Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Modernism - A Catholic Refutation


    Number of posts : 4327

    Modernism - A Catholic Refutation Empty Modernism - A Catholic Refutation

    Post by Poem

    Notebook: 1945-50
    Page: 346

    February 3,1947

    Jesus says:

    "The deepest reason for this gift of this Work--among the many others which my spokesman knows--is that in these times, in which modernism condemned by my Holy Vicar Pius X is corrupted into increasingly harmful human doctrines, the Holy Church represented by my Vicar will have additional material to combat those who deny: the supernatural character of dogmas; the divinity of Christ; the truth of Christ, God and Man, real and perfect in both the Faith and the history concerning Him which has been handed on (Gospel, Acts of the Apostles, Apostolic Letters, and Tradition); the doctrine of Paul and John and the Councils of Nicea, Ephesus, and Calcedonia, and other more recent ones, as my true doctrine, orally taught or inspired by Me; my wisdom, unlimited because it is divine; the divine origin of the Dogmas, the Sacraments, and the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church; the universality and continuity, until the end of the ages, of the Gospel given by Me for all men; the nature, perfect from the outset, of my doctrine, which was not shaped as it is through successive transformations, but just as it was given: the doctrine of Christ, of the Time of Grace, of the Kingdom of Heaven and of the Kingdom of God in you, divine, perfect, immutable, the Good News for all who are thirsty for God.

    "Over against the red dragon with seven heads, ten horns, and seven diadems on its heads that with its tail drags behind it a third of the stars of the sky and causes them to plunge down--and I tell you that they really do plunge down even lower than the earth--and that pursues the Woman; over against the beasts of the sea the earth that many, too many, worship, seduced as they are by their appearance and wonders, set my Angel, flying in the midst of Heaven, holding the Eternal Gospel wide open, even to the pages which have been closed until now, so that men can be saved through its light from the coils of the great Serpent with seven faces seeking to strangle them in his darkness and at my return I will still find faith and charity in the hearts of the persevering and they will be more numerous than the work of Satan and men lead one to hope that they may be."

    *Daniel 7; Revelation 12-13; 14:6-7; 17; 20.

    **This is also found in the Chapter: "Reasons for the Work, Farewell to the Work in Book 5"


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    As I peer through Poem of the Man-God with fine comb, Jesus points out that modernism is the device of the enemy, and that Poem of the Man-God is the work of God to help combat Modernism.

    I found this page on the Internet and well, it has many insights into what is called the one of the greatest heresies of all time to invade the church. Modernism.

    Please read with carefulness and openness. Always pray before reading what the Church has condemned. Because you will find modernism in your own thinking and life. We live on this side of Modernism where it is rampant and thriving. Pay close attention to the effects of Modernism and how it is truly disguised. Modernism an enemy is it to all who Profess Christianity.  Modernists, wage war continually against the Church, and from Modernism's inception. Truly not taught in Church today by clerics.  They do not come right out and proclaim it.  In fact Had I not read PoMG and the Notebooks, I would have never known.

    Learn it, meditate, and do not jump to conclusions. Impatience is the tool of the Enemy. Patience is a tool of a saint. Modernists are 'impatient.' Because they do not have this virtue and are not saints.

    Now the Pope, a Good Pope, has Condemned Modernism it is Every Catholics 'Duty' and 'Obligation' to maintain brevity to it.

    But, low and behold, the Current Regime in the Vatican doesn't honor this. So what Happens? It spreads to all. Light comes in through the Church, and Also, if not Watchful, Darkness, Dirt, Mire and Lies can also come through the Church through unwatchful or wolves who look like sheep. Hard to believe?
    Sure. If you're not watchful, even your neighbor is one. Catholics vs. Catholics. is like, one who bears Name of Catholic vs. True Catholic.

    Truly the Gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church. But, against its members. Who fall from the Church. They were not the 5 wise virgins. But were the 5 unwise virgins. Learn this parable. Lord, Lord, did we not prophecy in Your Name and did we not hand out food to the poor in Your Name?
    The Lord will say, "Depart from Me, I do not know you." These are the one's who came in Name Only. Catholics. Who else is speaking to? To the world the words are different? Yes. Come and be saved He says. To the ones in the Sheepfold He speaks more resolutely and more refined. You have been given the sweet waters and the sweet words. But you refused them. I will say to you as I have told my faithful Apostles what I will say to these kind: "Depart from Me I do not know you." You have a will and intellect, use them for your benefit.

    The Church is similar to a Portal of sorts, the Dispenser of Truth and Light. Light and Graces stream into the Church and to be dispensed out to the world through its members. Woe to the members who tarnish and use this for their iniquities. This is what Christ is saying to certain souls. Pay attention with your spiritual eyes fixed on Christ and see what He is saying.

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    Peace Be With You Always

    Last edited by Poem on Fri May 26, 2023 9:41 pm; edited 9 times in total
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    Post Sat Dec 19, 2009 7:26 am by Poem

    The Oath Against Modernism

    Given by His Holiness St. Pius X

    September 1, 1910.

    To be sworn to by all clergy, pastors, confessors, preachers, religious superiors, and professors in philosophical-theological seminaries.

    I ... . firmly embrace and accept each and every definition that has been set forth and declared by the unerring teaching authority of the Church, especially those principal truths which are directly opposed to the errors of this day. And first of all, I profess that God, the origin and end of all things, can be known with certainty by the natural light of reason from the created world (see Rm 1,90), that is, from the visible works of creation, as a cause from its effects, and that, therefore, his existence can also be demonstrated: Secondly, I accept and acknowledge the external proofs of revelation, that is, divine acts and especially miracles and prophecies as the surest signs of the divine origin of the Christian religion and I hold that these same proofs are well adapted to the understanding of all eras and all men, even of this time. Thirdly, I believe with equally firm faith that the Church, the guardian and teacher of the revealed word, was personally instituted by the real and historical Christ when he lived among us, and that the Church was built upon Peter, the prince of the apostolic hierarchy, and his successors for the duration of time. Fourthly, I sincerely hold that the doctrine of faith was handed down to us from the apostles through the orthodox Fathers in exactly the same meaning and always in the same purport. Therefore, I entirely reject the heretical' misrepresentation that dogmas evolve and change from one meaning to another different from the one which the Church held previously. I also condemn every error according to which, in place of the divine deposit which has been given to the spouse of Christ to be carefully guarded by her, there is put a philosophical figment or product of a human conscience that has gradually been developed by human effort and will continue to develop indefinitely. Fifthly, I hold with certainty and sincerely confess that faith is not a blind sentiment of religion welling up from the depths of the subconscious under the impulse of the heart and the motion of a will trained to morality; but faith is a genuine assent of the intellect to truth received by hearing from an external source. By this assent, because of the authority of the supremely truthful God, we believe to be true that which has been revealed and attested to by a personal God, our creator and lord.

