Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    CCC 1376 - Transubstantiantion. What is it?


    Number of posts : 4178

    CCC 1376 - Transubstantiantion. What is it? Empty CCC 1376 - Transubstantiantion. What is it?

    Post by Poem Wed Jun 12, 2024 3:18 pm

    The Catholic Church teaches a dogma called "transubstantiation," which the Catechism explains thus: "By the consecration of the bread and wine there takes place a change of the whole substance of the bread into the substance of the body of Christ our Lord and of the whole substance of the wine into the substance of his blood" (CCC 1376).

    Jesus said this first to the Hebrews. Those men in those days that partook Body and Blood, they ate and drank became 'saints.'

    Are you being denied both?  So you too can become a saint and enter Heaven at once?  Or are you remaining in the embryo state eating bread?

    Jesus said unless you 'eat' My Flesh -Bread and 'drink' My Blood -Wine, I cannot raise you up on the 'last' day.

    Jesus also said, if you 'eat' My Flesh -Bread and 'drink' My Blood -Wine, you will have life in you. I will raise you up on the last day.  

    The Eucharist is a thing of Faith.  Must believe blindly as it is said. To trust in God with all your heart mind soul and strength.  Jesus said to St Mary of Lazarus to believe beyond faith concerning her brother Lazarus. She and her sister and others where constantly whenever they saw Jesus to 'heal' their brother.  Oh, Jesus! My brother! Why do you not heal him?  You healed others!  Can you imagine their feelings and their faith?  Well, there's a deep lesson here.  That is not to be great in your own mind and eyes above the others.  I am part of the elite in Christ so I deserve all the best! I serve Jesus when He is here and when He is not here!  Lesson of humility, we are servants not the elite.  The greatest in Heaven are those who live do as Christ lived. Obedience to the Father, Obedience to Christ's Teachings which comes from the Father.  The Father is the Head Boss here.  God is One Reality. Everything that comes from Christ comes from the Father.  God is The Thought - who is the Father, the Master Mind, The Word -who is the Son the Redeemer, Savior, The Fire of Love- who is the Holy Spirit the love of the Father and the Son merged become one that is most intense love, which is infinite like the Father and the Son, but more concentrated and the power is increased by the fusion of the Two into One more. In a simple illustration: combining two sources to get a third that has all the attributes and qualities of the two concentrated and thus creating a great combination intensified to some level.  Think of the Holy Spirit as the Most Sacred Love and attribute, quality of God fused joined. The Father and Son each are thrice Sacred, the Holy Spirit is way beyond thrice sacred. I would say infinitely sacred and is the Two joined to create I would say a super fusion of the Two. But God is humble and good, and kind, so He does not boast. He is truth and truth is truthful and does not boast. [ I Corinthians 13 ] God is above all pure and holy. Never proud, never full of straw, never admires conceitedly.  They who blaspheme the Holy Spirit cannot be ever forgiven.  

    He gave us His pure essence to reflect perfection so we would be perfect.  Love gives to share. Love gives it's likeness to have.  Love reciprocates.  To love is everything.  But to get there from the mud and mire one must see the difference and learn the attributes, to have a 'discerning' mind, intellect. To build that which is lacking.

    Let's put the pieces of the puzzle together.

    Jesus said, I am the Life.  I come to raise you to the life.  I give Myself a Living Sacrifice.  I am the Vine.

    These are true words and His words are 'spirit and life.'   They are supernatural for every one's soul their spirits to come to Life.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:04 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Number of posts : 4178

    CCC 1376 - Transubstantiantion. What is it? Empty Re: CCC 1376 - Transubstantiantion. What is it?

    Post by Poem Wed Jun 12, 2024 3:41 pm

    Jesus gave to Maria all what we could understand to start our growth about Transubstantiation.

    Its base is 'fusion.'  Or at the core it is fusion. God uses fusion for nearly all things He creates to my current understanding as to be able to give something to you.  The soul is fused to the heart. A soul is generated by the One God.  God in Three Persons is One Reality. God, the I AM.

