Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Church According to Jesus to Men


    Number of posts : 4178

    Church According to Jesus to Men Empty Church According to Jesus to Men

    Post by Poem Tue May 21, 2024 11:13 pm

    « Brother, You reward us for what we have not done. You cured and consoled, not us… » says Thaddeus.

    « You prepared their hearts to have faith in the miracle. So with Me and like Me you helped to cure and comfort. If you knew how I rejoice in associating you with Me in every deed! Do you not remember the words of My cousin John of Zacharias: "He must grow greater, I must grow smaller"? He rightly said so, because every man, no matter how great he may be, even if he were Moses or Elijah, becomes obscured like a star assailed by sunbeams, at the appearance of Him Who comes from Heaven and is greater than any man, because He comes from the Most Holy Father. But I also, the Founder of an Organism that will last throughout centuries and will be as holy as its Founder and Head, of an Organism that will last to represent Me, and will be one thing with Me, just as the limbs and body of man are one thing with the head dominating them, I must say: "That body must brighten and I must grow dim". You will have to continue My work. Soon I shall no longer be here among you, here on the Earth, here materially, to guide My apostles, disciples and followers. However, I shall always be with you spiritually, and your spirits will perceive My Spirit and receive My Light. But you will have to appear, in the first line, while I have gone back whence I came. That is why I am preparing you by degrees to appear as the first. At times you object saying: "In the early days You sent us out more". You had to be known. Now that you are known, now that for this little spot of the Earth you already are "the Apostles", I always keep you near Me, taking part in every action of Mine, so that the world may say: "He makes them His partners in the work He accomplishes, because they will remain after Him to continue His work". Yes, My friends. You will have to proceed more and more, and become enlightened, continuing Me, being Me, whereas I, like a mother who little by little stops supporting her little son who has learned to walk, will withdraw… The handing over from Me to you must not take place violently. The little ones of the flock and the humble believers would be frightened. I will hand them over to you gently so that they may not feel to be alone even for one moment. And love them so much, as I love them. Love them in memory of Me as I have loved them… »

    Peace be with you always


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    Church According to Jesus to Men Empty Re: Church According to Jesus to Men

    Post by Poem Tue May 21, 2024 11:27 pm

    He must grow greater and I must grow smaller.

    The human ego says, no! I must grow greater! Thus the Church becomes smaller. Filled with humanity and its non-sense. Can't take flight in the ether of God. Grounded, wings clipped or not even grown. Little embryo.

    What is flesh is death it dies. Your souls however live forever. It does not ever become non-existent. The person is the soul not the flesh.

    The Lord plagued the flesh with leprosy and all manner of diseases to show them not to live according to the flesh.

    The Lord teaches us that the flesh is a garment that wraps around the soul.

    Today's church is entirely human full of human egos. It is grounded on human non-sense all the way around. Jesus looking into the future that what has happened to Israel will happen to His Church. Catastrophe! Why? Living humanly and not spirits.

    The Lord is the Voice in all the Prophets from the ancient ones to the present ones in Old Rite, New Rite. The Ancient Book is God's Voice and Thoughts for man's past, present and future. God is Eternal who is Eternity. God being Eternal and Eternity an Eternal ever, created the Universe and all it in from Eternity. Thus what God wants. When the time comes for the Old to begone, it will happen. The New then that is eternal will be the everlasting Kingdom of God. This present earth and heavens --Universe is temporary. Those who remain in Grace carry over to the New Earth and New Heavens--(New Universe) in Eternity with the Eternal.

    To focus on God and meditate and contemplate Him always perpetually is necessary less you forget this earth and heavens is temporary. The Devil wants that. Do you? To forget the New Earth New Heavens (New Universe where no evil exists, no more Devil to harass mankind)

    We must as St. Paul said, think on things above and not below. What is below? Hell where Satan exists with his minions. What else? Mankind with its mix of this and that thinking, language, lifestyles, Religion, Irreligions, everything is vain underneath Heaven. Song of Solomon.

    Peace be with you always


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    Church According to Jesus to Men Empty Re: Church According to Jesus to Men

    Post by Poem Tue May 21, 2024 11:37 pm

    What is an organism? From the Creator's prospective it is Man. Because God created to have Sons and Daughters to fill up heaven. The rest on earth showed God's goodness for man: animals, flowers, plants, oceans, mountains etc., for man. Son here is your garden. It is beautiful. Don't soil it.