    Furthermore, with due reverence, I submit and adhere with my whole heart to the condemnations, declarations, and all the prescripts contained in the encyclical and in the decree especially those concerning what is known as the history of dogmas. I also reject the error of those who say that the faith held by the Church can contradict history, and that Catholic dogmas, in the sense in which they are now understood, are irreconcilable with a more realistic view of the origins of the Christian religion. I also condemn and reject the opinion of those who say that a well-educated Christian assumes a dual personality-that of a believer and at the same time of a historian, as if it were permissible for a historian to hold things that contradict the faith of the believer, or to establish premises which, provided there be no direct denial of dogmas, would lead to the conclusion that dogmas are either false or doubtful. Likewise, I reject that method of judging and interpreting Sacred scripture which, departing from the tradition of the Church, the analogy of faith, and the norms of the Apostolic See, embraces the misrepresentations of the rationalists and with no prudence or restraint adopts textual criticism as the one and supreme norm. Furthermore, I reject the opinion of those who hold that a professor lecturing or writing on a historico-theological subject should first put aside any preconceived opinion about the supernatural origin of Catholic tradition or about the divine promise of help to preserve all revealed truth forever; and that they should then interpret the writings of each of the Fathers solely by scientific principles, excluding all sacred authority, and with the same liberty of judgment that is common in the investigation of all ordinary historical documents.

    Finally, I declare that I am completely opposed to the error of the modernists who hold that there is nothing divine in sacred tradition; or what is far worse, say that there is, but in a pantheistic sense, with the result that there would remain nothing but this plain simple fact-one to be put on a par with the ordinary facts of history-the fact, namely, that a group of men by their own labor, skill, and talent have continued through subsequent ages a school begun by Christ and his apostles. I firmly hold, then, and shall hold to my dying breath the belief of the Fathers in the charism of truth, which certainly is, was, and always will be in the succession of the episcopacy from the apostles. The purpose of this is, then, not that dogma may be tailored according to what seems better and more suited to the culture of each age; rather, that the absolute and immutable truth preached by the apostles from the beginning may never be believed to be different, may never be understood in any other way.

    I promise that I shall keep all these articles faithfully, entirely, and sincerely, and guard them inviolate, in no way deviating from them in teaching or in any way in word or in writing. Thus I promise, this I swear, so help me God.

    Last edited by Poem on Thu Jan 26, 2017 2:55 am; edited 1 time in total

    Post Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:34 am by Poem

    The Principles of Modernism

    Modernists place the foundation of religious philosophy in that doctrine which is commonly called agnosticism. According to this teaching human reason is confined entirely within the field of phenomena, that is to say to things that appear, and it has no power to overstep these limits. Hence for the Modernist the intellect is incapable of recognising Gods existence.

    The core of the Modernist Principles is found in a triple thesis; the denial of the supernatural as an object of certain knowledge; an exclusive immanence of the Divine and of revelation reducing the Church to a simple, social, civilising, phenomenon; and a total emancipation of scientific research from Church dogma which would allow the continued assertion of faith in dogma, with its contradiction on the historical level.

    Modernism and Pantheism

    Modernism holds to some views that subscribe to the pantheistic notion of God.  That is just as pantheism identifies God with the universe (material creation). This is like the immanent God of the Modernists who has no existence independent of the material universe, as St. Pius X affirms in his Encyclical Pascendi (8 Sept. 1907) " the doctrine of immanence in the Modernist acceptation holds and professes that every phenomenon of conscience proceeds from man as man. The rigorous conclusion from this is the identity of man with God, which means pantheism".

    St. Pius X further warned, "By how many roads Modernism leads to atheism and to the annihilation of all religion. The error of Protestantism made the first step on this path; that of Modernism makes the second; Atheism makes the next".

    Modernists and ambiguity

    Modernists have a great distaste for clarity and so they often make use of orthodox Catholic terminology to distort the truth of things and to bolster their cause of deception in which it seems at times they have even deceived the greatest of intellectuals and the most devout of Catholics. It would thus be wrong to imagine that everything in the writing of the Modernists was unorthodox. Much of what they often write often sounds perfectly sound, with much ambiguity. A statement like "Our faith is based upon the Resurrection of Jesus Christ” could mean His physical (Historical) Resurrection as the Church teaches, or simply a symbolic story which was invented by the first Christians to promote faith in Christ who rose only in the mind of his believers. For this reason Pope Pius X warned " In their books one finds some things which might well be approved by a Catholic but on turning over the page one is confronted by other things which might well have been dictated by a rationalist.  When they write history they make no mention of the divinity of Christ, but when they are in the pulpit they profess it clearly; again, when they are dealing with history they take no account of the Fathers and the Councils, but when they catechise the people, they cite them respectfully" - Pascendi

    Although I have previously asserted that this Heresy of Modernism has gained a footing in the Catholic Church, I do not affirm on this account that they (the Modernist hierarchy) have made a clear list of propositions that they have explicitly affirmed. Modernism does not operate in this way; it's technique is infiltration "without order and systematic arrangement, in a scattered and disjointed manner" wrote Pope Pius X (Pascendi).

    On this same score Fr. Amerio Romano in his book “Iota Unum”, points out the various changes in the language used by the Modernist (Neo-Modernist) theologians since the second Vatican Council which had opened the door to the modernist revolution in the Church.

    A modernist will often recite the articles of the Creed using the same words as the Church prescribes but interprets them with his own lights or according to the current progressive understanding thus giving a new meaning the ancient terms.

    Modernism - Dogma, faith, Revelation & God

    Modernists hold Catholic dogma (teaching) to be nothing but a common consciousness of the believers or as their "collective conscience". Thus prompted by this "common consciousness" the believers came together in a society to formulate and systematise its beliefs. This according to Modernism this is how the Magisterium of the Church originated. Its function is to interpret and formulate whatever is found by the collective conscience to be helpful to the life of the Church at any given period. Thus the faith and the Magisterium originated in the people. Their collective conscience is the ultimate authority for what Christians should believe. Thus the Magisterium is made subservient to the people and is made to bow down to the popular ideas of the day. Thus for the Modernist God is not transcendent; He is not "out there" but "totally within". As St. Pius X explained in Pascendi, the Modernist God was no more than a symbol and that "the personality of God will become a matter of doubt and the gate will be opened to pantheism".

    The modernist philosophers who challenge all rational proof of the existence of God as the First Cause of everything in existence, both material and spiritual fall victims to a scientific atheism. For these, God is something emanating from man's subconscious. This false "faith" of theirs, based as it is on mere sentiment or feelings, is expressed in ever-changing formulae, since these have no other objective than that of maintaining or of warming up over and over again a sentimental life, a life of the heart which is, by definition, irrational. For these people, religion is a form of life and, as such, cannot constitute an adherence to an exterior object. Their "faith" proceeds from man; known as religious immanence, vital immanence. Such a system of "belief" cannot possibly be viewed as an unmistakably clear knowledge above all scientific knowledge; on the contrary, science (which modernists have reduced to the level of measurable things, to impose its control on all human judgement) affirms the objectivity of reality.

    The Modernists regard revelation as a purely natural emergence of religious knowledge from a natural sense known as the "religious sense". Thus it affirms the erroneous principle of naturalism. For this reason do Modernists place the Catholic faith on the same footing as other religions as all organised religions are valid expressions (more or less perfect) of the same emerging consciousness. Thus for the Modernist the Catholic Church is not the one authentic mediator of revealed truth.

