Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    We're All In this Boat Together Regardless Of


    Number of posts : 4372

    We're All In this Boat Together Regardless Of Empty We're All In this Boat Together Regardless Of

    Post by Poem

    The Lord explains that when He comes to a soul to attach this soul to Himself, Grace, this soul is then imbued with God's Perfections. The soul is in contact with God. Spirit to spirit. Contact. By the sheer contact God's perfection is then given to it.  We may not feel perfect nor act perfect yet, but, the fact is God is Perfect and the imperfect soul is what God wants to perfect.

    Example of from Jesus' Birth.  The observation is that the Light that is God came down or descended at this point to have the Word of the Father become Incarnate. Light has entirley covered the event there in that grotto. As the Light was undulating reverberating in waves as Maria looked around the grotto she noticed things there to become beautified.   Read the rest in the Birth Chapter Book 1.

    God's Beauty is not seen to us in reality physically. We really do not know this beauty.  We have only some souls that described this beauty in pages written.  So to our sight to have this memory is not in us.

    Thus we refer to the Book where the Lord in reveals to us as He did to Maria.  I don't know if this really happens to each soul that reads that particular instance. But the Holy Spirit 'recalls' them for us.  So when the Holy Spirit inspires us to recall that moment, we understand the beauty that was present which is God but we don't have the real vision. Makes sense? Ok we have an grandeur of God in thought but that thought is amplified by the Holy Spirit for us.  Each soul.  To some a greater degree, to some a lesser degree.  But to all that read it is there to capture.  Later on is what I am referring to here.  Later on the Holy Spirit is able to refer, recall and remind of that period.  Just as He does with the scriptures He wants us to focus on.  

    Poem of the Man-God is given by the Perfection which is God to us beings that are 'imperfect'  to have graces to have the miracle which comes from having faith built.  Lets say one soul is in grave sins and because they start reading the graces flow so one goes to confession and gets back on the path to holiness, really to be with God from the earth.  To have God.  The Faith is about having God.

    So when we have God as God has thought for us, we are enjoying God. Though it may not be exactly this word: enjoy.  It will other words like, peace, joy, graces, along these lines.  And then someone says, enjoy and then it rings a bell.  That's how it works. We are not Adam and are not even second in the food chain of Adam. We are way down the food chain.  Lineage.  We are so far removed from even being the thousandth.  

    The Lord says, I am the New Adam and My Mother is the New Eve. The old is done away with.

    Baptism makes it so. Out of the old into the New.  So the new man has to rise in the new way.

    We are all imperfect and we begin our life as new, we are babes, infants, juveniles and not matured spirits.  We know how babies act. We know how children act. We know how juveniles act but we rarely see how adult spirits act. So we are all in this boat regardless. We all have to mature to adults here.

    We don't know what it means I think for the great many what this means to be adult spirits because we are used to seeing each others physical attributes instead.  We don't' seem to focus on the heart and soul of a person to be able to distinguish them apart.  But we look at their physical attributes of flesh and blood.    This is one way to look at it.  

    Now in let's say cloisters it is quite different.  Men and women in their respective solitude.

    For the majority of us in the world the world blinds us to seeing physical attributes.

    God created in the Beginning a Living Soul. This is hard to observe our minds are not trained to seeing Living Souls. Our souls are not either. We are not trained. Thus we see each other as physical beings. Corporeal beings even though we are in the faith and go to Mass to receive the Incorrupt One.   That is our state.

    We all need to forgive, be merciful, very patient, never judge, love one another be tolerant, but abhor sin.
    Jesus says He detests only sin.  

    What is Sin?  7 of them.  Pride, lust, envy, anger, covet, gluttony, sloth.

    Pride God says is the face of Satan.  The proud have Satan.

    A good willed being is not proud.  Doesn't even lie. They are good. The 7 sins are not in them.

    Good will leads to God if one continues in good will without becoming corrupted by any of the 7 sins.

    The lustful are ruled by Satan.  Satan is the spirit of the world. Satan is the spirit of the Antichrist.  The Antichrist came about to counter the Christ.  There have been pre-cursors to the Antichrist. Jesus explained all this to Maria.  

    The spirit of the Antichrist works on Christians to seduce them to his side so they become antichrists. Little Antichrist.

