Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    The Apocalypse of St John - Just a few pages


    Number of posts : 4327

    The Apocalypse of St John - Just a few pages Empty The Apocalypse of St John - Just a few pages

    Post by Poem Mon Jul 08, 2024 9:17 pm

    Notebook 1945-50
    Chapter: The Apocalypse of St. John the Apostle
    Page: 572-578

    Chapter Two

    “The Apocalypse is a book of revelation, certainly. Indeed, it concludes the great Revelation. But it is also a prophetic book.
    “Both revelation and prophecy come from God. For only God inspires them. Only God can inspire them because only He knows the Truth and is familiar with future events because He is the Eternal, the All-Knowing, and the Almighty.
    “Prophecy is like a projection of future events seen by God alone and illuminated for those living in the mists of their temporary present. To enable the great illiterates in religion to understand—and there are so many even among those who limit being Catholics to receiving the Sacraments obeying the precept to observe the days of obligation, taking part in processions and going—yes this too—to talks but who are unable to respond, when questioned, on so many matters and the meaning of certain words for one thing is the expression “prophecy and prophets” and another “apostle” and still others and they get something good, involving light mixed up with what is not good not made of light, because they do not know—to make these religious illiterates understand what religion is and what prophecy is just as elsewhere to explain the Unity and Trinity of God the comparison was used of the three sided polyhedron in the same way let the comparison now be used—and perhaps they will understand—of a projection based on real events but happening in another place and in a previous time or a projection of events which will certainly take place but are not yet present and one single Mind knows them one single Eyes sees them and one single Word can set them forth.
    “Man over the ages has made many inventions and discoveries some good some bad and others which could have been good because they could have a means for training instruction and even elevation and instead have become not good because they have served to excite the base appetites of the inferior part corrupt the intellect and harm the soul as a result. One of the things which could been good and which have become not good in serving to disseminate vice crime and sin is cinematography; another is the press. But the former is of use to get our idea across. Cinematography with its films can depict events and persons of the past. More or less competently in historical terms for man rarely does what he does well and even more rarely does so according to the truth of things. But in any case, by means of this invention it is possible to show the living persons events traditions and customs of past centuries and even millennia. The film flows by and man sees.
    “God takes a man—a prophet of one inspired by Him certainly chosen by Him for this purpose—and for spiritual eyes and ears depicts and relates past events whose truth has been altered, because of the passage of centuries or an involuntary alteration which may easily arise in oral revelation or a voluntary alteration cause by religious schisms heresies or scientific investigation detached from religious wisdom.
    Or He illuminates and reveals future events which only He knows in his eternal Present. And they see and hear as if a film with sound were being projected in front of them to become his hand and mouth to write and say what God has been pleased to reveal.
    “This comparison—Jesus too made use of comparisons to enable his followers to understand his lessons—will enable many to grasp what prophecy is and what the prophets are what the inspired person or seer is and how one must believe in them who manifest what is good to know so as to proceed along sure paths provided they do not say things incompatible with Faith and the Great Revelation.
    “To some prophecies seem to be something not only incomprehensible because they are too obscure but obsolete in speaking of events that took place centuries ago. Yes many things mentioned in them have already happened and will not be repeated. But many will be repeated as they already have been every time humanity has returned to the condition for which the prophecy was given. Accordingly whereas the Incarnation of the Word and the founding of the Church will not be repeated since the Church founded by Jesus its Pontiff and Eternal Head cannot perish because of his divine promise and there can thus be no need to found another it is just as true that the punishments permitted by God as a result of the abomination entering the holy place and human injustice will be repeated as they already have been repeated. And in regard to many other things in will be that way.
    “Humanity with alternate cycles of justice and injustice of real faith and merely external faith—“the letter and not the spirit of faith”—or even of nonfaith for half the world’s population also undergoes alternate cycles of punishment and forgiveness—already suffered and obtained respectively—without being made better by this. And prophecies because they are given by those seeing “Time” with no limit in time in many points serve as light and guide a voice of truth and a merciful counsel for every time.
    “The Apocalypse the prophecy of the Apostle of Light and Charity illuminates—and does so through Charity—times every time until the last time. Nineteen centuries have passed since John received the revelation called “the Apocalypse” whose time of fulfillment when measuring it solely against eternity could be termed “near”. But if time of waiting when measured against earthly time was and is long as regards references to the state of the seven churches it is as current now as it was then.
    “John on seeing the seven churches at that time the seven more or less luminous lights at that time saw not only those but the other churches which would be formed over the centuries just as he foresaw what has happened and will happen on earth in Heaven and in the netherworld.
    “He saw. The lights of holiness. The shadows of injustice. The growth of spirituality. The growth of humanity or rather of materiality. The blazing of charity and of wisdom nourished by it a blazing rising up to Heaven. And the misty smoke of science devoid of wisdom crawling on the ground when man attempts to explain himself and so many other things in creation with his own knowledge alone. The sickening smoke of the lusts of the self of all the lusts. The blameworthy smoke of selfishness and ferocity. Smoke, smoke, nothing more than smoke and harmful smoke crawling on the ground seeping in sullying poisoning and killing. Killing the “best” things in the sense which God gives to this word and which we would call the most “beautiful” things.
    “The three and four virtues social relations consciences intellects peace in the family…. All of them things which the smoke which is found where there is no blazing of charity kills poisons sullies and penetrates. The forming of the new world—the world of Jesus, of his Kingdom. And the forming of a new world in the new one—the world of the antichrist of his kingdom.
    “The triumphs of Christianity. The defeats of Christianity. The admirable unity of Christ’s Sheepfold. The rebellious separation of parts of the Flock. John saw it all. And his vision was so intense that the fulfillment of all seemed to him to be immediate. But it was not! Centuries and centuries had to pass before everything viewed by the seer on Patmos was fulfilled. But everything will be fulfilled as stated as partially and at different times it has already been fulfilled through without reaching the completeness of the things which are not good foreseen by John.
    “A human matter which is not readily perfect and even less readily not repeated. Belonging to the People of God did not keep the Jews from falling again into the same sins on different occasions.