    Organism is in this case souls of men coming together as one family to receive and enjoy God like it is supposed to be according to the Eternal Thought.

    In Heaven are angels and souls of saints. Think and meditate what they are doing there. They are pure, adoring God, singing, enjoying God and each other waiting the day of Judgment so they can enter into the New Heavens and the New Earth. They are 'waiting' in some stop gap called a waiting room in speaking. They are not in the New Heavens and the New Earth. They are in the present Heaven.

    This Organism is called the Founders Church it was created together with and by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God according to the Eternal Thought of God- The Father. Not for human masturbation of the mind and ego. Jesus said those 'who do' what I teach enter into My Abode which My Father has granted Me. What I have I give to you.

    God is One Reality with 3 persons.

    Peace be with you always


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    Church According to Jesus to Men Empty Re: Church According to Jesus to Men

    Post by Poem Wed May 22, 2024 12:07 am

    The Lord explained why Israel became what was prophesied for it.

    He said in summary, it did not grow to become mature in 'spirit'.  Maturity.  They rebelled, they usurped. They derided.  They were overbearing. They were 'immature.'  They never grew up. They were seduced by the devil. They were seduced by their enemies. They were seduced by other flesh beings who remained dead in spirits. So they became just like them.  Dead.  And as Jesus said, in St. Johns Gospel, the dead bury their dead.  Jesus said I am the Vine, and whatever branch that does not yield fruit the husbandman--Father, has cut and is thrown to the fire.  Angels cut the dead branch, after Satan has trashed it with his allurements.  The enemy of Man came to sow his darnel.
    It sprouted instead of virtues, vices that killed the branch from bearing good fruit.  

    God created a man to be a 'living spirit'.  Jesus' teachings is for the spirit of man.  I come to raise the dead spirits to life and to have life for it, it must have 'Grace' Grace in the fullest which is God the Father, the Son and Spirit.  All Three are Spirits. God created spiritual beings. In heaven are spiritual beings called angels.  On earth God created a spiritual being and named him Adam.  What is the difference between one spiritual being and another?  None. They are both spiritual beings.  The spiritual being called man, lost his Grace to be spiritual from birth to ever.  Grace is life for the spirits, just as food called all kinds today, such as water, milk, meats, vegetables is life for it. But once the spirit in man has Grace, the flesh is taken care of by God who created man. What man does not understand is that his flesh is a garment that wraps around the spirit to encase it, to give it clothing.  So in heaven, the spirit of man is clothed and not naked.  Naked as in no garment for his spirit. Because that's what God created.  

    Thus The Founders Church is created to bring man to Grace to prepare it for the Heavenly pasturage.  To reap new sons and daughters for His eternal dwelling place called everlasting Paradise.  

    From the Paradise Eden the Garden, did God create to fill the Heavenly Paradise. Simple design and thought. From one to the other. From one the spirit called man receives a 'garment' called flesh to carry it with him, one thing joined to the spirit to the Heavenly Paradise.  The Permanent state for Man.  

    Had there been no devil, there would be only one Permanent state for Man.

    Jesus said, by receiving Him in Body and Blood, the human body 'benefits'. The Holy Communion, Eucharist, Breaking of the Bread, benefits the entire man body and soul. God created man with both. Not one. So he was originally created as a living soul plunged into the mud to cover it like a garment. Thus a spirit to God not flesh.

    Peace be with you always


    Number of posts : 4178

    Church According to Jesus to Men Empty Re: Church According to Jesus to Men

    Post by Poem Fri May 24, 2024 8:37 pm

    Now there will be these 'idol shepherds' who tell you that the Eucharist is Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Christ but, only the round wafer is necessary. What did Christ say and Teach? Were the Apostles some God? Were they perhaps not listening and observing what Christ did at the Last Supper? And who is higher than Christ that can make any changes to His Rite? No one. Those who do, are judged by Christ for teaching heresy and error. If they continue in error to defraud the Flock of Christ, what happens? Meditate.

