Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    The Enemy Does Everything To Stop Your Mission


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    The Enemy Does Everything To Stop Your Mission Empty The Enemy Does Everything To Stop Your Mission

    Post by Poem

    The Lord Jesus Christ, when He began His ministry right after His Baptism in the river Jordan went to prepare in the desert.  He spent 40 days there fasting, praying, contemplating, meditating for the coming warfare with the enemy of God and Man: Satan and the flesh, the world to save souls and bring them to the Kingdom of God eternally.

    Mission Statement
    Save souls. Teach. Return Grace to Man.  Raise man from mud to spirit.  Obey the Laws of God.  Create a Church. Give them the means to grow their spirits.  Maintain them. Give them strength. Make them spiritually intelligent.  Lead them. Protect them. Help make them free and walk to be free spirits like God that imitates the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.  Become love. Character building. Be like God and imitate Him so as to identify with Him as sons and daughters.

    So Jesus had a great mission by God the Father to restore man to origin.

    But what does the Devil want?  To rule over man as his!  Lucifer wanted to be God. He wanted to not be Evil.  But, when he gave into to have this thought of to be like God, He fell from Grace and did not return and became Evil. This Angel, archangel became Evil was not his true intention. He wanted to transform into God. Cannot. A very futile gesture if any.

    When one opposes the All and this All is very little thought of as what this All is--, then falls from Grace and becomes something else. In Lucifer's case he wanted it all-- greed, avarice, and then the final is 'envy' because he was not God and could not do what God does. So he Lucifer failed to know what this ALL is.  Thus we as man do not either and fall quite often.

    When man becomes humble is when we understand 'the ALL'.  To become humble one has to become like King Nebuchadnezzar humbled and made to see what the ALL is in reality. Then and only then does man see the ALL, that the ALL is grandeur unfathomable. Then this humbled man is always thanking and seeing the Grandeur a gift given by the ALL. It is where man should be so he does not fail to enter the Kingdom of God. There is in reality one only Kingdom. Hell is not a kingdom. It is expiation forever. One expiates forever, which means your crimes are too grave to be forgiven. You crossed the line. You opposed Love and became Hate just like Lucifer. And there are a few reasons besides wanting to be God. Don't go there. Become humble and love God, love authority, love your neighbor. Love.

    As man we cannot control what another person thinks and does: Master and the Puppet.  We want to!  We want it all! Yes this is what the proud end up concluding to but doesn't really know it. It is subtle so subtle. In fact we do not recognize we are doing this. Vice. One vice leads to another. Vice is a no go at this station. St.Peters says obtain virtues be virtuous. Can you gain virtues from the world at large? No the world is atheism, proud. A bunch of Judases and Cains who kill their brothers and sisters. Jesus spoke to the Apostles and told them of the dangers in the world. Spoke clearly. But what does a blind fool do? Doesn't listen. He says, 'No way' That is not true! Well these are Catholics who are seduced by the spirit of the world and don't know it and justify their actions and thoughts. These are not saints but heretics who are Satan's puppets. Too many to count. That is why the Antichrist appears. Haven't paid attention as to why yet? Of course not. These kind are afraid of pain and sacrificing a great deal of sacrificing. They want the best things for themselves. Hoarding. They live their one life now.

    Jesus in Book 5 Poem of the Man-God version spoke and made comments about His Passion at the Garden of Gethsemane.  He mentioned that Satan's attack then was the most ferocious one to date in His three years.  

    In Book 4, Jesus said the demon got tired of shooting arrows at Him.  The demon tried his best to persuade Jesus to stop His Mission and join him. He even mentioned that Satan sweetened up the cake with much icing to make it 'sweet' and appealing, juicy!  Oh, if you would just bow and serve me! God the Father would forgive because you are His Son. Later you can go back to God and ask for Mercy!  

