Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    What Happens when we Fall?


    Number of posts : 4327

    What Happens when we Fall? Empty What Happens when we Fall?

    Post by Poem

    How does this affect a regenerated spirit that is alive and thriving vivified by Grace?

    There are levels and stages of the growth of the spirit from infant to adulthood.

    Along all the ways of this growth the enemy of Man and God is at work. He is excited! He sees new 'prey'.  He is now slurping his chops!  Um... tasty morsel to gobble down and corrupt.  That is the enemy completely violent hatred bent on one thing: To Destroy the works of Gods creation. The entire creation through his instigation and man is the medium used to perform destruction.

    God is in Heaven along with the saints and angels.  

    Satan is in the Abyss of Hell along with the demons(fallen angels) and souls of fallen men.

    As Christ works to convert man to the Kingdom of God, Satan the Adversary works to convert men to the kingdom of the Abyss.  Spiritual warfare. It is masked behind what is corporeal.

    Both God and Satan are 'spirits'.

    As new born babes in Christ, the devil works to seduce these souls to stop. He works to lure by enticements to the flesh. If his seductions to lure to sensuality-copulation, meaning not working, he uses other means to the flesh. Sensuality is the medium Satan uses to piggyback other vices. Those given to sensuality are 'ruled' by Satan.  No percentages are taken. But you should use discernment to understand how much.

    For the spiritual man he uses spiritual enticements. Such as unconverted spouses, relatives, family any human being uncoverted to the Faith. Big juicy ones! Thus the man of God must be prayerful always, spiritually matured, and not a lone ranger with no tanto. Tanto is God in this case. Jesus and the Holy Spirit and the Father who is the Power.

    These are the tools of Satan's all vices:  Pride, lust, envy, anger, coveting, gluttony and sloth. These are all aimed at the flesh of man first and foremost to snatch the soul, convert the soul and flesh, the entire man to his side.  The world seduced by Satan is full of all of these tools which have become vice laden opposite of virtuous.  

    The spiritual man's house is large now since Jesus Christ has formed the flesh more into spirit. So there is more space inside. God enlarges the human being to be able to have the Infinite God.  The flesh by itself is not able to have God.  The soul must be regenerated first and foremost and then Christ in through His infusion of Body and Blood converts what is flesh to what is spirit and thus the garment of flesh becomes thin less weighty and defensed by God. Armor.  

    Satan likes spiritual beings that are of the Faith to catch because there's more space for him too!  So as stated in the Gospel that latter state is worse than the former.   Before Grace and after Grace who falls preys to Satan.  Oh! Satan wants nothing but this!  He wants to shake his fist at God! He wants to brag! He wants to rule over God's creation!  Even though Lucifer became Evil, his thought was to rule as God over all God's creation.  In other words, as the angel he was, with his thought to be 'God' and rule over this incredible creation as 'an' angel not a demon.  Understand this point.  If evil had ever never been possible, as an angel created by God, the angel would have been considered a 'rebel' angel. But we see and read and understand that Lucifer became Evil.  His thought was not good will. His thought was to be 'God'.  A self interest of his.

    So now Lucifer kicked out and sent to the Abyss this thought of his persists the I want to rule over God's creation. So he has to destroy what is good in souls in hearts to convert them to his side to rule over them from the Abyss. But these are not rebels. They are evil, wicked.  If they were good willed and loved every being, God, angels and souls, then they would be on God's team.  Evil is opposite of Good.  God is the Supreme Being. The Infinite All. Nothing is greater. But one must come to 'know' God in this way. Not all agree because they have not the knowing and understanding. They lack the growth in this.

    Man is a capacity to be filled. Filled by what?  God.  We read God created man to be God's son. To be family. To enjoy God and each other in the supernatural love of God. God filling the man with himself and loving character to imitate God and reflect God. To be little images of God.  From God comes this so man can be like God.  To love.