    As St. Pius X says "The Sacred Books may be described (by the Modernists) as a summary of experiences, not indeed of the kind that may now and again come to anybody, but those extraordinary and striking experiences which are the possession of every religion" and thus no place is left for Christ or His Church for grace or for anything that is above and beyond nature.

    The modernist sees the objective content of the faith to which Catholics have always held to as mere mythology with the distinction between nature and grace being a mere scholastic invention, like the term transubstantiation. Thus in such a system doctrine has no permanent value in a changing world where people will express their experience of faith in different ways.

    Modernism and Evolution

    St. Pius X stated that the principle doctrine of the Modernists was that of evolution "to the laws of evolution everything is subject under penalty of death - dogma, Church worship, the books we revere as sacred, even the faithitself" (Pascendi). The modernist maintain that there is ever in the Church a constant struggle between the conservative and the progressive elements which serve to bring about the a new synthesis from which comes a new dogma. Hence writes St. Pius X "those who study more closely the ideas of Modernists, evolution is described as a resultant from the conflict of two forces, one of them  tending towards progress, the other towards conservation".

    Christianity taken as a whole to the modernists is merely the culmination of the evolutionary process as it could be observed at work in religion.

    It might be said that By means of these false and groundless principles, Dogma, the Sacraments, the Holy Scriptures, the Church and ecclesiastical authority can be done away with.

    Modernism and Miracles

    Since the Catholic Church has a well documented history of Miracles and other unexplainable occurrences that have served to confirm its divine origin the modernists confronted with this will seek to explain it away by denying the historical, physical and objective facts of reality which they reject by mere prejudice. This is because modernists are agnostic and maintain that what ever goes beyond the capacities of human reason or experience is not knowable. And so they reduce miracles to mere expressions of interior feelings that serve to intensify the internal feelings of the claimant. This reduces miracles to a mere subjective belief (feeling or idea) of an individual.

    Renan States "It is evident that the Gospels are in part, legendary because they are interlarded with miracles and the supernatural." - The life of Jesus

    Any historical evidence in defence of miracles is automatically judged as useless (before examination!) because it testifies to the supernatural. With this same prejudice they affirm miracles to be impossible without giving any such proof.

    Further Modernist seek to down play the historical value of any miracle discrediting them often as "exaggeration" "Legends" "old stories" "fables" "vermont expressions of desire" etc.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Thu Jan 26, 2017 2:55 am; edited 1 time in total

    Post Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:48 am by Poem

    The Modernists are Agnostics, and other types. They do not allow anyone in that does not fit their 'rule.' They believe a way that God does not exist. They like the Church and admire Her because of the structure. Like a piece of work, stone structure, a statue, a symbol that has reached the ends of the earth. They seek to change the Church from within. To remove all that is inside it. Which really doesn't make any sense, because once you remove what is inside, there's nothing. They do not understand that the Church is not Buildings made of Stone. But a Mystical Body. How foolish they are. See what happens when you don't believe in God? You lose everything. The misunderstanding is so grand, that it's what St. Paul states, comparing spiritual things to spiritual.

    Non-believers, only look at the twinkling outside, the outer garment and not the inner twinkling, the inner-spirit, which points to the Spirit, and reveals the Spirit, who is Benign. This is always the difference between carnal and spiritual. Two different lives, one is animal-earthly and the other is spirit-heavenly. They have the form of, meaning the clothing to cover their wolfy skins, and desire to take what has been 'setup' removing what is inside and put in their agenda. Swapping, gutting out. But, what these sneaky crafty wolves have done is subtly infiltrate the Church Hierarchy and made the changes to liturgy, canon laws, Catechism of the Catholic Church Book, Bible, removing any reference to faith in God slowly over time and since the 1900's have moved more agressively. Killing the Spirit of, by removing these Pillars. And thus, the Antichrist will culminate all these. For he will have been seduced by the Modernists.

    If you have studied the Church History, from how simple it was to its growth, Liturgy, readings, so forth, and then the sudden change with VAT 1 and VAT 2, you see that subtleness of the crafty snake. And the clergy pass if off with their rationalism.

    Faith in God is simple. To receive and adore Christ is simple. It is done in quiteness. Stillness so the Lord can be adored. Can God be adored while spouting off? In chaos? In formality? No. To be in the Cradle in the Father's arms, in His Bosom. Love means to not say a word. But adore and contemplate, the greatness and the goodness of the Lord God. And Jesus is the Reflection of God made Flesh. So that we can center our hearts on God's Prescribed method for man who lost his sight to see God with his spiritualness.  

    Adam and Eve were created Perfect, their first vision was God. Not the earth. God. They had the Beatific view of God with the eyes created by God, flesh. For their spirits were not contaminated. They were created pure as God is pure. Their eyes saw only God.  This vision, this sight of God is what we have lost due to sin. If you can picture an angel within your body, or overlaid but, barely visible, this is what it was like for them. When they sinned, this angel disappeared, you can see him, shrinking and rolling up into a ball like. Then you should picture the Holy Spirit fleeing at the same time. The Voice of God. Then we read that after the sin, they heard the Voice of God walking in the noon air. No longer seeing, but hearing. They were still able to 'sense' God at this point, we have also lost this sense.

    Thus, Jesus refers to evolution of spirits to return back to the state of Grace in which Adam and Eve had before they plunged, yet, not their way, but Jesus' Way. Jesus then, becomes our Protection from evil snares, from evil. We are blind, thus we need to be shown, the Way. Jesus had to become Flesh due to the fact of our loss of sight, blindness to God. Now we have a Flesh and Blood Man, showing us the Way, He is right in front of you, waving His hand to come follow.

    The Modernist point of view which they classify as 'evolution' refers to earthly evolution, the advancement of civilization, human ego. Christ tells what this is all about. Looks good for a moment, but when God breathes it falls apart.

    "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord on High."

    They don't understand the Sin, Adam's Sin, Lucifer's rebellion, the Four Truths Jesus wants us to stress and talk about, they only see with human eyes. The worst part is most of these modernists were once believers, what Jesus calls Judas'. They were Baptized and then were led astray into Agnosticism.  Wolves. They are wolves, in heresy. Agnosticism is an heresy.  Anything Contrary to Jesus teaching is an Heresy.
    Gnosticism is an heresy.  

    Spiritual evolution: become angels in spirit, saints. Jesus explains regeneration, resurrection, and the changing of spirits from infants to adults. This is spiritual evolution. All human erudition goes by the way side. Nothing human must remain in thought and sentiment. Let the angel rise back up, your spirit, fill the temple.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Tue Mar 14, 2023 1:59 pm; edited 4 times in total

    Post Fri Oct 15, 2010 4:51 am by Poem

    Need to put more power behind these words, study, pray, meditate. This is what we are facing in the Parishes and Vatican. Any one who praises the world, is not a lamb. They are worldly.

    "All Catholics have a duty to help root out the Modernist ambition to revolutionise the Church and destroy to the true harmony that God had ordained for civil society for as Pope Felix III affirmed “To not resist error is to approve it, to not defend truth is to suffocate it . . . Whoever fails to oppose a manifest prevarication, can be considered a secret   accomplice” (cited by Pope Leo XIII in his letter to the Italian bishops, Aug. 12, 1892)."

