Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    1944: Pg 415 The Father's Temple


    Number of posts : 4178

     1944: Pg 415  The Father's Temple Empty 1944: Pg 415 The Father's Temple

    Post by Poem Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:25 am

    Notebook: 1944
    Chp: The Father's Temple
    Page: 415

    July 3

    The Eternal Father says:

    “You have raised up sumptuous cathedrals for Me, and the cross of my Son everywhere proclaims our goodness and your subjection.

    “But does the word of the cross correspond to that of your spirit? On the tombs of the ancient pharaohs histories are also written which proclaim their eternity and the faithfulness of their subjects. But what good are they? They, the kings about whom the inscription reads, ‘You are immortal,’ are quite dead, as are their subjects. Dust, death, oblivion, nothing: this is the reality, and the words cry out vain professions on the tombs.

    “Isn’t it the same with you? What are the temples if they are not rendered alive by your true love? Can they suffice for Me? Be worthy of Me? It is stated, ‘The Most High does not dwell in temples made by the hand of man?’ And that was said for the Temple of Solomon, the most sumptuous of the houses which the hand of man raised up for Me. My Son now lives in every church, through his infinite goodness as Redeemer and Friend. But, I, I the Father and the Spirit Paraclete—where can We make our dwelling?

    “Our temple, not made by the hand of man, but created by my power, is your spirit. And the spirits are so rare in which the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit can meet to dwell and take their refreshment, as in a decorated cenacle. And as the union of the Three Persons has worked and works all the wonders of creation and the miracles of love, so our dwelling in a spirit that receives Us works portents whose scope will be known in the other life.

    “And the world will be astonished on knowing them. What a humiliation for those who thought they were ‘great,’ ‘wise,’ and ‘powerful,’ and criticized, opposed, and tormented the souls dear to Us when they see what wisdom, grandeur, and power were in these, since We were in them!

    “I repeat, ‘The Most High does not dwell in human temples. His dwelling is in the spirit of the faithful son.’”

    Peace be with you always

    Number of posts : 4178

     1944: Pg 415  The Father's Temple Empty Re: 1944: Pg 415 The Father's Temple

    Post by Poem Sat Jun 22, 2024 6:31 pm

    This is what God created of Adam.  But man too estranged from God doesn't understand. This proves man is full of pride thinking himself a god and not God's sons and daughters who are higher than 'straw'.  Pride is straw, this thinking of human godness is straw.  You are lower than mud, in fact the animals God created are better because they have no pride and do not upset God.  

    Read Genesis how God created man.  Reading it shows the how it was done.  

    We have to think.  Are you a mechanical construct? Or are you loving and adoring God?
    Are you filled with God Son and God Holy Spirit and God Father?

    The Father is the Power, The Son is Redemption, The Holy Spirit is the Fire.

    Affections of true love the proper sentiment from a pure heart.  

    Love heaven is nothing but pure love and all love one another naturally perpetually.

    The problem with living in the world, is the world is devoid of love. Crustaceans.  Shells. Just walking in shells called flesh sensualized by the fleshly senses only and the spirit dead. It lives in falsehoods, a fake version of everything.  Fake love, fake family's, fake jobs, this is what it is and it is called Falsehood.  Satan imitates God and then gives to man fake versions of 'life.'  A lower life. A not in God life, not elevated, not enjoying the union with God.

    WAKE UP from MONKINESS, monkey see monkey do.

    Imitate the Spirit of God, Imitate God. This is found in Jesus Christ.

    God created monkeys they are in the jungle enjoying God's creation and hear God probably. They should be seeing God reflected in the souls of man. Seeing God in mans soul. The image and likeness to the Maker.

    God created man to reflect God in the soul so God can be in Man. The soul is the essence of God it comes from God and is God, but smaller less powerful yet of God and is of God.

    God can only come to Himself. What is the soul?  God came to himself in the soul. A particle of Himself as Jesus calls it but of Himself. The soul is God's own. God owns the soul.  So Grace can only come to the Particle of Himself which is our souls not a building made of brick, mortar, debris, sand, wood, some parts of the planet.  God can only come to Himself.