    Lets think logically. Have you ever seen a priest consecrate the Bread only? No. He brings both.
    A chalice, pours wine into it and then the dish with lots of little round wafers in it. He then recites this incredibly long whatever it is, when all it takes is thanks giving and blessing rather than tons of pantomime words. No faith here. Just reciting some words written. Yawn... Angels yawn, fall asleep. Angels take account of each soul they are charged with. They vouch for you. Demons vouch for you as well. Yes, this soul hated, robbed, stole, etc.,. Gives account to God.

    1 Corinthians 13 comes to mind here. To live the life correctly.

    Jesus took Bread and put it upon the Chalice that had been filled. Gave thanks and blessed it. Was Jesus in the Flesh as a Man at that time? Or was He purely Spirit as in holographic? No. He was Fully Man and Fully God. Giving to man what is needed to regenerate and become 'spirit's capable of living in Heaven with God. He said, what I do you do too. He gave the example. Faith says I follow this example. The faithless reads pantomimes, soliloquies, stand up sit down, up and down and says, oh, that was in the past. Today we have a different idea and we do it this way. Thus, those who do it that way, become Satan's Food. A Third of the Stars was swept by the Dragons tail. Enjoy Satan and Hell you knuckle heads. Reprobates, billy goats. Satan rules over you. Take a thrashing here to save yourselves. Wake up!

    Faith Hope Charity. The greatest of these is Charity. Love. Love is God. Heaven is All God and All Love not pantomimes, soliloquies, where all yawn. From love we do this in Memory of Him who went away so we can have life. Simple. End the Grandstand non-sense. Jesus said, they will do what the Past Old Rite Temple Teachers did and instead of imitating the Apostles they imitate some false idea and become heretical.

    Well, what does God want? All of man joined to the Eternal Spirit to have Grace and enjoy God and each other as 'spirits'.

    Thus the Antichrist comes to clean house. Purge. Remove. Cleanse the earth. Still don't get it.
    You read the Ancient book but deny it. No love for Christ, for God. Just an ideology, robotic, mechanical.

    Peace be with you always


    Number of posts : 4178

    Church According to Jesus to Men Empty Re: Church According to Jesus to Men

    Post by Poem Fri May 24, 2024 9:28 pm

    "You too are children in regard to the good Father you have in the heavens. He sees your illnesses and does not want you to remain ill. He your loving Father want you healthy and strong and He gives you medicines to make your souls robust to rectify them heal them and render them not only healthy but also beautiful.

    "If He could forego making you cry do you believe He would so --He whose heart is marked by the tears of his children? But each one in his or her time. He has done everything for you to bring eternal salvation. He even exiled Himself from the Heavens; He even squeezed out his Blood to the last drop to give it to you a most holy medicine which heals every wound overcomes every illness and provides fortitude in the face of every weakness.

    "Your time is now. For in spite of the Word that came down from Heaven to give you the guidance of Life and the Blood shed to redeem you you have not managed to detach yourselves from sin and always fall back into it. He the Eternal who loves you gives you a punishment of pain greater or lesser according to the height to which He wants to take you and the extent to which He wants you to expiate here below your debt as deserting children.

    "There are it is true creatures who have pain so as to become resplendent with a double light in the other life. But there are other creatures who must have pain to cleanse their stained stole and reach the light. They are the great majority. But--it is a contradiction but it's true--they are precisely the ones who rebel against pain and call God unjust and wicked because He has them drink pain. They are the sickest ones and believe they are the healthiest.

    "The more on is in the Light the more one accepts loves and desires pain.

    "One accepts when on is in the Light once over.
    "One loves when one is in the Light twice over.
    "One desires and asks for pain when one is in the Light thrice over immersed in it and living by it.

    "While on the other hand the more one is in darkness the more one flees from hates and rebels against pain.

    "One flees.

    "Weak souls lacking strength to commit major evil or good but getting along in a poor spiritual life enveloped in the fog of tepidity and venial sins are unconstrainably afraid of all affliction of whatever kind is may be. They are spineless spirits, without strength.

    "One hates.

    "The dissolute for whom pain is an obstacle to pursuing vices of every sort hate this great master of spiritual life.

    "One rebels.

    "The extreme sinner totally sold to Satan heaps spiritual crime upon crime reaching the heights of rebelliousness which are blasphemy and suicide or homicide just to take revenge (at least so he believes) on suffering. God's paternal work upon them turns into the fermentation of evil for those serious sinners are mixed with Evil like wheat mixed with yeast and Evil like yeast being worked upon by pain swells up in them and makes them bread for Hell.