    The IV Lateran Council tells us the same thing in the following words : “We decree that those who give credence to the teachings of heretics, as well as those who receive, defend, or patronize them, are excommunicated.”

    No one is above tradition. We read the strong words of St. Paul - "though we, or an angel from heaven etc.". These are words which include the warning that the office even of a Pope, could be used to spread heresy. So effective is the Sheep's Clothing of "ecclesiastical office" in promoting error that St. Bernard, Cardinal Newman, and others, logically believed that the only way the Anti-Christ could possibly be so effective in creating a "great apostasy" among Catholics is by becoming an "anti-pope" whom the Catholic world at large would think is a valid Pope. (cf. THE ANTICHRIST in "Catholic Encyclopaedia").

    Thus it's a matter of choosing between an erroneous human judgements and the infallible judgement of the Church, which for 2000 years has taught that nothing which pertains to the perennial and certain doctrine of the Church and which, in any way whatsoever, direct or indirect, relates to the truths of faith or morals, nothing of the constitution of the Church, nothing of that which has been fixed by Christ and, through His mandate, by the holy Apostles is subject to change.

    The following words of St. Athanasius may help to give us conviction in the ongoing battle against modernism in the Church; that is " Catholics who remain faithful to Tradition, even if they are reduced to a handful, are the true Church of Jesus Christ." (ca. 296-373) Apud Caillau and Guillou, Coll. Selecta Ss. Eccl. Patrum, vol. 32, pp. 411-412

    In the words of the Jesus we may summaries the Modernists and the post Conciliar hierarchy who have embraced this error by saying "they are blind, and leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both fall into the pit. " Matt 15:14)

    As a solution to this modernist crisis we propose simply the solution of Pope Pius X as he mentioned in is his famous consistorial speech, Primum Vos (Nov. 9, 1903), that is" Our task, consists in defending both Christian Truth as well as the Law of Christ."

    It seems clear that we must conclude with Pope Pius X that “the domineering overbearance of those who teach the errors, and the thoughtless compliance of the more shallow minds who assent to them, create a corrupted atmosphere which penetrates everywhere, and carries its infection with it. (Pascendi, 34).

    Thus it is clear that despite the war being waged by Modernists in the name of progress and liberty its poisonous errors which we have above expounded must be unmasked and refuted for restoration of the faith and civil society to take effect.

    Sources used:

    1. Partisans of Error by Michael Davies,

    2. Pius X, by Rene Bazin,

    3. Pius X, By Fr. hieronymo Dal-Gal

    4. Three Modernists by John Ratte, 5. Enemy within the Gate by John Mckee

    6. In the Murky Waters of Vatican II by Atila Sinke Guimaraes,

    7. The Second Wave by W. J. Hayes

    8.  The Modernist Crisis by Von Hugel,

    9. Modernism and the Christian Church by Fr. F. Woodlook, S.J.

    10. Catholic, Apostolic and Roman by the Priest of Campos Brazil

    11. The Mouth of the Lion by Dr. David Allen White

    12. Various Works of Pius X

    In one of the Books I cannot remember which one now since I've read so many pages,  Jesus says, and He gave many reasons for the 'Work', --to combat Modernism.  He goes onto say, that, Pope Pius X had rightly condemned, Modernism and that every Catholic, is obligated to condemn them because they are Heretics. Condemn means to kill it, their doctrine, to keep it out of the Church from its members.  

    It's the same as a disease that works its way in to your body. The Mystical Body of Christ. Unlike the human body, the Mystical Body, is spiritual. When a spirit gets infected, it gets quarantined, if it heals it returns, if it rejects medicine, it gets, 'cutoff.' Because it doesn't want to be healed. Heresy is like a disease because it erodes and corrodes faith in God. Test: Do you naturally tend to God? Or do you do everything of your own power and strength? Because the latter is the tendency of one who is not in Faith. Faith in God means God is everything to you. This is what Heresy does. You become dependent on your thoughts alone, your ways, your ideas, so forth and so on.

    These are few other heresies: --Notebook 1943 Pg 257

    Rationalism, Humanism, Philosophism, Theosophism, Naturism, Classicism, Darwinism--you have schools and doctrines of all kinds and are concerned about them all, no matter how much Truth is very distorted or suppressed in them. You do not want to follow and deepen knowledge of the school of Christianity alone."

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Thu Jan 26, 2017 2:58 am; edited 2 times in total

    Post Fri Oct 15, 2010 4:59 am by Poem

    A quick look at Rationalism.

    Humanism and this is part of Modernism's doctrine. They believe God does not exist. If you look at the core of Modernism, there you will find Rationalism, and Humanism is there Doctrine hidden behind Modernism. They need to look more convincing. They do not come right out and say they do not believe in God. They lure you away from God with, some truth.

    Mankind now rationalizes that, human life starts when the infant exits the womb.

    Making man God and Judge of life.  

    Pretty self explanatory.

    Life starts when God generates a soul pre-destined for the womb, the flesh. God chooses when life starts. Life of man is the Soul. This is generated by God before, God infuses the soul into the womb for a newborn about to be. God already knows who is and who isn't. Another words, who will come into existence before you are even born.

    Modernists, believe that God does not exist, and that their very existence started when they were born. And that life is a random happening.  By 'chance.' Thus, they say that anyone in the womb is subject to termination, thus abortion. If you don't want it, abort! What an irresponsible thought and sentiment. Thus, a 'random' occurrence.  By chance.

    Life ends when we sin. For sin kills the soul. The angel crumpled up into round ball and lays dormant in the heart, your heart becomes a grave.

    Life is revived by, confession and absolution and penance. Then you must receive Eucharist. For without It, you remain weak by the sin's killing affect. Sin, kills. When you were sick with a serious virus, did you immediately feel strong after the virus subsided? No. You lost weight, were drowsy, famished, weak. You had to regain your physical strength. The same applies to your spirit. Otherwise, what's the point of Eucharist?

    Sin destroys the spirit. And if your spirit is destroyed, you're a living dead, hanging by a thread. Thus, you feel no life in you. No exuberance. No strength, no joy, no energy. The flesh is made strong and healthy by a strong and healthy spirit. Not the other way around.

    Let's look at Genesis again:

    Chapter 2 -- Two Verses to explain

    Three Steps shown clearly but not 'Understood'

    Step 1> 6 But a spring rose out of the earth, watering all the surface of the earth. ----Watered the dust to make slime or mud.

    Step 2> 7 And the Lord God formed man of the slime of the earth: --body formed and created

    Step 3> and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul. --infused the soul a particle of God, His essence.

    Thus Man became a 'living soul' --- Not living 'flesh.'

    These Two verses  he explains what living flesh is:

    Genesis 2

    19  And the Lord God having formed out of the ground all the beasts of the earth, and all the fowls of the air, brought them to Adam to see what he would call them: for whatsoever Adam called any living creature the same is its name.

    20  And Adam called all the beasts by their names, and all the fowls of the air, and all the cattle of the field: but for Adam there was not found a helper like himself.

    And an untrained person would naturally say 'No Woman Yet!' But this is what an untrained person would say.

