Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    The Life-Giving Spirit


    Number of posts : 4328

    The Life-Giving Spirit Empty The Life-Giving Spirit

    Post by Poem

    Notebook 1944
    The Life-Giving Spirit
    Page 321

    May 27

    Jesus says:

    "Maria.  Say, 'Here I am,' like the stars the prophecy speaks of, and full of joy, come and listen to Me.

    "It is the vigil of Pentecost.  Wisdom did not descend just once with its fire.  It always descends to give you its lights.  It suffices for you to love it and seek it as a most precious treasure.  The world is perishing because it has derided and rejected Wisdom by walking outside its ways.

    "Man has put a lot of knowledge into his mind.  But he is more ignorant than when he was primitive. He then sought the way of the Lord and inclined his spirit to receive the Lord's words.  He now seeks everything except what he ought to seek and fills his being with all the most futile and dangerous words.  But not with those which would be his life.

    "'The Lord,' Baruch says, 'did not choose the giants to communicate the word of Wisdom to them.'

    "No. The Lord does not choose the giants. He does not choose them.  He does not choose them, lay or consecrated men who think you are great just because you are full of pride and in my eyes are less than grating crickets.  The Lord does not look at your permits or your posts, or at your role and name.  These are like husks placed over what God observes to measure their value: the spirit.  And if you do not have a spirit inflamed with charity, generous in sacrifice, humble, and chaste, no, the Lord God does not choose you as his beloved, as repositories of the riches of Wisdom.

    "It is not you that can say to Me, 'I want to be the one who knows.'  It is I who can say, 'I want him to know.'  I can still have mercy on you, for you are wretched, ill with the ugliest forms of leprosy.  But as regards showing a preference in choosing you, I don't. You don't deserve it.

    "Be able to deserve it with an upright life.  In all respects.  For if you keep faith with your most serious obligations, but fail in less evident, but more profound matters, you are no longer upright.  You are not.  And this spite of yours is nothing but a human motivation robbing itself in a deceitful appearance of zeal.  The intention is not upright.  It is thus not valid.

    "And you--come and converse with your Master. Come, for I draw you from the tomb of pain; and I do not prostrate you with a vision of terrifying majesty,which, moreover, you already seen.  Observe only the spiritual side of the resurrection of the dead as applied to the current solemnity.  It is the Spirit of God infused into you that gives Life.  Love Him. Invoke Him.  be faithful to Him. You will have Life and Peace.  The former, beyond the earth. The latter, even on earth."

    Peace be with you always

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