Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Inspirations Empty Inspirations

    Post by Poem

    Inspirations are quite unique and comes from the supernatural Source above.  What is inspired by God cannot be copied.

    Some instance first to get a start.

    1)  « Is it not written in your Law: "I said: you are gods, and children of the Most High"? Now if God called "gods" those to whom He spoke, giving an order: to live so that the likeness and image of God existing in man may appear clearly, and man may not be a demon or a brute; if men are called "gods" in the Scriptures, all inspired by God, whereby they cannot be modified or cancelled according to the will and interest of man; why do you say to Me that I blaspheme, I Whom the Father consecrated and sent to the world, because I say: "I am the Son of God"? If I did not work the deeds of My Father, you would be right in not believing Me. But I do them. And you do not want to believe Me. Believe at least those deeds, so that you may know and acknowledge that the Father is in Me and that I am in the Father. »

    From: Book 4 POEM Chapter 535. At the Feast of the Dedication of the Temple

    2)  From the Scriptures

    All scripture, inspired of God, is profitable to teach, to reprove, to correct, to instruct in justice,
    [2 Timothy 3:16]

    For prophecy came not by the will of man at any time: but the holy men of God spoke, inspired by the Holy Ghost.
    [2 Peter 1:21]

    3) From the Holy Spirit

    "I am in every word of Christ and flower on the lips of the Virgin. I purify the mouths of the prophets and saints and make them luminous. I am He who inspired things before they existed, for it is my power that, like a heartbeat, moved the creative thought of the Eternal.

    "I am He who speaks without words, everywhere and in every doctrine originating in God, He who without touch opens eyes and opens ears to hear the supernatural, He who without a command draws you from the death of life to Life in the Life which knows no limit.

    Notebook 1943 Chapter Word of the Holy Spirit. page 601

    5) From Jesus Book 5 Chapter 634

    The Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier is about to come and you will be replete with Him. Ensure that you are as pure as everything that is to approach the Lord. I also was Lord like Him. But I had put on a garment over My Divinity to be able to stay among you, and not only to teach you and redeem you with the organs and the blood of that garment, but also to bring the Holy of Holies among men, without it being unbecoming that every man, even an impure one, could lay his eyes on Him, Whom the Seraphim are afraid of looking at. But the Holy Spirit will come without the veil of flesh, and will alight on you and will descend in you with His seven gifts and will advise you. Now, the advice of God is such a sublime thing, that it is necessary to be prepared for it with a heroic will of a perfection that may make you resemble your Father and your Jesus, and your Jesus in His relationship with the Father and with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, perfect charity and perfect love in order to be able to understand the Love and receive Him on the thrones of your hearts.

    Once the Holy Spirit is upon you and in you, the Holy Spirit does exactly what Jesus states here. NOT something else. NOT another way.  Jesus words are 'life.'  Life means giving life words of life to instill graces, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, counsel.

    Example: Fire. It is hot and it roasts. It is felt physically by senses. Sensation and touch but we call it feeling it. I felt that heat. I touched it and it burnt me. Fire is visible and felt.

    Life Jesus is talking about is what comes inside you to make one alive, thriving, vivified, able to hear and do what the Spirit of God tells you, shows you, leads you. Clairvoyance is also part of the Gift. Jesus said, What I do you can do also. Which means we must follow his instructions and do as He states so that we can have this 'Life' come into us. This is perhaps the most difficult to explain because it is entirely supernatural.
    We can use all kinds of examples but the real deal is when one has it and lives it. Most of the time the believer is unaware because they are diligent, obedient, just, faithful. This instilling comes gently, subtle. But you change. One of the tell tales is peace. You're state of peace is constant. No matter what you do, the mode does not change. This is called steady peace. It came for me when after consuming both species while driving to a location, the voice said be 'kind'. I wasn't kind enough for the Spirit at that time. Still a juvenile in spirit. But it was easy to acknowledge this and kindness is necessary for peace to really take hold and remain. Kindness.

    All character attributes takes time to perfect but must begin. Following the way is following the Spirit of it. Spontaneous. Not impetuous. Properly and orderly thought through or meditated. When one meditates one can be still, at peace. In peaceful state is God heard.

     Higher knowledge and understanding of all things that God wants man to know.  Not what the Abyss and the Monkeys there and floating around in darkness tell man to know which are base things.  

    From Jesus 6) Notebook 1944

    It has merit if is able to turn a little into strength with these few, coherent ideas: God exits. I am his son. Obedience to his Law makes me such. And by obeying I shall come to possess God eternally through the merits of the Savior, who has restored Grace to me.  

