Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Be Perfect


    Number of posts : 4178

    Be Perfect Empty Be Perfect

    Post by Poem Sun May 26, 2024 3:22 pm

    Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect.
    [Matthew 5:48]

    That the man of God may be perfect, furnished to every good work.
    [2 Timothy 3:17]

    And patience hath a perfect work; that you may be perfect and entire, failing in nothing.
    [James 1:4]

    I in them, and thou in me; that they may be made perfect in one: and the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast also loved me.
    [John 17:23]

    Are you so foolish, that, whereas you began in the Spirit, you would now be made perfect by the flesh?
    [Galatians 3:3]

    Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no schisms among you; but that you be perfect in the same mind, and in the same judgment.
    [1 Corinthians 1:10]

    Jesus saith to him: If thou wilt be perfect, go sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come follow me.
    [Matthew 19:21]

    With Christ:
    The disciple is not above his master: but every one shall be perfect, if he be as his master.
    [Luke 6:40]

    For if one be perfect among the children of men, yet if thy wisdom be not with him, he shall be nothing regarded.
    [Wisdom 9:6]

    And after he began to be ninety and nine years old, the Lord appeared to him: and said unto him: I am the Almighty God: walk before me, and be perfect.
    [Genesis 17:1]

    With Christ
    Thou shalt be perfect, and without spot before the Lord thy God.
    [Deuteronomy 18:13]

    Bad branches:
    For the branches not being perfect, shall be broken, and their fruits shall be unprofitable, and sour to eat, and fit for nothing.
    [Wisdom 4:5]

    Peace be with you always


    Number of posts : 4178

    Be Perfect Empty Re: Be Perfect

    Post by Poem Sun May 26, 2024 4:54 pm

    As one matures to adult spirit in following Christ, being perfect is being obedient.

    Obedience to Christ's words and teachings leads to perfect obedience.  The obedient love and this love is not emotional nor of the senses but of upright righteousness.  Obedience forms character.

    The world and its spirit are not good. It is ungood. No good. Wicked evil.  There is no good.  Just an eclipse of good.   Twisted.  What one thinks is good and on the Way is not.  Full of falsehood. Every kind. The spirit of the world knows how to seduce.

    Let's see this and read this:  Isaiah 14--

    4 Thou shalt take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and shalt say: How is the oppressor come to nothing, the tribute hath ceased?

    12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning? how art thou fallen to the earth, that didst wound the nations?

    13 And thou saidst in thy heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit in the mountain of the covenant, in the sides of the north.  

    14 I will ascend above the height of the clouds, I will be like the most High.

    16 They that shall see thee, shall turn toward thee, and behold thee. Is this the man that troubled the earth, that shook kingdoms,
    17 That made the world a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof, that opened not the prison to his prisoners?  

    18 All the kings of the nations have all of them slept in glory, every one in his own house.  

    19 But thou art cast out of thy grave, as an unprofitable branch defiled, and wrapped up among them that were slain by the sword, and art gone down to the bottom of the pit, as a rotten carcass.

    Apocalypse 18 19
    18:2 And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen; and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every unclean spirit, and the hold of every unclean and hateful bird:

    19:21 And the rest were slain by the sword of him that sitteth upon the horse, which proceedeth out of his mouth; and all the birds were filled with their flesh.

    These verses depict what Lucifer has done to the earth from start to finish and them that are of the spirit of the world their reward.  Remember good or evil one does is rewarded.  Evil is punished and if continued ends in eternal expiation.  If one converts one is saved from this end.  

    The Good Father is a father that gives. Mercy and Justice.  Doesn't matter what good or evil. Evil actions results in evil rewards.  If you do an evil action an evil reward is given you.  I did a bad so I gain a bad.  

    If you do a good action a good reward is given you.  

    Which is better?    

    The unwise think God the Father is going to give a good reward for an evil action.  

    He gives according to what you do.  If you fail to do anything you get nothing.   Parable of the Sower.   You received salvation but sat on it. It did not grow more coins. You did not gain another one.  You buried it in the sand.  You did not pray for the dead, talk to someone about their soul, just lived as a passerby.