    Christ plants spiritual virtues into the heart of man to make the heart spirit.  The brain of man to make the brain spirit. A conversion from flesh to spirit.  Thus the spiritual being a 'living soul.'

    The works of Christ in the Sacraments converts a being to spirit in entirety.  My words are spirit and life.  To raise the soul back up and be the master of his entirety.  The flesh to become spirit where the being is spirit but clothed with flesh. This is how Jesus was and then became Fully God in Man. Thus God-Man. Previous during his His mission Man-God.  God hidden man for the benefit of mankind.  Jesus Christ is the Word and the Wisdom of the Father. So if you have Christ in you, you have all this in you.  The Word and the Wisdom of God.  His words are spirit and life. You now have the Living Word living in you. He is infusing all this into you. You are one with God now as soon as you receive into your mouth the Bread of Life and Blood of Life two. First to eat then to drink. Then Christ is in you for you to become this. Fusion. Transubstantiated into you.  Becomes Bread of Life which is Two Things for man man needs Food and Drink. Anyone knows this. Heck you have to be from another planet if you don't. Too many of the Faith of the Religion that are 'illiterate'.  

    Jesus' words are given by the count them not one, not two, not 10, but Four Evangelists in the Four Gospels in the Book called the Bible. Four. But since 1940's Fifth is added and the more complete Gospel for to aid man who has fallen from the Gospel way of life!  Re-infused Gospel to save man.

    St. Paul says, Christ in you the hope of glory!

    To whom God would make known the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ, in you the hope of glory.
    [Colossians 1]

    St. Paul was converted by Jesus.  On the road to Damascus to put to death Christ's souls.  Ah!  What a mistake!  Jesus shows up to St. Paul and Christ being full of Light blinded his eyes. Just the light did this. Imagine when Christ shows up as He is in Heaven all Glorified full of all that is God upon the earth?  The Abyss would cease to exist along with evil everywhere.  The saints however, Jesus would protect because these saints are taking the Sacrament of Holy Communion where Jesus is in Both.  See the Devil told some young juvenile clergy that you only need to give the Wafer.  Why? Well after growing in the spirit, Satan hates the Blood of Christ. Oh, it burns! Oh, It BURNS!  Read Book 5 where Judas is roaming around after Jesus is handed over!  The Blood! Judas screams! Judas if you read correctly was possessed by Satan himself.  Satan can't stand a few things:  The Cross - Scaffold, the Christ in all that He is and the Body Blood Soul Divinity, the Blood speaks! Oh, remember God said to Cain, I hear the blood of Abel whom you spilled crying out! The blood.  The Blood that was spilled of Christ.  There is the killed voice and there is the giving life voice.  The Blood of Christ is the Life for us. Take time to read the Last Supper in Poem of the Man-God.  If no blood in the human being the human is dead. Dried up flesh.  Learn God's Science become literate with God's Science.  The Holy Spirit's Seven Gift's are:  Wisdom, Intelligence, Counsel, Science, Fortitude, Piety, Holy Fear of God. There it is 'Science'. Who created the embryo in Mary's Womb?  What Science? Whose Science was it?  Who created Man? What Science is it? Whose Science is it?   Become literate with God's Science.  What is Incorporeal created the corporeal.  And man without God, will never understand because he is not educated by God Himself. The Wisdom of God.

    The enemy seeks to ruin Gods creation and has been doing so since he caught Adam (God called Adam both of them together man and woman joined)  Adam and woman were called Adam. And then later when the woman gave birth, Adam gave the woman the name Eve.  And thus they were separate.

