Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    1947- "Jesus Explains the Eucharist, Our Father, Passion, which Intertwined"


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      1947- "Jesus Explains the Eucharist, Our Father, Passion, which Intertwined"  Empty 1947- "Jesus Explains the Eucharist, Our Father, Passion, which Intertwined"

    Post by Poem

    !NOTE!  Jesus explains here to Drink His Blood.  Drink from the chalice the Wine!
    Why?  Read carefully, you wonder why you are losing to vices? Why you have no power over the flesh? No Power over Satanic infusions into your own blood?  The Priests eats the Bread and Drinks the Blood. In many parishes No Wine to the Lay! The word I get always is a compromise of what the True Breaking of the Bread is the words I hear quite often are Both Body, Blood, Are in the Bread.  Ok?  No! That is why is it called BREAD.  

    Have you seen the Eucharistic miracles? When the Priest put a piece of the Bread in to the Wine, bread turned into Flesh. Jesus explains that the Bread is His Heart. Then He explains that the Wine is His Blood. Two parts. Two Species as said.

    Then when we Eat This Bread and Drink This Wine, we receive a New Heart and New Blood into ourselves. He comes to us to give us new hearts>His and new blood>His. Because what happened at the Garden was, poisoned, the heart of man's flesh and his blood. So he gives to us a the Perfect Untainted Heart and Blood. A new one. Recreating man bringing man back to before the Sin.

    Then there's the miracle of Sister of S. Korea who with the Pope at the Vatican had a private meeting and Mass where the Bread became Blood in her mouth. She received Both Species.

    So when Eat This Bread and Drink This Blood, Jesus transforms our nature back to before the Sin. This is done over time in levels and stages. Growth God's way. When we are complete, He takes us home to adore Him in His Full Presence. That is the goal, the objective to obtain.
    There can be no humanity of the fallen nature in Heaven. It must be transformed.

    Purgatory refines the soul to love. Your flesh however may not have achieved perfection while on the earth living. That is the difference between those who passed on in meritorious service to God vs. those who did not deserve Hell. They did not do evil and did not deny God altogether in their hearts. They did not know any better due to poor teaching and they did not seek to know how to obtain and conquer Heaven.

    Jesus said, I do not need man to do what God needs to do. But God has chosen man to be partakers of His mission to save man. To be together actually is what He is stating. For us to gain merits. To be partakers means to be able to achieve the goal. Nothing gained means nothing done. So God grants to man the means to achieve and for all to achieve this goal, to gain merits and rewards. The work.

    Man fell from Grace, he did not need to work to gain faith and Grace prior to this fall. All he had to do was love and enjoy the life given.

    Fallen nature means, Grace spiritual nature. Man became similar to the animals, just flesh with a soul that God created to be united with Him to be in the circle of love. Fused to a Single Fire, that brings understanding. As the animals were not in this union with God in this way, that is, to have God call him son, the animals were a gift, just as all the other things upon the earth. A gift to man to love. Of course this love then takes a different meaning altogether. Paradise is quite a bit more than man at present can comprehend. It was a glorious grand gift. Impulses of greatness.

    What does this really do for us when Eat this Bread and Drink this Wine?  Read below Carefully Priests This is For Your own Parishes survival.  Do you let a sick soul alone or do you save them?  What did Jesus do?  He went to save, prostitutes, drunks, invalids, the despised and any one who believed, anyone.  What are drug addicts? Sex addicts?  Sick souls.  How many would be saved by ME If you did as I did?  I come to you in both Species. Not just in One.  Read Below Listen to Me.  The Transfiguration on Mt Tabor, what did the Father say?  Listen to My Son.

    Notebook: 1945-1950
    Page & Chapter: Nov. 18, 1947

    Jesus says:

    "Listen well, Maria, this is a great lesson: The most proper name of the Mass or Sacrifice of the Altar, as you all now call it, is the "Breaking of the Bread." First, because the Mass originated on the evening of Holy Thursday. And secondly, because the Mass is the perpetual remembrance of My love which extends beyond that hour and that moment. My Passion, Crucifixion and Death were the historical hour and moment of My love, but the Eucharist is the always of My love for all of you. The Mass is the immolation of the Christ—contemplated not just in relation to the material consummation of My sacrifice, with My sufferings, wounds, beatings, crucifixion and death: caused by men and willingly suffered by Me in obedience to My Father's Will for the salvation of the world. The Mass is also the loving and willing immolation of a God: of the Word Who breaks Himself in order to give Himself as Bread, as Food for men, humiliating Himself even more than by His death on a Cross.

