Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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Gospel, Life of Jesus, Dogmas, Church Teachings, Catholic Faith, Prayers, Truth, Life, Regeneration, Evolution of Souls

    The Issue Here at Large That Comes Unavoidable


    Number of posts : 4178

    The Issue Here at Large That Comes Unavoidable Empty The Issue Here at Large That Comes Unavoidable

    Post by Poem

    All of mankind is so used to being 'man' and 'woman' there is nothing else to live for to think of to do.

    As flesh and blood as God teaches we've become. But rather we do not think this way at all and find it ludicrous that someone is that arrogant, ridiculous, and off beaten path, not in reality. Check.. check... check. What are you saying Man? Are you paying any attention? We have to work, we have to be educated, earn a career, buy this and that take care of ourselves etc.,. What is wrong with you man? Are you insane? I think you need a reality check and come down to earth from wherever you are getting these thoughts from!! Yes. Many are this way. This is due to man living as man.

    They are far from the truth of God. Many things have to happen for them to wake up and believe with their souls. Their souls are embryonic. Not nourished, not vivified by Grace.

    So we man who live in this world, only see other men and women as flesh outwardly. We don't recognize they have a soul. We talk to that soul but don't realize we are. We each talk soul to soul but in the embryonic dead state thus there is not Grace to Grace life happening between each soul.
    God to God is not happening but among the few.

    When a soul is in Grace and another one as well, it is communion God to God. Very simple.

    God comes to rest in that being and the other Grace. You are then communing in Grace. God is upon and in you and the other.

    Peace be with you always

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