    As Jesus explained how the planets and stars and sun moon, ergo round objects orbiting in the heavens were actually created by a term called 'centripetal force,' that a piece of rock --just an example, I think He said 'debris' is hurled in space and it attracts all other debris to it as it spins around at incredible speeds to heat up, magnetize, --whatever is really happening-- we only see the outcome and the cotton candy machine really makes good cotton candy-- this machine is one of these, but the one Jesus was referring to was that as this debris in space was flicked by God's hand to spin and spin attracting all parts, to become a planet, a star, a moon, a sun, a whatever else we don't know about that is out there, is the basis of centripetal force.

    At base it is 'fusion' process, things fusing to one another.  Large or small.  Corporeal or incorporeal.

    Light begets light.  From God's who is light comes other lights such as angels and souls of men.

    God said, to know Him is to love Him, obey Him. In fusion understanding takes place.  God created man to be fused to Him, absorbed into God the Great Light.  Little lights orbiting in God.  Take as an example God as the Universe out there.  God is the whole Universe and it is infinite no edges to be found it is a great unending expanse of Light.  Put yourselves into this Universe. At the center of this Universe is Great Light that emits in all directions, North South East West, Up down all around.  The little lights orbit around this Great Light. Is absorbed into God, because the Universe is the whole Being. Just at the center is the Great Light as an example of orbiting for little stars to the Big Sun.   God is infinite and he has no end to his size, it cannot ever measured. He just is that way. God.

    Fusion.  The way God works. But His fusion is supernaturally created by his will.  He wills whatever into existence or combines corporeal with incorporeal.  Light creates through a process called fusion, joins merges using fusion.

    In Lanciano, Italy

    In the 8th century, a priest had doubts about the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. One day during Mass, after the consecration, the bread and wine turned visibly into flesh and blood. In 1970-'71 and again in 1981, a scientific investigation was led by the scientist Odoardo Linoli, professor of anatomy and pathological histology and in chemistry and clinical microscopy. He was assisted by Prof. Ruggero Bertelli of the University of Siena.

    They concluded that the flesh is cardiac tissue which contains arterioles, veins, and nerve fibers. The blood type (in unison with all other approved Eucharistic miracles) was discovered to be type AB. According to Zenit, the "Higher Council of the World Health Organization (WHO) appointed a scientific commission to verify the Italian doctor’s conclusions. The work was carried out over 15 months with a total of 500 examinations... [and confirmed] science’s inability to explain the phenomenon."

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Number of posts : 4178

    CCC 1376 - Transubstantiantion. What is it? Empty Re: CCC 1376 - Transubstantiantion. What is it?

    Post by Poem Wed Jun 12, 2024 3:53 pm

    The Bread become the Body of Christ, the Heart and not Blood which we are supposed to drink.

    Legnica, Poland

    In 2013, Bishop Zbigniew Kiernikowski, of the Diocese of Legnica stated:

    On 25th December, 2013, during the distribution of the Holy Communion, a consecrated host fell to the floor and then was picked up and placed in a water-filled container (vasculum). Soon after, stains of red colour appeared. The former Bishop of Legnica, Stefan Cichy, set up a commission to observe the phenomenon. In February 2014, a tiny red fragment of the host was separated and put on a corporal. The Commission ordered to take samples in order to conduct the thorough tests by the relevant research institutes.

    After the investigations, the Department of Forensic Medicine stated:

    In the histopathological image, the fragments of tissue have been found containing the fragmented parts of the cross striated muscle. (…) The whole (…) is most similar to the heart muscle with alterations that often appear during the agony. The genetic researches indicate the human origin of the tissue.

    Catch Phrase is 'Tissue'.

    Blood flows, tissue covers.

    Where does the blood flow? In this stream of tissue called 'veins.'

    When we eat this bread and drink this cup

    What do we proclaim every time we eat the bread and drink the cup?

    "For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes." As we consider the Lord's Supper, it is important for us to realize that, as in baptism, there is more going on in the sacrament than a memorial.

