Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    The Bread of Heaven Per St. John's Gospel and The Gospel as Revealed to Me


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    The Bread of Heaven Per St. John's Gospel and The Gospel as Revealed to Me Empty The Bread of Heaven Per St. John's Gospel and The Gospel as Revealed to Me

    Post by Poem

    First instance the Gospel of St. John the Apostle inspired by God.

    St. John's Gospel Chapter 6:51-55

    51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven.  52 If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world.  53 The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying: How can this man give us his flesh to eat?  54 Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you.  55 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day.

    Second instance

    The Bread from Heaven chapter 353 of Book 3

    Jesus is speaking to the Jews,

    Seek the Lord and His celestial gifts without idling until the late hours of day or of life. Rise and praise Him before the rising sun does, and feed on His word, which consecrates, preserves and leads to True life. It was not Moses who gave you the bread of Heaven, but it was God the Father, and now I solemnly tell you that it is My Father Who gives you the true Bread, the new Bread, the eternal Bread, which descends from Heaven, the Bread of mercy, the Bread of Life, the Bread that gives Life to the world, the Bread that satisfies every hunger and removes all languor, the Bread that gives eternal Life and eternal joy to those who eat it. »

    « Give us some of that bread, Lord, and we shall not die. »

    « You will die as every man dies, but you will rise to eternal Life, if you feed holily on that Bread, because those who eat it, become Incorruptible. With regard to giving it, it will be given to those who ask My Father for it with pure hearts, upright intentions and holy charity. That is why I taught you to say: "Give us our daily Bread". But those who eat it unworthily, will become swarms of infernal worms, like the baskets of manna kept contrary to instructions received. And the Bread of health and life will become conviction and death for them. Because the greatest sacrilege will be committed by those who place that Bread on a corrupt foul spiritual table and profane it by mixing it with the sink of their incurable passions. It would have been better if they had never taken it! »

    « But where is that Bread? How can one find it? What is its name? »

    « I am the Bread of Life. You will find it in Me. Its name is Jesus. He who comes to Me will never be hungry again, and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty again, because celestial rivers will flow into him quenching all material ardour. I have already told you. And you have known Me by now. And yet you do not believe Me. You cannot believe that everything is in Me. And yet it is so. All the treasures of God are in Me. And everything pertaining to the earth has been given to Me; thus the glorious Heavens and the militant earth are united in Me and even the expiating and expecting mass of those who died in the grace of God are in Me, because all power has been given to Me and is in Me. And I tell you: everything the Father gives Me, will come to Me. And I will not reject those who come to Me, because I descended from Heaven not to do My will, but the will of Him Who sent Me. And this is the will of My Father, of the Father Who sent Me: that I may lose not even one of those He gave Me, but I may raise them from death on the last day. Now the will of the Father Who sent Me is that whoever knows the Son and believes in Him, will have eternal Life and I may raise him on the Last Day, seeing that he is nourished with faith in Me and is signed with My seal. »

    People begin to grumble both inside and outside the synagogue because of Jesus' new hardy words. And the Master, after taking breath, looks with ecstatically shining eyes towards the people who are grumbling more loudly, that is towards the groups in which there are some Judaeans. He resumes speaking.

    « Why are you grumbling among yourselves? Yes, I am the Son of Mary of Nazareth, the daughter of Joachim of the house of David, a virgin consecrated in the Temple and then married to Joseph of Jacob, of the house of David. Many of you have known the just parents of Joseph, a royal carpenter, and those of Mary, the virgin heiress of the royal stock. And you thus say: "How can He say that He descended from Heaven?", and you become doubtful.

    I remind you of the Prophets who prophesied the Incarnation of the Word. And I remind you that it is a dogma, more for us Israelites than for any other people, that He, Whose name we dare not mention, could not become Flesh according to the laws of mankind, and an impoverished mankind at that. The Most Pure Uncreated One, if He humiliated Himself by becoming Man for the sake of man, could but choose the womb of a Virgin purer than lilies to clothe His Divinity with Flesh. The Bread that descended from Heaven in the days of Moses, was placed in the gold Ark, which supported the Mercy Seat and was Watched over by Cherubim, behind the veils of the Tabernacle. And the Word of God was with the Bread. And it was right that it should be so, because the deepest respect is to be paid to the gifts of God and to the tables of His most holy Word. So what will God have prepared for His own Word and for the true Bread that has come from Heaven? A more immaculate and precious Ark than the gold one, to support the precious Mercy Seat of His pure will to immolate Himself, watched over by the cherubim of God, veiled by virginal purity, by perfect humility, sublime charity and all the most holy virtues.