    To another He gave 2 coins.  He was able to make two more. So now he has 4.  This is how God works.  He gives coin or coins depending the person. Then with this one coin or two you have to gain another one or two, meaning do something good with it to gain another --produce fruit.  Which means to grow to maturity your spiritual person. When we take the one coin and act on it in good will, God multiplies and we have more so our spiritual person matures. Universal good. Universal giving. Universal gifts. Universal by nature.  The Nature of God. To give good endlessly to as many that are good willed, good natured.  The gifts of God are for good will purposes not evil.  Evil is punished.  Jesus was in the field of the Galileans and the crowd of souls had been there quite long hours and they were hungry and thirsty.  Jesus gathers food thanks the Father and blesses them.  The food is multiplied so they do not faint on the way.  They were well nourished to get back home.  Jesus explained that He fed them because they had spent the time to listen and much time passed to point of them being hungry. He fed as God and Man.  Jesus fed their spirits and then fed their bodies. He did all out of charity. Not to gain favors.  He taught them that God is love.  God loves them and wants them to be like the angels in Heaven. Not tied to the flesh nor its sorcery, not to feed the vices of the flesh. Not to have them come to Jesus or the Apostles to feed them fish and bread over and over. But to make them adults in spirit and love God and neighbor.  To become full adult spirits and cut off the flesh and its sensations.

    For the evil one does one receives an evil reward compensation benefits --mind you this is no healthcare dental life insurance burial money--but rather a harsh punishment.  If you stole, something is taken from you and a punishment is deemed.  Two rewards come for one act.

    9 times out of 10 the person is seduced and instigated to the act without full 100% will.  Some of the senses is being lured if not all. Some portion of, a thought popped in and has not fully materialized to fruition. The thought is obscure it is not fully seen.  The vision is not full in ones mind. It comes foggy.  A clear picture is not at this point. So to find the clear picture to bring to full picture one walks this path to finish the picture to full painting. Which is what Satan does.  Bread crumbs. But once the full picture is made in the mind, Satan now has you see it fully.  So next time you know it.

    Vice is always a lure.  It is obscure.  Hmm.. what is this? I don't see it clearly.  I don't recognize it. I don't really understand it.  

    The Holy Spirit brings to Man in a Huge Flash of Light as explained by Jesus in the 5th Book when He was teaching the Apostles prior to His Ascension.  Satan does his best to mimic this. For the untrained one would fall into this trap and thus thinking they heard God or from a person in times past they walk the path of the said thing being led to. Thus finding destruction and waste. But however in this case the soul is not fully trained and God knows so he sends a warning. God always warns. If we do not heed the warning we fall into death.  Genesis.  Do not go to that tree.  We all do this at one point in our lives. It is given to fall.

    Lets replace the evil stole something with gave something.  What does God do? Rewards for the good done here. You get more than 2.

    The Lord said in the Law the first commandment, up to the 1000th generation for them that love Him.  But down to 3rd and 4th generation of them that hate me.  The thinking here is what we are discussing.  Good is rewarded more. It is multiplied greatly. Whereas evil begets an evil reward called punishments and the act is made an embarrassment as well.  A not so good comes. A harden criminal no longer has these but their conscience is seared with a hot iron.  They feel no remorse, no regret but in the opposite enjoy doing evil.  They accepted it that is them. They are evil formed formation. Their character is evil.  They can be convinced if they still have a shred of good in them.  Pray 100 Memorare with a group of devoted souls.  Many souls can be granted conversion when good devoted souls pray.

    For the good any man does, God rewards.  That is because He is Just and the Father of All.

    Memorare Prayer

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Sun May 26, 2024 6:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Number of posts : 4178

    Be Perfect Empty Re: Be Perfect

    Post by Poem Sun May 26, 2024 5:02 pm

    Jesus teachings that are true and real which is denied and when one denies one is open to the lies of the devil who comes a storming in and the one blames God. God leaves us free to choose. He advices and does give good and protection as long as we stay in the Father's House. To stay in the House one has to do all that the Father has taught by way of the Word, His Son.

    First lesson: Jesus as Man and God is tempted by the Devil

    Book: One
    Chp: 46. Jesus Is Tempted in the Desert by the Devil.
    Page: 254

    24th February 1944. Thursday following Ash Wednesday.