    Had Adam been obedient, the man's name would preside for God and man to call both man and woman by that man's name. Kind of confusing here.  But lets put it in simple terms.  God first created a man. Then created the animal kingdom and brought them to Adam. But the Lord found that is was not good for man to be alone so God put Adam to sleep and took a rib and placed it into the mud to create another Adam in speaking but a wo-man who was gifted by God with love for the man Adam whenever God was out of the Garden. To comfort God's son. But get this they are both together called Adam by God. Because we read God only gave one name here, Adam.  But is more than that, as we read, God created male and female to procreate more Adam's and more woman to fill up the earth and then from the earth fill up heaven. But this uniqueness of Man and woman is not as we think it is originally. It is a simple thing which God did.  It is written very simply. From the man Adam God took a rib and placed it into mud and then breathed into it's nostrils to make it a living soul. Same process to give it life here. God just took from what He already made a rib and then this rib says:  This is from Adam and this new being is 'wo-man.'  From me comes another being in reality another me from Adam's perspective. But from God's a woman to procreate more Adam's who become Gods sons and Adam's children.  Man and woman are one thing here.  It is. However we are on the otherside of Sin thus we see things differently in the reality that is given by their Fall.  What was to what is.

    More Adam's means more perfect beings created by God.  All men and women would have been born in Grace and resided in Grace. Graced beings filling the earth.  Love to flourish in all generations. No imperfections of flesh or soul.  Perfectly born beings. No lust, pride all these terrible horrendous vices killing man.

    Heaven and Earth would have had nothing but perfect beings and then when the last man was born of a woman, God would have glorified the present Universe because there is no Sin, no Evil, nothing Negating, into the permanent state of Glorfication.  But due to Sin, and evil present, God has to extinguish this present Universe to cancel it all out and then create a New Heavens and a New Earth.  Removal of evil and sin. Residue, the excrement of it.   Sin is the gift of Evil vices are its tools.  God does not want this trash in His New Heavens and New Earth.  Or New Universe.

    In our present world where darkness is perpetual out there, Satan has amassed great power. These are presented hidden in the texts of Daniel and few others and Apocalypse of St. John.  But is presented by the Immaterial King Jesus Christ in the dictations.  Adonnai! Adonnai!
    Glory to the Immaterial King.

    To most of mankind living on this darkened world spiritually speaking, they have no inclining that it is. No evidence to their physical senses of the flesh. Therefore Satan succeeded in his plan to rule over the earth. Don't you think?  Took Grace away from Man. God away from Man.  So Satan can work. No light.

    In Book 4 of Poem of the Man-God where Jesus explains to the Apostles that a juvenile spirit in Grace will meet many defeats and fall, and even worse then before the spirit came to Grace.  Because the soul is a babe still, not adult spirit.

    The enemy ramps up his ways. He uses what is available to man and then what is available to man from God in regards to the Words of Life, the Bible, the Scriptures, Sacraments, the Gospels, and the more the spirit is fused with God's word, the more the Enemy eaves drops to catch the spirits.

    The enemies goals to make null Grace as he did with Adam, but, to convert these to himself. Making them non-effective, cancelling out the work of Grace. In other words destroy the work of Grace into ruins and over the ruins rule them turning them into his proselytes.  Satan is a destroyed being. He is ruins. Thus to have this destroyed spirits image and likeness. A Beast. The Beast.  God calls Satan a Beast.  Satan trample on God's gifts given to him, God's creation of him as a virtuous angel. Imagine the most perfect angel God ever created and reflected God perfectly no stain. Then this poor angel trampled on all that God created him with and gifted him with to be this hatred, violent demon. Imagine a beautiful grandeur of a building that is unlike any, has every thing one can possibly imagine to have as a building, a masterpiece and then it is then turned into rubble, shambles and ruins. This is Satan's spirit.

    Jesus said, as He works to convert souls, Satan works to convert souls. Battle to convert souls.  This is it in a nutshell. Our flesh is just covering like a curtain that one covers to not see what's on the other side. Masked. But, when this Horror arrives, the curtains are gone! Darkness covers the earth. A hell on earth in reality without the eternal flames of expiation. God keeps Hell as Hell, but allows this monster to take a son of His and turn him. We do not want this. It is as some say, will never happen! Oh, get out of here! That will never happen. Look where is God? Where is this Evil you talk about? Well did you see that a man was shot through the head last week? Your neighbor died of knife wound. They call this short insanity could happen to anyone. Many such words come from them. When Son of Satan arrives on the scene they will cheer him on! Thinking him to be a prodigy but soon find that this is Evil Incarnate. What will they do then?