    So? Do you not understand yet that My Paternity is in Heaven, and that, consequently, I come from there? Yes, I descended from Heaven to fulfil the decree of My Father, the decree of salvation of men, according to what He promised at the same moment of condemnation, and He repeated to Patriarchs and Prophets. And that is faith. And faith is given by God to souls of good will. No one, therefore, can come to Me, unless My Father leads him to Me, as although He sees that he is in darkness, He knows that he is craving for light. It is written in the Prophets: "They will be all taught by God". So, that was decided. It is God Who instructs them where to go to be taught by God. Therefore, whoever has heard God speak in the depth of his righteous soul, has learned from the Father to come to Me. »

    « And who has ever heard God or seen His Face? » ask many who begin to show signs of irritation and scandal. And they conclude: « You are either raving or You are a day-dreamer. »

    « No one has seen God except Him Who came from God: He has seen the Father. And I am He.
    And now listen to the Creed of future Life, without which no one can be saved.

    I solemnly tell you that he who believes in Me has eternal Life. I solemnly tell you that I am the Bread of eternal Life.

    Your fathers ate manna in the desert and they died. Because manna was a holy but temporary food and gave life as was required to reach the Land Promised by God to His people. But the Manna Which I am, will have no limit of time or power. It is not only celestial, but divine and produces what is divine: the incorruptibility and immortality of what God created to His image and likeness. It will not last forty days, forty months, forty years, forty centuries. But it will last until the end of Time and will be given to all those who hunger for what is holy and pleasing to the Lord, Who will rejoice at giving Himself incommensurably to men, for whom He became incarnate, that they may have the Life which does not die.

    I can give Myself, I can transubstantiate for the sake of men, so that the bread may become Flesh and the Flesh may become Bread, for the spiritual hunger of men, who without that Food would die of starvation and spiritual diseases. But if one eats this Bread with justice, one will live for ever. The bread which I will give is My Body sacrificed for the Life of the world, is My Love spread in the houses of God, so that all loving or unhappy souls may come to the Table of the Lord, and may find solace to their need to be united to God and relief to their sorrows. »

    «  But how can You give us Your flesh to eat? Who do You think we are? Blood-thirsty beasts? Savages? Murderers? Blood and crime disgust us. »

    « I tell you solemnly that man is very often more cruel than beasts, that sin makes men savages, that pride makes them bloodthirsty murderers and that blood and crime will not disgust all the people present here. And also in future man will be the same, because Satan, sensuality and pride make him brutal. Man therefore with greater care must rid himself of the dreadful germs through the infusion of the Holy One. I tell you solemnly that if you do not eat the Flesh of the Son of man and you do not drink His Blood, you will not have Life in you. He who eats My Flesh worthily and drinks My Blood, has eternal Life and I will raise him up on the Last Day. For My Flesh is real Food and My Blood is real Drink. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood lives in Me, and I live in him. As the living Father sent Me, and I live for the Father, so whoever eats Me will live also for Me and will go where I send him, and will do what I want, and will live austerely, as a man, and as ardently as a Seraph, and will be holy, because in order to be able to feed on My Flesh and My Blood, he will abstain from sin and will live ascending and finish his ascent at the feet of the Eternal Father. »

    The problem we may encounter and this is depending on the parish or the clergy pastor/vicar/bishop of said area, quite often is the change made to this Divine Rite given by the Founder of the One Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church to heed and do.

    The error and it is a grave one is that any of the Two Species after the tons of words is fine to give. Because and this is the logic--  First and foremost: When consecrating Bread and Wine both must be present thus Christ is then present Body Blood Soul and Divinity due to the Two not One.  

    In conclusion both must be Given because it takes Both to have Christ.  If it takes both to have Christ, then the logic is both must be given to ensure Body Blood Soul and Divinity is given to each of the laymen and women.

    The logic is askew.  If it takes both to have Body Blood Soul and Divinity what happens if you give only one?
    The Lord does not honor this.  The words eat and drink is then omitted. Because the Lord said you must do both in order for Him to raise you up on the last day and to have life in you.