    "Which of these three categories have you belonged to? Which do you belong to now? Which do you want to remain in? An answer is not necessary. I know it. That is why I am speaking to you and am with you.

    "On other occasions man says 'If each has a destiny traced out it is futile to get angry and struggle. Let's allow things to take their course--everything's already determined anyway.'

    "Another pernicious error. Destiny is know by God of course. But do you know it? No. You do not know it hour by hour. (true repentance leads to true Life in Christ)

    "I'll give you an example: Peter denied Me. In his destiny it was appointed that he should experience this error. But he repented of having denied me and God forgave him and made him His Pontiff. If he had persisted in his error could he have become My Vicar?

    "Do not say 'It was destiny.' Never forget that God knows your destinies but you make destiny. He does not violate your freedom of action. He gives you the means and advice; He gives you warnings to get you back on the right path but if you do not want to remain on that way He does not force you to stay on it.

    "You are free. He has created you as those who have come of age. The joy of God is when you remain in the Father's House but if you say 'I want to leave' He does not keep you there. He weeps over you and is afflicted over your destiny. He does not want to do more because He would take away form you that freedom which He has given you. The joy of God is when under the sting of dearth you understand that only in the Father's House is there joy and come back to Him. God's joy and thanksgiving is for those who by their sacrifice and their prayers--these two things above all--and also by their words manage to restore a son or a daughter to Me. But no more.

    "But know that those in my hand are like soft clay in the hand of the potter are the beloved of my Heart. My hand is upon them as sweet as a caress. My caresses shape them giving them my imprint and likeness of meekness humility charity purity and the loveliest of all my likeness: my likeness as Redeemer.

    "For these the souls that continue my mission as Redeemer and to whom I constantly say 'Thank you' which is the blessing offering greatest protection. If Veronica's veil is sacred because it bears my effigy what will these souls who are my true effigy be?

    "Courage Maria! My Peace is with you. I am with you. Fear not."

    Pages: 316-318 Notebook 1943

    Peace be with you always


    Number of posts : 4178

    Church According to Jesus to Men Empty Re: Church According to Jesus to Men

    Post by Poem Sun May 26, 2024 2:47 pm

    “How could you contain God in such an infinite and holy temple as the Divinity requires? Only God Himself could be a temple for God and bear His Name without this being an irony and offense. Only God Himself could dwell in Himself and make the temples of man alive with Himself upon the name affixed by man is no longer fallacious because I have given you that Name."

    --The Father’s Lesson on the Name of His Son, Pg 612, Notebook 1943

    Here we know that God came to a pure holy womb which He prepared.  Can God do this?  Anything is possible for God what is impossible for man.  Can man make a man from nothing? Is the creation of Man and Woman of God?  

    All of creation is God's mystery and we are immersed in this mystery.   We simply do not create what God creates.  We procreate. We assist God in procreation.  Man and woman join with God to have a new infant.  It simply just is.

    Thus for our sake God did this to have a new. To be re-created remove death and its poison from perpetuating and keeping man from Heaven where God awaits.  

    One must accept the Way and do as He instructed for to have true life according to what God had in mind.   

    Example your child is bitten by a poisonous rattle snake. Needs immediate antidote.  If you hesitate the child dies.  What is the antidote?  Your love. Man learning how to save from rattle snake bites.  The combination of to save a human being from such disaster.   Knowledge and understanding. Active love.

    To save man from eternal death which most are not understanding of due to many reasons God brought salvation, 'The Antidote' 'The Medicine' 'To Cure' To Regenerate' 'To Re-create' 'To Make Man Ennobled' 'To Give Life'.  Life is not just existing in sensations and emotions awaiting death.  Life is way above the fleshly senses.  The love is higher.  It is above the flesh, more than flesh. It comes from the supernatural. A peace, a love a joy that is not human in nature.  But is supernatural in nature because it comes from the Father. The true joy. The true love.  The true peace.

