Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Love God Love as Jesus Teaches


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    Love God Love as Jesus Teaches Empty Love God Love as Jesus Teaches

    Post by Poem

    From St. John's Gospel 15:1-END but some here

    1 I am the true vine; and my Father is the husbandman.  2 Every branch in me, that beareth not fruit, he will take away: and every one that beareth fruit, he will purge it, that it may bring forth more fruit.  3 Now you are clean by reason of the word, which I have spoken to you.  4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abide in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in me.  5 I am the vine: you the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing.

    6 If any one abide not in me, he shall be cast forth as a branch, and shall wither, and they shall gather him up, and cast him into the fire, and he burneth.  7 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask whatever you will, and it shall be done unto you.  8 In this is my Father glorified; that you bring forth very much fruit, and become my disciples.  9 As the Father hath loved me, I also have loved you. Abide in my love.  10 If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love; as I also have kept my Father's commandments, and do abide in his love.

    From the Assorted Chapters in the Notebooks: To Love Means

    To love means to live with one’s soul united, fused to a single fire which nourishes another soul. Then in fusion, understanding takes place.

    Notebook 1943 page 249 Victors Over the Beast

    Love Overcomes Everything

    It is time to divert the severity of the torment which has begun with prayer and immolation. Pain and faith make you acceptable to the Lord, your God. Speak, then, in favor of all. Take God with the noose of love. He, whom no force binds, is like a little bird caught in a net when a soul encircles Him with love. He surrenders and blesses. Remind God of his benefits, not because He needs to be reminded of them by you, but to show that you remember them. While the world blasphemes and kills, sing hosannas to the Lord and love.

    Love is more powerful than strength and defeats even hell. Love overcomes everything, O My beloved ones.

    Love will bend God, who has grown rigid in the face of the lack of love of a whole world, and will obtain from Him the only miracle which can save you. Love will open the hearts of men and give them spiritual sight to see their inner horror, which is becoming a collective horror. Love will lead man back onto the ways of God. When you love, you will no longer do evil, the great evil done knowingly, as you now do.

    Notebook 1943 Page 593 To Choose Between A Blessing and A Curse

    Notebook: 1943
    Chp: To Choose Between A Blessing and A Curse
    Page: 593

    December 22

    Reference to Deuteronomy Chapters 9-11

    Jesus says:

    "It is time to divert the severity of the torment which has begun with prayer and immolation. Pain and faith make you acceptable to the Lord, your God. Speak then in favor of all. Take God with the noose of love. He whom no force binds is like a little bird caught in a net when a soul encircles Him with love. He surrenders and blesses. Remind God of his benefits, not because He needs to be reminded of them by you, but to show that you remember them. While the world blasphemes and kills; sing hosannas to the Lord and love. Love is more powerful than strength and defeats even hell. Love overcomes everything, O My beloved ones.

    "Love will bend God, who has grown rigid in the face of the lack of love of a whole world, and will obtain from Him the only miracle which can save you. Love will open the hearts of men and give them spiritual sight to see their inner horror, which is becoming a collective horror. Love will lead man back onto the ways of God. When you love, you will no longer do evil, the great evil done knowingly, as you now do.

    "It is not burdensome to follow God. He asks you for nothing but love and obedience and respect for His Majesty, superior to all earthly authorities. In a spiritual circumcision, amputate from your hearts that which is a ring of sin impeding them from beating in the honest rhythm of Good and growing in holy Charity.

    "It is first necessary for you that worship the Beast not to be a people, but for those who remember God to be a people. Evil will then be offset by God and neutralized by it; And not only this, but the good you do will attract Heavenly Good in an ever-increasing measure, for God asks for nothing except to pour Himself out upon you in love, and you would experience the Era of Peace promised to good men at My Birth."

    v From two different chapters portions taken as inspired to combine them:

    Notebook 1943  
    Page 601
    Holy Spirit Speaks

    The Eternal Spirit says:

    "I am Love. I do not have my own voice because my Voice is in the whole creation and beyond the creation. Like the ether, I spread through all that is; like fire, I inflame; like blood, I circulate.

    "I am in every word of Christ and flower on the lips of the Virgin. I purify the mouths of the prophets and saints and make them luminous. I am He who inspired things before they existed, for it is my power that, like a heartbeat, moved the creative thought of the Eternal.

    "Through Christ all things have been made, but all things have been made by Myself, Love, for it is I that with my secret power moved the Creator to work the miracle.

    "I was when nothing was, and I shall be when only Heaven remains.

    "I am the inspirer of the creation of man, to whom the world was given for his delight, the world in which, from the oceans to the stars, from the Alpine peaks to the stems, my seal is present.

    "I shall be the one to place on the lips of the last man the supreme invocation: 'Come, Lord Jesus!

    "I am the One who, to placate the Father, infused the idea of the Incarnation and descended, as a creative fire, to make Myself an embryo in the immaculate womb of Mary, and ascended made Flesh, onto the Cross, and from the Cross, to Heaven again to make the new alliance between God and man in a ring of love in an embrace of love, I had clasped the Father and the Son, generating the Trinity.

    "I am He who speaks without words, everywhere and in every doctrine originating in God, He who without touch opens eyes and opens ears to hear the supernatural, He who without a command draws you from the death of life to Life in the Life which knows no limit.

    "The Father is upon you; the Son is in you; but I, the Spirit, am in your spirits and sanctify you with my presence.