    The Vine said and it is recorded to the end of Time in St. John's Gospel.  Jesus said if any of you believe in Me so the first requisite is to believe in Jesus, his word here which gives a perceived thought inspired by God. To follow the inspirations of God solely. Here it is written in plain view for anyone with a soul to read. But no! What do you hear?  Can Christ be split in two?  Do you see here. What good is the Heart if the Blood is not present?  No good. It is empty of water that is red and that nourishes the flesh and the soul.

    And so the conclusion of this error is Christ is Present as Body Blood Soul Divinity in each after consecration
    And they do not know why Both are given. So they cannot give a good answer. They are illiterate in this Rite.

    The logic here is from someone not believing needs to be done right or you do not obey a Divine Gift for healing man body and soul. The power is God's and the miracle is God's.

    Pray for those who are led in this error.  It is a heresy.  No if's and's or but's.  

    How about Baptism a Sacrament. Lets pour beer instead. How about muddy water? Substitution. Detraction.
    What happens is you do not get the water upon your head or even doused in the water tub?  No Baptism.
    The sins stain remains.  You cannot proceed to the next Sacrament.  You did not follow instructions.

    A Sacrament is sacred. It is holy for the work of God to remove the sin and give new life for the soul and the body, the entire man. A good given by God for the regeneration of man's soul so it can be attached to God.

    Instructions have been changed. Change? Why?  Short cut. Which leads to great errors. If you make a short cut, you end up making more and then it's work is not effectual but destructive.

    The logic of theirs does not follow at all. They are not the ones who made this Rite.  A follower does what the Leader says and in this case Christ is the Leader and we are the followers.

    Totally at loss here.  Intelligence? Lack of.  Perhaps they need more time growing in spirit.  Obviously they lack a lot.

    The  Lord's comments are quite numerous covering over 3000 pages which he equates to us being illiterate of the scriptures.

    The Lord tells us over three years of his ministry and each new instruction He gives adds to them.

    He says, My words are spirit and life.
    He says, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
    He says, if you eat my flesh and drink my blood you will have life in you.

    His words are spirit and life. What he teaches is then spiritual and life giving for the spirit of man.
    His Body and Blood which comes from His Body and Blood is to heal our sin laden body the part that sin struck and damaged giving it 'death'.  Giving it the inclination to sin.  The flesh.

    The soul is then out of grace and is affected by the fleshes sins making the soul a leper.  Spiritual leprosy.  Of course this part no one understands.  

    Some clergy feel that the Eucharist is Christ coming for a short stay and then when the bread/wafer has been assimilated in the stomach, Christ is gone.  But that is not what takes place.

    The Lord gives Himself to each of us to cure our flesh so the soul can grow and attach to God.  The  Original Sin caused the flesh to become full of lusts negating the good pure and innocence of which God made the flesh as. Destroyed the purity by inducing venom called lusts. All manner of them.  The flesh became corrupted and God could not descend to the soul. The soul is fused to the heart. The heart became corrupted with lusts.  Purity left no longer existing in the heart.

    Virtues are planted on the heart of man. The heart is a ciborium for the soul where the Lord comes to rest and take up residence.  A corrupt heart God cannot come to.

    The Body and Blood of Christ is given to man to heal and convert the heart to virtues where the Lord can come and be with the soul of a man.  This is not hard to understand nor explain.

    The soul of man then becomes a true altar for God to come to.  God said, I come to what man has not made but what God has made.  God made the heart and soul.   God said He does not inhabit bricks, mortar, wood, rocks, other types of buildings and altars, but the one He made to inhabit: The Soul.  The heart then needs to be pure. The original sin needs to be wiped from the heart and soul. Baptism removes this stain. Confession gives absolution. The Blood of Christ gives healing and restoration.  Process of. 1 2 3 done.  You  are now on your way to a beautiful Grace filled life with God.

    Jesus gave both His Body and Blood to the Apostles and instructed them to do the same all who come to be saved converted to the Christ.

    Jesus tells us that His Body and Blood are united to His Soul and Divinity.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Mon Oct 14, 2024 1:47 am; edited 2 times in total
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    Post Tue Jul 16, 2024 1:34 am by Poem

    From Book 5 the Last Supper where Christ is giving the Bread and Wine in the Chalice.