    When we fall, it depends on how far we are in Grace that Grace no longer can return to that soul.  To a juvenile spirit, the work is a great one to return to Grace.  For it really depends on how much Satan has ruined the work.  For souls that are matured in Grace, it is impossible to return.  Younglings it is different but the work! To get it back! The climb back up! Fell into the pool of cess! Disgusting cess! Slime, reptiles! Disgusting.

    Onto more realism here Babylon is Fallen says the angel! Babylon is a Satanic spiritual kingdom of the cessed earth. Steeped ! Reptiles! Nothing but converted angels--(demons) and converted souls of men (Satanic men) filled with vices to no end! What  a horrendous time on the earth it will be! No one actually can fathom it because it is not yet come. Experience means everything here.  So instead of heading in that direction of experience, head in upward direction experiencing and living perpetually the Life which is in Christ Jesus. His is the Power. His the Miracle.  His are words of Life.  He is the Life. I Am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in me shall never die. Believing in Him means one believes all his words to do them, live them, so they become you--formation. Formed by the Master Potter of our souls.

    In the Apocalypse of St. John, in chapter 18:1-2

    1 And after these things, I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power: and the earth was enlightened with his glory.  2 And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen; and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every unclean spirit, and the hold of every unclean and hateful bird:

    Chapter 19:16-21

    16 And he hath on his garment, and on his thigh written: KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.  17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun, and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that did fly through the midst of heaven: Come, gather yourselves together to the great supper of God:  18 That you may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of tribunes, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all freemen and bondmen, and of little and of great.  19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to make war with him that sat upon the horse, and with his army.  20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet, who wrought signs before him, wherewith he seduced them who received the character of the beast, and who adored his image. These two were cast alive into the pool of fire, burning with brimstone.

    21 And the rest were slain by the sword of him that sitteth upon the horse, which proceedeth out of his mouth; and all the birds were filled with their flesh.

    NOTE: Here God is stating a fact of life for animals. Animals in the world were created a comfort to man but they die and do not resurrect. That is their life. Satan prodded man to imitate through the greatest lie to become animals who die.

    Thus we read that result of those who become beasts. To become a beast one feeds on vice. In the world there are good willed intelligent men and women who abstain from vices. They could be in other religions or they are just good sensed, good manners, good behavior. They do not like anything that is even remotely not good in the truest sense of the word 'good.' They really abstain.

    However, there is variance in the world. Those like Jesus who obey and do everything good, perfect manners, perfect behavior, kind, giving, goes out of their way to aid, thinks more of others, but is perfect to be able to do so! There is no neglect here whatsoever of self formation in virtues, --virtuous. They are formed perfectly to be able to do good in any capacity. They are well formed in virtues. There it is. There are souls out there that may not believe in Jesus Christ and have some form of obedience and discipline of good that they have virtues rather than vices.

    Then there are the inbetween, they do not want to be stereo typed, classified into one or another cliche. So they stay in the lukewarm area to stay safe. To jump into vice would be a most horrendous act for them. May they find peace and joy in the Lord. May they serve Him with true impetus of love. To be filled to overflowing with love.

    The angels is crying out loud Babylon is fallen.

    From the 1943, August 22
    Page: 259
    Chapter: The Seven Last Plagues. The Earth as Babylon Among Numerous Worlds

    "Maria, now I will take your hand to lead you to the most obscure point in John's book. The annotators of it have exhausted their capacity in many deductions to explain to themselves and to the multitudes who the 'great Babylon' is. With a human view, to which the jolts left by desired events or by events taking place were not unconnected, they have given the name of Babylon to many things.

