Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Commentary on Isaiah; The Father's Words on Jesus as the Light Sent into the World


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    Commentary on Isaiah; The Father's Words on Jesus as the Light Sent into the World Empty Commentary on Isaiah; The Father's Words on Jesus as the Light Sent into the World

    Post by Poem Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:15 pm


    Notebook 1944
    Page 235
    Chp: Commentary on Isaiah; The Father's Words on Jesus as the Light Sent into the World

    Isaiah 7:10-16

    March 25

    The Father says:

    "What my son of old, out of holy fear of God, prudently did not want to do, resisting temptation I had sent him as a trial, is what you are now requesting, not because of a temptation coming from Me, but through a regurgitation of your rebellious spirit guided by the forces of Evil, instigated by your Enemy, whom you love more than you love Me, your Most High Lord above there is no other.

    "You ask for a sign. You ask for it with your impure hearts and your blasphemous lips. And you thus request it in a way that is derision of my power, negation of my existence. You badger Me to show Myself with a sign because you doubt my existence.

    "In the time of My Son, the Jews also badgered Him to give them a sign about his Nature, they denied it in their hearts that He was the Son of God. And the only sign which made them aware of their deicide was the one that came after the death of my Word. An unavoidable punishment for those who were deaf and blind to the prodigies and words of my Christ.

    "You do not receive a sign from your God because I do not manifest Myself to those who deny Me. You instead receive the multiple signs of the one you worship as slaves. He, the Enemy, multiplies his signs, and you, now close to the time of worship of the apocalyptic Beast, remain seduced by them and consider that the creator of such signs is greater than I, is the only one that exists. You wonder. 'Who is God? Who is He?' And inside yourselves, to justify your acts of wickedness, you reply, 'God does not exist.'

    "I am who I am. I am so superior to you that no manifestation of mine would now be understood by the world, which has plunged into the most terrible darkness and foolishness. What you think is progress is your regression to the twilight of the early times when men having lost God and his Paradise were only slightly superior to beasts and pushed their corruption to such a point that I decided to exterminate the race, at which I was indignant.

    "The end will be like the beginning. The circle closes by joining the two dark stumps to each other. The new flood--that is God's wrath--will come in another form. But it will still be wrath. Faithful to my word, I will not send the flood again. But I will let the Satanic forces send the flood of the Satanic acts of cruelty.

    "You have received the Light. I sent you my Light, so that the parabola of humanity would be illuminated by It. I sent It so that it could not be said that I wanted to keep you in the twilight of expectation. If you had welcomed It, the whole other part of the circle which will join together man's way, from his beginning to his end, would have been illuminated by the Light of God, and humanity would have been enwrapped in this Light of salvation, which would have led you without shocks and pains into the City of Eternal Light.

    "But you have rejected the Light. And It shone at the summit of the circle and then remained increasingly distant from you, that have descended by the other way not saying to It, 'Lord remain with us, for the evening of the ages is falling and we do not want to perish without your Light.' As in the course of the day you men came to meet the Light, received It and then returned to darkness. It, my Light my Word has remained as the Sun set in his Heaven, where He returned after not death but your rejection of Him sent Him back.

    "It, my Light my Word has remained the Teacher for those few who love Him and have welcomed his Light into themselves. And no darkness can extinguish It, for they defend this Light, their love even at the cost of their lives. Because of this faithful love of theirs they shall have Life in Me for they already possess my Emmanuel and thus have God with them already. That Emmanuel whom the Virgin joined to Me conceived and gave birth to. The only sign given by God to the house of David, to the kingdom of Judah, to make it sure of its duration which would have been eternal if my people had not rejected my Emmanuel.

    "In the prophecy of my prophet it is stated, 'He will have butter and honey as food until he is able to reject evil and choose good.'

    "By his wisdom enduring in Him even in his condition as Man in which his divine Nature had been annihilated under the exigency of a love so great as to be incomprehensible for you--a love which spurred Him to humiliate Himself, the Infinite, in the circumscribed wretchedness of mortal flesh--He was always able to distinguish between Good and Evil. He did not need years to arrive at the possession of reason and the faculty of discernment. And if so as not to violate order He wanted to follow the common stages of human life under that appearance of an infant's incapacity, of the semi-incapacity of a child He possessed in concealment the treasures of his infinite Wisdom.

