Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Commentary on the Breath of Life and John 17


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    Commentary on the Breath of Life and John 17 Empty Commentary on the Breath of Life and John 17

    Post by Poem Mon Aug 12, 2024 11:14 pm

    Notebook 1944
    Chapter: Commentary on the Breath of Life and John 17
    Page: 372

    June 15

    Maria says:

    "Today, the 15th, I am reading the Holy Hour dictated yesterday, and Jesus says to me:

    "For those who always take the liberty of reproaching Me for my words, I say, if they don't understand them, let them study theology. They reflect what theology teaches.

    "And, as for the sentence, which will certainly bother them, 'The spirit is an essence poured out by God, let them consider that the soul is 'a breath infused by God.' When deprived of a soul, you are corpse.

    "Let them open Genesis. It says, 'The Lord God formed man with the mire of the earth and blew the breath of life upon his face.' Let them not say to Me, 'To give them life.' No, to give life to domestic or wild animals, whether quadrupeds, reptiles, or birds, He had no need to 'blow the breath of life upon their face.' He created them, and that was all. The breath of God is the soul, the soul as life. It is the breath of the Spirit of God that becomes a living spirit in man.

    "Let them also open the Gospels. What do you think I restored life with? With my hand? With my voice? No. By infusing my breath, which, since it was God's, was vital-- that is, spiritual. It was a soul. I would bend over the dead and take their hand and command, 'Get up.' Yes. But this was the external, visible form. As I bent, I breathed the spirit upon their faces, the outpouring of my spirit, and life returned.

    “And if, in the resurrection of Lazarus, they, who reproach Me for my statements, say to Me, ‘You did not approach Lazarus,’  I reply, ‘For this reason, in this miracle, I called upon the Father’s aid, and—learn, O men—to receive it without fault, I thanked Him before the miracle for having heard Me: “Father, I thank You for having heard Me. I know that You always hear Me.  But I say this for the people around Me, so that it will believe that You sent Me.”’ Sure faith, prompt gratitude.  Indeed, advance gratitude, the proof of sure faith.  For Lazarus, buried in the tomb, beyond the space and the bands and the putrefaction's, far from Me, the vital outpouring from God was needed.  And life returned.

    “Let them also open the Book.  To Kings, Book III, Chapter 17.  How does the prophet Elijah restore life to the son of the widow Zarephath? (Seems to be Sarephta of the Sidonians in the Scriptures) By extending himself three times over the dead boy and crying out to God.  But also by breathing his spirit into the dead one, which prayer to God had made powerful with a vital strength.  Elijah, a prophet—that is, a servant of God, but not God or the Son of God—must repeat the prayer three and infusion three times.  But it is still breath which he infuses.  Spiritual breath.

    “And doesn’t the Book say, ‘Do not be like animals, whose life is in their nostrils’?  To say that Life is not in breath, but in the depths, in a secret point, but from there it spreads throughout the body and can pour itself out in throbs going back up to Heaven—charity towards God—and expanding over the earth—charity towards one’s neighbor.  Therefore: an essence poured forth and infused by God, it is nourished by the food of God.

    “And as for the other sentence—‘For you I requested my own glory; indeed, I have even given it to you….’—which will certainly jolt them, let them take the Gospel of John and open it to the place where my final prayer before the Passion is found.  It would be salutary if they fed their spirits daily on it and gave it as bread crumbs to the flock of the ‘little ones’ I have entrusted to them.

    “Fewer books and tomes, twentieth-century scribes!  But this prayer, this one, whose every word opens horizons, fountains, and treasures of salvation because it teaches you love, faith, hope, fortitude, justice, prudence, and temperance.  And if they fail to see where these virtues are in it, it will be hard for them to accept my lesson, which shows them to them.

    “The basic note of my whole prayer is love.
    “Faith is when I request heavenly gifts for them.
    “Hope is when I speak of those who do not yet exist, but will be sanctified because the Father will sanctify them even afterwards, when I am no longer the evangelizer among men.

    “It is fortitude because I cry out this prayer of mine, which seems like a triumphal hymn, in the hour in which I know that there is being prepared what is torture for the flesh and the apparent failure of all hope, faith, and love on the part of God and men and in God and men.

    “It is justice when I ask that those who are not the children of perdition since they did not want to follow Satan ‘may be one with the Father and with Me.’ No, those who do not want to perish do not perish.  The do not perish. And for those not wanting to perish friendship and union with God are reserved.  For the Father and I are just and judge with justice, bearing in mind man’s weakness and the circumstance which increase weakness.

    “And then I introduce prudence into my prayer.  I do not say, ‘They are sanctified by Me, and there is no need for anything else.  I am sure about them.’  No, I rather say, ‘Sanctify them in truth.’  I ask that this sanctification may be inexhaustible to counterbalance the inexhaustible, deleterious action of nature incited by Satan.

    “Finally, temperance is when I dare to say, ‘I sacrifice Myself completely and want men completely.’  I would like to have them.  But that would not be justice, for many do not deserve salvation because of their partnership with Satan.  And then, with temperance, I ask for those who will be sanctified because they have believed and lived according to the Word which the Father has given to Me for Me to give to them.  To these I give the glory which the Father has given Me.  ‘And I have given them the glory which You gave Me, that they may be one with Us.’  (John 17:22)

    *there's more in the Notebook.

    Peace be with you always

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