    The Spirit of God substitutes with lucid ideas in illuminating the believer neglected by his pastor or living in areas rarely visited by a pastor.  --in this particular chapter of comments Jesus is speaking about two kinds of ignorance one being without fault due to really not knowing, and the other blatantly ignoring due to two things: one not believing and two not taking the time to believe. Thus the second one is a sin.  failure to study and learn.  

    There are many things we each one subject, thought, progression of thoughts do not know because God's Mind Encompasses infinitely any subject. The more we are mature, maturing in God as spirits the more we are gaining yet, we do not always possess the right words due to them coming in the Light.  How to explain?

    Inspiration.  God inspires through his thought, if the thought is too high, grand, then the thought is then given in bits to form the intended. And this can take years of our time, not moments.   For us here, it has taken a decade and a half to understand more.  Comes in bits. We can read everyday and daily and nightly but the growth comes by God. If the infant the mothers are supposed feed doesn't get fed regularly in the intervals, the infants growth is slowed down. Time.  If the infant is overfed?  

    We are inspired by the Holy Spirit to keep after our faith and love God. To know the Gospel. To know God's Law, to know the scriptures. To love one another. To encourage with good affections.

    Also in the moments within the moments the Holy Spirit inspires something that is necessary at that precise moment.  

    The goal here is to be continually fused to the Fire of Love from whom comes many inspirations.  

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Thu Jun 27, 2024 4:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Post Wed Jun 26, 2024 8:50 pm by Poem

    Advice is different entirely from Inspiration.

    God advises us to know the Law. In fact He commanded the Hebrews to know the Law. There was dread fright here to inspire.  A much needed motivation.  Each commandment of The Law was burned into tables made of stone by God's finger as is interpreted with much dread. Fire burning on the Mount and God knows what else was present in the inspiring momentous event.  

    Advice is something God gives to man.  I advise you to follow my Laws.  I advise you to not defraud your neighbor. I advise you to 'listen' to my Son.

    God's advice is for to man to do and stay good not wander off and fall in to traps of the enemy, case in point Eve she decided to find out what Evil had to offer.  

    In that as inspired is necessary due to man needing it to get him elevated. To get him knowledge. To aid another soul. To give many souls hope.  To help a soul that is lost and unsure of anything relating to faith, of scriptures.  Holy Spirit inspires man to read a book in the scriptures to elevate the souls knowledge and understanding.  There are countless things in life that souls need to be inspired of to raise them up onto the ways of God, raise them up in order for them to progress forward. To address the not so sure of thought. Is this correct? Do I need to check against the written words in the scriptures?  One should.

    Now here's a big one that we are addressed with. If one knows the scriptures and is to be used with the Spirit of God, hows does one know when another book that has been written in times past by a saint declared by the Vatican? How do we know if this book is inspired by God?  Pray and be at peace. In peace the Lord is heard.  This is written in Proverbs and books of the Prophets.  Elijah comes to mind and Moses.  Daniel.

    Elijah is a good one where Elijah is in a cave of sorts and in the stillness a small voice was heard. Stillness means peace. Jesus said, My Peace I give to you. Thus when we have Jesus in us those of us who are blessed to have Jesus in both species, the peace is unmovable it is a constant state and one hears all the time.  Do you understand this very important point?  Jesus said my peace, well he means those who in the state of Grace. Everything of the Faith here is according to the Sacraments which brings souls to fuse and attach to God. Restoring Grace to souls to be in God. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One Reality.

    Over the centuries man has lost his way and doesn't know the Gospel in the majority, so Few know the Gospel.  The Gospel is inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Gospel came about because the Holy Spirit created an embryo for the Man-God.  The Holy Spirit to placate the Father inspired the Incarnation which means Gospel is for man to be saved by.  The Word of God spoke He said love the Gospel, know it, live it.  Why? It is inspired by God.  All scriptures are inspired by God alone.  God made man capable with the alighting of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirits mystical powers created the worlds, the universe, the earth.  The Holy Spirit inspired the Father to create man.

    Inspiration is a supernatural occurrence to motivate man in the supernatural way. God is Supernatural. His was is Spirit, immaterial not material.  Incorporeal by nature which made the corporeal for the delight of man.  Amazing. So in this present world where man faces evil all day long, doesn't know how to overcome it, gives in to it. Inspirations come that are most likely incorporeal for to motivate with supernatural assistance onto the spiritual plane of living to rise up. Elevate.  The Holy Spirit seeks, souls to rise up, elevate and join merge to the Spirit of God.  Come. A gentle voice. Gentleness. But always benign.  Sometimes a few words may be heard that is not human nor demon.  The soft but benign voice that is gentle says, is that what you want?  