    I see the solitary land which I already saw on my left-hand side in the vision of Jesus' baptism in the Jordan. But I must be some way inside the desert, because I neither see the beautiful, blue, slow flowing river, nor the green strips of vegetation which coast its banks, and are nourished by its waters. There is nothing here but solitude, stones and such a parched earth that it has become a yellowish dust, raised now and again by the wind in small eddies, which are so hot and dry that they seem to be the breath of a feverish mouth. And they are very troublesome because of the dust penetrating nostrils and throats. There are a very few small thorny bushes, strangely surviving in so much desolation. They look like small forelocks of surviving hair on a bald head. Above, there is a merciless blue sky; below, arid land; around, stones and silence. That is what I see as far as nature is concerned.

    Leaning against a huge piece of overhanging rock which, because of its shape, forms a kind of a grotto, there is Jesus sitting on a stone that has been taken into the cave. That is how He protects Himself from the scorching sun. And my internal adviser informs me that the stone, on which He is now sitting, is also His kneeling-stool and pillow, when He takes a few hours rest, enveloped in His mantle, under a starry sky in the chill air of the night. Near Him, there is the haversack which I saw Him take before departing from Nazareth. It is all He has. And from the way it is folded, I realise it has been emptied of the little food Mary had Put into it.

    Jesus is very thin and pale. He is sitting with His elbows resting on His knees, His forearms forward, His hands joined and His fingers interlaced. He is meditating. Now and again He looks up and around, then looks at the sun, almost perpendicular in the blue sky. Now and again, particularly after looking around and at the sun, He closes His eyes and leans on the rock sheltering Him, as if He were seized by dizziness.
    I see Satan's ugly face appear. He does not show himself in the features we imagine him: horns, tail etc. He looks like a bedouin enveloped in his robe and in a large mantle that resembles a domino. He is wearing a turban on his head and its white flaps fall along his cheeks, down to his shoulders protecting them. Thus only a very small dark triangle of his face can be seen, with thin, sinuous lips, very black hollow eyes, full of magnetic flashes. Two eyes that penetrate and read into the bottom of your heart, but in which you can read nothing, or one word only: mystery. The very opposite of Jesus' eyes, also so magnetic and fascinating, which read in your heart, but in which you can also read that in His heart there is love and bounty for you. Jesus' eyes caress your soul. Satan's are like a double dagger that stabs and bums you.

    He approaches Jesus: « Are you alone? »

    Jesus looks at him, but does not reply.

    « How did You happen to be here? Did You get lost? » Jesus looks at him again, and is silent.
    « If I had water in my flask, I would give You some. But I have none myself. My horse died, and I am now going on foot to the ford. I will get a drink there, and I will find someone who will give me some bread. I know the road. Come with me. I'll take You there. »

    Jesus does not even look at him.

    « You are not answering? Do You know that if You stay here, You will die? The wind is already beginning to blow. There will be a storm. Come. »

    Jesus clenches His hands in silent prayer.

    « Ah! It is You, then? I have been looking for You for such a long time! And I have been watching You for so long. Since You were baptised. Are You calling the Eternal? He is far away. You are now on the earth, in the midst of men. And I reign over men. And yet, I feel sorry for You, and I want to help You, because You are so good, and You have come to sacrifice Yourself for nothing. Men will hate You because of Your goodness. They understand nothing, but gold, food and pleasure. Sacrifice, sorrow, obedience are words more arid for them than the land around us here. They are more arid than this dust. Only snakes can hide here, waiting to bite, and jackals waiting to tear to pieces. Come with me. It is not worthwhile suffering for them. I know them better than You do. »

    Satan has sat down in front of Jesus and he scrutinises Him with his dreadful eyes, and smiles at Him with his snakelike mouth. Jesus is always silent, and is praying mentally.

    « You don't trust me. You are wrong. I am the wisdom of the earth. I can be Your teacher and show You how to triumph. See, the important thing is to triumph. Then, once we have imposed ourselves and we have enchanted the world, then we can take them wherever we want. But first, we must be as they wish us to be. Like them. We must allure them, making them believe that we admire them and follow their thoughts.

    You are young and handsome. Start with a woman. One must always start from her. I made a mistake inducing her to be disobedient. I should have advised her differently. I would have turned her into a better instrument, and I would have beaten God. I was in a hurry. But You! I will teach You, because one day I looked at You with angelical joy, and a fraction of that love is still left in me, but You must listen to me, and make use of my experience. Find yourself a woman. Where you do not succeed, she will. You are the new Adam: You must have Your Eve.

