Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Perfect Affections


    Number of posts : 4178

    Perfect Affections Empty Perfect Affections

    Post by Poem

    Perfect affections of love

    The supernatural thought to some beginning here,

    Jesus with His Fusion of Himself to a soul that is Baptized and partaking the Sacraments with good impetus of love the stages and levels of progression.

    Jesus cleanses our hearts through a process to purify it and make able to give and have good affections. He makes our hearts capable of good affections, by preparing it. Nurturing, forming. Formation.

    The Holy Spirit is the Fire of Love that the Lord speaks of. This most intense fire is so concentrated yet is so gentle. It is done gently. Maturing the heart. The soul spirit of man is fused to the heart. So with the heart man is able with these good affections as it matures and only available to man in this way. What is corporeal fused by what is incorporeal to create and have this kind of affection which is different in the angelic beings, because they do not have the corporeal nature which God made man to have.

    It is two natures fused into one to create a unique superbeing capable of great love as the Father had in mind. All this which is imparted by God. Given by the maker.

    It is to live strictly this to achieve the heaven, obtain it, conquer it for each to have. Not to conquer it to rule over it. But to conquer it as in conquer ones faults and errors. Ones fears, shortcomings, this kind of conquer. God awaits us to conquer and possess heaven individually.

    To merit it by conquering. A work. A life's work. A life's goal.

    Affections are necessary. Good ones, ones built and made with wisdom, virtues, goodness, justice, uprightness, good morals. Honest, wise, prudent in union with God.

    The Prodigal Son parable is a good one to study. After awhile we understand what Sin has brought in this parable to each soul regardless of their status in life. It is about fallen sons from Grace. Grace.

    The parable tells of one of the sons wanting his portion and then taking leave of his father's house to go into the world with his portion to live life his way. He falls. He is hungry, sleeping with pigs, eating slop. This is human interpretation using material things to get the thought process started. Man fell from Grace. This happened to the son when he left his father's house. But the father never once left off not thinking about the son. In fact he thought about him daily and I would add perpetually. The father's thought the affections from the father probably penetrated the sons heart at some point. But first the son had to experience life his way until he ran out of choices and then came to his sense and said. Even the servants in my father's house are well fed! What have I done!

    So the son begins to amend his ways to get back to the father's house. It starts with affections. He had to generate affections in levels and stages, from a seed planted in the soil and then gradually watered it to where it gradually came to life in him to be able to repent to his father for making a self interested action. He broke faith with dad and family where he was beloved.

    The word is 'beloved'.

    The son's love had not matured. He was not able to make an adult decision. He instead was a juvenile and made a juvenile decision. Not juvenile as in a delinquent but as one that is not well seasoned in wisdom and making good decisions.

    Affections work both ways. It thinks in both ways. It thinks from the others perspective as well. It is able to see both sides well because its affections are matured and pure, good will. It thinks universally. Not just about its own well being. The others perspective such as the father here who loves his son.

    The true sage is able to build and possess good qualities and attributes because the sage realizes he/she must possess these to be good and give good affections, good counsel, good actions, good to anyone. The unwise being only seeks to satisfy it's hunger and not the others.

    This is not what God teaches to be unwise and only concerned for the self. Self heaping, self gain.

    God teaches to possess good in one self to have good and then people are friends with the good soul and they intern do imitate the good because it is God's will for all to be good and have the quality which comes from the Good Lord. The universal good. That is heaven. All are good and all love infinitely because all are fused to the Perfection. What is Perfect comes in contact with the finite and makes it perfect by sheer contact. God imparts perfection

    So one has to be pure and of good will. God cannot come to an impure being. Thus the Sacraments exist to aid one to become pure. Jesus becomes many hats for us, for us to be able to love God and adore and worship in peace and good will.


    Peace be with you always

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