    We must love one another. Forgive one another. Be merciful to one another.  Allow the Holy Spirit to inspire, reprimand, rebuke, teach, guide, comfort as needed.  The Holy Spirit inspired scripture.  He inspired them to write words such as these:  

    "All scripture, inspired of God, is profitable to teach, to reprove, to correct, to instruct in justice,
    [2 Timothy 3:16]

    "For God is not the God of dissension, but of peace: as also I teach in all the churches of the saints.
    [1 Corinthians 14:33]

    1 Timothy 6:1-15

    1 Whosoever are servants under the yoke, let them count their masters worthy of all honour; lest the name of the Lord and his doctrine be blasphemed.  2 But they that have believing masters, let them not despise them, because they are brethren; but serve them the rather, because they are faithful and beloved, who are partakers of the benefit. These things teach and exhort  [1 Timothy 6:2]  3 If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to that doctrine which is according to godliness,  4 He is proud, knowing nothing, but sick about questions and strifes of words; from which arise envies, contentions, blasphemies, evil suspicions,  5 Conflicts of men corrupted in mind, and who are destitute of the truth, supposing gain to be godliness.

    6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.  7 For we brought nothing into this world: and certainly we can carry nothing out.  8 But having food, and wherewith to be covered, with these we are content.  9 For they that will become rich, fall into temptation, and into the snare of the devil, and into many unprofitable and hurtful desires, which drown men into destruction and perdition.  10 For the desire of money is the root of all evils; which some coveting have erred from the faith, and have entangled themselves in many sorrows.

    11 But thou, O man of God, fly these things: and pursue justice, godliness, faith, charity, patience, mildness.  12 Fight the good fight of faith: lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art called, and hast confessed a good confession before many witnesses.  13 I charge thee before God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who gave testimony under Pontius Pilate, a good confession,  14 That thou keep the commandment without spot, blameless, unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,  15 Which in his times he shall shew who is the Blessed and only Mighty, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;

    Thus we read the scriptures because the Gospel is Inspired by the Holy Spirit and so are the Old Rite words. They are all inspired by Him.  

    The Gospel is the New Rite which God the Father has given to man to be redeemed by the Christ.  

    The Holy Spirit taught St. Paul. The Holy Spirit inspired the Christ as Man. This is kind of interesting because we see Christ as God but in reality He is God in Man and thus having the Man's portion fully. Glorified made completely perfect.  

    If the Christ chose a woman to be seer and bring to her the life of His to write and give to others, who are we to judge? It is a soul Christ chose. A soul.  Christ came to raise souls to life. Is she not a soul?

    St. Paul was inspired to write many truths.  He said do not discriminate.  In fact one said to not allow a woman to teach.  Is this woman teaching? No she is dictating for Christ to give His words to us. God is teaching us not the woman.  See the spirit of things and not the physical.  Jesus said, my words are spirit and life.   See the Spirit, go beyond your limitations, surrender to God and God will show you the truth.

    Wouldn't it be nice if we were all genderless like the angels that orbit around God?  

    What is the true reason God created gave to man a woman?  I can see two reasons.  One: to love the man while God was out of the Garden to be man's partner in life: Second to God in Love. Oh? Yes. Adam and the woman were the very first and they had not copulated yet to produce children and Two: then as one bears a newborn for God and man to be called children and then become adults who become parents until the last man born.  Then all would be transported to Heaven as 'adults.'  

    See the garment of flesh, God chose the earth to make it.  A flower actually.

    Love God, forgive your offenders. Be merciful.

    Today man is so spun up and down sideways, that after being born and raised with some knowledge is then twisted upside down, head on funny, so deformed character and intelligence wise, that they are so far from: Son Daughter Mother Father < family. Instead they think like this: I was born I think? But who is this man and woman that said they donated their child making enzymes to have me born? Something worse than an Alfred Hitchcock story.

    Satan is spirit of the world who lies to you all day long. Tells you today you don't even have parents after a a certain age. You were quite possibly 'hatched' even dropped from the stork. The cow jumped over the moon ten times and then mooed and then the stork appeared and then I was sitting on the ground.

    Satan is the Hatred and a most violent Hatred that will do anything to tell you another story another way you came into this world. Like Darwin and the Monkey's... who still believes this non-sense? There are all kinds of thoughts here. Some child watches tv cartoons and says to mommy who is human and looks like human being that the child came from a rabbit in cartoon land. The TV is so powerful isn't it?

    Yes it is. Burn the thing save your child from idiocy. Ever wonder why many of children do drugs? Because they're confused about their origins about their life. Great is this heretical thing that is out there. This is just one of a thousand. I've heard a few hundred.