    Peace be with you always


    Number of posts : 4327

    The Apocalypse of St John - Just a few pages Empty Re: The Apocalypse of St John - Just a few pages

    Post by Poem Mon Jul 08, 2024 9:18 pm

    Continued pages

    The example of Adam and the divine punishments—with such means as the flood the dispersion of peoples after the arrogance of Babel the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra and the oppression of Egypt did not keep people from sinning.  The mercy of God who freed them from the oppression of the Pharaoh and wanted to give them a select homeland and law did not lead men not to sin out of gratitude to God.  And they sinned during the very journey towards the Promised land while God as a true Father covered them with his gifts.
    “Man is always man.  In the old and new religion both of them divine.  Whether he belongs to the old or new church.  “You seek Me not only because you have seen that I work miracles but also because you ate those loaves of bread and were filled “ (John 6:26).  Mankind is always like that.  It is attracted by external prodigious things by what represents a novelty or even material enjoyment by human hopes and promises which are thought to be attainable more than by internal supernatural things which are no less certain—indeed much more prodigious much more joyful much more secure and above all much more enduring for they are eternal.
    “Judas is the perfect prototype of those who are seduced by material wonders and the hope of the human honors capable of satisfying intellectual and visual covetousness.  A perfect prototype not susceptible of conversion.
    “The other apostles and disciples though were not free either from this human weakness not complete in them of which they stripped themselves more and more to the point of being so detached from it that they could endure all that was humiliation and persecution going so far as to be able to strip themselves of life itself to obtain eternal Life.  And when confirmed in Faith Hope and Charity in Grace and Wisdom and in Piety Strength and the holy Fear of God—in all the gifts of the Paraclete—they became as many other “teachers” and “founders” not of a new doctrine and new churches—for there is one perfect doctrine and Church—but “of the doctrine and Church” among new peoples and in new regions.
    “Twenty centuries have passed.  New apostles have succeeded the first apostles and new churches other others in ever-new areas of the earth.  Apostolic work knows no interruption or pause even if because of the faults of men through proceeding it recedes in the extent of its domain and not only this.  The continuation of work the propagation of the Gospel the expansion of the Mystical Body—undeniable truths and logical consequences since Christ nourishes his Church guides it and spurs it on and Jesus is eternal powerful and holy.  His Holiness descends and circulates in the whole Body.  His Power provides mysterious strength to his servants. His Eternity keeps the Church from dying.
    “But because of the sin and ill will of men while it has been proceeding and expanding for twenty centuries in new lands it has been halting retroceding and indeed dying in others.  A sin of these times alone?  No of all times.  More of less totally and profoundly while there were deviations interruptions separations and even “death” in shoots constituting the whole mystical Vine.  They were of different kinds and the more the centuries passed the more serious were the deviation and defection of the shoots of the Vine.  Now is the time of Negation.
    “But John saw all of these things.  He foresaw them.   He saw them in the seven churches at that time.  He foresaw them in the churches now of which the seven churches at that time were not only a truth but a figure.  And he also foresaw the present horror:  that of Negation in too many places in and too many spirits.  And he foresaw the final horror:  the time of the Antichrist.