    "But that prophetic word means that He would feed on humility and concealment until the moment in which when the time came, He would become the Teacher of Israel, the Teacher of the world. My testimony the Defender of the Father's cause, and like a flame free from concealment He would shine in the power of his Light and his Messianic Nature, showing gentleness to the good and severity to the wicked, shaking, watering, and fecundating hearts, and giving to man--not to Himself for He had no need of that gift--discernment to distinguish between Good and Evil, removing every doubt every nebulosity in this regard.

    "He came to perfect the Law and make it clear for you with his teaching and capable of being followed with his example. He came and loved Good and rejected Evil so much that He agreed to die so that Good would triumph in the world and in hearts and Evil would be defeated by his divine Blood.

    "No more butter and honey for my Christ when He arrived at manhood. But vinegar and gall. Vinegar and gall in the final hour preceded by the metaphorical vinegar and gall of three years of public life continually combated by his enemies and rendered difficult by the burdensomeness of his friends and disciples.

    "The lips of my Christ are still afflicted by the gall and vinegar of this insolent race. And the Father is saddened over the pain of his Son. And his affliction turns into wrath towards you men who no longer have a spirit faithful to your God. The Sacrifice which is repeated on the altars of the earth is no longer salvation for you. But as from Golgotha the Blood of my Son fell on his slayers crying out his pain to Me and provoking my punishment so now it falls upon you-- hypocrites and blasphemers, deniers and debaucheries, haters of God and of man, your brother--and marks you with blood and fire for condemnation.

    "The Earth howls like a creature afraid of the monsters inhabiting it; the Universe trembles with horror at the sight of the crimes covering the Earth. I, your God, burn with divine wrath at your corruption in flesh, mind, and spirit. Neither the mercy of the Savior nor that of the Virgin and the Saints appease my wrath with their prayer.

    "Truly as in the times of Moses, I say, 'I will erase those who have sinned against Me from my Book, and if I were to enter into your midst just once I would exterminate you.' Truly I say that only to my remaining children do I speak as a friend for by their faithfulness they have found grace in my sight and I will show them my Good and have mercy on them. And even more benign than with my servant Moses for my most holy Son has brought you his benignity and established the Kingdom of Benignity without waiting for the day you come to Heaven I will make the Face of my Christ shine in you O my faithful children who adore Me with holy respect and with filial love.

    "Love It, for whoever loves It loves Me. Love It for it is your salvation. The Star did not appear only for Jacob. But for all those who love God with all their strength. And Christ the Star, after the earthly struggles will lead them to Me in Heaven where your place is ready--O you blessed ones for whom my Word did not take on Flesh in vain and my Christ did not die to no purpose.

    Peace be with you always


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    Commentary on Isaiah; The Father's Words on Jesus as the Light Sent into the World Empty Re: Commentary on Isaiah; The Father's Words on Jesus as the Light Sent into the World

    Post by Poem Sat Aug 17, 2024 6:59 pm

    The ten commandments.

    1 And the Lord spoke all these words:  2 I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.  3 Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.  4 Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven thing, nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth.  5 Thou shalt not adore them, nor serve them: I am the Lord thy God, mighty, jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me:

    God sent Jesus Christ to redeem man forgive all of his sins from Adam onward, even those new sins that would be in future times after Christ's Resurrected and Ascended.  Future of man on earth.  God is all seeing. Eternal Present.  This forgive is mistaken greatly and misunderstood.  Two steps to forgiveness maybe four.  First step an offense occurred. God is Eternal Present. A blemish is seen constant to God. It should not exist in the first place because God made man perfect gave man His likeness and image to be like God in character, in mind, in will, in acting, living, behaving.  In God's Image made he man and made her woman. But woman was made from man's body to reflect man to God and vice versa. Wo-man. From man.  But one being in God's eyes, two parts joined. Like God is Spirit.  Is not flesh so God replicated God Himself in Flesh as Man the First One.  God is Three Persons, Father, Son, Holy Spirit.  Father and Son generates Holy Spirit third person but is God a completely Third Person. Kind of difficult to refer this in human words. It is spirit thinking and visualizing to see spiritually and not physically as all things Spirit.