    "Seek Me wherever there is love, faith, and wisdom. Give Me your love. The fusion of love with Love creates Christ in you and bears you back into the Father's breast.

    "I have spoken today, which is the advent of Love on Earth, my highest manifestation, the one from which redemption and Pentecostal infusion come to the Earth.

    "May my Fire dwell in you and set you aflame, recreating you for God, in God, and through God, the Eternal Lord, to whom all praise should be given, in Heaven and on Earth."

    Portions Combined Once

    "I am Love. Give Me your love. Like the ether, I spread through all that is; like fire, I inflame; like blood I circulate.

    "Seek Me wherever there is love, faith, and wisdom. Give Me your love. The fusion of love with Love creates Christ in you and bears you back into the Father's breast.

    "May my Fire dwell in you and set you aflame, recreating you for God, in God, and through God, the Eternal Lord, to whom all praise should be given, in Heaven and on Earth."

    Then Combined Again

    Holy Spirit and Jesus speaking,

    "I am Love. Give Me your love. Like the ether, I spread through all that is; like fire, I inflame; like blood I circulate. "Love will bend God, Love will open the hearts of men and give them spiritual sight, Love will lead man back onto the ways of God. When you love, you will no longer do evil, "May my Fire dwell in you and set you aflame.  "I am Love."

    Notebook 1943
    Page 249
    Victors Over the Beast

    Jesus is speaking,

    “To love means to live with one’s soul united, fused to a single fire which nourishes another soul. Then in fusion, understanding takes place.”


    Now what is Heaven but Love?  That's it.  Love fills the place infinitely, love enlivens vivifies makes life full with joy and peace.  

    Each Our Father prayed well asks for what is in Heaven to be on Earth.  But this is not meditated on and thought of in true spiritual love. Affections. From a loving active heart that loves. Love.  Thus, we have very little of Heaven on Earth but in pockets, in souls that love God.  Other interests keeps one from achieving Heaven on Earth. Man strays when it comes to Religion on how to live it, keep, grow in it. It is complex. It has many thoughts. But in the simplicity it is Love. It's all about loving the supernatural way with God's love. Hold out your hand and pray 'Father Jesus Holy Spirit I ask for your love to fill me through and through to be like you in this.'

    If the entirety of Catholic believers believed and really prayed in the simplicity of this Prayer what do you think the outcome would be?

    Jesus said, first and foremost to have 'faith' in the unseen God.  To the many Thomas who do not believe unless one sees physically. Thomas said I will not believe unless I stick my fingers in his wounds.  

    To the many out there (myself included) how can I believe in what I do not feel, see, touch and sense?  This is the fallen nature of man what it has done to his spirit sense and reality.  Covered in mud can't see anything. Can't sense anything because he is caked in mud.  The flesh turned to mud when man fell from Grace.  Whereas God created the Temple where He could come.  The first man's body was a Temple for God to come and rest.  

    God says He can only come to what He creates. He created the First Man to be pure and holy unstained-- God created a son of God.  Thus Jesus is the Son of God come to restore all of Adam's muddied up caked up children, pull them out of the mud and miry clay, the destroyed Temple for God.

    God said only God can come to what God creates.  Not what Man creates nor what Satan creates nor any other angel or heavenly being. Only God.

    Thus man had to recreated through Christ -Man-God then God-Man, who is still Fully God and Fully Man, but Always God the Second Person, the Word of God, the Wisdom of God, the Savior, the Redeemer who became Man to save Man God's children stuck in the mud ready for the abyss..  So it is God's work. God completely.   God sent God to re-create a son of God fallen in the mud with Sin. Christ is entirely God's work.  Not man's.  He came in the Flesh as God. If you can see and hear this?  

    See and Hear is what God spoke to the old testament prophets, the old rite for the Time of Christ the Messiah, the Savior, the Redeemer of God's children. To return man back to being the work of God. To defeat evil in each. Evil made it's way in by seduction a lure to the fleshly senses to copulate sensually oh, forget that enjoy the senses! Is what Satan was stating all along and what happened? The first son of Adam kills the second son of Adam over envy, jealousy a faulty affection a vice. It should be a pure love that has no ill will but love with the good affections and encouraging that brother to excel and become perfect in love.

    Envy is negative it wants more straw, more garbage, which it doesn't recognize because it is damaged affection, damage heart, damage thought it is no longer perfectly elevated and fused to the Good Lord who wants and created only good for all of us.

    Envy is the result of a destroyed affection that was not yet full in bloom. A full bloomed affection is perfected by Love and that being is then all love.

    A fully bloomed affection cannot be destroyed by any evil, all of evils weapons.

    This is where all souls must strive to be. Fully bloomed true affections of love. The virtues are like grains of fertilizer for love the flower. Virtues planted on the heart yielding a good harvest for the soul to rise into full affections of the purest kind. God is the purest love with every virtue. God has an infinite amount of virtues and types.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Post Wed May 29, 2024 8:38 pm by Poem

    The Love of the Father and the Son generates the Holy Spirit a most Sacred Love.

    The Holy Spirit then inspires the Father and the Son and generates infinite love.

    The Father and the Son combined loves generates a most powerful love of unfathomable grandeur in infinitely. A most dense love. Density in Mass like more xxxx times. Unfathomable. Their love is immense.

    Peace be with you always

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 06, 2024 5:13 pm