    Then the Lord calls, animals = Beasts. So man who is untrained would naturally say 'animal' and not beast. For he cannot think himself to be a beast. His pride forbids him to think this.

    Thus, a man who's soul is dead, is no different from these beasts, except that he walks upright, and speaks and reasons, like a man, but his actions are like that of a beast: he eats, sleeps, and does it again regurgitating these simple actions.  Then over time, because he reasons, these become mechanical.  Because man has lost the ability to be spontaneous. The soul is not 'alive.' Giving him abundant Life. Life is not what the animals have. Life is not just living. Life is being 'alive.' For that's what God 'originally' created. Life. But this Life was lost to Pride. Pride then, kills Life. Pride is 'sin.' Sin is death. Death. The Living Dead. Whereas the beasts, do not have a soul and have no worries, they never change. They are always as is from the first day of Creation. Never have they had the need to 'evolve.' They have not changed.

    Man has to change, because Man has been given, the soul and his soul is given to him to reach Perfect Spirithood.  He must obtain perfection in spirit. Because the flesh is like those beasts, never changes it cannot change and will not change.  Modern science has been able to 'alter' physically and organs. This is not change as I speak, but a degrading in most respects. The flesh however if not altered, all flesh from the first to the last is the same. Skin, hair, toes, fingers, organs, breathes, is born, you know what I mean.

    Man is still looking at his flesh. The robe. God is looking at the soul His creation. The robe is just a robe. Heaven is about spirits. Not flesh. The flesh is a benefit and or an option given only to Man. Thus he is called Man and not an Angel.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Thu Jan 26, 2017 3:00 am; edited 1 time in total

    Post Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:57 am by Poem

    By Fr. Jean, OFMcap and printed originally in the May 1999 issue of The Angelus magazine
    Padre Pio (May 25, 1887 —September 23, 1968) was beatified on May 2, 1999, by Pope John Paul II. He is the only priest known to have received the full stigmata. He never celebrated the Novus Ordo Missae.
    Modernism - A Catholic Refutation Padrepio120x172

    The final year of this dying, decaying century will see the beatification of Padre Pio, the holy monk whom God sent as a sign for our age. For, while everyone wants to make us believe in a new "charismatic" Church, strangely we do not find there any wonderworking saints like the ones we meet throughout the Church’s history starting with Pentecost. Padre Pio seems to close the procession of their number, doing so magnificently, being the only priest to have borne the stigmata of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Much has been written about Padre Pio —more than 600 works, it seems —and the authors always stress the extraordinary side of his life: not only his particular charisms (reading souls, healing, raising people from the dead, bilocating, ecstasies, exuding perfume, prophesying, etc.), but also the incredible sufferings which he endured from his earliest childhood, the persecutions undergone from some churchmen and even brothers in religion, as well as his two great charitable works: the founding of the House of Suffering, and prayer groups.

    In short, they present him to us as a "saint" more to be admired than imitated, so that, ultimately, we miss the most interesting lessons to be learned from this life, and the practical applications that could transform our own. We shall try, therefore, however imperfectly, to set forth a few of these lessons, hoping that we shall all be able to profit from them, and that the Padre, from high heaven, will himself succor us, as he has promised to all those who would like to become his "spiritual children."

    At the dawn of this life totally sacrificed to God and to souls, there is to be found a pious, poor and numerous family, where the abnegation of each member softens and transforms the harsh realities of daily life. Here we see confirmed the saying of Bishop de Segur that it is in families where the spirit of sacrifice is lacking that vocations are most at risk. Baptized the day after his birth — a grace for which he was grateful all his life —Padre Pio was christened Francesco, presage of his Franciscan vocation, which was to be discovered on the occasion of a visit from a Capuchin monk begging food for the convent. Even so, his vocation was not decided without struggle:

    I felt two forces clashing within me, tearing my heart: the world wanted me for itself, and God called me to a new life. It would be impossible to describe this martyrdom. The mere memory of the battle that took place within me freezes the very blood in my veins...
    He was not yet 16 years old when he entered the novitiate. Above the door of the cloister, as a welcome, he read the sign: "Do penance or perish." The daily rule of life included very many prayers, enough work, and little reading, being restricted especially to the study of the Rule and the Constitutions.

    Brother Pio made himself conspicuous by the abundance of the tears he shed during the morning period of mental prayer, which in Capuchin houses is consecrated to the meditation of the Passion; tears so abundant that it was necessary to spread a towel in front of him on the floor of the choir. As with St. Francis, it was to this loving and compassionate contemplation of Jesus crucified that he was to owe the grace to receive later on the painful stigmata in his body. Even so, as he confided to his spiritual director, Fr. Agostino: "In comparison to what I suffer in my flesh, the spiritual combats that I endure are much worse."

    Atoning for Sinners: Interior Trials

    It would seem that God expects the just to expiate in a special way, by means of temptation, the public sins of their contemporaries. At a time when psychoanalysis, with its knack for explaining away guilt and sin, was gaining sway, Padre Pio —like the little Theresa —had to undergo an almost unbearable crisis of scruples, which tormented him for three long years. Then after the storm came the night, a night of the soul which lasted for dozens of years, with only occasional glimmers of light:

    I live in a perpetual night... I find myself troubled by everything, and I do not know if I act well or ill. I can see that it is not a scruple: but the doubt I feel about whether or not I am pleasing the Lord crushes me. And this anxiety recurs to me everywhere: at the altar, in the confessional, everywhere!
    It is with the thought of his mystical experiences in mind that his maxims should be meditated: "Love is more beautiful in the company of fear, because it is in this way that it becomes stronger." "The more one loves God, the less one feels it!"

    St. Theresa of the Child Jesus opposed to the proud rationalism of her day the little way of spiritual childhood, but she also expiated it by terrible temptations against faith. Her cry, "I will believe!" is well known. Padre Pio also experience violent and prolonged temptations against faith, as his letters to Fr. Agostino testify:

    Blasphemies cross my mind incessantly, and even more so false ideas, ideas of infidelity and unbelief. I feel my soul transfixed at every instant of my life, it kills me... My faith is upheld only by a constant effort of my will against every kind of human persuasion. My faith is only the fruit of the continual efforts that I exact of myself. And all of this, Father, is not something that happens a few times a day, but it is continuous... Father, how difficult it is to believe!
    What precious lessons for us, should we, for example, be surprised at finding ourselves tempted to such a degree.

    Spiritual Director

    Padre Pio overcame these terrible trials by following what had been taught him in the novitiate: perseverance in prayer, mortification of the senses, unshakable fidelity to the demands of one’s duty of state, and, finally, perfect obedience to the priest in charge of his soul. His painfully acquired experience allowed him to draw to himself souls desirous of perfection, and to be demanding.

    To the souls he directed, he gave a five-point rule: weekly confession, daily communion and spiritual reading, examination of conscience each evening and mental prayer twice a day. As for the recitation of the rosary, it is so necessary it goes without saying....