    Characteristics of the soul. It has free will, freedom and is able to choose. It is intelligent. It is the life of a human being. It is stained by sin upon entering a womb and is need of regenerative power for it to attach to Grace and grow and mature in Grace. It has Gods qualities and attributes. But this soul is embryonic at creation and needs to grow and mature.

    It is hampered by Sin. By Original Sin. Original Sin is the face of Satan is the way we should actually see it. A grand misfortune done to every man and woman and child.

    God can only come to another Himself. In our case the soul is a Particle of Himself. The offense caused man to lose Grace and added evil into the makeup which needs to be cancelled out and it is an individual choice one has to make. Free will. It is a dastardly thing. It causes perturbation and conflict. The constant going against thing occurs. Darned if I do and darned if I do not conflict which is a mind thing. A battle going on. The two memories as Christ teaches. This then taken care of with Christ as Eucharist and the Holy Spirit. We go to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion with a pure heart and conscience. Fully aware. If any guilt make sure to go to Confession.

    The Sacraments are a spiritual institution by the Spirit. Man is imperfect and man interprets incorrectly most of the time due to a lack of true contemplation in and with God. Christ is with you. The Holy Spirit is with you. Jesus's teachings is in Jesus and He comes into the soul and the heart and the mind of the being. Cleans it up and prepares it for the Holy Spirit to alight and descend into. Then with Christ and the Holy Spirit, who prepares for the Final one, The Father. It is done in progression. For the Father.

    What is Mary? She is maiden of God. Her soul was created unstained along with Her flesh so Christ could be 'born' from a woman.  The God created this event to transpire. He inspired it. He made it happen. For?  Man all of Adam's sons and daughters to be 'saved' from Evil death sin, diseases.  Death on the earth for the flesh if God did not step in would be eternally gone. No man would have a glorified body in the other life. The Soul however this is entirely spiritual in nature.  This is the pearl of great price which is found in the parable of Jesus. The pearl of great price is the soul, God's very own essence.  Meditate and contemplate gain wisdom understand God. Love always

    Peace be with you always


    Number of posts : 4178

     1944: Pg 415  The Father's Temple Empty Re: 1944: Pg 415 The Father's Temple

    Post by Poem Sat Jun 22, 2024 7:42 pm

    If man had remained listening to God's command at the Garden, then we would understand false. Fake. Falsehood. Or lets re-think this, this is the starting point to get a grip on what is false. We need the true good or truth to differentiate what is other than true and truth. To know what is really false and fake an imitation version. What is false is seemingly good, a 'fake.' In the case of Eve, she saw something that was different from what the Lord God had made and what God had put in the Garden Himself. These were the good that God had made for man. God said, after each day of creating or after what He created it is good. So good is what God gave to man. All His good.

    But as it is, with sin and every evil God uses what is available here as a result of Sin. Which is not what God created, but due to free will, God has to let man choose.  For the evil man does, man is punished to tell man to stop doing evil. It kills, it destroys, it ruins a good life that is available still. Stop, irradiate evil from yourself and have good rewards only.  God is the Administrator of every soul he creates. His justice works perpetually non-stop. One can repent, but one has to amend for wrongs done. Justice of God keeps track.

    Gods system is a system of merit.  For any action taken there is a merit whether good for good or evil for evil. You do evil you get punished. You in actuality merited punishment. And this is the finer point here, if the evil one had done was lets say in reverse a good, the evil remove it and replace it with a good, then the result is a merit of good. But now lets look at it in reality. The evil one does is given back. If you stole God takes from you. If you killed God removes you from the book of life.  If you lied, God gives you the lie. One for one.  The Merit system of God is based on Good Judgment.  It is called Justice. Justice acts in every situation man is in. Good for good, evil for evil. Not to err here. Evil is not a reward nor is it rewarded.  In simple terms for the evil one does the Justice of God would rather you be doing good so you can gain a good and more Grace and graces to increase good in you, but now has to punish.  To teach.  Do not do that again. Do good. I have nothing to do with Evil but punish it.  You get punished.  A war is started by a criminal mind who is evil because it wants.  What does it want?  To conquer and take, claim it.  To do this it lies, cheats, steals, barters, or it makes a declaration to join first and gives is some grace period to consider. Love on the other hand does not use violence to conquer. It is loving, respectful and seeks to conquer not to claim it but to join together peacefully. To gain a true friend. Bonded. It if is not seconded by the other it is respectful and bows out.  There's more pearls in ocean. The difference between evil and love is then known.  But the warmaker is limited in their affections, in fact probably succumbed to lust and lust blinds and enters into tunnel vision. Whereas love is an eagle and sees the wide view. Has more sight and is not tunnel vision.