    In any case, how can You understand and heal the diseases of the senses, if You do not know what they are? Don't You know that that is where the seed is, from which the tree of greediness and arrogance sprouts? Why do men want to reign? Why do they want to be rich and powerful? To possess woman. She is like a lark. She will be attracted only by something sparkling. Gold and power are two sides of the mirror that draw woman, and are the causes of evil in the world. Look: in a thousand different crimes, there are at least nine hundred that take root in the lust of possessing a woman or in the passion of a woman, burning with a desire that man has not yet satisfied, or can no longer satisfy. Go to a woman if You want to know what life is. And only then, You will be able to cure and heal the diseases of mankind.

    Women, You know, are beautiful! There is nothing nicer in the world. Man has brains and strength. But woman! Her thought is a perfume, her touch is the caress of flowers, her grace is like wine, pleasant to drink, her weakness is like a hank of silk, or the curl of a child in a man's hand, her caress is a strength which is poured over our own strength, and inflames it. Sorrow, fatigue, worries are forgotten when we lie near a woman, and she is in our arms like a bunch of flowers.

    But what a fool I am! You are hungry and I am talking to You of women. Your energy is exhausted. That is why that fragrance of the earth, that flower of creation, the fruit that gives and excites love, seems without any value to You. But look at these stones. How round and smooth they look, gilded by the setting sun! Don't they look like loaves? Since You are the Son of God, all You have to say is: "I want" and they will become sweet-smelling bread, just like the loaves housewives are now taking out of their ovens for the supper of their families. And these arid acacias, if You only Wish so, will they not be filled with sweet fruit and dates as sweet as honey? Eat Your fill, Son of God. You are the Master of the earth. The earth is bowing down to put itself at Your feet and appease Your hunger.

    Don't You see that You are turning pale and unsteady at the mention of bread. Poor Jesus! Are You so weak that You cannot even work a miracle? Shall I work it for You? I am not Your equal, but I can do something. I will do without any strength for a whole year, I will gather it all together, but I want to serve You, because You are good, and I always remember that You are my God, even if now I have forfeited calling You so. Help me with Your prayers, that I may... »

    « Be quiet! "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God". »
    The devil starts with anger. He grinds his teeth, and clenches his fists. But he controls himself, and turns his grinding into a smile.

    « I understand. You are above the necessities of the earth and You are disgusted at making use of me. I deserved it. But come, then, and see what there is in the House of God. You will see how even priests do not refuse to come to a compromise between the spirit and the flesh. After all, they are men, and not angels. Work a spiritual miracle. I will take You up to the pinnacle of the Temple and You will undergo a transfiguration and become most handsome. You will then call the cohorts of angels and will tell them to form a footrest for Your feet with their interlaced wings, and to let You down, thus, into the main yard. So that people may see You, and remember that God exists. One must show oneself now and again, because man's memory is so weak, particularly with regard to spiritual matters. You can imagine how happy the angels will be in forming a protection for Your feet and a ladder for You to descend! »

    « It is said: "You must not put the Lord your God to the test". »

    « You understand that Your apparition would not change anything and the Temple would continue to be a market full of corruption. Your divine wisdom is aware that the hearts of the ministers of the Temple are nests of vipers, that tear and are torn to pieces for the sake of prevailing. They are subdued only by human power.

    Well, then, come. Adore me. I will give You the earth. Alexander, Cyrus, Caesar, all the great rulers, past or present, will be like the leaders of miserable caravans as compared with You, as You shall have the kingdoms of the world under Your sceptre. And with the kingdoms, all the wealth, all the beautiful things on earth, women, horses, armies and temples. You will be able to raise Your Sign everywhere when You are the King of kings and the Lord of the world. You will then be obeyed and respected both by the people and by the priesthood. All classes will honour and serve You, because You will be the Powerful One, the Only One, the Lord.

    Adore me for one moment only! Appease this thirst of mine for being worshipped! It ruined me, but it is still left in me, and I am parched by it. The flames of hell are like a fresh morning breeze as compared to this fierce ardour burning inside me. It is my hell, this thirst. One moment, one moment only, Christ. You are so good! One moment of joy for the eternally Tortured One! Let me feel what it is like to be god, and I will be a devoted, obedient servant for all Your life and all Your enterprises. One instant, one instant only, and I will no longer torture You! » And Satan falls on his knees, imploring.

