Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Jesus Explains Two Resurrections


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    Jesus Explains Two Resurrections Empty Jesus Explains Two Resurrections

    Post by Poem Mon Jul 01, 2024 9:00 pm

    Notebook 1943
    Chapter: The Two Resurrections
    Page: 265

    August 22

    There is still more to be said, however.

    Jesus says,

    "Before closing this cycle there is something to be said about the two resurrections.

    The first begins when the soul separates from the body and appears before Me in the individual judgment. But it is only a partial resurrection. Rather than a resurrection, it could be called the liberation of the spirit from the sheath of the flesh and the spirit's waiting to rejoin the flesh so as to reconstitute the living temple, created by the Father, the temple of man created in the image and likeness of God.

    "A work in which one part is missing is incomplete and thus imperfect. Man as a work, perfect in his creation, is incomplete and imperfect if not joined together again in his different parts. Destined to the Kingdom of light or the dwelling of darkness, men must eternally be in one or the other with their perfection as flesh and spirit.

    "The first and second resurrection are thus spoken of. But observe.

    "The one who has killed his spirit with an earthly life of sin comes to Me, in the particular judgment, with a spirit that is already dead. The final resurrection will cause his flesh to take on again the weight of the spirit so as to die with it completely. Whereas the one who has overcome the flesh in earthly life comes to Me in the particular judgment, with an alive spirit that, on entering Paradise, increases his mode of living.

    "Those being purged are also 'alive.' Sick, but alive. When healing is obtained in expiation, they will enter the place which is Life. In the final resurrection their spirits, alive with my Life, to which they will be indissolubly united, will take on the flesh again to make it glorious and live with it totally, just as I live with it.

    "That's why the first and second death are spoken of and, consequently, the first and second resurrection. Man must arrive at this eternal possession of the Light-for in Paradise you possess God, and God is Light-by his own will, as by his own will he wanted to lose the Light and Paradise. I give you help, but the will must be yours.

    "I am faithful. I have created you free, and I leave you free. And if you consider how worthy of admiration this respect by God for man's free will is, you can understand how right and proper it would be for you not to abuse it by doing evil therewith, and how and right and proper to maintain your respect for, gratitude towards and love of the Lord God.

    "To those who have not acted dishonestly I say, 'Your dwelling Heaven is ready, and I ardently desire that you should be in my Blessedness.”

    Peace be with you always

    Peace be with you always

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