    God being The Superbeing created replicated which reflects Gods Nature as pertaining to Spirit, how He acts and thinks naturally to Him the Spirit.  The woman is a manifestation of God's thought of How God is in this relation to Father Son Holy Spirit.  Jesus gives us an explanation of God in some physical fashion for us to have some more idea of how God is from this simple illustration of God the Triune God, they are similar to 3 circles drawn within each: First circle being the Father; second is Son; third is Holy Spirit. So draw a circle then within this first one draw a second and within the second draw a third. As the circles draw from one another and then recirculates so these three draw from from and give to each other; the first being Power the Father, the Second being Wisdom and Word, the Third Being Holy Spirit. The First gives to the Second and the combination of the First and the Second gives to the Third which is greatly enhanced and condensed immeasurably because of the First and the Second.

    Now in relation to the corporeal creation of Man. First circle is God, second is man, third is wo-man. The woman is second only to God in relation to comforting Man with her love and God gave to woman's soul a super abundance of His love to be like unto God when God is not near Adam took a vacation for a few moments.   Father is the first circle. Son is the second circle.  Holy Spirit is the Third circle, the Love the super abundant love of the Father and the Son and not only this love the attributes of both, character of both.  God is first circle. Man is second circle.  Woman is third circle.

    God gave to man His Image and His Likeness. The Soul reflecting God's Image as this Soul is His Essence, His likeness which are intelligence, free will, good will, incorporeal rational thought and will.  

    Man possessing God's goodies here, God expected man to in the justice of God in good will and good thought, according to what man possesses of God.  Good will.  Intelligence, rational mind and will.  The 'intelligence' of God.  All the way to the point where before the Flood the Great Deluge.  Case in point Noah used what God gave.  The others as said in and probably slightly before Noah was born maybe a few hairs,
    the Sons of God found that the Daughters of Men were fair and took them as many wives.  

    Sons of God are referred to Adam's children apart from Cain. Not Cain's descendants.  It is speculation that Sons of God which are Adam's children not exiled such as Seth, Henoch, that Adam raised and I believe Adam raised them to honor and obey God--he gained Limbo so he had to have repented and lived a life of penance and expiation--, followed God thus called the Sons of God in Genesis.  The Daughters of Men is presumably Cain's descendants this lineage of exiles.  Bad fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.

    In the time of Grace or Regeneration of souls to the Life as long as a Christian is firm faithful and just living the life of penitent as Christ did, Christ is the example of the Life of a Penitent, doing their duty, they are in Grace and Grace strangles the monster to trample all over the enemy, as a disciple of Christ, who follows the discipline of the Master, (discipline of the Master means to do exactly as He teaches not one iota different because He forms us to be able to, He gives us the power to be able to in the Eucharist by giving Himself as Food to fuse and become us; as He is so are we in this world [1 John 4:17]), so in the time of Grace and Regeneration, we become like Him the Christ. Pie Iesu. Pious Jesus, Powerful Jesus, Meek and Lofty Jesus. Superhuman Jesus ( for this one read Poem Book 1) as He is so are we in this world. Who is St. John the Beloved referring to for this fact of Truth?  Jesus Christ.  We are this way because of our filiation with God. The Father says, I draw you to My Son, Listen to Him.  I want you to be as another Jesus. To replicate as many Jesus'.  Do you see this fact and truth?  If Adam and had not sinned, no need for superhuman Jesus Christ, because Adam was already a saint and on his way to Superhuman Adam.  Not the petty man type of superhuman. But the angelical kind to be Saint-Seraphims. A spirit with flesh flower garment but in Heaven glorified and adorned by God's designs. A glorified flesh flower body is indestructible, cannot be killed, maimed, sick, ill, any form of these.  Perfect. So Superhuman.

