Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    To Possess God's Kingdom Through Charity and Suffering


    Number of posts : 4327

    To Possess God's Kingdom Through Charity and Suffering Empty To Possess God's Kingdom Through Charity and Suffering

    Post by Poem Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:21 am

    Notebook: 1943
    Chp: To Possess God's Kingdom
    Page: 163

    Jesus says:

    "The Kingdom of God is in you. Man has never understood this truth.

    "While I was alive, he believed my kingdom was a reign of temporal power and dominion to the point of excess. This made many stick close to Me, hoping to receive future gain.

    "But I did not lie, did not deceive. My Word was clear. I promised a kingdom, but also pointed out the way to possess it. This way is not and was not the one usually traveled upon by those climbing towards a power. Rather, it was the opposite way. And precisely because it was opposite, it was generously traveled over only by a few.

    "My kingdom is not of this world. The world in which you pause for a while is the cable by which you can climb up onto my mystical ship. But to climb up a cable is not an easy matter. One must be nimble, light, and healthy and not suffer from the dizziness affecting those who exaggerate in pleasures. Vice impedes the ascent; illnesses, too; and aslo excessive attachment to earthly things and the indolence of the spirit.

    "Be healthy in soul, and since to be completely healthy is virtually impossible for man, at least see to combating your spiritual illnesses at the outset.

    "Be diligent. Do not say, 'I have already worked so much that I will rest now.' No, sons and daughters that I await in glory. My Kingdom is such a joy that no exertion is too long and too burdensome to conquer it.

    "When you act according to My Law, My Kingdom is already in you. And you feel it by the peace flowing into you like an inexhaustible wave. This peace is not poor human peace, cunningly attacked by so many things and by persons who are enemies. It is true Peace: it is My Peace.

    "In the book of John it is stated, 'Those are the ones who have come from the great tribulation.' This is the greatest help to conquer my eternal Kingdom of Peace. I have opened the gates to it for you with my great tribulation, but you, faithful disciples whom I call to the Kingdom, are not more than the Master, and you must make use of the same weapon to rise to Me. The cross is a stairway; the cross is a wing; pain is medicine; pain is purification.

    "Everything is accomplished only when one drinks--to keep Me from drinking it--the greatest bitterness of all: gall and vinegar, to make reparation for hatred and sin and cleanse the souls of one's brothers and sisters from hatred and sin. The gall is given to Me by the hatred which curses Me after all that I have given; the vinegar, by the sin which renders my shoots sour to the point of making them wild. Charity makes gall sweet and vinegar pleasant, for charity makes reparation and redeems.

    "But charity should never be separated from suffering, for, in being a sacred thing, it unleashes the wrath of the Enemy. In return, suffering should never be separated from glory, for I am just and give to whoever gives."

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:24 am; edited 2 times in total

    Number of posts : 4327

    To Possess God's Kingdom Through Charity and Suffering Empty Re: To Possess God's Kingdom Through Charity and Suffering

    Post by Poem Fri Jul 26, 2024 2:28 am

    Jesus said, these things in the Gospel and then we read the life St. Paul endured to obtain heaven at 'once.' The life of St. Paul is read in the scriptures and in Catholics historians pages. The words of St. Paul is also found in his commentary in the Notebook of 1944 to Maria Valtorta personally.

    St. Paul had to second Jesus' will to follow the Way. He had to accept it day in and day, keeping the human ego at bay when it tried to overwhelm him. He fought against the lower nature which is a tyrant that Satan uses. Satan. Yes, Satan. The true enemy.

    St. Paul suffered a great deal, quite a bit more than we can comprehend in the words of the scriptures. Until one faces them it is but a reality in words. Jesus' life of pain and sorrow is written but one has to have lived it to know it. If one chooses to and this is a grace that comes from Him, Jesus over time takes one through his pain and suffering which He chooses to reveal to that soul.

    Jesus gives us Himself, donates what is necessary for us to become saints and overcome the tyrants that we face. With God in us and upon us, the power is God's which descends into us, to be able to trample on the enemy within and without. He made a promise and tells us this is 'life'. Did Christ trample on the enemy? This for each to discover. Grace strangles the monster within and without. And Satan will not give up. Persistence.
    The enemy does not rest. He does not slumber nor sleeps. He is active perpetually until God says 'enough.'

    If Christ did not trample, triumph, there would be no Faith in Him and the promises He made would be nullified.

    Christ is the Resurrection and the Life. He made these promises to those who want this Life. You must want it more than your own dear life. To put this 'above'. Up. The lower life here, is mire, dust, nothing but it. The Life comes from union with God through Christ.

    It begins with diligence to Christ's teachings. To live the life of the spirit. Not be robots, mechanical but flowing in our spirits with the Eternal Spirit of God. To God be glory.

    Jesus said, that for those whom He chooses, presents Himself to, these have to 'second' it. Then He the soul takes on His impressions in heart, mind, soul, thought, character. Becomes a little Jesus in the making. Some may be like St. Pio and the wounds are visible, while in others the wounds are not visible but impressed. One feels them in wrist, hand, feet and side and the wounds from the Crown of Thorns. They are go through what Christ reveals to them, that He went through. Not just the Passion, but during His three years of ministry evangelizing Israel to the Kingdom of God.

    Christ chooses and you must second it. There have been souls that do and they live quietly in their communities where they are victim souls imitating the Great Victim.

    Thus after reading the greatest in the Kingdom are those who suffered like Christ is what is presented here. The greatest. John and James had their mother ask Jesus to give them the greatest seats in the Kingdom. But Christ said it is not up to Him to decide. The Father's will and what the Father sees. How one has lived. Do they resemble Christ so closely that they are another Christ?

    For the rest that just want heaven at once they seek to become like Christ in some fashion. But Christ already said, what it takes to become greatest in the Father's Kingdom. To give one's life for the sake of others. This Christ's life in a nutshell. To greatest then means to imitate the Great Victim.

    Pain and suffering makes one acceptable to God. Because God was if you think about it given much pain and suffering from His created beings of angels and man. The countless beings that continue to give God pain and suffering each day. We as man can never fathom the pain and suffering given in the amounts totaled. Grievances. God does not suffer pain like man does, but God has a Human Heart since Word and the Wisdom of the Father, the Second Person became Incarnate.

    Offer up your sufferings to God so He can use it for the good of another soul in need of graces. Recite with true love the Divine Blood prayer. This gives souls a chance at obtaining eternal life in the Kingdom of Peace and Love. Make time and God is pleased. Make God happy.

    If you honor God, God honors you. Start small and always keep to small things. Lots of small makes consistency. Obedience is about small things not the one time grand gesture. Continued in small things. Small prayers from your soul. Good will.

    Peace be with you always

      Current date/time is Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:40 am