the mind or heart.  And is difficult to detect.   While others are detectable to the soul being possessed eventually as time goes on.  

    The tell tale signs are crunching of face and head, feeling strange movements in the stomach, the chest portion.
    Others are like the woman in Book 2 PoMG where the woman is nearly comatose state.

    The areas of attack most common.
    Sense, senses, sentiments and appetite. The sense of mind. The senses of the flesh.  Sentiments of heart. The appetite of stomach food portion.

    A type of Gluttony is one that affects sensual appetites that becomes cravings that Jesus calls the Octopus of sensuality.

    Another Gluttony is food cravings. And still another Mental Pride gluttony.

    The sense of mind being Pride. Senses being feel touch taste smell sight.  
    The octopus of sensuality have never heard of this until PoMG and have some idea but not 100%.
    Basically sexually active losing purity and chasteness.

    The demon is intelligent and cunning and knows where to begin until he finds a weakness.  

    Be in Grace staying close to love is the advice of Jesus.  And Satan cannot damage. Staying in Grace the state of and the union of God makes one another Christ in the Image and Likeness of Christ. That is what God the Father wants for all souls, In His House and Out of His House, the latter to come to His House and see and understand 'Life.' I love God! I pray for the good to become perfect, the wicked to convert, that all the wicked convert leaving no more wickeds. Become perfect in God. Amen. In The Most Holy Name of Jesus Christ and Mary Mother of God Incarnate. To God be the glory forever! Amen.

    Peace be with you always

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