    Confession is the soul’s bath. You must go at least once a week. I do not want souls to stay away from confession more than a week. Even a clean and unoccupied room gathers dust; return after a week and you will see that it needs dusting again!
    Modernism - A Catholic Refutation Padre_pio_writing

    To those who declare themselves unworthy to receive holy Communion, he answers:

    It is quite true, we are not worthy of such a gift. However, to approach the Blessed Sacrament in a state of mortal sin is one thing, and to be unworthy, quite another. All of us are unworthy, but it is He who invites us. It is He who desires it. Let us humble ourselves and receive Him with a heart contrite and full of love.
    To another, who told him that the daily examination of conscience seemed useless, since his conscience showed him clearly at each action whether it was good or bad, he replied:

    That is true enough. But every experienced merchant in this world not only keeps track throughout the day of whether he has lost or gained on each sale. In the evening, he does the bookkeeping for the day to determine what he should do on the morrow. It follows that it is indispensable to make a rigorous examination of conscience, brief but lucid, every night.
    The harm that comes to souls from the lack of reading holy books makes me shudder... What power spiritual reading has to lead to a change of course, and to make even worldly people enter into the way of perfection.
    When Padre Pio was condemned to not exercise any ministry, he spent his free time, not in reading newspapers —"the Devil’s gospel" —but in reading books of doctrine, history and spirituality. Despite this, he would still say: "One looks for God in books, but finds Him in prayer."

    His counsels for mental prayer are simple:

    If you do not succeed in meditating well, do not give up doing your duty. If the distractions are numerous, do not be discouraged; do the meditation of patience, and you will still profit. Decide upon the length of your meditation, and do not leave your place before finishing, even if you have to be crucified... Why do you worry so much because you do not know how to meditate as you would like? Meditation is a means to attaining God, but it is not a goal in itself. Meditation aims at the love of God and neighbor. Love God with all your soul without reserve, and love your neighbor as yourself, and you will have accomplished half of your meditation.
    The same holds for assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: it is more concerned with making acts (of contrition, faith, love...) than with intellectual reflections or considerations. To someone asking whether it is necessary to follow the Mass in a missal, Padre Pio answered that only the priest needs a missal. According to him, the best way to attend the holy sacrifice is by uniting oneself to the Virgin of Sorrows at the foot of the cross, in compassion and love. It is only in paradise, he assures his interlocutor, that we will learn of all the benefits that we received by assisting at holy Mass.
    Padre Pio, who was so affable and pleasant in his relations with people, could become severe and inflexible when the honor of God was at stake, especially in church.

    The whispering of the faithful would be authoritatively cut off by the Father, who would openly glare at anyone who failed to maintain a prayerful posture... If someone remained standing, even if it was because there were no places left in the pews, he would peremptorily invite him to kneel in order to participate worthily in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
    Not even an inattentive choirboy would be spared: "My child, if you want to go to hell, you don’t need my signature."

    The post-war fashions fell under the same censure:

    Padre Pio, seated in his open confessional, all year round would ascertain that the women and girls who confessed to him were wearing skirts not too short. He would even cause tears to be shed when someone who had been waiting in line for hours would be turned away because of an offending hemline... Then some kind souls would step forward and offer help. In a corner, they would unsew the hem, or else lend the penitent a coat. Finally, sometimes the Father would allow the humiliated penitent to go to confession.
    One day his spiritual director reproached him for his harsh conduct. He replied: "I could obey you, but each time it is Jesus who tells me how I am to deal with people." His severe manner, then, was inspired from above, uniquely for the honor of God and the salvation of souls.

    Women who satisfy their vanity in their dress can never put on the life of Jesus Christ; moreover they even lose the ornaments of their soul as soon as this idol enters into their heart.
    And let no one reproach him for lack of charity: "I beg you not to criticize me by invoking charity, because the greatest charity is to deliver souls held fast by Satan in order to win them over to Christ."

    Padre Pio and the Novus Ordo Missae

    He was a model of respect and submission towards his religious and ecclesiastical superiors, especially during the time when he was persecuted. Nonetheless, he could not remain silent over a deviation that was baneful to the Church. Even before the end of the Council, in February 1965, someone announced to him that soon he would have to celebrate the Mass according to a new rite, ad experimentum, in the vernacular, which had been devised by a conciliar liturgical commission in order to respond to the aspirations of modern man. Immediately, even before seeing the text, he wrote to Paul VI to ask him to be dispensed from the liturgical experiment, and to be able to continue to celebrate the Mass of St. Pius V. When Cardinal Bacci came to see him in order to bring the authorization, Padre Pio let a complaint escape in the presence of the Pope’s messenger: "For pity sake, end the Council quickly."
    Modernism - A Catholic Refutation Padrepiosayingmass197x295

    The same year, during the conciliar euphoria that was promising a new springtime to the Church, he confided to one of his spiritual sons: "In this time of darkness, let us pray. Let us do penance for the elect"; and especially for the one who has to be their shepherd here below:All his life, he immolated himself for the reigning pope, whose photograph was among the rare images that decorated his cell.

    Renewal of Religious Life?

    There are other scenes from his life that are full of meaning, for example, his reactions to the aggiornamento the religious orders concocted in the wake of Vatican II. (The citations here are taken from a book bearing an imprimatur):

    In 1966, the Father General [of the Franciscans] came to Rome prior to the special Chapter on the Constitutions in order to ask Padre Pio for his prayers and benedictions. He met Padre Pio in the cloister. "Padre, I came to recommend to your prayers the special chapter for the new Constitutions..." He had scarcely gotten the words "special Chapter"..."new Constitutions" out of his mouth when Padre Pio made a violent gesture and cried out: "That is all nothing but destructive nonsense." "But Padre, after all, there is the younger generation to take into account... the youth evolve after their own fashion... there are new demands..." "The only thing missing is mind and heart, that’s all, understanding and love." Then he proceeded to his cell, did a half-turn, and pointed his finger, saying: "We must not denature ourselves, we must not denature ourselves! At the Lord’s judgment, St. Francis will not recognize us as his sons!"
    A year later, the same scene was repeated for the aggiornamento of the Capuchins:
    One day, some confreres were discussing with the Father Definiteur General [The counselor or adviser to the general or provincial of a religious order —Ed.] the problems in the Order, when Padre Pio, taking a shocked attitude, cried out, with a distant look in his eye: "What in the world are you up to in Rome? What are you scheming? You even want to change the Rule of St. Francis!" The Definiteur replied: "Padre, changes are being proposed because the youth don’t want to have anything to do with the tonsure, the habit, bare feet...."

    Chase them out! Chase them out! What can you be saying? Is it they who are doing St. Francis a favor by taking the habit and following his way of life, or rather, isn’t it St. Francis who is offering them a great gift?
    If we consider that Padre Pio was a veritable alter Christus, that his entire person, body and soul, was as perfectly conformed as possible to that of Jesus Christ, his stark refusal to accept the Novus Ordo and the aggiornamento should be for us a lesson to learn. It is also noteworthy that the good Lord desired to recall His faithful servant just before they were implacably imposed on the Church and the Capuchin Order. Noteworthy, too, is the fact that Katarina Tangari, one of Padre Pio’s most privileged spiritual daughters, so admirably supported the priests [of the SSPX] of Ecône until her death, one year after the episcopal consecrations of 1988.

    Final Lesson: Fatima

    Padre Pio was even less obliging towards the prevailing social and political order, or rather, disorder (in 1966): "the confusion of ideas and the reign of thieves." He prophesied that the Communists would come to power, "by surprise, without firing a shot... It will happen overnight."