    The Enemy of Man only savors the things of Man. To make man his. To rule over each one with overbearingness, ropes, strangling crunching. Do you believe this oh man of God? No. Majority do not. Instead, you are seduced by the Enemy through other seduced men and women. Thus you are indeed ruled by Satan.  

    Jesus spoke clearly to serve only God and worship Him Alone so you do not receive the condemnation at Judgment Day, The Final Judgment.

    The goal of each Believer is to build the character that is, preparing and forming oneself for Eternity in the Kingdom of God. For the Kingdom of God. To become a true son of the Father as should be.  

    The times and the seasons will change prior to the Antichrist. What is immoral becomes 'moral'. The illicit becomes licit.

    Love God and as Jesus said prepare the exodus to and for the New Earth. They of Babylon are already ready for the pasturage of the Abyss.  They can't hear. Only those destined and the Father knows who hear.

    God's anger is kindling greater and greater. Jesus and Mary will have to give in to the Father here. And when that happens, death galore upon the face of the earth. First by the Antichrist Satan's son and the Satan's son with the enemies of Christ. Do you think a place of Sanctuary will exist? A place you can escape to to be where all this carnage is taking place? No. Only those in Grace.

    The daily Sacrifice spoken of in Daniels book is referring to the Holy Communion -Breaking of the Bread. Notice here that the name has changed from Breaking of the Bread to Mass by Mans doing. Man changes everything and the anger of God is that man has changed everything that originates from the Divine and turned into mud, trampled under. Does not listen. Is disobedient. Thus gains the Monkey.

    If man was humble and simple and not proud, obedience would be natural to him. However, man thinking his intelligence is something finds it is only 'straw' compared to humility, what humility brings. Humility brings God and God is the creator of Wisdom.

    Do you want heaven at once? Or do you want to spend lots of time in Purgatory? Do you want the best? Or do you want chitlins?

    Follow Jesus' teachings precisely become the greatest in the Kingdom of God right next to Jesus Christ the King. Amen to God be glory forever! Alleluia!

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Tue May 28, 2024 10:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Post Tue May 28, 2024 10:25 pm by Poem

    Satan is Chaos and Perturbation.  An eternally Envious Monkey.  Monkey see, Monkey do as best to imitate.  

    In Japan there's a saying Monkey no see, Monkey no hear, Monkey no speak.  Three carved monkeys faces on one statue.  

    Well this is about not being a protruding pest.  No to pry into another mans or neighbors affair on your own. Eaves dropping, being the nosy
    neighbor no scruples.  But rather to observe.

    A Samaritan is one who aids those in need.  Sometimes our neighbors are in need but due to their ways may not ask for it, but really needs it. Prayer is common spiritual sense thing to do here. God is gentle and He wants man to aid man. It is the earth created for man and man must to the work. The Church is created by the Founder Jesus Christ -God-Man, but is created for man to aid man using the supernatural aid and resources. Man is given the Law. This Law is of no use if it is not observed--made use for our good. Which brings God and God is the ALL.

    A man in God has God with Him. So when a man (soul) inspired by God goes forth the Spirit of God is there the Third Person invisible giving supernatural counsel, wisdom, etc--Seven Gifts of the Spirit is a perpetual thing here you and God and the soul in need. How they respond is up to you. How will you approach them? If you are blunt, it's not a good response coming back.

    Jesus says, that each man should keep his integrity to keep boundaries not be overstepping, but ready to aid.  Well, all need aid from eternal death.  Thus, preaching and evangelizing is necessary even if it seemingly costs the life of ones flesh.  However death affects the entire being. God looks at the soul, where the soul is.  The soul is the being enclothed in flesh and blood a very unique clothing.  The animals have no soul they are as He created them without His Breath.  God did not breathe in to the animals that crawl, nor snakes, nor birds, nor creeping things. They have what God had in mind for them. They have instinct. If a man of God is fully there and present with the likeness and image of God reflecting God, the animal is at peace. The animal sees God in the altar of the soul.

