Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Fusion with Love, The Love That is Taught


    Number of posts : 4178

    Fusion with Love, The Love That is Taught Empty Fusion with Love, The Love That is Taught

    Post by Poem

    Many in the world among the billions of souls planted in the soil, have and are taught, or heard about it faintly what is called love.  Many thousands as young or old hear and see love in others and do not recognize love in themselves. While others love is like a cloud. Thoughts that do not take root in ones mind are like clouds here now gone later.  Many thoughts come to man. How much of it do we reach and take and plant them in our minds?  What do we plant and then water them so they grow branches and then finally some fruit appears. The fruit is the consequence of watering those thoughts which one nourishes on.  They are sap circulating.  Fruit grows dangling on the branch.

    Fruit.  The end result of the thought planted and nourished.

    Like anything else for a human being, knowledge and understanding must grow, increase, to possess. Knowledge and understanding.

    Jesus taught the Apostles love. Active love. He actively loved.  Everything of Jesus's life for the 3 years of His ministry originated from love.  Jesus had planted love and it grew and much fruit came from his constant nurturing of the thought.  Love.

    Jesus then taught again.  This time as the Word of The  Father from Heaven to a soul that obeyed.  Obedience leads to much fruit.  Just watering and sunshine is not enough for living branches.  Living branches have will power, a conscience will.  The will. The mind has to be nourished. It needs knowledge to gain understanding. Wisdom increases understanding.  Wisdom is an essential nourishment which comes from Love and is an instructor.  Wisdom teaches. Wisdom takes the thought gives it and here is the free will in action. You choose to receive it or not. Freedom.  Wisdom is today's example:  photographs showing step by step what action to take. Wisdom comes in flashes of light to the soul. The soul must possess peace and be peaceful. Having Chaos and perturbation Wisdom will not descend. Will not flash in your soul. But to another that is in peace. Jesus said, 'My peace I leave to you. My peace I give to you.'  Thus peace is necessary to have Wisdom descend to you.  Love has all of these attributes.  In love of God is Wisdom, Peace, Joy, Light.  All incorporeal in nature.

    Wisdom gives understanding to knowledge gained.  A thought is given by the incorporeal.   In short fruit comes as  result of thought that is acted on.  The fruit of knowledge which sprouts a fruit to have on the branch.  

    The core of the seed becomes the root. Thought that comes.  Drops descends to ones mind. A thought. Many thoughts come and go which ones do you recognize?  The ones one generally recognizes are the ones one planted and has branched and fruit is there.  The fruit is the thought matured which is understanding it the thought. A thought is the seed.  If watered nurtured becomes rooted then finally branches appear and then finally fruit appears.  Matured thought.

    Love is least that takes root. The seed of love becomes a cloud. The thought. Love as thought is then like the clouds that came and went.  Sometimes love has filled the sky and then it pours down. Clouds are dark at this point and nothing but clouds. However this time love is drops of rain. Billions, trillions of drops of rain. Pouring. Blanketing the sky, flooding the earth puddles everywhere, oceans filled, rivers running over the banks. It's an out pour.  You can say, someone has cried infinite tears of love.  When love disappears forever from the face of the earth, it is time of dearth, misery, dryness, parched bones, calcined bones, dried up riverbeds. Oceans becoming near extinct.  

    What is really out there is straw for knowledge and you can't feed a cow on straw lest it becomes dried bones and carcass.  Love nourishes.

    Lets think on the thought love brings. It brings untold infinite Wisdom for the sons of men. To raise the sons of men to the sons of God.

    To Love Means

    To love means to live with one’s soul united, fused to a single fire which nourishes another soul. Then in fusion, understanding takes place.  --Notebook 1943 page 249 Victors Over the Beast

    This thought to many is like a cloud that descended and filled the sky above a soul, but because it was not taken as seed and rooted, it just passed.

    Love this thought here is to be taken, meditated on, chewed, eaten, assimilated so that it becomes rooted, grows branche(s) and from the many branches (virtues) dangles fruit for the soul. The fruit is then tasty and good which then by virtue of love being universal nourishes another soul.

    Love God. Plant love in your hearts let it take root and branch into many to have much fruit.

    Peace be with you always

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