Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Exorcisms Deliverances That Are Available


    Number of posts : 4328

    Exorcisms Deliverances That Are Available Empty Exorcisms Deliverances That Are Available

    Post by Poem Sun Aug 18, 2024 4:14 pm

    For those that seek these here are a few you can sign up for:

    Based out of Washington DC

    Msgr Rossetti

    Register Online for Msgr Rossetti's deliverance held.
    Note: He does not do any Masses therefore he will say this to you if you ask.

    St. Michael Center For Spiritual Renewal

    The website

    Videos from the previous deliverance sessions are available on youtuble.
    This seems to be very effective. We have a real exorcist who has been at this for many years.
    For fully possessed souls they have discernment and you can get the aid you need.
    For those living in other states of continental US, Msgr Rossetti can help you at your local to where you
    live by referring for discernment.  He is the first step though.  He is widely known.

    Arlington Diocese
    Based out of Arlington, Virginia

    There is an exorcism deliverance available to those of the faith.


    On the website page lists the procedure to engage in this service.  A screening process to determine the possession level. Full, some, to be able distinguish.  Possession or obsession.

    Full possession is where a soul human being is similar to and not dislike the man or two men found in the Gospel, possessed by the spirit of Legion.

    Obsession is where evil spirits attach through some vice, medium, spells, incantations, divination, sorcery, alchemy, Hellenism, occult of any type.  For Buddhists that have protection prayers, all kinds of prayer beginning with health, wealth, well being, job, career you name it they have it, can be a great source of demons attaching.
    How could this occur? Being friends with them one tends to share, exchange to make friends.  One for one.  It happens. A lure. From a spiritual perspective this is a lure and a seduction.  10 Commandments. You shall have no strange gods nor the similitude of a god. I Am the Lord Your God. One Religion. One Teaching.
    As a human being in the Faith, one word charity comes to mind. Kindness, compassion.  Discernment is much needed.  Spiritually speaking.  We all encounter this.  We must always start everyday with God. Attached to God and remain in God. This is where the previous Rite, had failings and brought all manner of the wrong doctrines into their camp.  Infestation of false gods and their doctrines.

    These are no less intrusive but still attached. The more one bends to their suggestions, eventually leads to overbearing, forceful, causing you great harm.  A person is freer in the sense that they are not fully possessed. But, believe it, you are not free. Only Christ gives us true freedom.

    First the demons act very friendly to befriend, sounds so innocent. Then they lead to others suggestions what seems to be more innocent, but thrilling, even pleasant. From one to many more. It is them getting you into their 'religion' sort to speak. To convert you to Satan through the many doctrines sprung up. Satan's church or synagogues.

    Compare to physical duress or illness.

    Fully posed is the state of comatose where you are zero in charge. Like being put to sleep and seeing everything take place but you are not the driver of your body. Like watching a tv show, or a movie. The view screen. Total loss of faculty, total loss of ability to move arms, limbs, mouth, even eat.  The demons with their power wreck havoc.  Fully possessed.

    There are apparently several of combinations, variances, of the many demons such as more than 8 called Legion. Beelzebub. Other names.  This is where there are apparently from the sound of it legions of demons.

    There is Satan himself as the 8th.

    There is the 7 demons based on 7 Capital Sins that possess a soul to the point where they are not yet completely fully possessed but are controlled, their will is bent, yet, they are able to will, such as eat, sleep, and the will to do good is apparently bent in the other direction of the evil spirits to do their will.  The sin they attached to at first, becomes the main voracious one, while the others come afterwards.  7 Capital Sins.
    Evil spirits are able to control and have their way with a soul that fell into sin. Thus they are noisy and your mind is now having guests talk to confuse fill your mind with garbage. They like to have you think about everything below heaven. To have you focus on other things besides Religion, Faith, God, holiness, goodness, loving your family being able to do good works, a state of that is not alive and thriving vivified by Grace. Disallowing true abundant life as Christ brings to us.

    The true need to avoid sin, be with those who do not sin and do not partake in the occult, horror, and the various non-Faith, and non-Religion activities, events, outings. etc.,. Stay clear of things you do not understand.  Remain faithful to Lord in all things.  St. Paul said think on things above and not below.  Ecclesiastes said all below heaven is vanity. Vain. He was telling us of his own experiences in life and what he saw.  He witnessed paganism in himself and others. Godlessness.  A world of vanity.  Compared to today, our times it is more vain. Greater  A great amount of lures, dangling from the spiders web to catch and spin up.