    Jesus sits down. He does not lie down. He sits as we do. And He says: « Now that the old rite has been accomplished, I will celebrate the new one. I have promised you a miracle of love. It is time to work it. That is why I have longed for this Passover. From now on this is the Victim that will be consumed in a perpetual rite of love. My beloved friends, I have loved you throughout the whole life of the Earth. I have loved you for the whole eternity, My children. And I want to love you till the end. There is nothing greater than this. Bear that in mind. I am going away. But we shall remain for ever united through the miracle that I will now work. »

    Jesus takes a loaf still entire and places it on the chalice that has been filled. He blesses and offers both, He then breaks the bread and takes thirteen morsels of it, and gives one to each apostle saying:

    « Take this and eat it. This is My Body. Do this in remembrance of Me, Who am going away. »

    He gives the chalice and says:

    « Take this and drink it. This is My Blood. This is the chalice of the new alliance in My Blood and through My Blood, that will be shed for you, to remit your sins and give you the Life. Do this in remembrance of Me. »


    Notice the last words 'and give you the Life'.  

    It is in the Blood that the Life comes to us.  Without drinking it, the Life does not come.

    From St. John's Gospel 6:54-55

    54 Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you.  55 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day.

    By receiving Jesus in this way, having Both, we resemble Christ to the Father.  Christ's unstained, uncorrupted Body and Blood as Flesh. The Fully Man of Jesus.  These become us.  He infuse these into us recreating our flesh.  Then on the Last Day he is able to raise us up.  These are the words inspired by God.  Just as the Law of God is.  If you break a Law by doing the opposite, such as worship any thing other than God, you have sinned.  These are Laws to abide by.

    But the Eucharist is a completely different manner.  It is for every Catholic to receive with faith.  By faith it must be received and in the state of Grace. Then its work is effectual to converting, recreating, morphosis, to supercreate.  Jesus is Perfect. So His perfect Flesh and his perfect Blood makes us perfect by sheer contact.  What is perfect makes an imperfect, perfect. The work then continues to mature the spirit into an adult spirit that resembles Jesus Christ as the Man part. The Soul and Divinity of Christ is necessary for the soul of each individual person.  Makes one deity and Christ the Image and Likeness is then seen by the Father. No longer seeing the sin of Adam, nor face of Satan.

    The Fully God of Jesus works the miracle.  The Eucharist is the Miracle worked by Jesus Fully God, Fully Man.  He gives us both for our good and our benefit.  In reality to return man back to the state before man sinned.  

    The concupiscence remains dormant as a test.  The flesh can revolt and rise up at any time. The human ego.  

    The Blood of the First man was created pure unstained.  Then he sinned and she sinned thus corrupting the blood which corrupts the body of the flesh with sickness, diseases, and finally these work death.  What is pure and unstained does not die from these things. But rather by another killing them by some method of injury.

    To understand what sin is, it is word God gives to sum the catastrophe committed and given. Both. First it is given and then one commits. Then it is committed.

    Sin is death in short. It brought sicknesses of all kinds, diseases of all kinds that the make up of the flesh was corrupted. God made it uncorrupted and perfect. It would have slept after a thousands of living and then called up to glory when the last man was born.  A simple thought. Not complex at all.

    Sin brought a mass of complexity in fact in becomes infinite complexity.  An endless labyrinth where the road is crooked and no one knows what's in there from the beginning. There are no signs. Just lures, traps upon traps, spider webs, pestilences, wildness.  That is the world at large created by the spirit of the world.  A maze of death.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:19 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Post Tue Jul 16, 2024 1:43 am by Poem

    On the side, I do get a bit over zealous at times and write some comments that are quite harsh in terms due to the lack of those who do not understand the 'spirit' of the letter.  

    In the history of our Church many saints have been made who have done extraordinary works which Christ aided them to do. And the Holy Spirit and the Father.  It is actually in reality One God in all works but each individually take the credit giving God the glory. For instance the Eucharist is the work of the Second Person in the Trinity.  It is His work.  But since God is One God, they all are part of.  

    The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity. His work is the combination of God the Father and the Son, but He works in us.

    That's how it works below. But the reality of this how in the greater meaning and definition is then known once we get to Heaven.  The Lord explained that the more we love God, the more we are privy to secrets. For it is love that gives and teaches.  The how really isn't necessary in as much as to simply believe and obey.  To know is not higher than believing.

    To follow one believes and obeys. Love comes, it grows in stages, because Christ works the conversion in us.  We are His workmanship.  His to mold.  One has to relinquish to God and let God do the work.  Faith and trust in God alone.