    Babylon explained

    "But how is it that they have never considered that the 'great Babylon' is the whole Earth? I would be a very small and limited God the Creator if I had created only the Earth as an inhabited world! With a beat of my will I have brought forth worlds upon worlds from nothing and cast them as luminous fine dust into the immensity of the firmament.

    Babylon is:

    "But how is it that they have never considered that the 'great Babylon' is the whole Earth?
    2 And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen; and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every unclean spirit, and the hold of every unclean and hateful bird:

    Babylon the entire earth in future times of the earth where the greatest catastrophe occurs as related in St. Matthews Gospel chapter 24 and as Jesus explained in the dictations to Maria Valtorta and also in The Gospel As Revealed to Me in the Glorification (also bits and pieces throughout here and there could be somewhat obscure but the Holy Spirit makes it know to us) section where Jesus is teaching the Apostles prior to His Ascension.

    The Notebook of 1945-50 chapter The Apocalypse of St. John starting on page 548. (Must read)

    The Notebooks contain Jesus very own words covering a broad range of spiritual, incorporeal matter and corporeal ones.  For the entire man flesh and blood and soul.  The best books you can ever own next to the Scriptures.  God inspired the scriptures and Jesus Christ as God and Man had Maria Valtorta write for Him for us.  (For our benefit.)  God always cares for man his creation. It is up to man to rescue himself with God as Redeemer. Jesus said, I am the Vine apart from Me you can do nothing.  As the sap from the Vine flows into the branches. A dried up branch is cut off and thrown into the fire. A lingering branch needs aid from the other branches full of sap and one with the Vine.

    One must be alighted by the Holy Spirit to possess His Seven Gifts and one must have Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and then as one becomes a full adult in spirit is then is able to convert and not fall, due to the spirit and Spirit and Jesus joined fused.  Sometimes God allows the adult to go through unpleasant falls not of their own will but to have this experience to aid others.  

    Jesus said, when a farmer puts his hand to plow, he dies plowing that is the life of theirs. Faithful to this occupation.  Stays a farmer till death providing for his family, his community.  He applied this to our Faith. There is no pause button, and there is no going back.  Once you start, go forward! Continue.  Do not ever give up!  Forget your feelings and emotions, overcome them for they are the lower nature where Satan attacks to use against.  Cut off all of your very own humanity its ego and rise up as spirits, to make the flesh spirit.  To give all your affections to Jesus. Just as Jesus did. He gave all His affections to the Father and to His Mother.  She a spirit in flesh just like Himself, He the Father just like Himself.
    The heart was created to give loving affections.

    This comes from 'experiencing' such mortification's through the deceptions of the Evil One.

    When a soul is alive, thriving, vivified by Grace, all that happens happens to the spirit. It is destructive and takes much time to recover as long as one does not ever give up. The enemy is the Accuser, the enemy derides, makes one feel the guilt for falling. The enemy ridicules. The enemy jaunts, taunts.  It is the evil. Evil does this.  The clown, the jester, the false prophet, the false god, the false everything and the spirit of the Antichrist is he.

    First and foremost the enemy is 'AntiGod'.  For he wanted all of what God had created as a being created by God.  Opposition who became the Negation.

    Christ is then Incarnate which brought about this Anti, and little anti's (the Antichrist Spirit who birthed as one can say, the antichrist spirits; the Negation) against the Faith, the Religion created by God for any man to obtain. To love, cherish, live and proclaim by a true life in the justice of God.  The Antichrist was then created when Christ came. The first manifestation or as Jesus put it the precursor was Judas Iscariot.   Thus the spirit of the Antichrist which is found in the very words of Jesus in the Notebook of 1945-50.  

    The spirit of the Antichrist has been around since the Incarnation of Christ.

    Blessed is Maria Valtorta, Jesus came and preceded her into Heaven.  He came to escort her. She is in Heaven to ask for prayers.  The Communion of Saints.

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Adonnai, Adonnai to the Immaterial King!

    Peace be with you always

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