Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    What to Possess in Life to Obtain an Eternity of Good


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    What to Possess in Life to Obtain an Eternity of Good Empty What to Possess in Life to Obtain an Eternity of Good

    Post by Poem

    From the Book of Wisdom Chapter 1

    6 For the spirit of wisdom is benevolent, and will not acquit the evil speaker from his lips: for God is witness of his reins, and he is a true searcher of his heart, and a hearer of his tongue.  7 For the spirit of the Lord hath filled the whole world: and that, which containeth all things, hath knowledge of the voice.  8 Therefore he that speaketh unjust things cannot be hid, neither shall the chastising judgment pass him by.  9 For inquisition shall be made into the thoughts of the ungodly: and the hearing of his words shall come to God, to the chastising of his iniquities.  10 For the ear of jealousy heareth all things, and the tumult of murmuring shall not be hid.

    11 Keep yourselves therefore from murmuring, which profiteth nothing, and refrain your tongue from detraction, for an obscure speech shall not go for nought: and the mouth that belieth, killeth the soul.  12 Seek not death in the error of your life, neither procure ye destruction by the works of your hands.  13 For God made not death, neither hath he pleasure in the destruction of the living.

    15 For justice is perpetual and immortal.

    Verse 15 is referring to God's Justice which we all face daily and the big one at the Final Judgment.

    We'll use these words of Wisdom for to meditate on.

    We add what Jesus taught to the First Ones during His Mission Days.

    Jesus said, you have one life to live. You can choose to live your one life now or sacrifice all in the present for the everlasting eternal one: Heaven.  

    To choose. Your choice.  And then He explained what each of the two choices are. The present ends and that is all. You lived your one life granted by God.   The eternal one, you get all that you forfeited, sacrificed and more to get an eternal treasure that is endless and forever.  What is the eternal treasure?  Good guess.  A few things Jesus did explained to have correct thinking.  For starters, God created man to enjoy God. This is not taught and is a doozy.  The Liar has told and taught man that life is not eternal and to live now to gain all that rots, rusts, dies before you do.  And to live for your earthly senses, all the sensations of your flesh.  One acquires these sensations.  I never had that feeling of my senses before! What is that! ?  A new sensation of your flesh and it is a cloud that came and went and that
    sensation was only during that incident.  Have to repeat the act to get that again.

    Some and many souls, think they can have both.  Just as they think the Eucharist is only the Bread.  I get much on this one from the Holy Spirit and I feel I have not grown enough to really explain the error done by the clergy regarding this heresy so wide spread and accepted where Jesus comes when the clergy mumbles a bunch of words to so Jesus would turn the bread into His Body and the wine into His Blood and then the big lie stating Jesus is present in either one because He is present when the priest mumbled tons of words and placed his hands and raised the chalice.

    First of all, the Faith says, without 'faith' we sin.  Hebrews, covers a lot and St. Paul inspired by the Holy Word of God, the Holy Spirit, teaches this.  Without faith it is impossible to please God.

    So the naysayers who say Jesus is present in one or the other is incorrect and a grave error. You cannot change God's teachings thus, they do.  They say what they believe. Not what Jesus says it is.

    Jesus said in order to follow Him you must do what He Did and Taught. Not you're own ideas. Thus, Error propagates and faith is dead in many parishes, the Blood of Christ is not received into the stomach and ingested and become drink and that which is converted to spiritual aid.  Thus man remains man and does not turn into Seraphim.  Remains mud after baptism a little higher maybe. But his intellect is not spiritual like St. Paul.  His soul remains an infant. Did St. Paul eat and drink? And did St. Paul struck by Jesus in the land give both to the believers? If you said yes, good, if no, learn a few things. Does Jesus change his teachings? Did Jesus come down and speak to the Vatican priests and tell them hey, just give them one or the other? Is the Gospel only for a certain period in time on earth? What is the Gospel by the way? Does it teach a lot heresy and lies? Does Gospel not teach newborns into the faith? Or does the lie take its place? Well, time to really dig in listen to the Psalmist who states how does a young man cleanse himself? How does a man keep peace with God? By doing what is written and inspired by God for man. So man can obtain Heaven and enjoy God beginning right now not later.

    The eternal is not based on sensations alone. It is a combination of heart and soul/spirit to get the highest (not sure what to call it because it is not earthly) but it is in the way God created man.

    Only man has these affections from the heart to be combined with the spirits supernatural affections which are not human sensations of the tingling flesh.   Have no idea what to call this.

    Wisdom is the First Gift of the Holy Spirit which enables the mind to receive knowledge and to understand the knowledge.   It is like fruit dangling on the branch. You see it. But it must be taken and eaten.  That's how Wisdom works.

    When I was a child, I spoke as a child, thought as a child and acted as a child. But when I became a man, I put away childish things.  Wisdom makes one an adult.  Chew on meat.  Child drinks milk and soft foods because their internals are not quite formed for meat, solids that are quite weighty.  The unwise do not understand this.

    Formation. Two kinds generally speaking but quite a bit more to form.
    1 Form the body. to be joined in heart, its pure affections to the soul. Like a flower, the calyx is the heart and soul.
    2 Form the soul. It's intellect, mind, conscientious will. Character.

    To form the perfect man his soul must be formed which the body benefits from.

    The Lord created Man's flesh from mud and then 'plunged' the soul into it.  The soul.
    For the body to be a garment that becomes glorified one day.  But this is how we must see it first in order to see the 'order' of things everything pertaining to man.