    They are 'united'. Incorporeal beings of their proportion, a super grandeur beyond our imagination. But gives us certain thoughts to contemplate their being. And this is really done in simplicity not something farout and a grandeur for one to attempt and be frustrated.

    Love opens heaven for any soul. Love is the universal language from God.

    Peace be with you always


    Post Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:20 pm by Poem

    Back to Life.

    Jesus' Blood gives us the Life.  The Truth is God and God is Truth.  Faith says, I believe and trust in the living God fully.  I believe. Now the books of wisdom, such as Proverbs, Wisdom, Ecclesiastes and Ecclesiasticus gives us wisdom to see the dark places to stay clear of them due to the Snake hiding there with his minions. Gives us power to discern to elevate our minds.  To be in the lofty place which Jesus speaks of in these dictations referring to being attached to God. God is above not below. So the soul then is miraculously mysteriously brought to the Eternal Divine Spirit. We of course do not notice the spiritual height change it is all spirit. The spirit is incorporeal invisible to fallen man.  Only God is capable of making a soul capable of seeing the spiritual realm as it truly is.  There is Daniel, Elijah, Elisha, a few others.  And the true seers whom Jesus hand picked such as Maria Valtorta whom Jesus brought in spirit to see Heaven, the Abyss to some degree and others we kind of don't quite grasp.

    St. Paul witnessed the Heavenly Court.  Thus the Lord gave him a goad in his side lest pride gets the better of him to say, Hey Guys I Saw God and then goes to great lengths to be a chatterbox.  This kind of pride. But rather for St. Paul's sake, the Lord prevented this from happening to him. What the love of God does for us.

    Humility is necessary but spiritual ones. Not the human ones. Every virtue comes planted by Jesus in the Eucharist. He does it all.  These are the supernatural virtues.  Which is grafted to the heart.

    From God's Bounty comes everything for mankind.  And from this Bounty came salvation.  His Name is Jesus Christ. He is God's Bounty for us. From this Jesus gives us all the necessary to convert us.

    He does 3/4 of the work. We just need to learn to surrender to him everything and let Him work. We are the workmanship of God.  We are God's creation. We are steeped in God's creation.  We are in the mysteries of God. God's mystery.

    « Take this and drink it. This is My Blood. This is the chalice of the new alliance in My Blood and through My Blood, that will be shed for you, to remit your sins and give you the Life. Do this in remembrance of Me. »

    Life is really quite a bit more. But we must have a 'starting' place to progress in it. And the Body and Blood of Christ is it.

    When we do not follow the Gospel we have other ideas about Holy Communion, Breaking of the Bread, Eucharist, which if not careful becomes erred and then if not corrected becomes a heresy as in the case today and has been ever since they the heads over there detracted from the Gospel what Jesus Christ inspired by the Holy Spirit gave to us so we could all have the 'Life.'

    The Gospel is really inspired by the Holy Spirit whom Jesus calls the Eternal Spirit. The Great Love of the Father and the Son generating this Third Person who is untouchable.

    In order to have the Holy Spirit alight us and live in us to flourish in us we must become humble, obedient, have good will and love God. To have as the Holy Spirit says, kindness, forgiveness, mercy, compassion, empathy with humility and meekness. It is the Holy Spirit that alighted Jesus gave to Jesus the Seven Gifts to possess. It was by the Power of the Holy Spirit that Jesus evangelized.

    Jesus as the Man-God, which God was hidden in Him, meaning the Second Person, came as 'Man'. To lead man back onto the ways of God through Grace, having Grace again. Reborn into Grace. Grace was lost by Adam. But he may have gotten in back in some lesser way, due to him being sent to Limbo after his death. The Lord said the 'just' in God had Grace such as Abraham, such as Moses before the time of Christ. Elijah, Elisha as well and the major prophets. Joshua after Moses. It is always Gods will to give Grace to man. That is his nature to love and grace man. To give man what He is himself. Grace. God the Father and the Son enjoy the Love. The Holy Spirit. They enjoy this love they generate and this love they give to man to partake in. The will of the Lord God is to enjoy his children as much as the children to enjoy him. Joy.

    Peace is God. Love is God. Jesus is the Peace of Heaven and this Peace is the glory of God's Heaven.