    “He saw everything through the first vision.  The final consequence is the result of the first consequence.  Through cycles of ages it is repeated growing more and more the more the Church grows.  It is also painfully logical for this to occur.  For the more Christ’s confirmation and triumph grows in the saints, the more He is hated and opposed by the Antichrist.  Is the Mystical Body winning its battles?  The Antichrist increases his power and unleashes more atrocious ones.  For if the Christ wants to triumph as is only right the Antichrist also wants to triumph and his violence grows the more Christ triumphs to defeat Him and destroy Him.  Oh, he cannot!  Christ is the Victor. But he hopes to and tries to.  And since he cannot have a collective victory over the whole people of God he seizes his individual or national victories leading intellects astray and possessing spirits tearing peoples away from the Church.
    “The seven churches.  They had been founded only shortly before and founded by those who had been sent directly by God to found them:  “Go and teach all peoples” (Matthew 28:19) after in keeping with the divine promise they had received the Holy Spirit who “would remind them of everything and teach them all truth” (John 14:26) in such a way as to be understood—that is making them capable of understanding the highest things so that “robed in power from on high” (Luke 24:49) they would be capable of being the founders of such a lofty thing as the Kingdom of God among men.  And in spite of this imperfection—and even more than imperfection—had formed in many of the churches for the Adversary or Antichrist was already active spiritually and was already working to corrupt and destroy the spiritual fortress of the Kingdom of God.  To created discord among the members to introduce subtle heresies; to arouse foolish pride; to counsel vile compromises between conscience and the law of the flesh and mental restrictions which are hateful to God whose language is “Yes to mean yes and no to mean no” and He wants the language of his children and faithful ones to be this way; to make charity grow cold; to increase love for earthly existence and wealth and material honors.
    “This is the work of the Adversary tireless in working to try and defeat God and destroy what He has created taking advantage of all that can help him provided by men themselves because of their own imperfection or a reaction provoked by unjust actions by the strongest members towards the weakest ones.
    “What is right to be say should be said.  Committing sins against justice and charity—which like heavenly honey draw souls to the mystical beehive and keep them faithful—provokes reactions by the stricken members pain and scandal and even distrust and separation.
    “The Church was founded by Charity and it should always have been perfect charity.  The Church is nourished by Charity and should give perfect charity to all its members also and above all to the least and the weak ones to nourish them and keep them alive.  The Church received the command to teach charity.  But woe if the teaching is limited to the letter instead of being practiced in its spirit!
    “To live in charity to make lambs live therein.  This is the duty of pastors.  For if the lambs see that charity is expected by the pastors—and woe to the lamb who does not offer reverential love spurred to the point of renunciation of free judgment and free action in good things which God Himself leaves man (indeed He leaves all freedom limiting Himself to saying what is good and not good)—while that charity is refused the lambs by the pastors what happens?  Because of a heart that does not open itself to the limitless needs of souls—I am speaking of the hearts of pastors—souls turn elsewhere and go knocking on other doors and sometimes they are doors opening to material needs and they give bread clothing medicine advice and help to find a job not be thrown out of one’s house by a hard-hearted rich man but they also remove religion and justice from hearts.  For this is what happens.  And because bread clothing a roof or help re-establish justice towards the persecuted one soul or several souls leave the sheepfold the pasture the way of God and go to other pastures—the former to material ways; the latter to anti-Christian ones.