    First God had already in his thought the soul of man. Then he wanted to dress this soul with a unique garment created from His Garden of Delights.  The love God has. God gives what He possesses. He possess love, goodness, kindness, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, all myriads of good and 'beauty'. And Finally Infinite Power. His Good is Infinite in definitions and attributes such as what is single a virtue. God has infinite virtues. They are all good.   The life of man was created to possess God and then to possess one another in supernatural love.  Not human love or fleshly love. But the highest love which exists with God and is God. God is Love.  Thus God created man to possess this love.  From this love man would be inspired, and live actively loving learning or growing after acquiring new virtues which God has himself. For man to naturally possess as many virtues as God has in mind.  To acquire through fusion with the Love.

    As man has gone in the opposite direction to acquire that which fades, rusts and decays what God calls falsehood and lie.  What God calls more mud what is not eternal. What God calls that which is nothing but heart aches and disappointments because these things are temporary in this temporal universe.  

    In this temporal universe is floating in orbit the earth.  On this temporal earth are eternal beings called 'souls'.

    Eternity has two end destinies: The Heavens where God and saints exist and are, and the Abyss of Eternal Damnation where Satan and those angels that were admiring Lucifer rather than their Creator Father.   Satan is eternally accursed.  He dragged with him those poor angels to have them eternally accursed. They did not possess God fully and love him above all else.  They gave Lucifer a greater portion of their love.  God said, He created them to possess and love God and their brothers. To enjoy God and each other in the Love.   Think of the Love as an ever unfathomable Ocean, just like the ocean to start then graduate this to the Universe's ether, then graduate this thought to the Unfathomable Ocean that is God. God's love is an ocean of God's proportion: Infinite.  No height conceivable, no depth conceivable, no width conceivable, no measuring can be done to what is 'infinite'.  

    God is infinite.  God is an ocean of unfathomable love which He possesses.  We are finite and we can possess what God has in mind for us when we love Him with all our hearts, minds, souls, and strength, with all our being combined. With all these combined into one new thing.  

    Jesus said, from an evil heart comes evil.  This says, what we possess is what we give and do.  If we possess evil thoughts in our hearts, we do evil in some fashion.

    If we possess good in our hearts, we do good in some fashion.  

    Man is a capacity to be filled.  Like a battery once the battery is depleted it is done.
    But man is not a battery. Man has an incorporeal essence from the Divine, man possesses the Divine's Essence, the soul, a spirit in the soul.  The soul lives in time and has to endure, heat, wet, cold, freezing, too hot, dry, so on from the flesh. What the flesh comes in contact with indirectly goes to soul. Ah, the heat! It is too hot! And the soul feels in some fashion but not exactly. Just believe it. Thus the spirit needs protection from the matter at large.  The soul is a protective layer for the spirit. Once this soul has a leak the spirit is then at threats from some matter corporeal in this example and for the incorporeal one the Demons. Vampires of souls.

    Jesus explains that only Grace protects the entire man: Body and Soul/Spirit.

    An unprotected man is open to all kinds of threats corporeal and incorporeal.

    Human science is lower science and not God's Science. In fact human science is an heresy. God created Science and it is His Science that created all things present in this universe corporeal and incorporeal and the heavens. Science is the 4th Gift from the Holy Spirit and this science is the Science of Science. From God comes all things good.  Evil comes from a desire to be God so not to get into error. Evil does not come from God. But God allowed it. Free will.  Evil is banished for all eternity from God's Heaven, and originally this universe, but is allowed to roam on the earth due to man choosing to eat its fruit.  Which God kindly and lovingly commanded the First Man and Woman to avoid at all costs.  He said, 'you will die the death.'  God is the eternal being and He sees everything past, present and future before they happen because He is Always. Always or the word for Constant present and presence fully aware. He is Light. Shadows do not form.  Pure Light.  Love is this Pure Light. Love has affections and gives affections give and receive circulate constant. Supernatural affections that when given some senses becomes more powerful of a love. Man possesses the affections in the heart and the heart combined with soul gives greater affection sense of affection like nothing else can.  

    In the opposite of love, man can then possess with corrupted affections great hate that at times seems like that would crack the sky.  

    Man is the one in the battle on earth. One side is evil the other is love.  

    Since man lost his standing with God being present on the Earth, God's true entire full presence, evil who hates the light and needs darkness--, roams freely and has many places that are 'full' shadows like entire nations. A city entirely in the shadows. A town, a home, a neighborhood where the Devil roams freely.  During the day or night doesn't matter.  Evil hates the Light. Light is God. Jesus said from the Center of Heaven comes His Light. This light is with those in Grace, the good willed, the saints, the little angelic beings called children.  Not the entire Planet of Earth.

    Many nations are possessed and ruled by legions of demons.

    Jesus said, the possessed are those that deny this. The Devil works to tell you you are not possessed, he doesn't want you to know he exists, yet tells you God does not exist.  Jesus called Lucifer a liar, murderer, thief, robber.  Satan is the Liar works in shadows.  Man not in Grace, not baptized and in Grace, is part of the shadow lives in the shadow.  Blinded to the Light. Many do not even know what is the Light. To them light is the sun during the day, the light shines from the sun.  The light from the light bulb. The light from the candle when lit. Light through cracks peers through. Light that is not God.

    God gave to man the Gospel. The greatest of gifts in life to gain and live a true life, alive and thriving in spirit.  

    Man gives from what he possesses.

    Peace be with you always

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