Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Only God Knows the Future


    Number of posts : 4178

    Only God Knows the Future  Empty Only God Knows the Future

    Post by Poem

    Today's thought comes:

    Only God Knows the Future.

    Only God sees the future and knows it in perfect detail full and complete.
    The Lord is in a timeless state. --What is below Heaven all the past, present and future for those of us in Time-- is seen and known by God at His choosing.  This is 'Before they occur.'  

    The definition for non-believers seems to be called 'predict'. Other words as well.

    The Lord's word is prophecy.  Which is this will occur.  I have seen it and this is what will occur and these are some details that only someone who is present in them is able to reveal give the details or can give an account.  God is present in them and He is the Spirit that sees Past, Present and Future who is Timeless.  Being Spirit incorporeal time does not affect God. Time was created for the delight of man if time did not exist for man, night and day would not exist. There would only be day or night or something of the mix? But night and day is dependent on time.

    God is in what the Lord calls the Eternal Present which is a constant state and the cosmos is not the Lord.  The Lord IS and He is All Present.  A presence that is not corporeal. The material universe is a corporeal construct which the immaterial Lord created.  May be it's the playground for angels?  and for the future citizens of the New Heavens and the New Earth?

    The Eternal Present is a state of constancy where neither night nor day exists nothing fades, nothing ages, nothing is forgotten, nothing is lost. A constant state of 'No loss of any kind.'  Night and day were created for the delight of man to live in time and these are dependent on time. Where man is able to sleep at night.  

    The Lord said, My Word gives insight into the word written. So this is written for to encourage and nurture.


    "My Word descends to nourish the souls given entirely to their Lord God. My Word comes to be the priest and guide for you, that seek the true guide and see so many weak guides for the throngs perishing without a true guide. You that have understood the Truth know that this alone is necessary: to live by My Word, believe in My Word, and walk according to My Word."

    Notebook 1943


    "I have said that 'it is necessary to be reborn in the Spirit in order to be able to possess eternal life.' The birth of the flesh from other flesh does not distinguish you from the beasts except in this: you’ll be judged for not having wanted to be reborn in the Spirit, The beasts are not responsible for this. You are. You that believe in my Name, you that are regenerated by Baptism are. Why, then, are you not reborn in the Spirit? Why do you kill Love in yourselves?

    "How can my doctrine be understood if Love is not in you? I said that you would understand when I sent the Consoler, the Spirit of Truth.' Now I have sent Him to you. I willingly went up onto the Cross to redeem you and prepare the way for the Paraclete, I willingly ascended into Heaven, leaving my Mother, the Only One in whom the Spirit was as in the Father's breast, so full of grace was She. Indeed, in Her was 'Grace' itself. I ascended, leaving the men whom I had loved so much, to the point of dying for them by death on the cross, so as to be able to send you Him in whose light everything becomes clear. I continue to send Him to you, to nourish this light with Myself, for I am in the Father and in the Spirit, and They are in Me.

    Notebook 1943 page 66


    The Word Descends into the Womb.

    The Angel, then, could quite rightly say, 'Full of grace.' Yes, full grace. Grace was in Her; Grace-that is, God-and grace-that is. God's gift, which She was able to bring to a thousandfold yield.

    “That is what is needed, O children, to make heavenly things conceive the Christ in you: your adherence to grace, your gathering of grace, your multiplying of grace, and your breathing in grace. The body, to live, must take in air and food. The soul, to live, must breathe in grace. Then it happens that the Light descends where it can become incarnate and the Christ is mystically born in you as He was really born in Mary.

    “Hail Mary, full of grace. Look at Her, all of you, O Christians, so unlike the first Son of Mary. Look at Her, you women, above all, so unlike Her, and learn, and meditate on the fact that the road to evil with a thousand faces has been opened up by you with your carnality contrary to the life of grace in creatures, without which man becomes a demon, the world, hell."

    Notebook 1943



    Whoever Feeds on Me

    "Come, Maria, and I will console you with a light entirely for you. I will comment upon another side of the Gospel sentence ‘You will step on snakes and scorpions and not be harmed.'

    "Whoever is full of Me can step on all human doctrines and live among those full of their poison without being harmed. It should also be understood in this way. For, if my blessed ones were once really immune from the bites of wild animals as long as I so willed, from poisons and other dangers, my blessed ones now, who live in the corrupt atmosphere of an idolatrous and demoniac society, are equally preserved from all evil by my will. They are in Me, and I in them. There is no room for anything else. And no poison attacks where my love, our love-of Jesus and of Jesus' beloved one-neutralizes all poison.

    Notebook 1945-50. The Document of Maria’s Pain. Page 115. October 8, 1945.



    Believing is Higher than Knowing

    "Believing is higher than knowing. Believing is loving. I say it again.  Believe, then, that if God created you, it was out of an impetus of love. Believe this with love to respond to such love. "And with sevenfold love believe that I, the eternal Immolated One, am rightly called this, for before time existed, I have been destined to be immolated to save you."

    Notebook 1943. August 28. Page 276.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Thu Jul 04, 2024 2:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Post Mon Jul 01, 2024 9:20 pm by Poem

    God knows the future.  Thus only He is able to Guide as long as those who are guided do not wander off at every chimera, phantoms, misama of every kind.  

    The Devil refines his seductions to such degree and point that anyone can fall into a trap and not know it. There are traps within traps, and these are called Labyrinths of traps. One leads to another until the lured is unable to escape.

    When souls are in the state as Jesus states above, the souls are locked in.  So the Devil knows that only a juicy super iced up trap works.  Such as for those whose family members, loved ones, best friends are not believers.  The devil uses material existing things to catch. Or material-corporeal things to snatch the incorporeal soul of yours.   Works every time it seems for many have fallen into these traps.

    Here's one used on us:  'your (name that parent) is gone, now you are the one left to bring your family together and make it better than it was ever.  

    And some thoughts may come to mind on how your spiritual life is now in the ether of God and how you want these to have and enjoy God too!  Oh, the juicy icing with so much sweetness! This happens.  Impetuousness does no good.  Be patient test the spirits to see if this thought is from Above and has the Holy Spirit.  

    Satan knows his time is short and he is ramping up seductions to extreme levels. His seductions are very refined for the Christian. He uses the scriptures, the circumstantial, the events you are living. He preys on them. He knows what to say and traps are already laid. There is more non-believing then believing on the earth. There are many who are not living the life Christ speaks of and teaches.  

    We each must have repertoire of spiritual activities to do during each day to stay away from the very many traps that there are today.  To not get lured.  The traps are very complex and it may seem so innocent. There. Innocent looking harmless. What could possibly go wrong?!  Therein one falls into a trap. Must be replete with Light, Love, Jesus, Holy Spirit, the Father. Reading the Word, praying, reciting hymns, singing spiritual songs.  Sticking to spiritual people. Jesus' says, love the Brotherhood meaning all Catholics with special love because these are the ones that you will live with forever.  Eternity. Eternal Brothers.  Forever.  

    If you do not love here, will you be able to enter There? Forget the non-sense of the Seduced World it is nothing but lures to your earthly existences which is there to bring you to the Abyss!

    Love all your brothers and sisters in God through Christ Jesus.

    Peace be with you always


    Post Today at 2:19 am by Poem

    See the reality doesn't kick in here. Eternity means forever and all the good in God, the just, the faithful, the redeemed will be together, which means you and I and all the rest live forever. So why wait till then?
    If you do not love, you do not enter. What is the opposite of love? Hate. So if you hate, you imitate Satan.

    Very simple.

    Peace be with you always

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