    Jesus, instead, stands up. He has lost weight because of the long days of fast, and He now looks taller. His face is terribly severe and potent. His eyes are two burning sapphires. His voice is like thunder: it reverberates in the cave of the huge stone, and spreads over the stony, desolate plain when He cries: « Be off, Satan. It is written: "You must worship the Lord your God, and serve Him alone ". »

    Satan, with a cry of fearful torture and indescribable hatred, springs to his feet, a dreadful sight in his furious, smoky figure. And he disappears with a last cursing yell.

    Jesus is tired, and sits down, leaning back with His head resting on the stone. He looks exhausted. He is perspiring. But angels come to blow gently with their wings in the closeness of the cave, thus purifying and refreshing the air. Jesus opens His eyes, and smiles. I do not see Him eat. I would say that He is nourished by the aroma of Paradise, and is reinvigorated by it.

    The sun has set in the west. He takes His empty haversack and in the company of the angels who, flying above His head, emit a mild light while it is getting dark very rapidly, He starts walking eastwards, or rather north-eastwards. He has resumed His usual expression, His step is steady. The only remaining sign of His long fast is a more ascetic look on His pale, thin face and in His eyes, enraptured in a joy which does not belong to this world.

    Peace be with you always


    Number of posts : 4178

    Be Perfect Empty Re: Be Perfect

    Post by Poem Sun May 26, 2024 5:05 pm

    Second lesson:  Devil is king of flesh

    Jesus' Holy Hour

    Excerpted from THE NOTEBOOKS 1944, June 14

    “’If I do not wash you, you will not take part in My Kingdom.’

    “Soul that I love, and all of you that I love, listen. It is I who speak to you, for I want to spend this hour with you.

    “I Jesus, do not separate you from My Altar even if you come to it with your souls damaged by wounds and diseases or wrapped in lianas of passions which humiliate you in your spiritual freedom, handing you over, bound, to the power of the flesh and its king: Lucifer."

    Which means that after you have sinned and fallen into disgrace you are all flesh and Satan rules over you.  You are his slave. Your soul has become flesh. In other words, you fed your soul all that is flesh with all it vices. You are heavy and laden. What is a base creature is now all of you. No spiritual wisdom can be found in you. Only what is flesh and its nature.

    You must then undertake a grueling path upwards it is not impossible for many saints have come from such background. They fell and did not understand due to poor teaching. Poor teaching leads to imperfection.

    Right teaching leads to perfection. Jesus said, be perfect as your Father in heaven is Perfect. Which means to listen to His Son. Jesus standing on Mt Tabor the Father said: Listen to Him.

    The Father sent the Son who is the Word of the Father in the Flesh.

    Peace be with you always


    Number of posts : 4178

    Be Perfect Empty Re: Be Perfect

    Post by Poem Sun May 26, 2024 5:51 pm

    Lesson three:

    Comments by Jesus during His time in the Garden of Gethsemane Book 5 Chapter 599.

    That is why Satan came, when the Father was retiring in Heaven. He had already come at the beginning of My mission, to tempt Me in order to divert Me from it. He was now coming back again. It was his hour. The hour of the satanic sabbath.

    Crowds and crowds of devils were on the Earth that night, to accomplish the seduction of hearts and make them willing to request the killing of the Christ the following day. Each member of the Sanhedrin had his own, Herod had his, so had Pilate, and every single Judaean who would invoke My Blood upon himself. Also beside the apostles there were their tempters, who made them drowsy while I was languishing, and who prepared them to be cowardly. Take notice of the power of purity. John, the pure disciple, was the first among all of them to free himself from the demoniac claws, and he came at once near his Jesus and understood His unexpressed desire, and brought Mary to Me.

    But Judas had Lucifer, and I had Lucifer. Judas in his heart, I beside Me. We were the two main characters of the tragedy, and Satan was attending personally to both of us. After leading Judas to the point from which he could not withdraw, he turned towards Me.

    With perfect artifice he showed Me the torments of the flesh with unsurpassable realism. Also in the desert he had started from the flesh. I defeated him by praying. The spirit dominated the fear of the flesh.

