Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Pay Attention to the Words of The Voice


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    Pay Attention to the Words of The Voice Empty Pay Attention to the Words of The Voice

    Post by Poem

    When the Antichrist comes about, and it is entirely up to man in reality, due to man screaming we want a new king!  God gives to man what man wants most.  If a man and woman wants children and raise a family, God grants. If a man wants to work in factory, God grants. But sometimes God does not grant due to, lack of growth and maturity for one, and other reasons.  And some times, the Devil grants.  God said man should not be alone and that is why He created 'woman'.  Most people don't understand nor recognize this great important aspect of life.

    Here's another example, a woman and a man embark, they are not yet married, she becomes with child, and yet they are not married.  They get married.  They have spats and divorce.  Then they each get 'remarried'.  The woman has more children from the second marriage.  She had a few from the first one.  Ever scratch your head and wonder?  How can this be?  The Lord said, let no man put asunder what God has joined together.  Well, here comes Satan.  Let’s break this apart, make them go against God's command and order.  What happened was the first issue is, that they got married because the woman was impregnated. This is lust, sensuality other reasons that are not about family, giving birth to children for to raise a family.  So they were married by force--another force for the justification of ruin. Instead of by good will and love for one another to have family, raise children. This is the true purpose to get married to have children.  Though the reasons to get to this point must be of a higher nature. Rather than to fulfill the lower natures lust.

    God created man and woman to propagate new souls for 'heaven'.  A simple thing here. But what happened? Rationalism, self-interests.  They rationalized without God.  The fact that each individually had their own interests tells us that their interests negated God's command leading to disobedience. Thus the mess we have today is infinite. The thoughts of each individual person is indifferent to God's.  

    What happens here to the woman who now has children from the first and second marriage?  She is torn inside. Her heart is broken to such depths. Shipwreck twice over.  Mortal wounds.  Lust leads to death if fulfilled. This death is to the core of the being. They are walking dead.  It stays. And over time they 'may' get over it.  They have wounds that runs deep to the core of the being.

    This is just a example for what is going to be said next.

    "As the Father has given Me all power, so Satan will give him all power, and especially all power for seduction, to drag after him the weak and those corrupted by the fevers of ambitions, as he, their chief, is."

    "But in his unbridled ambition he will still find Satan's supernatural aids to be too scanty, and he will seek additional aid in the enemies of Christ, who, armed with increasingly deadly weapons which their lust for Evil led them to create to sow despair in the masses, will help him"

    ---until God pronounces His 'Enough' and burns them to ashes with the splendor of His appearance. --

    This is the paragraph in whole:
    As the Father has given Me all power, so Satan will give him all power, and especially all power for seduction, to drag after him the weak and those corrupted by the fevers of ambitions, as he, their chief, is. But in his unbridled ambition he will still find Satan's supernatural aids to be too scanty, and he will seek additional aid in the enemies of Christ, who, armed with increasingly deadly weapons which their lust for Evil led them to create to sow despair in the masses, will help him until God pronounces His 'Enough' and burns them to ashes with the splendor of His appearance.

    First, Satan isn't able fulfill the blood lust of killing, he is too 'scanty'.

    Yet, Satan is his father here.

    And this son of his is able to kill with a thought.

    The Evil One begets his son by stealing from God's Fold.  The fool is seduced.

    What did Christ say Satan is?  Liar, thief, robber, murder.  <--Remember these words.

    Two fruits to pay attention to on earth.  Good fruit and Evil fruit.

    What does Evil do? Lies, steals, robs, murders.  From God and man.

    The problem with the Vatican is they are 'divided'. And what did Christ say?  A house divided cannot stand, it will crumble. This is precisely why the Antichrist arrives. Because they cannot keep their house in order.

    They don't believe in Hell, Satan and the Gospel. If they did, most of the world would be saved. Satan would be shutdown.

    Disobedience to the Christ who is God.  At root what was the fault of Adam? Disobedience. What did this bring about? Death. What is Satan? King of Death. Those not saved and being purified are in 'death.'  Death is more so for the soul.  The eternal death.

    Pray, meditate get yourself healed, find a true priest and not some knock off.  Become the 'just' in God, faithful in God.  In God, through God always God.

    If one has grown in maturity, one can tell the difference between God's Voice and Satan's voice.  

    God's voice is calling to His children all day long each and every day perpetually to come home. Prodigal Son.
    So the Prodigal Son can inherit his due right as son in the Kingdom of Kings.  The Life.

    Satan's voice is telling these children to be their own gods and inherit a false kingdom. Doom, Death, Fire roasting your body and soul eternally.  The Death.

    Up to the 11th hour God calls.  But in reality up to the souls departure from the body. After the soul departs, it's too late.  Your one life has been lived in the material earth of temporal trial for each soul.

    Adam failed the test in the Garden of Eden. So every child of Adam has to each individually choose which 'Tree'.

    The Garden of Eden is gone, but the Two Trees remain till the last man born of a woman. That is why Genesis exists on earth for all to read from the Father to His children born of a woman and not of God.  Only Christ is the Only Begotten of the Father.  Then those who come to Him can be recreated into the Image and Likeness.

    Complex issue. But that is what Sin brought, a fault passed down.  The anger of God our Father. In fact most don't know the true reason they wander in the desert of life.

    Peace be with you always

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