    This should not surprise us, since the requests of our Lady of Fatima have not been listened to. He even told Bishop Piccinelli, that the red flag will fly over the Vatican, "but that will pass." Here again, his conclusion rejoins that of the Queen of Prophets: "But in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph." The means by which this prophesy will come to pass, we know: by the divine power; but it must be prompted by the two great powers in man’s hands: prayer and penance. This is the lesson which our Lady wanted to remind us of at the beginning of this century: God wants to save the world by devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and there is no problem, material or spiritual, national or international, that cannot be solved by the holy rosary and our sacrifices.

    This is also the last lesson that Padre Pio wanted to leave us by his example, and especially by his "prayer groups," which he established throughout the world. "He was never without a rosary, there was even one under his pillow. During the day he recited several dozens of rosaries." A few hours before he died, as those around him urged him to speak a few more words, all he could say was: "Love the Blessed Virgin and make her loved. Always say the rosary!"
    The imminent elevation of Venerable Padre Pio is certainly going to arouse in many souls both curiosity and admiration. We could take advantage of the opportunity to remind them of these few lessons, if indeed we know how to put them into practice ourselves, in the merciful love of the Most Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

    Translation by Angelus Press of an article that appeared in the Letter to the Friends of Saint Francis, publication of the Capuchin Fathers of St. Francis Monastery, Morgon, France, a traditional community which supports the work of Archbishop Lefebvre.

    Post Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:54 am by Poem

    Though I do not support, schisms, I support Saints.  St. Pio  lived his life according to Jesus Christ. Not according to Man.

    SSPX who are they? They maintain the Traditional Latin Mass which is said to be more spiritual. 

    Yet, after reading the Notebooks, carefully, I found that, any addition to Mass this steers hearts away from the real reason for Mass, and is like the Pharisees adding even 1 of their own laws.  

    The Mass is about adoration of Christ.  Not about singing and reciting tons of words, that God yawns at and the angels cover their ears.  Jesus said to imitate the person who is humble, the Publican and doesn't say but a few words: "Lord I am not worthy, I am nothing more than a poor beggar, I am nothing," and  kneels asking for Mercy, while the Pharisee, makes a speech in front of the Lord.  The Lord said to say few words, because God already knows your needs.  The Birds have Nests and God feeds them.

    Mass therefore is about, us coming to ask for mercy, to kneel and adore Christ. We receive Christ and we carry Him with us to others who are in need of Life, miracles, encouragement, help, mercy, forgiveness, charity. To poor spirits.

    We go to adore, receive and do what Christ said to the Disciples on the Day of His Ascension:  "Go all of you to the uttermost parts of the Earth and Baptize them in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

    Mass is an name that should be changed to Breaking of the Bread.

    Breaking of the Bread is what Christ named it to begin with.

    Which means to Give Freely because You Received Freely.

    On a note:
    The many problems with change is that, when a person takes charge, they do it their way instead of maintaining the 'correct' way keeping, running things as handed down continuous, because man is born, his flesh passes on, and his soul goes to God for -pre-judgment.  When life of the flesh ceases for a soul on the earth, is when the eternal life starts that never ends.  Life then starts then.  

    To prepare souls and have them ready for the everlasting one.  For the Faithful to live everlasting with God, for the reprobates who chose not God, everlasting with Satan in the abyss.  Fire of hell.

    The many different rites within the Catholic Church represents, at their way to believe and live the Gospel according to what they have been taught of the Gospel.
    Some rites believe strongly in the Holy Spirit, some rites believe more strongly with emphasis on other parts of the Gospel. These rites create confusion.
    Then because there are varying rites, it is rather easy for a new rite to popup or become.  

    The Chair of Peter, the Vicar's Chair, where also, Christ is superimposed, Christ is always present with us, with the Faithful.

    Christ is the Body of the Church, the Head of the Church, and is with all sheep of the Faith. He aids us in carrying our crosses. He nourishes us with Himself at Holy Communion when the clergy follow His example and what He said to do.  Follow Me, do what I do and have taught.  Follow My Example it is in the Gospel. Read the Prophets, Moses, the Law and know them because I Jesus had done them too. Be faithful to the Baptism, charisms of the Faith, the Dogmas of the Faith.  The Lord has deposited these things for souls to have success in following Jesus, having faith, live the life of a Christian.  Be fruitful and multiply.

    In Heaven, Jesus teaches that there is One Language and One Peoples, the Fathers.  On earth, we have many languages and many traditions of the varying cultures. But we are all beings with flesh and blood. In Heaven this will no longer exist as was in the Beginning prior to the Sin and sins committed to have changes made by God for the sake of man.  To steer man on having justice, love, goodness, favor with God.


    This is an interesting play here between the SSPX the traditional faithfuls vs. the Norvus Ordo.  
    Then there is the Orthodox who follow the Gospel.  

    Nevertheless, Rome is the Chair of Peter, regardless of who's there, whether, Beasts or Faithful.

    Our perseverance is not Earthly, but Heavenly, for Christ is assisting each of the little lambs to fulfill the spiritual resurrection and perfection.

    Allelujah, Amen.

    These different rites, debate with one another to seek to lead the Church Militant. Which rite ends up taking charge?
    Which is really silly and fools errand. Christ said to Follow Me, Do What I Do. The Father said to Listen to My Son --Mt Tabor with Moses and Elijah and the Father.

    So what happens to men? They debate, stressing, emphasizing their points which they believe in strongly.

    Rather then being led by the Lord, joined to the Holy Spirit, possessing God, meditating and contemplating God, being inspired by the Holy Spirit.

    God created all things in "Grace". The state of Grace.  All things were created by Three Persons in the Godhead, Triune. By all Three.

    The Holy Spirit or the Eternal Spirit of God was the one that always signed with His Signature. When the Holy Spirit works it is done by a mystical power, His secret power and man cannot explain what a God has done as in how all these parts of creation were made to create the whole. Such as the building blocks or tools, components used.  Pieced together to make a whole. Such as what ingredients did God use to make a rock, water, trees, plants, stars, sun, moon.

    Although man sees the evidence, he doesn't believe a God used ingredients to make a rock and so forth, because Man without God, does not, he is devoid of Wisdom. Wisdom is a mystical ingredient. Everything of God is mystical. He made it. So man cannot accept this.  He has no understanding that God made it. The Unknown to man.  Man separated from God does not accept anything unless he is given Faith and build faith in himself. To believe.  Man doesn't believe today.

    God taught Adam and the Woman, Eve, how God created everything. They were to pass this on. But they sinned and lost Grace. Thus God had to aid them to make clothing, a roof, utensils, what flesh requires. They were spirits before requiring only God who took care of all their needs and needed only to be fused to God, Grace. Grace took care of all their needs and did not require anything else, they were angels in the garment called 'flesh.'  

    The soul is always everything to God.  Thus Jesus says, I come to raise and give life to souls to bring them back to the Life. The Only Life for souls which God had created to have. To be in Grace with God.