    He then showed Me the uselessness of My death, and the usefulness of living for My own sake, without worrying Myself about ungrateful men, leading a rich happy life full of love. Living for My Mother, ensuring that She did not suffer. Living so that by means of a long apostolate I could take back to God many men, who, if I had died, would forget Me, whereas, if I had been their Master not for three years, but for many many years, would end up by becoming one with My doctrine. His angels would help Me to seduce men. Could I not see that the angels of God were not intervening to assist Me? Later, God would forgive Me seeing the crowds of believers that I would lead back to Him. Also in the desert he had tried to convince Me to tempt God through imprudence. I defeated him by praying. The spirit dominated moral temptation.

    He showed Me My abandonment by God. He, the Father, no longer loved Me. I was laden with the sins of the world. I disgusted Him. He was absent and was leaving Me to Myself. He was surrendering Me to the mockery of a cruel crowd. And He would not even grant Me His divine comfort. I was alone, all alone. In that hour there was but Satan near the Christ. God and men were absent, because they did not love Me. They hated Me or were uninterested. I prayed to cover the satanic words with My prayers. But My prayer no longer ascended to God. It fell back on Me, like stones of lapidation and crushed Me under its rubble. My prayer, that had always been for Me like a caress given to the Father, a voice that ascended and was answered by a fatherly caress and word, was now dead, heavy, uttered in vain to a closed Heaven.

    I then tasted the bitterness of the bottom of the cup. The flavour of despair. It was what Satan wanted: to lead Me to despair, to make Me a slave of his. I overcame despair and I overcame it only with My power, because I wanted to defeat it. Only with My strength of a Man. I was nothing but the Man. And I was nothing but a man no longer helped by God. When God helps you, it is easy to lift even the world and hold it up like a child's toy. But when God does not help us any more, even the weight of a flower is a burden to us.

    The Devil is a liar and the greatest con artist in the known wide under heaven universe who is a 'spirit.' Thus he is able to speak to the souls of men.

    Man while a soul is present in him, is spirit in intellect. His spirit makes his being whether he may be embryonic or otherwise live. The conversion process is to make the intellect fully spirit and mature cancelling what is earthly, what is mud. What is human ego. What is an instigation of Satan.
    To remove this ugly image of Satan so man can be acceptable to God. Jesus underwent all for to save each individual that is able to hear and see.
    God will remove the blinders and give sight. But you must act first. He calls us each one. We each individually must respond and take action.

    Jesus is tempted even further by the Devil at the Garden of Gethsemane.

    Jesus is derided by Satan at Golgotha to come down from the Scaffold. It is Satan that is doing his best to lead Jesus to join him. Stop! Son of God! Join Me! God will forgive you.

    This is precisely what Satan does to all believers of the One Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church. The others he doesn't bother. They are mostly defeated.

    Satan sent his demons to try and stop Jesus. Jesus said, the demons are tired of shooting arrows at Him. They are 'tired.' So, who then does not want Jesus to continue on His mission? Satan. He is the general here. The Synedrium members of this Satanic Army were one with Satan.
    Satan does not want any one continuing as Jesus in any form. Satan wants total and complete rule over men and the earth. Then once he has this accomplished attack Heaven. Gates of Heaven is opened by Jesus. Strategy. Strategist. Jesus said, Satan is intelligent. astute, cunning, crafty. He is patient. He does not have division in his kingdom. All the demons follow one Satan no disobedience there. They obey Satan. Obedience is what God bred into angels. To Obey.

    So in Hell all the demons obey a single Satan. We can say they are lesser satans. They do obey. This lesson was taught by Jesus in the Notebook of 1943. --word to the wise.

    This lesson is to teach the unwise who may have been taught something else.

    Jesus said in the known Gospel pages, that you need no man to teach you. St. John's. He said, the Holy Spirit the Comforter will come to guide comfort and teach. Jesus was the first to have the Holy Spirit in this New Rite. Thus, Jesus says, to us we need the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was upon and in Adam. Adam was created by one God, one reality. He was in Grace fully. He did not have any stains at the creation. He was perfect. He had an incredible gift from God to have God fully. Wisdom, lights, all manner.

    God wants only this for each soul to have Him fully. Progression. To progress to that state of perfection. To have God forever.

    Peace be with you always

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