Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    The Need for the Spirit of Love


    Number of posts : 4178

    The Need for the Spirit of Love Empty The Need for the Spirit of Love

    Post by Poem Mon Jul 01, 2024 8:53 pm

    June 7th 1943

    Jesus says:

    "Without the Father I would not have been. But without the Spirit I would not have come. For it was the Love of the Father that sent Me. And the more love is alive in a heart, the more We are present and active therein. Hence the need to possess Love in yourselves--that is the Holy Spirit.

    "I have said that 'it is necessary to be reborn in the Spirit in order to be able to possess eternal life.' The birth of the flesh from other flesh does not distinguish you from the beasts except in this: you’ll be judged for not having wanted to be reborn in the Spirit, The beasts are not responsible for this. You are. You that believe in my Name, you that are regenerated by Baptism are. Why, then, are you not reborn in the Spirit? Why do you kill Love in yourselves?

    "How can my doctrine be understood if Love is not in you? I said that you would understand when I sent the Consoler, the Spirit of Truth.' Now I have sent Him to you. I willingly went up onto the Cross to redeem you and prepare the way for the Paraclete, I willingly ascended into Heaven, leaving my Mother, the Only One in whom the Spirit was as in the Father's breast, so full of grace was She. Indeed, in Her was 'Grace' itself. I ascended, leaving the men whom I had loved so much, to the point of dying for them by death on the cross, so as to be able to send you Him in whose light everything becomes clear. I continue to send Him to you, to nourish this light with Myself, for I am in the Father and in the Spirit, and They are in Me.

    "And you have Me, with my Body, with my Blood, with my Essence, in the Eucharist. Your God and Brother. But you live with the flesh. You have Me, the Light of the world, and once more-indeed, increasingly-you prefer the darkness to the light. You resemble poor madmen. In the times when I lived in your midst, they would have called you 'obsessed,' possessed by an impure spirit inclining you towards strange perversions, because of which you love darkness, ugliness, unclean company, whereas you could live in the Light and in the Truth. You have hearing and do not hear; you have sight and do not see. You have speech, but you use it to curse and lie. You have a heart and do not raise it to Heaven, but sell it for base loves and base interests.

    "Why do you live profaning and profaning yourselves? For you, what are the words of Truth and Life which I have left you and which the Paraclete has explained to you in the light of Charity?

    "From time to time I attempt another miracle of love and call you, speaking to you in a thousand ways. Come, investigate, rouse yourselves. But how? With a scientific curiosity. Your spirit does not awaken at the touch of the Mystery which is once again revealed and shows you God and his love. Poor creatures blinded by your human science!

    "One alone is the necessary Science. Mine. And the Spirit of Truth communicates it to you. In his light all that is is sanctified, is purified, becomes good. If your knowledge takes its origin from this perfect Knowledge, your human knowledge yields works of real utility. Otherwise it does not. If the science you possess is only human science, it is not true science. It is profanation. It tears away the veils enfolding the cosmic forces in which I, who am able to ration the good and the evil which you ought to know, have enfolded them.

    "The dragon hisses, 'Bite, man, bite into the fruit which will make you a god.' And you bite. You do not know that you are eating your condemnation. You develop a semi-divine ingeniousness, it is true; you have wrested many secrets from the universe and have enslaved the forces of nature. But, lacking the counterpoise of love in your knowledge, your knowledge has become only destructive power. And Satan hisses his joy because in your discoveries he sees his sign negating God. His sign alone.

    “If you devoted a fraction of what you devote to evil to doing good, you would already be saved. But following Goodness means being pure, continent, merciful, honest, just, and humble. And you instead prefer to be workers of iniquity."

    Also Heard on the 7th

    "You cannot reconcile the Kingdom of God with the kingdom of Satan. You cannot simultaneously satisfy the flesh and the spirit. You must choose. "I have given you intelligence so that you can choose.”

    Notebook 1943
    Chapter: Knowledge As Destruction When Deprived of The Spirit of Love
    Page 66

    Peace be with you always

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 06, 2024 4:54 pm