    The Modernists as Jesus has called them are not of the Fold. They live outside of the Father's House.  They need to be brought into the House of the Father, through the Rites of the Faith.  Confession, Baptism, Holy Communion, Works of Charity, Holy Matrimony, etc. The Seven Sacraments.

    The Modernists believe there is no God as proclaimed by the spiritual men of the Faith. But how many Modernist have been converted?  Through miracles which God works. These are called miracles because it certainly wasn't a man's doing. It was God, just as He always does. What is natural to God.

    He said, I want to have a Sun in the sky, then a Sun appeared. It was created by a God.  The how, where, when, all this doesn't matter, these are the Modernists concerns how when where. The actual facts of how a sun came to be as in what machine was used, what if any magic, what particles,. The recipe and the ingredients used in making a sun. If you can provide me with the recipe and the ingredients and the method then I should be able to fabricate. This is how they think. Stripped of Faith.  Trust, belief. But they believe in something due to the evidence that is before them. Such as dust, rocks, mountains, rivers, gorges, valley's, man having rational mind, rational will, man growing old in his flesh and dies or returns to dust. Then because they believe that man has no soul, that is the end and their offspring carry on down through the generations.

    The Modernists, live for the day and they have long terms plans that goes down the generations. They do hate anyone that is not fall into their 'thinking', their ways.  Hate.  Who does this sound like?  Instruments of the Satanic regime. None other than. What is against Christ is not for Christ.

    Abraham in the Dives Parable, said, if they do not believe in Moses and the Prophets, how can they believe in one rising from the dead?

    Find the balance live only what Christ says to do and remember well that The Father spoke on Mount Tabor, while Peter, John and James looked on:

    Listen to My Son.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Tue Mar 14, 2023 2:53 pm; edited 4 times in total

    Post Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:59 pm by Poem


    What you see covering the face of the Earth is the result of Modernism.

    Nobel Peace Prize, TV, Media, everything that we have today is a result of 'modernism.'  It's all built on product. Producing to earn.

    Nobel Peace Prize. Praise from Men. Not God.

    Read what Christ says about Modernism. He spells it out in all the Different 'isms.' Men rationalize and create their own religion, what Jesus calls Irreligion, these do not believe in Religion but end up creating their own 'religion' called irreligion. A modernist agenda. A life devoid of God, rejecting God for their own methods.  A short life with no eternal reward.

    When one rejects God, even at Death, one rejects Eternal Life. Didn't study Religion. Religion is for the here and now to give you discipline in the correct thinking, acting, education so you will have Eternal Life.

    Think about it like this. You spend your entire earthly existence, not preparing for your Eternal Existence. You wasted your one chance to make it Eternal.

    Your choice.  Just here telling you, you made a big mistake. A very costly one.

    You all spend all your time, creating, a wheeling and dealing system, just so you can have comforts for a short life. That's all you get. To 'live' once. Those who do forgo, 'fast' this entire life, for the true Life, are saving up, to live Once. Their's is Eternal Bliss Paradise. All they saved, another words, restrained here, they get to use, There.  While you, wheeled and dealed to live on a temporary life, a temporary short life, that was designed to earn your merits and rewards for the After Life.

    It's not too late to change.  Drop your foolishness and worship and adore Christ. Give all you have usurped, extorted back to the ones you fleeced. This shows God, you have learned the most important lesson in life. To understand Eternal Life and the meaning of life on the Earth.

    Labor for the meat that is Eternal.

    The Earth is the place of 'labor.' Heaven is the place of Eternal Rest. You labor here, according to Christ's Doctrine.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Thu Jan 26, 2017 3:02 am; edited 2 times in total

    Post Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:17 pm by Poem

    Evolutionism there are distinctly 'Two Kinds' - one is of the Lord for the souls evolution in Charity to reach Perfect Charity, Charity is God and the copy cat imitation evolution for flesh and blood, minus the 'soul' which everyone has.  See the difference here?  The Lord's evolution is for souls to rise to perfection: Saints, Seraphims.

    The fake evolution is for the degradation of your soul.  It doesn't nourish your soul to rise to become saints and seraphims to where God the Father can say to you: Well Done My Good and Faithful Servant, translated: I am Well Pleased with My sons and daughters, welcome to My Kingdom which is yours for all Eternity. Amen.

    Evolution is one of the tentacles of Modernism.  Lets back up here what is Modernism?  Atheism No Belief in God, no belief in the Supernatural which God is and which you a living soul who has been vivified by Grace is.  Vivified means have followed Jesus' Way of living in Grace.  Amen.

    Evolution is probably the second heresy of Modernism's Octopus.  I personally do not know the order of preference such as No.1, No.2 and so on, but it is part of this Octopus with 8 tentacles.  Humanism, Rationalism, etc,., these are all part of Modernism all bunched into 'one.'  Copy cat of God.  All Bunched into One.  Learn this folks, of the True Religion, Satan imitates God's ways, these are called lures, phantoms, snares to misdirect a soul into thinking he or she is safe on the Way. Not so.  Illusion.  Then the intellectual kind.  Oh, the Enemy uses, Intellectual prose, stimulation of the mind to get you into his 'lair' to destroy you.  Simple tactic. But the more one is on the Way, the more Enemy uses these tactics to trap you.  Cunning, crafty, intelligent, astute.  That's the Enemy.  

    But they that 'know' their God shall triumph over such deviousness for the Spirit of the Lord Who instructs with Wisdom guides their intellects.

    What is Wisdom? The All Knowledge and Understanding that sees and knows all.  Thus, we must build Wisdom in our souls.  Educate.  Instill.  Infuse. The Word of God.  

    The Evolution of the false kind, which entirely human, is an 'error.' For it teaches that man has evolved as flesh and blood only, from some germ in a monkey to a man.  This testifies that man without Wisdom has become a 'fool.'  

    To say that man evolved from a monkey really degrades human intelligence, reasoning.  Now, if man evolved from a monkey, how is it that when a woman and man copulate and bring forth a child, it's not a monkey?  There are plenty of 'hightech' laboratories out there to test this and well, since it is just a formula which these brainwashed scientists plug in, they even after trying to reproduce a monkey from two human beings, failed terribly, they still teach this stuff in Secular Schools.  This error has spread like gas into all of society corrupting and maiming mankind.  

    Any truly dignified right thinking scientist will tell you it is sheer impossible to bring about monkey's from a man and a woman copulating, procreation.  Sheer non-sense.

    How is this like? Well if you have been taught this stuff since grade school, and have not had Faith, you believe it like we believe in God.  They believed a great big lie, the work of Satan.  Since they do not believe in God, they do not believe in the existence of Satan.  Thus, Satan has kept them blind in Satan's school for the Blind.  The blind lead the blind into a ditch and the end result is catastrophe.  Gospel pages.

    I certainly have to laugh at such foolishness because it is sheer non-sense to believe that man was not created by God and comes with a soul.

    The Evolutionists do not believe man has a soul.  Therefore they do not identify with God, but with an even lower intelligence then that of Adam's innocent fall.  They are actually lower than the fall because they believe a great lie: Man evolved from a monkey.

    Which means absolutely no belief in the 'supernatural.'  None, this means they do not believe in miracles, but rationlize that it is a 'random' event or act.  

    Peace be with you always

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