    The Gospel at some point in the history of the Church concerning the Eucharist had some error that came into the Church. One thought comes to mind: Who does such things as to cause such error? And a great on at that? Wouldn't it be sacrilegious in nature? Incredulous in that the Flock of Christ is cheated of true Life that is stated by the Evangelist St. John the Beloved who did not sin but as another Jesus? Whom Jesus called to have the Vision of Apocalypse and write it for the whole Church to have, meditate and study? St. John is one of the First One whom Jesus promised the Kingdom and in New Jerusalem. A great honor bestowed by the Christ, the Founder of the One Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church. Truly a great gift and reward was given to St. John, to be another son to the Blessed Virgin Mary. To be another son. Jesus said, Mother thy son, John thy mother as the Crucifixion.

    So we dishonor St. John when the Holy Communion is not done the way Christ instructed, taught, gave. There it is in plain text in thousands of Christian Bibles. Christian scripture. Thousands upon ten thousands.

    Perhaps these same ones that do detract have issues with the Apocalypse? Or even St. John's three epistles in favor another Apostle? Or just think they are better?

    The sin of Adam is disobedience. Disobedience led to Evil. That is the consequence of Disobedience.

    This issue will not go away until the Lord is satisfied. It is a terrible thing to fall into the Hands of God. Have you not read what happened to those who did? They fell, were destroyed, and never rose again, expiating for an eternity. Which means it never ends.

    The people have no idea this horror the Antichrist brings. Sin of Disobedience leads to Evil.

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. So be it.

    Peace be with you always


    Post Sun Aug 11, 2024 9:28 am by Poem

    Lets break this down from Jesus talking to the Judaens:

    1-- Your fathers ate manna in the desert and they died. Because manna was a holy but temporary food and gave life as was required to reach the Land Promised by God to His people.

    2-- But the Manna Which I am, will have no limit of time or power. It is not only celestial, but divine and produces what is divine: the incorruptibility and immortality of what God created to His image and likeness.

    3-- It will not last forty days, forty months, forty years, forty centuries.

    4-- But it will last until the end of Time and will be given to all those who hunger for what is holy and pleasing to the Lord, Who will rejoice at giving Himself incommensurably to men, for whom He became incarnate, that they may have the Life which does not die.


    No time limit.   the clergy say: 15 to 20 minutes after entering your mouth.

    No power limit.  the clergy have no words concerning this one.

    The Life.  the clergy have no words for this one.  

    They do not know how to talk about this most important Dogma of the Faith. This is the greatest miracle given by God to man. Himself to feed to give Life back to a dead soul.

    Which means 'illiterate' to the maximum degree

    Oh, Goodness!  What is most important and aids them, God is giving to them!  The power, no limit of time and the Life. What more could you ask for?  God is doing 3/4 of the work of 4/4 of the work. 3/4's is God!  

    Your Mother cooks your meal. She does 3/4's of the work. Prepares it. Then you do the 1/4 to eat it.

    Wake up man!

    God and Man joined but God is the Superior and the Provider of this Miracle. He says do it like this and you have Life! Some meritorious work. Merit.

    This Food is God.  God is Life.  So you are infused with 'Life' that is God. God is Life. He created our souls and then said, they are in need of true food the poor souls need Me to feed on so they do grow up, do not starve.

    But who understands this language?  Do base creatures? --what is flesh... No. Absolutely Not.

    The response given to Jesus when He spoke to the Judaens, Jesus already knew for He read their hearts.
    He was talking to 'base creatures' who respond as base creatures.   'Give us this bread we do not want to die.'

    They heard these words for the very first time in their entire life and they needed time to grow this new thought they just heard declared to them.  Just like when someone said to you that was converted to the Faith, you need to be Baptized so the sins are wiped.  As you were told by someone that you need to pray.  The first steps.

    So Here is Jesus telling them about the True Bread.  They've never heard of this.  They were in a sense broadsided, surprised.  

    The first steps are most difficult time because the base creature doesn't understand.  It is the hard shell casing at this point. The spirit is covered in layers of this hard shell casing, is inert, learning to move for the first time, respond for the first time, so forth and needs to reduce the hard shell casing to be no hard shell casing.  Just spirit. The spirit is fed bits by bits it learns and then it has to feed on the Spirit.  There is Jesus bending down to give this new born spirit the Bread and the Wine and Jesus smiles. What a smile. Thank you Lord he says.  Jesus smiles again and says, see you tomorrow at this time.

    The Bread of Heaven is Food and Drink.  Stay true to Jesus. Father give me this Bread.

    Peace be with you always

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