    God breathed into the nostrils of the clay mold that is man only.   Human science which is not Supernatural Science, which is not Wisdom's words nor of God says otherwise. Such as an animal the crawls has four legs or jumps around has a soul, a type of soul, and they are unsure as to what it really is. Well they look and say, they have intelligence. Of course. God is intelligent. He made them.  He gave them what they require nothing more.  Simple.

    When Geppetto of an Italian village created Pinocchio did Pinocchio speak?  He was made of wood and this story is about man really if you think about it.  Geppetto being the Creator in simulation and Pinocchio being man.  This is fictional not a true story.  However the intelligence of the story if followed has similarities which the Author drew from.  Man when he does not listen ends up becoming a mule and it takes repentance to heal.

    How many mules does it take to make the river turn blood red?  Your flesh dies eventually nothing you can do about this.  The point of eternal death is the second death your soul.  

    The enemy of Man shot arrows at Jesus, and they got tired, so they had Him killed. If you don't join us, die!   That is what happened in short rather than going through the entirety.  He followed and obeyed God always never strayed.   Have we done the same?  Can each one say the same?
    Compromised at some point. Saying something like, I have a family, I have my pride, I have to live.  Self interest. Not God's like Jesus.  Jesus had one interest that of His Fathers to create a Church, give Grace back to Man, have as many for the Father's Kingdom. To this end.  How about each Christian?  Are you of the same fortitude?  Firm?  Knowing that your Heavenly Father is going to give you the best for all eternity in His Kingdom?  Jesus forgoed all here on earth as Man so that He could have all forever in The Kingdom of His Father. He forgoed sentiments, feelings, because these were most dear to Him and said in His Heart, 'I will be able to have and give these eternally to my Brothers and Sisters.  Forever.  Jesus forwent these to have them later.  He gave up so much and received so much sorrow and pain, grief temporarily because He saw into the Future in the Kingdom of His Father and not only seeing, He believed His Father from whom He came from.

    The Kingdom of the earth is falsehood it is nothing but traps upon traps that seems to lead to some eternal quest that is going to be satisfied eventually.  Never does. Chaos and Perturbation at each step, corner, straightaway, this idea doesn't exist.  The earth this one is temporary where man comes into existence, gains flesh for his or her soul then grows more physically than spiritually.  Remains infant, embryo where only a small few actually mature as spirits, adult spirits.  Thus when we read Apocalypse the book in the Bible, Daniel, Isaiah, and the major Prophets we see in gaps so tiny that man that is those whom God knows to be in His House at that appointed time is talking about the two:  One matures, the other does not.  The greater portion being ones that do not.  The spiritually deprived because they chose to remain as flesh.

    Two kinds of maturity:

    1 Them that live with all the senses of the flesh that dies is never truly satisfied it is like bait on a fishhook. The knowledge and understanding really never take true flight here. The Spirit enlightens and enhances, illuminates, raises up elevation, who in Grace, the just in God, but does not occur with those embedded in the senses. Wrapped in sensuality.

    2 A. The spirit which is virtuous grows in integrity, kindness, wisdom, love, faith, justice, prudence.
    These are the qualities and attributes found: Understanding, kindness, compassion, humility with meekness, merciful, forgiving, empathy.
    B. The heart is full of virtues. The soul is graced with these virtues. The Holy Spirit smells the sweet perfumes there and makes His abode. The Temple has sweet incense the aroma.

    The books of the major prophets where the Lion and Lamb are together resting this is quite beautiful.  It is the future, a vision of God that He sees as true and real.  

    When man follows Jesus exactly, this mans inheritance is such as like unto Jesus'. The greatest of these are those who do as Jesus did. To be another Jesus exactly, in thought, word and deed. This what Christ is really saying in the Gospel and those who hear Him understand.

    The greatest in the Kingdom of God are those who are true copies of Jesus Christ His only Begotten Son.

    Ears to hear eyes to see.  

    Peace be with you always

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