    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Mon Jul 08, 2024 9:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Number of posts : 4327

    The Apocalypse of St John - Just a few pages Empty Re: The Apocalypse of St John - Just a few pages

    Post by Poem Mon Jul 08, 2024 9:34 pm

    This last chapter in Notebook 1945-50 takes a deep dive into answering the many questions we have as Christians and even those of other religions.

    The chapter is not fully able to be posted here due to a publishing agreement.
    The chapter covers roughly 75 pages which is Christ's words alone.

    This chapter is very elevated higher knowledge which will take many years to assimilate due to the great depths.

    First time to have read this chapter was about 14 years ago. And upon reading it again as of late, it is fresh as the first day of reading it.  

    For the word of God is living and effectual, and more piercing than any two edged sword; and reaching unto the division of the soul and the spirit, of the joints also and the marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
    [Hebrews 4:12]

    Every word of God is fire tried: he is a buckler to them that hope in him.
    [Proverbs 30:5]

    The word of God on high is the fountain of wisdom, and her ways are everlasting commandments.
    [Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 1:5]

    Just reading these few pages posted here above reminded me of past wrongs to go to Confession.
    Being lost in a foreign country that does not know God and lacks true Sacraments:  Body and Blood -- Bread and Wine to give to each Christian is a terrible thing where ones soul declines.  

    Jesus said, unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you will not have life in you and I cannot raise you up on the last day.  

    If you have paid close attention to the post with love you will understand our times here.

    No one should change what Christ teaches nor presents for us in any way.  That is what happened to the Synedrium they added their some 613 precepts and used the Law of God as a hammer to strike.  

    The same thing repeats itself as Christ already foresaw which St. John has too.

    Love God, do not change the teachings nor the tradition written in the Gospel.  If we do not do what is written in the Gospel, make our own precepts, change the way things are to be done two things occur.  You can figure that out it is written in the scriptures and the scriptures are all inspired by God every book.

    Peace be with you always


    Number of posts : 4327

    The Apocalypse of St John - Just a few pages Empty Re: The Apocalypse of St John - Just a few pages

    Post by Poem Sat Aug 10, 2024 7:49 pm

    Notebook 1945-1950
    Chp: The Apocalypse of St. John the Apostle
    Page 587

    Sept/Nov 1950,

    Jesus continues speaking:

    "The truth about everything is in the Book. For it is the word written through the inspiration of Wisdom--that is, of God. Everything else is pretense, imagination, and human deduction. Only one never errs: God. Man, even the holiest or the most learned in human culture, can always err when speaking or acting as "man"--that is, when not moved by the Holy Spirit, when not illuminated by the Light-Jesus, when his gaze is turned away from the Father-God, no longer seeing Him in all his works.

    "Science, too, can be good and useful. God has given man the intellect with a good purpose and in order for him to use it. But ninety percent of men do not always use it for a good purpose. And more than ninety percent of scientists do not use it for a good purpose.