    Peace be with you always


    Number of posts : 4178

    CCC 1376 - Transubstantiantion. What is it? Empty Re: CCC 1376 - Transubstantiantion. What is it?

    Post by Poem Wed Jun 12, 2024 4:10 pm

    In the Holy Hour of Jesus given to Maria for those wanting Jesus' Eucharistic species to talk to them, and knowing deeply to feel more connected, deepening of their love, Jesus said,

    “That still wasn’t enough for Me. I wanted—since to feel compassion one must suffer what those for whom compassion is felt suffer—to feel the assault of all the feelings to feel your struggles, to grasp the crafty tyranny Satan puts into your blood, to understand how easy it is to remain hypnotized by the Serpent if one lowers one’s gaze for a single moment towards his seductive glance, forgetting to live in the light. Because the snake does not live in the light. He goes into the shadowy recesses which look restful, but are only treacherous. For you these shadows have a name: woman, money, power, selfishness, sensuality, and ambition. For you they eclipse the Light that is God. In their midst is the Serpent: Satan. He looks like a necklace. He is the rope to strangle you. I wanted to know this because ‘I love you.’

    Must pay attention to every word spoken by The Word of the Father.  He said, 'My WORDS are Spirit and Life.  Not one word is to be selected over the other,  all His words are spirit and life.  He is speaking.
    The Father said on Mt. Tabor at the Transfiguration:  Listen to Him.

    The problem is we tend to zero in on a part of what He spoke and forget the rest.

    When one drinks water, does one omit parts of the water select which minerals to remove and which minerals to keep and take in?  

    The Word of the Father is One constant Water with many minerals.  

    Jesus said, His water is pure and the cleanest water in all the Universe.  Blood is some percent water. But blood is something we do not understand because we did not create it.  Only the author of it knows it fully and what's in it and what's its purpose.  That is God and God gave the solution, antidote, the medicine to the sickness given to man by the 'Serpent.'  See this Serpent as spitting and biting inducing venom to the entire being called man.  This Serpent was called Lucifer who partook in the Creation as an inspired being to aid God.  God did not need anything but Himself in reality. God being Love, wanted to have enjoyment with beings. He gave them gifts and granted them a glorious life with Him being like him in ways of character, of intellect, of all the ways of love.  

    These are mere words, rather than the true affections and sentiments that love really is.  It is to have love, give love and enjoy in love a grandeur so vast we must live in it to understand.  Jesus said, in fusion understanding takes place.  That is the only way for spirit based beings.  What is flesh does not have this fusion. The flesh comes from the earth. The soul comes from God. What comes directly from God is God's parts. Which God calls His Essence. The soul is really an essence of God himself. So lets correlate this to flesh. Though it takes two here to make one flesh, an egg and a donor the sperm to begin the embryo. God takes from Himself and generates an essence of Himself and places in the womb when the two flesh beings mate to procreate. There God grants life to begin. Without God's portion His donation of Himself, the unit in the womb cannot become a living being.

    Thus God created man with a soul to be fused to God and one another. But, all souls must be joined to God through fusion in order to enjoy one another as 'spirits.'  

    Adam and Eve were the first to be joined together to God and themselves.  Fusion. They are all fused to the Great Light and they were stars absorbed in God the Universe.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Wed Jun 12, 2024 4:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Number of posts : 4178

    CCC 1376 - Transubstantiantion. What is it? Empty Re: CCC 1376 - Transubstantiantion. What is it?

    Post by Poem Wed Jun 12, 2024 4:28 pm

    As the true One Holy Apostolic Roman Catholics and not some version of Catholics,  must always battle heretics, heresy, falsehood. That is what Christ had done. He fought against the heretics and heresies to bring them that are in error of these, to the light so they can have heaven at once, be united to God.   God is forgiveness.  The Father said, My Revenge is Forgiveness. But who listens?  Only those that love God hear God.

    The Accuser of the Brothers of Christ, condemns, heaps condemnation to lose faith, hope and charity, to 'Negate' all virtues, goodness, to lose to it -the Hatred.  