    Some words come to replace inspire such as nudge, a push, a thrust, something big and blaring light come one day. An idea that was so real to me but seemed science fiction

    Today's man is delved into modernism it ways have flourished a thousand fold. All kinds of doctrines and teachings of this to that under the sun.  

    From the Scriptures:  

    Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 1: verses below -- The vanity of all temporal things.

    1 The words of Ecclesiastes, the son of David, king of Jerusalem.

    Vanity of vanities, said Ecclesiastes vanity of vanities, and all is vanity.
    [Ecclesiastes 1]

    I have seen all things that are done under the sun, and behold all is vanity, and vexation of spirit.
    [Ecclesiastes 1]

    8 All things are hard: man cannot explain them by word. The eye is not filled with seeing, neither is the ear filled with hearing.
    [Ecclesiastes 1]

    15 The perverse are hard to be corrected, and the number of fools is infinite.
    [Ecclesiastes 1]

    16 I have spoken in my heart, saying: Behold I am become great, and have gone beyond all in wisdom, that were before me in Jerusalem: and my mind hath contemplated many things wisely, and I have learned.  
    [Ecclesiastes 1]

    17 And I have given my heart to know prudence, and learning, and errors, and folly: and I have perceived that in these also there was labour, and vexation of spirit,  
    [Ecclesiastes 1]

    18 Because in much wisdom there is much indignation: and he that addeth knowledge, addeth also labour.
    [Ecclesiastes 1]

    Peace be with you always


    Post Wed Jun 26, 2024 9:04 pm by Poem

    The advice of the Lord for souls is to worship and adore God alone and in doing this one is protected.  The idea here to be fully immersed in God where you are absorbed by God fully and completely imitating the angels who are in this state just suggested.  

    In our times which if we understand the prophecy properly, the reference here is in the vision of Jesus of the times ahead where He projecting his sight guided by his mind in this fashion was speaking of in Book 5 before the Ascension.  Where the gospel is poorly handled. It has taken a backseat. The many thousands of false doctrines that have taken place of it and will have to be handled like one that has to beat it into souls.  Hammer and anvil.  All the other doctrines are seductions to lure to man's fleshly existence only. And they are immersed in these seductions.

    Jesus said to St. Peter, go behind me Satan! You savor not the things of God! but that of man.  Paraphrased here.  The point being Satan seduces to fleshly existence which all flesh dies and what you have achieved in gaining flesh material stuff is pointless because it all rots anyway and you cannot take it with you. The merits. Have you merited treasures for the permanent? Or is it too taxing because you're lazy? Or you just have ignored it? Or you simply are not taught this? Well there are many reasons, and God reads all hearts. If your heart is not right, get it right. Ask for love, by asking for faith to believe, and hope to hope for these. All three virtues are connected one to the other and is the essential ones. The foundation.

    You labored decades to achieve which is then gone before you die the death.  The temporal earth means 'temporary' existence and that states that there is a permanent state afterwards.  So if you live your one life for the temporary which Satan seduces to to no end, you forfeit the permanent life afterwards.  Someone else gains it in your place.  Though all the good one does God does not in no wise cast away, it does count towards the 'merits', but what good are these good merits if you are not able to cash them in?  God gives them to another because you forfeited it and God does not delight in waste but gives to someone that deserves.

    All is vanity under the sun in the temporal unless you worship and adore God alone.  The Wisdom of the Father has come to give man a way to live in the permanent.  In the permanent is weightlessness, no boulders, rocks, and such filling and holding one from being the eagle.  To set the souls free from the chains of falsehoods.  To loosen the chains, to free the hostages bound for the abyss. Plunging.

    Become the eagle to soar in God's Universe.

    Peace be with you always


    Post Wed Jun 26, 2024 10:14 pm by Poem

    Reference to Elias or Elijah Douay Rheims

    From the 3rd Book of Kings (1 Kings)
    Chapter 19:11-13

    11 And he said to him: Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord: and behold the Lord passeth, and a great and strong wind before the Lord over throwing the mountains, and breaking the rocks in pieces: the Lord is not in the wind, and after the wind an earthquake: the Lord is not in the earthquake. 12 And after the earthquake a fire: the Lord is not in the fire, and after the fire a whistling of a gentle air. 13 And when Elias heard it, he covered his face with his mantle, and coming forth stood in the entering in of the cave, and behold a voice unto him, saying: What dost thou here, Elias? And he answered

    Peace be with you always

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