    "Why? Because they lose sight of God and his law in order to follow and chase after human ways and chimeras. Yes, even if they apparently serve Him and offer Him worship and even, indeed, relative internal worship and are convinced they honor Him, in reality they no longer see Him luminously or luminously see the Eternal precepts of love. They no longer live the life of God, which is a life of love. If they lived this life, if they saw God and his Law luminously, how could they use their intellect to destroy the simple faith of the "least ones" with their scientific deductions and, with their scientific discoveries, the existence of so many human lives, of whole cities, and even undermine the entire globe by disturbing the equilibrium, the order of the elements, of the cosmic laws, established by God, which for millennia has been making the earth live and produce vegetable and animal lives without emerging from its orbit, without shifting from its axis, thereby avoiding apocalyptic cataclysms?

    "But it is a greater crime to destroy the faith of the "least ones," destroy the conviction in the masses that God is loving Father who takes care of even the birds and the flowers in the field and listens to and grants the requests which his children present to Him with prayer filled with faith.

    "How can man simply believe any longer if, in the name of science and with the support of uncertain scientific evidence, you upset the foundations of the Revelation contained in the Book? How can man believe any longer that God is powerful and loving, a Father who takes care of his children, if, on account of your discoveries, man is stricken by punishments--no, not punishments, for the wicked are punished by all human laws, whereas your means of destruction strike an enormous number of the non-wicked--if man is tortured to the point of going mad or dying of terror and wounds, reduced to not having even the lair God grants to even ferocious animals, food and clothing granted to the birds and flowers of the field?

    “The greatest crime! To destroy faith and trust. Faith in the truth of Revelation. Trust in the divine goodness and omnipotence. The first destruction brings about the collapse of a whole world of beliefs which were a powerful incentive to live as children of God; it cancels out all the luminous poetry of celebration of the infinite goodness of the Lord.  The second makes man, discouraged by what he has experienced, wonder, “What is the use of praying, sacrificing, and living as just people if we are stricken all the same in this way?” It is doubt that arises! It is the consequent relaxation of faith and customs! It is the abandonment of prayer! Sometimes, it is despair! These are the fruits of science when separated from Wisdom.

    “The fruits of the accursed tree of knowledge when not rendered good by the in-grafting of Wisdom. You want to know everything, investigate everything, and explain everything.  But man’s intellect, especially that of fallen man, an intellect wounded by original sin, an intellect wounded by mental concupiscence, cannot know everything.  Even Adam, though having been made the “king” of all creation, had received a prohibition: “Do not eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for the day you eat thereof you shall die” (Genesis 2:17).  He did not obey, he wanted to know everything, and he died, first to Grace and then in the flesh.  Now as well too many, when faced with the two trees—the one giving Life (that is, Jesus the Redeemer-Savior-Word, who give eternal Life) and the tree of the knowledge, which yields fruits which are generally of death—reach out to the latter and not the former; taste the latter and not the former, and bring about their death and cause death.

    “Is science to blame for everything? No, as no man is totally and perennially wicked, so science is not always and in all respects wicked and blameworthy.  There are scientists who use their knowledge for good works. Others who, having discovered means for killing, destroy them, preferring to renounce the human glory they would obtain from such a discovery provided they can spare humanity new scourges.  Others for whom, since they are truly Christians, scientific study augments religion and supernatural and moral virtues.

    “They are blessed by God and are benefactors of mankind.  And they should be imitated by all the others.  But that is not the case.  Listened to and caught up with the support of their deductions are the other scientists, the ones who scrutinize and explain everything in human terms, seeing it all with their human, material sight, which looks downwards, at the earth and its secrets, as animals do, and worse than they do.  For in reality animals, many of them, may be said to praise things—at least the beautiful things in creation, the good things, and are grateful to the sun warming them, the water quenching their thirst, to the fruits of the earth feeding them, to man loving them—much better than man does.