    Death unfortunately awaits all flesh. The soul lives forever from the time it is created. The soul is the one that is 'judged'.  Not your flesh. The flesh is a base creature. It is of the earth. The soul is not a base incorporeal being it is you. The flesh has taken over. Night of the living dead.  The flesh is dead because of sin. Sin entered the First Ones. Had they not done this, their flesh bodies would remain to this day all of the souls that departed and not decay nor decompose. These would be where God had instructed.  A Savior would not have been necessary. But because they did, a Savior is necessary to save man from eternal death. The souls death. The flesh already dies one of the benefits of Sin.  Sin brought death.  Losing Grace which is God, then losing life which is Grace, then the flesh dying. Then the soul lost and dead because of poison of vices sins, does not have the medicine which is due to disobedience to God the Father.  It is known that Adam repented and was sparred and entered Limbo.  He may have repented some long time afterwards.  First comes regret, then remorse, pride is there keeping them from fully repenting, pride then is overcome and humility enters to aid to see they were at full fault and then a true confession emerges.  When one sins unwillingly and is instigated, (one is not reasoning well here, still an infant) full consent of the will is not half and half but all your heart, mind, strength, soul, will.  The conscientious will. The thought comes in some form from a person they are asking you, you are not sure, they convince you but you are not fully convinced. You go along because of charity the good will to do.  On the good thought of it and not what is not told (the deceit behind the good a masking using good to lure).  You are then in over your head. At the first sign it is still good. But as one goes further in it starts to uncover it is deceit and well the trap is now seen.  The world.  The spirit of the world is Satan who is the master of deceit, all falsehood. Could you think anything true and good exists there?  Christ has already taught this to the First Ones.  The Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil is none other than Satan. This tree is the spirit of the world.  Has to be cut off from one's person from meditating on them. To look at them. Them is well, many things now for the seduction and lure. Can't look it.  An infant and juvenile soul would fall in any situation because the world was once theirs.  To come out of the world one must cut it all off. Live apart. Modernism is now more things. Started with the small things then progressed into more things. Larger, grand huge.  The things are not the fault nor the sin themselves, it's the will and thought that uses them.  From an evil heart comes evil inventions. From a good heart comes good inventions.  The spirit of the world seduces using good to create evil outcome.  That's the way it has always been.  The Evil does not change.  Perhaps you think that the Evil is good in some fashion and will have mercy or kindness?  Are you blind?  Evil is pure Evil. It is Hatred. Violent Hatred.  Man dies because of Evil.  Man Lost Grace and God because of Evil. God had to become Incarnate to save those souls that wake up from the delusion.  The Father is saying come out My People in the Book of Apocalypse, from Babylon. The interesting thing is no one believes that the entire earth is Babylon this very day because they are the seduced.  

    God created an embryo in the womb that He had prepared which human beings seconded by their obedience to his Laws of charity.  They loved God and obeyed.  Thus God gave them the Savior, Redeemer, Messiah. A most holy Mother.  

    Through their obedience came the Mother of God, the Son of God for the salvation of Man from eternal death, and hostage to it.  Satan the king of Death and of Sin in his eternal death chamber.  The eternally rebellious one. The Envious One. The one who stalks mankind.  

    God then begets God to save man. Gives man the Antidote/Medicine: Christ's Body and Blood. Pure unstained, uncorrupted to heal in man what was corrupted.  Everything was corrupted. Mind, will, heart, soul, intelligence. He fell to the earth into the mud bitten by the Serpent. Induced with poison that kills.  A dead soul. A flesh that dies is not able to rise again.  Man was in the First Ones created perfect without out death. His body would have remained without corruption decomposition decay. No sin, no death, no ugliness, no tears, no evil, no hate, no violence, etc., anything that is not good which the Lord God had made. 

    Death happens which comes in several stages.   Man is two portions corporeal and incorporeal.  Poison worked twofold.  Remove life, bite his heart and poison the soul with vices. Covered in vines that strangles the soul. The soul caked with mud rather than the mud being a temple.  The heart of man is where vice or virtues are planted for the soul. The heart and soul interact. The soul is fused to the heart. The Original heart was created pure and good a worthy host for the soul which came directly from God which is God's Essence.

    Christ is the New Adam unstained uncorrupted Heart and Blood, which God uses as 'medicines' for man.  Love made this possible.   Love is God.

    Christ is Antidote. Restores ones heart with virtues.  Gives the life back to the soul.  Grace then comes to alight and dwell with the soul. The heart a true temple.

    Peace be with you always

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