Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    I think we need a meditation section


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    I think we need a meditation section Empty I think we need a meditation section

    Post by Poem Tue Sep 17, 2024 9:41 pm

    Today I was praying to the Holy Face of Jesus and stopped to think about the tears Jesus had welling up in his sacred eyes.

    1. For Jerusalem
    2. For men thinking humanly, evaluating humanly everything Jesus spoke about. My words are spirit and life he says. but to these His words are evaluated humanly and taken humanly, really not working on their souls. His words bounce off of them. Redirected.

    Just these two.

    Jesus wept while passing by Jerusalem. He was observing it from a higher plain. He came to his own and his own received him not. St. John's Gospel. He wept of their coming desolation.

    Jesus' tears for the souls of men regardless of their mentality, mindset, knowledge, understanding. He can take a rock and have it preach. But rocks are not man.
    Jesus the compendium of love, in one dictation, his insane love for man, these words to help one understand the love that knows no ill and how deep it is. A well of. A bottomless well, an abyss of love. Grandeur of an abyss. The Infinite love of God that wants all to love God and to love endlessly as He loves, so we to know this abyss of love and be in it.

    Man is not exactly an abyss like God, but, God can make us this abyss of love to some degree for our capacity. Man is a capacity to be filled.

    Jesus' tears of sorrow for man not having God's love in him to relate.

    Jesus says, that when He comes as Eucharist, God being the Fire of Love, comes as a burning furnace of charity at that time. That when we love, in our capacity, the two loves join and fuse increasing love. We are then in ecstasy. Which the Blessed Virgin Mary had while on Earth. But now in Heaven, She is fully filled to no end with this Love, overflowing, taking Her into grand ecstasies.

    While on earth, when the Love of God descends in the Eucharist as burning furnace of charity, and we meet him with our hearts burning with love or for us that is tiny sparks, this sparks a grandeur of love, is what Jesus is actually stating. Furnaces of love burning in His heart and ours. Like a match struck on the pad to ignite! See the spark and then flame, burning furnace starts right then and then can grow consuming more over time without the flaming becoming a giant burst to end quickly but to be steady, and constant a smaller than the huge flame that burns more material. Requires more material. Just enough to burn in the heart.

    Meditate and ask God to increase our love. Increase virtues, increasing wisdom and light. It takes time to really get there but it does eventually. For the pure in heart, I would say, pretty quick. But for those with lots of stones and boulders, have to have the power of love to aid.
    So we want to become pure in heart and that's what God does for us through Christ. He is our Bounty from God. From Christ flows every grace, every gift, everything we need. Then the Holy Spirit does his work on his giving us His gifts. His counsel, His guidance. His love. And we ask the Holy Spirit to increase love in us. Refresh the Baptism of Fire.

    Purification, Sanctification. Two words that is not human. So then to believe. And believing is higher than knowing. And God knows all, we don't. We are finite, we have been baptize, we are partaking the Sacraments, we avoid all the enemies traps and snares. We love. So the more we love the more the ecstasy. Indescribable in human words.

    Meditating on Jesus' sorrows brings spiritual mystical supernatural graces we just did know existed. Because we think humanly. My words are spirit. My words are life. I am the Life. He gives empathy in His Sorrows to be able to identify with Him to a capacity we each are capable of. And ask to increase. Give your pain and your sorrow for Him to use to extend love to another suffering. Spiritual works of Mercy and Charity.

    Peace be with you always

      Current date/time is Thu Sep 19, 2024 4:37 pm