    “Man a rational creature, endowed with a spirit and supernatural life, ought to be able to look on high, to Heaven, to God.  To purify his sight and knowledge through contemplation of divine works, through the belief that He has made them, and to see the indelible sign impressed upon all of them, testifying to their being made by God.

    “Religion and faith, religion and charity, make human research actively good.  When deprived of these spiritual forces or possessing them to an imperfect degree, human research falls into error or draws others into error and into the weakening or death of faith.

    “In order to appear up-to-date, in keeping with the times, which in reality are certainly not to be applauded, do not reject the lights, all the lights coming to you directly from Revelation and Wisdom and indirectly from the wise investigation of Christian scientists who have elevated themselves to God to be able to penetrate into the mysteries of the world as well, but who do so in a good spirit in order to know their truth, a truth which confirms God’s work and gives Him praise for it.  But, for the sake of appearing up-to-date and keeping with the times, do not pursue those “depths of Satan, “ as they are called in Revelation 2:24, or at least “of the world,” which are not consonant with Revelations, to explain what exists and exists only through divine omnipotence and action.

    “Elsewhere there is also lukewarmness in the service of God and personal pride.  Threefold concupiscence triumphs where the virtues should be the queens and makes the lukewarm and proud poor and without light. Poor as regards what is needed to be just and what is necessary to have to make one’s subordinates just. Those who are lukewarm cannot warm up to those who are cold.  And those without light cannot communicate it.  And those who are greedy about the major gifts of God has given them, cannot make his lambs rich.  They keep the pasture for themselves and allow his flock to feed only on what is indispensable so as not to perish completely, without considering that in the flock there are weak ones that need to be nourished to a greater extent, sometimes very great, in order not to die.

    "It is not enough to be saints individually, not to commit personal sins, to be good pastors. One must sanctify and keep watch so that others will not sin, and if one knows some lambs have sinned and mortally wounded themselves in spirit, not wait until they come to ask for healing, but go to them, treat them, and heal them.  Even if they show rejection, one must return once, twice, ten or a hundred times, not only in the role of a preacher recalling people to their duty with words of reproach, but with other means--as a friend, a doctor, and as a father.  And if one knows that a person is going astray, one must not let things go on that way, but intervene, with patience and gentleness, to lead the person back onto the right path.

    "The apostolate of the priest is not limited to daily Mass, Confessions, and the explanation of the Gospel and doctrine in church.  There is much more to do outside the church. To approach those for whom one is responsible; to bear the word of God and morality where people do not go to church or go seldom and inadequately; where one member, even just one, in a family fails to carry out personal duties as a father, mother, spouse, son, daughter, citizen, or moral subject.

    "In how many family's there are sorrows, painful situations, and sins! What a vast apostolic field there is in the primary nuclei of human society, in these little churches in which, in the manner of unordained priests, but not without a very specific task--indeed, with two quite specific tasks: to continue creation by procreating, thereby cooperating with God, who creates the soul for every individual procreated by man and woman, and begetting new adoptive children for God--two love one another and live in union. Or at least they should. But sometimes they do not. They fail in their mutual duties as husband and wife and in their duties to their children, neglecting to make them true Christians, letting them go where they cannot become better, giving them examples which are not good, not looking after their religious training, and letting bad companions and the members of anti-religious parties approach them and lead them astray.

    "The missionary lands are not only in Africa, the Americas, Asia, or different archipelagos. Europe, too, and Italy as well are a missionary land for those with a missionary spirit and supernatural vision.  Every town, from the smallest ones to the big cities, the area of every parish, and every house can be a missionary zone, a place for rooting out the weeds and sowing good seed, a place of spiritual reclamation, a place for rebuilding in Christ. The reconstruction of the Kingdom of God in the family and its individual members.