    Land is made to till. eat from it

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Sat Aug 10, 2024 11:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Post Sat Aug 10, 2024 4:02 pm by Poem

    Jesus said to correct errors that arise in Our Church such as teachings that many look at and read and stare at and try to contemplate and then because nothing comes to them, they strike it, remove it, change it. It offends them! Ha.. what is this? Nothing is happening. No thought comes. The Spirit of it? What? Well, the Lord said to Maria read with the eyes of your souls. ?? Where are eyes located? Where is my soul? Jesus said, the soul of man is fused to the heart. How come I don't see from my chest then?
    The soul is the engine of your being. ?? It uses the natural to see and hear and speak. This is God's Science not human science. God made the creature man. God's Science. Human science is an abomination which cuts to pieces and creates a big mess. The Angel Azariah said man does everything imperfect to the maximum degree. God said to not trust in flesh, meaning nothing human not even your own self. Read Book 4 where Jesus counsels John. >> https://poemmangod.forumotion.com/t3357-john-s-confession-leading-to-jesus-explanations-of-what-sin-brought-to-man <<

    God is God and God said to puny man you have offended me by not following my 'advice' as my son. I will punish you for the insolent acts which allowed the Proud One, the Envious One to bite your heart and cause your flesh to rise into acts of abomination. Read Leviticus. Read between the 'gaps.' See how God is merciful and did not lower the boom every time some act of man offended His Justice. If God acted like man every time a man did not do something according to another man's advice, request, judgment, command, we all be in trouble no one would remain ever. But lets understand God's Justice a bit more here. God has every right to wipe each one of us at the smallest offense or the slightest murmuring, or the slightest disrespect. Kaboom! And we would not be able to retort create a defense to rebuttal. Because is correct. The Mercy of God. How great it is! Evil goes one every day. Someone steals, lies, cheats, murders, covets, take women and children, sells humans for profit the list of evil is endless. It is quite cut wrenching and it doesn't offend these types! How sick they are! God is disgusted with such acts. But they choose to follow Satan. How does Satan work? He seduces. Every watch a woman seduce a man anywhere? A real true seduction? Satan plans these seductions. He is the mastermind behind all seductions that go on. He seduces to steal, to cheat, to covet, to reduce an intelligent being to mud to have them so blunt.

    That is really it in a nutshell. Let's be frank. Stop piddle paddling with the reality of what truly happened. Man royally screwed the pooch! The Demon is real. He likes to win! Do you understand? He is Proud. The Proud do not take losing at all. They do not like defeat. Can you comprehend this scope?

    I was born to Atheists. The Demon took most of if not all of my family to the Abyss. All manner of ways but all through 'seduction'. How many of your family's has the Demon taken? Members of?

    The real battle as Jesus said is behind the corporeal is the spiritual war. Soul verses soul that is the reality. Satan is spirit. God is Spirit.

    Satan is allowed by Adam to roam the earth. To Adam did God give the freedom over the earth. But Adam allowed Satan in to the earth. And since then every man is given 'Do not eat from that Tree' command and test. Hard to see this. Jesus said, if Adam succeeded in repelling Satan, no one else needed to. Because Adam is GrandPa. All are Adam's children and still are according to the flesh.

    If Adam succeeded all would be 'living souls' naked. God and angels would be coming and going Eden is it's name. God brought His Presence to Adam. How is this? Ok you and your wife are in a hospital waiting for the child to be born. You both are present in this wonderful life giving event.

    God and God was present when Adam was created in the earthly hospital Paradise. Oh, my son is now breathing! Here Adam! This is what I have created and given to you to enjoy with Me a Paradise. And God taught Adam many things. Imagine these in your contemplation if God allows it for you. Some just don't have them. Maybe because they are well versed enough not to need it.

    However, we must forebear one another. Help one another. We all learn about God little bits and pieces at a time. We surely cannot learn about all there is that God wants of us in one sitting in a few hours. Not going to happen. There is no modernism with God. The toys leave them. Use your soul and your brains.

    God wants all in His Flock, clergy, laymen, cloisters etc., to work together, care for each other, support each other, like adults, help the young to grow and mature become full saints fully matured spirits in God.

    Love conquers all. With love. 1 Corinthians 13. With Love all things are possible which God blesses and the spirit is like a ghost which can be seen very faintly. It is the Spirit that makes one capable.

    Love makes it all possible. It is love that converts and delivers from hell and conquers hell in hearts and souls. Hell is Satan's abode. The language of Hell is Satan's.

    Support one another. If the woman man souls want the Blood of Christ to drink make it available for them. Love is the rule in our Church. Not overbearingness. Love.

    Peace be with you always

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