Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Faith and Hope


    Number of posts : 4178

    Faith and Hope Empty Faith and Hope

    Post by Poem Tue May 21, 2024 11:06 pm

    This important lesson of faith comes in a few parts:

    Part 1

    « For the sake of our families, for ourselves… It is dreadful to live here… »

    « You are not only bodies, My children. You have also a soul, and it is worth more than your bodies. You must be anxious about it. So do not ask to be cured only for yourselves and your families, but to have time to become acquainted with the Word of God, and to live deserving His Kingdom. Are you just? Become more so. Are you sinners? Ask to live so that you may have time to make amends for the wrong you have done… Where is the woman? Why is she not coming? Dare she not confront the face of the Son of man, when she was not afraid of having to meet the face of God when she was sinning? Go and tell her that she was forgiven much because of her repentance and resignation and that the Eternal Father has sent Me to absolve all the sins of those who have repented their past. »
    « Master, Adina is no longer able to walk. »

    « Go and help her to come down here. And bring another vessel. We will give you some more oil… »

    « Lord, there is just enough for the others » Peter says in a low voice while the lepers are going to get the woman.

    « There will be enough for everybody. Have faith. Because it is easier for you to have faith in that, than for those poor wretches to believe that their bodies will be-come as they were. »

    Peace be with you always


    Number of posts : 4178

    Faith and Hope Empty Re: Faith and Hope

    Post by Poem Tue May 21, 2024 11:09 pm

    Faith and Hope

    Part 2

    « Master, Adina is no longer able to walk. »

    « Go and help her to come down here. And bring another vessel. We will give you some more oil… »

    « Lord, there is just enough for the others » Peter says in a low voice while the lep-ers are going to get the woman.

    « There will be enough for everybody. Have faith. Because it is easier for you to have faith in that, than for those poor wretches to believe that their bodies will be-come as they were. »

    In the meantime, up in the eaves a fight has started among the three bad lepers for the sharing of the food…

    The woman is carried down in the arms of her companions… and she is moaning, as much as it is possible for her, saying: « Forgive me! My past! For not asking to be forgiven in the past!… Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! »

    They lay her at the foot of the rock. And on the rock they put a kind of pot that is all chipped.

    Jesus asks: « What do you say? Is it easier to increase the oil in a vase or to make flesh grow where leprosy has destroyed it? »
    There is silence… Then the woman says: « The oil. But also the flesh, because You can do everything. And You can also give me the soul of my early years. I believe, Lord. »

    Oh! the divine smile! It is like a light that spreads gently., cheerfully, softly! And it is in His eyes, and on His lips, and in His voice as He says: « Because of your faith be cured and forgiven. And you as well. And take this oil and food to nourish yourselves. And show yourselves to the priest, as it is prescribed. Tomorrow, at dawn I will come back with some clothes, and you will be able to go being decently dressed. Cheer up! Praise the Lord. You are no longer lepers! »

    Only then the four, who so far have had their eyes fixed on the Lord, look at them-selves and shout their amazement. The woman would like to stand up, but she is too naked to do so. Her dress hangs in bits and pieces and what is nude is more than what is covered. Half hidden by the rock, out of a sense of decency not only with regard to Jesus, but also to His companions, her face recomposed in its features, which are only thinned by privations, she is weeping saying without interruption: « Blessed! Blessed! Blessed! » and her blessings mingle with the horrible blasphemies of the three wicked lepers, who are now furious seeing that the others have been cured. And they fling dirt and stones.

    « You cannot remain here. Come with Me. No harm will befall you. Look. The road is empty. At the sixth hour all the people are at home. You will stay with the other lepers, until tomorrow. Be not afraid. Follow Me. Take this, woman » and He gives her His mantle to cover herself.

    The four, a little frightened and amazed, follow Him like four lambs. They cover the remainder of the Hinnom valley. They cross the road and go towards the Siloam pool, another gloomy place for lepers.

    Jesus stops at the foot of the cliff and says: « Go up and tell them that I shall be here at the first hour tomorrow. Go and rejoice with them and preach the Master of the Gospel. » He tells the apostles to give them all the food they have and He blesses them before dismissing them…

    « Let us go now. It is already past the sixth hour » says Jesus turning round to go back to the lower Bethany road.

    But He is soon called back by a cry: « Jesus, Son of David, have mercy also on us. »

    « These ones have not waited for dawn… » remarks Peter.

    « Let us go to them. So few are the hours in which I can do some good, without the peace of the people I help being disturbed by those who hate Me! » replies Jesus and He retraces His steps looking at the three lepers of Siloam, who are looking out from the terrace of the little hill and are repeating their cry, helped by those who have al-ready been cured and who are behind them.
    Jesus does nothing but stretch out His hands and say: « Let it be done to you as you ask. Go and live in the ways of the Lord. » He blesses them while leprosy vanishes from their bodies as a thin layer of snow melts in the sun. And Jesus runs away fol-lowed by the blessings of those who have been cured and who from their terrace are stretching out their arms in an embrace more real than if they had physically done so.

    They go back to the Bethany road, that follows the course of the Kidron and forms a hairpin bend after a few hundred steps from Siloam.

    Peace be with you always

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 06, 2024 4:36 pm