    "You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world" [Matthew 5-14]. The Master, Infinite Wisdom, has filled his chosen ones with his salt and has given them the power to transmit this salt, which must season, to their successors. The Master, the true Light of the world, has filled his chosen ones with his Light and has ordered them to illuminate every man and transmit this power to their successors. Moreover, He, 'as' the Eternal Pontiff, goes on infusing salt and light into the Mystical Body so that they will never be lacking therein, even if lukewarmness in members might produce a scarcity of salt and light."

    "The Church is a "Mother." What mother, while pregnant, does not eat and live in such a fashion as to give birth to healthy children? The Church, too, in her individual pastors, whether higher or lower in rank, must provide her children with the salts keeping spiritual life whole and strong.

    "The Church is the "Bride of Christ," and Christ is the Sun, the Orient, the Morning Star, Infinite Light. The Bridegroom gives the Bride his wealth and property, communicating them to Her so that She will communicate them to all her members, especially to those destined to bring light; her pastors of higher or lower rank must be "light" to illuminate the lambs.

    "But light presupposes a flame; and a flame, burning. A fire blazes up when it burns and consumes. Apostles, too, blaze forth and then illuminate and warm, also setting others aflame if burning and being consumed.  But, if out of fear of being consumed, and out of fear of becoming a target for the enemies of the Light, out of fear excessively, they remain lukewarm, they become insipid, no longer emit light, get extinguished, like a star which as stopped glowing in the skies, and no longer shine in their heaven, in the spiritual one.

    "If, furthermore, to the loss of the light proceeding from the fire of charity, which is caused by personal pride, there is joined selfishness--and selfishness is the opposite of altruism, which is the lifeblood of Christianity: "My commandment is this: That you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than that of those who lay down their lives for their friends" [John 15-13]; "If we say that we are in communion with God and we walk in darkness, we are liars and do not practice the truth; if, however, we walk in the light, as God remains in the light, we are in communion with one another....; in those who observe the word of God the charity of God is perfect....[1 John 1:6-7; 2:5]; "If anyone says, 'I love God' and does not love his brother, he is a liar, for if anyone does not love his brother, whom he sees, how can he love God, whom he does not see? [1 John 4:20]--if this happens, the pastor is dead.

    "Christianity is charity. Charity of the powerful towards the least ones, of the least ones towards the powerful, the charity of superiors towards subordinates--always charity. If there is no charity, Christianity is extinguished and is succeeded by selfishness and lukewarmness, the salt becomes tasteless, and the lantern does not shine, but smokes or is placed under a bushel so it will not be disturbed. And the souls, the poor souls of the lambs, are left abandoned, do not find warmth, light, and relish, grow weak, and go astray. Poor souls--the weaker they are, the more help they need!

    "These deficiencies, intense and marked in the Churches no longer nourished by the Living Waters issuing from under the sides of the altar of the true Temple [Ezekiel 47-2], are not absent even in the true Church. Its Body is holy; its Head and Soul, most holy. Its members are not all holy because more or less intrinsic belonging to the Body does not change man's human nature. It is man who must constantly work to be regenerated, recreated, and supercreated to reach perfection and the most perfect resemblance possible to Christ, Head of the Church, with the Holy Spirit, Soul of the Church. A resemblance to Christ by means of a life as an alter Christus. The resemblance to the Holy Spirit by means of charity, holiness, purity, fortitude, piety, and every other attribute proper to the Sanctifier.

    "The more the members strive to be holy, the more the Church triumphs. Because the holiness of the members--I am speaking of the most select--expands to the lower members, elevates them, sets them aflame, and makes them an instrument of sanctification and conversion for members who are already almost dead or completely dead.

    "The priestly apostolate, if it is as Jesus wanted and wants it to be, prompts the great force of the lay apostolate. A great force because it penetrates more readily everywhere."

    Contemplate every word what Jesus is striving to reveal even to the dullest.

    More in the Notebook 1945-1950 Page 593 onwards.

    Peace be with you always

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