    Satan laughs at every evil act a man commits.  You should be humiliated by this thought. The Monkey of Hell has caused lots of evil and for you to do it as well.  He laughs. It is not a joyful laugh it is a laugh of victory and sarcasm.  He laughs at it.  It is silent for us to hear this laugh we do not actually hear it.  And he comes to man as this know it all to vet, to challenge. Don't listen turn away and speak the words of truth which Christ used in the Temptation by the Devil.  Man does not live on bread alone, Man lives on every word that is from God and recite the others.  But must believe it and it must not be a soliloquy nor from hate nor from pride but humble. Jesus says to recite this often, because the enemy is a roaring lion who encircles all day long and night. Doesn't sleep. He is tireless, which means perpetual.

    The Life is complex. Thus Grace is necessary to have perpetually. To think, contemplate on Heaven, God. Grace makes it possible to remain in the Communion of Saints. To constantly build the life of grace inside to have it continually building.

    Example:  A waterfall.  The water comes from a stream, river, pond that is constantly flowing a source and then comes to a cliff.
    In many places there is a pond or something similar like a basin at the end of the waters flow.

    Grace is like the waterfall that comes from the Source and then we are the basin. The water builds up, and It is refreshing. It is powerful nothing but Grace can survive hear and it's particle--the soul. Grace is for the soul of man.

    So from a good thought and good acts God created and gave what is good to man. This good then is then needed to remind us that God only wants good for man. Not evil. Not ruins. Not destruction. Not death. God created a masterpiece of Creation and said it is good.

    But evil is man's choice which Man brought to the Garden by a non-complaint soul. Can evil exist with God? Is God evil? No. But as long as man is blind to the truth, he lives in false ideas of life even though knowledge is present, things are made and man eats, sleeps, and goes to work. Gets married, raises children. These thing continue. God created good and gave only good.

    Evil is and has been present and works in man. Good and evil is present in man. Most difficult to understand for many.

    Evil made it's way into the Garden which God created good for man to enjoy God. Evil took a chance and then this chance taken worked in Evils favor. Free will. The Evil snuck in and God knew it had and said to Adam that tree is not for you to eat from, if you do you will die the death. Here is where we do not really have the whole story. God waited to see if the woman would disobey, by being lured. Adam stayed away. And we read the woman was seduced and her being seduced made it look good for Adam to eat. She said probably to Adam something like this: this is soo good and God kept this from us! We will not die the death! The serpent said we will become gods! Adam did not go to the tree by himself. He was led by the woman after she had eaten.

    Therein comes falsehood, fake living fake everything into the world over much time to the point it is has grown to now. Infinite fake false ideas about life. Oh, look that planet out there needs to be excavated for resources. Lets build spaceships. Lets make more weapons of mass destruction. Lets create our own beliefs. Lets and lets and lets and this goes on endlessly spawning from the original error dividing into new versions. On and on it goes. Endless. The truth is up and the lie is downwards. That is the reality.

    We die. No man's flesh is immortal. It dies. But, the second death is the one we need to avoid. Our souls, no one recovers from this death. The soul is each persons responsibility to keep it from the second death.

    The Sacrament of Holy Communion is sufficient for the soul and heart of man to gain Grace, grow it and mature it to adults in God. The Sacraments are for man to aid man to become saints and conquer heaven individually to live in it with God and souls and angels.

    Peace be with you always

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