    Yes, we are given rewards, through the system of Gods merit program.  Jesus said arm yourself with indulgences. To do lots of penance to earn all the indulgences for those days we fall. Jesus said, we will be defeated and be prepared when we do. Plenary indulgences.  The Monster is a formidable enemy.


    Plenary and partial. A partial indulgence is one that partially frees from the punishment due for sins; a plenary indulgence totally frees from the punishment due for sins.  Punishment. Some have come to believe God does not punish, so they do not believe in indulgences. Erosion of faith.  Faith Hope Charity, the greatest of these is 'charity.'  God is then Charity and is the Greatest of All. Thus, the ALL.

    So pray daily and expiate on behalf of all the souls in Purgatory.  
    A simple heart felt prayer which Jesus taught Maria to begin with:  "Lord, increase the flames in Purgatory starting with the lowest regions for these dears souls which the Father desires to possess."

    Orphans and Widows.  Sick and dying. Homeless.  Those that do not know Christ as of yet.  

    The Divine Mercy Novena hits on all these points.

    Are all sins forgiven on Divine Mercy Sunday?
    Q. What is the "special grace" we can receive on Divine Mercy Sunday?
    A. Complete forgiveness of all of our sins and the removal of all punishment of past sins.

    Faith Hope Charity.

    Jesus came to these saints in the last century to aid.   He spoke to them. Appeared to them. Had them dictate and give.  Books were made.  Sold, read, passed along to aid.  

    For the sinner to repent and turn and rise up from the misfortune. For the believer that falls into the countless numerous traps and snares of the devil to be given light, illumination, wisdom.

    In the days very close to the Antichrist, as we do not know when actually this will take place, but the signs point to that at any time at any given period when it can happen since man does not want to believe, or is led astray to some falsehood in the many that is apparent and not apparent, evil lurks in shadows, hates the light and spreads his darkness, to have man create false light, will be many changes taking place.
    It would seem to be so close at times and at others like it isn't going to happen.  This has been the case for the last 2000 years, but, it is already Prophesied first in the Book of Daniel and then given greater detail to what Daniel wrote. In the Book of Revelations (Apocalypse). One can use both books to fill in the gaps.  But each book is about the same thing.  The history of mans fall and rise. What caused them. What was the aid to raise man back up.  It is through hardships man conquers evil in himself first and foremost. Evil does not want to be defeated and cast out and back to the Abyss. It wants to habitate a soul and live outside the fiery hell.  [ Read what demons think of hell when Jesus casts Legion to the pigs ] At the same time how these demons are obedient to Satan.  A serious lesson given by the Word of the Father. All of Jesus' words are 'spirit' and 'life.' He teaches us in all the faucets man encounters on earth.  The Infinite comes to the finite and the finite is still lost because the finite is unable to let it all go and have the Perfection consume the finite.  This is all of us we all fall in this category. How we wish it were not so.  We are as tiny ants to Mountain that has no top it just keeps going up. When man becomes truly humble man can know God in the simplest way. Then all fades away and one sees the Grandeur that is God as stated in a hymn a spiritual song.

    At times I want to sing with angels and saints in heaven to be there instead of here.

    We must declare our wretchedness. We must humble ourselves when we are no where, where the Eucharist or a priest is present. We must consume ourselves in the word of God, in prayer, in things of Heaven because we must remain faithful first to our baptism, second to our confession, third to our choice to follow. All of these says, we must remain obedient to each one. These we use to remind ourselves when we are buried under avalanche of humanity which occurs daily. It is easy to get distracted by the Enemy these days due to the many ways man has aided the Enemy to access. Man is without Light to begin born a sinner, which means is not born in Grace, in God, having God upon himself and in himself immersed absorbed into the Infinite. Instead man must find his way to God through man fused to God.

    Peace be with you always

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    CCC 1376 - Transubstantiantion. What is it? Empty Re: CCC 1376 - Transubstantiantion. What is it?

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