    God sent Jesus Christ to show the true Image and Likeness with which God had thought for man to be.  

    Thus the greatest creation of God is Man.  Doesn't seem like it all does it? Why, sin, evil degraded and lowered man to 'mud.' Satan's idea and plan. To ruin God's creation. Revenge, vengeance of the Devil.

    Can't believe it can you?  Well it is all explained in the fine pages of the Dictations to Maria Valtorta whom Jesus declared Maria to be the Fount of His Words. Which means  quite a bit more.  Jesus is God full of Grace and Truth. But now He is God-Man. God first, Man Second because of the Flesh. So to Jesus the Flesh is Glorified and become as the Father has Thought for this to be.  Jesus reflects God's thought perfectly as the creation Man is.   Thus God says here this is what I had thought Man to be in My Mind. See it, believe it, become it. This is reachable by anyone who desires it and I am here to Aid you, Support You, Give you all the necessary to become it.  Grace and graces to conform your free will mind and will to perfect thinking mind and acting will.  To become perfect as I intended Man to be.

    When reading and then acting on it at first it seems I don't have enough! That is the onset.  As one continues in the Way set forth, one transforms in levels and stages benignly and one notices later on, that all is sufficient from God, from His Bounty.  

    On the onset it feels that way because one is still all flesh with reborn soul to God. Not yet filled with God's Life in that soul.

    The Lord Jesus said, I come to give Life and give it abundantly. He is not talking about all the material wealth to gain and have, and the life of the garment. He is talking about our souls. A healthy soul reflects on the flesh.  Health comes from the soul. Inwardly which benefits outwardly.  A dead soul reflects outwardly.  Dark, not light. Though the being is living because while living God gives a soul all the time needed to form and come to the Light and Live.

    The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.

    I am come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly.
    [John 10:10]

    Jesus said to her: I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, although he be dead, shall live:
    [John 11:25]

    It is the spirit that quickeneth: the flesh profiteth nothing. The words that I have spoken to you, are spirit and life.
    [John 6:64]

    We know that Sin kills. Sin brought Death. Sin is Death. Satan is this Death.

    Sin leaves a soul dead to God. Even though the person is living and goes to work, eats, sleeps, laughs, so forth. The one life God has granted to all born of a woman.

    We are here to say, God wants you to have a superabundant life Jesus talks about in the Gospel. Then from this earth transport to Heaven and then to the New Earth forever. A superhuman according to God the Father's Thought presented in the words given the Word and Wisdom of the Father, Jesus Christ.

    Live! Live! Live this Life God has graciously made available for you to choose and accept of your own free will! Ask God for Faith and Forgiveness. Let the Holy Spirit guide you! Find true Peace, the Peace that comes from God and is in God. Live! Not die!

    In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. So be it.
    Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

    Peace be with you always


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    Commentary on Isaiah; The Father's Words on Jesus as the Light Sent into the World Empty Re: Commentary on Isaiah; The Father's Words on Jesus as the Light Sent into the World

    Post by Poem Sat Aug 17, 2024 7:48 pm

    The Lord Jesus explained in the comments written in the Dictations about woman. What woman is in God's creation.

    He said, He created woman to be second only to God about love for Adam. To be there to comfort Adam in love. And then He gave the other reasons such as what is Man's role and the woman's role in this creation.

    When you read it and meditate on these words, contemplate them, the Lord reveals a beautiful thought and the succession of them these thoughts that is one thought actually that expands and grows in to a greater thought. How beautiful the Lord God had made man and woman to be. This will be seen and lived in the New Earth. The final earth. Amen

    These comments can be found in The Gospel As Revealed to Me and the other is the Notebooks regarding the creation and role of the man and the woman. There are instances where the same exact dictation is covered word for word in both the Notebooks and a chapter or paragraphs in the Gospel As Revealed To Me for some reason. However the Notebooks are where Maria dictated and separate them according to the Lords instructions. Poem of the Man-God and the 4 Notebooks. One is no longer being printed or made public? I don't see Quadernetti being among the choices any longer. Just the 3 Notebooks with the Years printed as titles.

    Peace be with you always

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