Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Maria As Fount


    Number of posts : 4345

    Maria As Fount   Empty Maria As Fount

    Post by Poem Sat Mar 25, 2023 9:39 pm

    Notebook 1943
    Chapter: Maria as Fount
    Page 567-569

    Jesus speaks:

    "When the Creator made the Earth, He brought it out of nothing by gathering together gasses of ether-already created to become the firmament--into a rotating mass that became solidified into a collection of meteors growing and growing around an astral core.

    "Even your Denial (I call the science seeking to provide explanations by negating God 'denial') admits centripetal force, which enables a body to rotate without losing part of itself, but, rather, while attracting all parts to its core. You have machines which, though grandiose, microscopically repeat the centripetal power created by God to make worlds and oblige them to revolve around the sun, a fixed pivot, without rushing out of heavenly paths assigned to them, disturbing the order of creation and provoking cataclysms of incalculable destruction.

    "The Earth, thus being formed in its race as a nebular projectile solidifying by traversing space, necessarily had to take from space radiation and elements proceeding from other sources which remained enclosed within it in the form of volcanic fire, sulfur, water, and different minerals, which emerge on the surface, bearing witness to their existence and to the mysteries of the Earth, a planet created out of nothing by God, my Father, which with all your science you are unable to explain with precise truth.

    "How many good forces you still do not know, you that are the masters in discovering and using wicked forces! You ask Evil for the latter, and he teaches them to you to make you his tortured ones and the torturers of your fellows in his name and in his service. But you do not ask for the good forces from Good, who would paternally teach them to you, as He taught the first men--though they were blameworthy and condemned by Him--the means for their earthly  existence.

    "There beneficial fountains and salutary juices which you still do not know and which would be so useful to know. And not only this--there are some you know, but do not want to use, preferring others, real hellish drugs which ruin your bodies and souls.

    "For this reason they do cease to exist--those founts in whose drops there are dissolved salts taken from minerals enclosed in the depths of your planet and emerging from the strata and through veins in the ground up to the surface, whether icy cold or boiling hot, tasteless, colorless, and odorless, or with a taste, color, and odor perceptible to your senses? No.  They continue to be created, like the blood in your bodies, within the Earth, by a process of continuous assimilation and transformation, as with the food which in your stomachs become blood nourishing tissues and marrow, organs and cells, which are then producers of blood.  They go on trickling, just as sweat goes on emerging through the tissues.  They obey. If that were to exist no longer, explosions in the terrain would take place, and the Earth, like a boiler without outlets, would burst, causing your death.

    "Maria, I want you to be like one of these founts."

    "I nourish you by a process of assimilation to Myself which my goodness has willed.  But, without being concerned about whether or not the spiritually sick come to you imbibe what is what is trickling out of you, which is my Word, or being disturbed if those to whom it is particularly offered and who most ought to do not draw from it, because they do not believe it is healthy and holy, and those who happen to be brought into contact with it benefit from it, you must continue your mission as a fount which is filled and allows itself to be drawn from.

    "I will always nourish the fount of my Word in you.  It is enough for you to give Me love, humility, will, and a spirit of sacrifice.  But if you have love, you already have everything, for it is a generator of every virtue. Those who love are humble towards the one loved, in whom they see every perfection.  Those who love are willing to content the loved one. Those who love do not feel repugnance at sacrifice, if that sacrifice may be useful to the one loved.  This is also valid for human loves.  This is, moreover, multiplied a hundredfold when love is superhuman.

    "And you, who already know the fruit of humility and sacrifice, two powerful magnets that attract Me with all My supernatural gifts, increase your humility and sacrifice to the point of annihilation and delirium.

    "Long live the victims who are delirious with Divine Love, who carried off in it, the victors over the world, which they place beneath their feet, and the conquerors of God, of Christ, the Supreme Victim!"

    Peace be with you always

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