    The spirit of the world is Satan and he has his many doctrines.  We see them, hear them.  The world is not a safe place for any soul.  It is as Jesus said, dog-eat-dog world.  The martyrdom of life.

    Demons are constantly tempting man. They do not sleep.  Once you have one of these attach to you, you have a pest that badgers you.  Not like a mosquito, but a fly or a bird that pecks at you.  With the stronger spirits things like crunches your head. With more spirits because they lead you to something of innocence it is this way on the forefront, seems very innocent, what harm can come of it?  Lots!  Like a bad movie. A bad TV show.  Into a book store with lots of these terrible occult, doctrines of devils.  The spirit of the world is Satan.  Atheists do not understand these things and thus Satan uses them to spread his doctrines of death to catch souls and make them his.  

    Is the world safe?  No. Jesus tells us outright it isn't.  He did not lie. He is the Truth.  We live in the world mixed with atheism, Hellenism, Darwinism, alchemy, all sorts of devils doctrines. Infinite.  It is not dissimilar to a weed in your yard.  They sprout allover the place once one gets in.  This is the world.  One got in and many sprouted. A cleansing needs to take place it is so infested with these pests evils spirits, demons, doctrines of devils. Vain. All is vanity under the sun. Only thing that is not vain is being attached to God, having Grace. The more the need don't you think to be with those of the same mind? Of the Faith? Community as in not thought but physically? A parchment of land that is stamped for the Faithful in God?

    What did God do with Israel and then from Israel branch out to the whole world His Law and life for souls?
    He 'delivered' them to a land flowing with milk and honey from paganism, heathenism, Hellenism, Darwinism, Alchemy, etc,. As long as you obey Me you shall flourish and spread allover the world. He said, I Am the Lord Your God and then spoke. He said, obey my Laws and you shall live.

    Many souls are possessed to some degree. And by possession, we mean not fully. Jesus even confirms that possession is not necessarily full possession. But possessed. There's a difference and it is complex and gets confusing.  Go to Confession often. Find a good priest that will hear you even if it is not a big sin. A thought. Sins start from a thought planted and then festers and grows. Yeast.

    Because man sinned, everything changed from simplicity to complexity. Thus everything is complex. When we are in Grace, things become simplicity once again. Because God is simple. Love is simple. (Notebook 1943 Page 297 bottom of page or last paragraph)

    Here is the paragraph, sentence which is repeated here for you to meditate.

    "God is simple. The closer you come to God, the simpler you will become. You will feel in yourself increasingly the tedium and vanity of human science, including that aimed at God, but written by man. The more God speaks to you, the more you will feel the suffering of the harsh, bitter sound of human words compared to the most sweet supernatural tone of my word. Don't worry yourself with many doctrines; don't fetter yourself with many rules. Be simple and free. Upon you may there be only the light yoke which is not a weight, but a wing--My yoke. Jesus' yoke

    What an advice and teaching. Knowledge of Life. Jesus Christ. Gesu Christo. Pie Iesu.

    I think this pronounced p-e a-su. P-e A-sue.

    Love God: love Jesus Christ the Holy One, Love the Immaculate Virgin Mary. Love what is from God.
    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen

    Peace be with you always


    Number of posts : 4328

    Exorcisms Deliverances That Are Available Empty Re: Exorcisms Deliverances That Are Available

    Post by Poem Mon Aug 19, 2024 5:20 pm

    "Yes, even the spiritual one. The octopuses of the Evil One holding sway penetrate and extend even towards your spirits and, as they please, will or do not will that the spirit should turn to God or his Law. Their acrimony as children of Satan explodes in fierce persecutions. But even when, casting aside the human mask concealing their heads as infernal snakes, they do not arrive at the major persecutions, it is the subtle forms of craftiness, the crumbling of the edifice of Faith, and the ways of life aimed at substituting paganism for religion that envelope your spirits to strangle them.

    Notebook 1943
    Chapter: Loss Of Freedom under Satanic Dominion
    Page 494

    Peace be with you always

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:16 pm