    "Nor is "humiliating" an improper word. Think, Maria, of those who sometimes receive Me, those into whom I descend: I, God, the Pure, the Holy. I began at the table of the Last Supper to fuse Myself with the sacrilegious, with sinners, rebels against the Ten Commandments of Sinai and My Two Commandments of love. I began these fusions of Myself with sinners by descending into Judas. Since then, I: the Saint of saints, the Pure of the pure, the Most Perfect, have been "welcomed" by impure lips still warm with lust, by lips blaspheming My Father, by homicidal hearts, by fevers of concupiscence: by beings in whom there is denial, heresy, commerce with Hell, all the rottenness of fallen man, all the duplicity of false sentiments, all the calculating exhibition of a false faith, which in them is not true faith. Only God, and those with Him in Heaven, know the horrors that are consummated at the altar. And these horrors are much
    greater, immensely greater than the sacrilegious waves of Good Friday...

    "Yes, Maria. The Mass is the Breaking of the Bread, the Eucharistic sacrifice, which recalls the Sacrifice of Calvary. Because at the table of the Last Supper, already contemplating My immolated Body and My Blood shed for men, I had said: "This is My Body and this is My Blood, the Blood of the new eternal Testament which will be shed for you and for many for the remission of sins." But the Mass is above all the sacrifice of My love, the remembrance and perpetuation of My divinity, and therefore infinitely, insane love for men.

    "And it was the Breaking of the Bread (or "the Mass" if you prefer) that you saw, Maria, in the vision of the supplemental Pasch, when I Myself, taught the Bishop of the Church of Christ, and the Bishop of Jerusalem: Peter, and James of Alpheus, to celebrate it. After the supper of the brothers, came the consuming of My Body and My Blood: left by infinite love in the Food and Drink of salvation. By the grace of the Lord, My priests can summon that Body and Blood from Heaven; nor do the Body and Blood refuse that priestly summons. They can summon It in order to transubstantiate the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ—therefore into Jesus Christ: alive, true, complete, present in the consecrated Species, now transubstantiated into the Holy Body and Blood, the Soul of Jesus, and the Divinity of the Word of God, One with the Father and with Love.

    "After the fraternal agape, came union of their Divine Brother with His brothers of Earth, with the holy brothers, among holy brothers whom love made equal, though greater ones were there: the priests; and with the little ones: the faithful—union with Him Who knows only how to love, and Who asks love and union with his loved ones.

    "The need for instruction: one must keep present the fact that the Apostles, deacons and priests of the first centuries of the Christian era, were in the situation of instructing pagans, that is, those who were truly illiterate in the Holy Religion. This need for instruction caused additions to the Breaking of the Bread—Itself so simple and brief. These additions instructed those who aspired to Christianity how to enter into the Sheepfold of Christ: by knowing the Shepherd and Wisdom, by knowing the ancient and eternal Law, and the Words of the Master. Hence the reading of the apostolic epistles and the Gospel were introduced. In the first times, just at the beginning, instead of those readings there was direct preaching: that is, the recounting of ancient times, or the verbal counsels of the apostles, or else the verbal instruction of the sapiential books. And so also there was the verbal narration of My works in the three years of My public life, and of My Birth, Death and Resurrection.  
    Later, as the Church was growing, there was an insufficient number of true eyewitnesses—i.e., Apostles and disciples—for the growing number of churches. Moreover, though the disciples were full of good will in repeating the episodes of My works and life, they were still subject to man's shortcomings: to involuntary variations of these episodes, and to arbitrary interpretations of them. Though this was done with a right purpose, yet, it was done...humanly. Hence, the Heads of the Priesthood wanted fixed texts to be read in the Meetings, and then to be explained to the catechumens in that part of the Meeting which preceded the Breaking of the Bread and the praying of the Our Father: just as I intoned this Prayer at the First Breaking of the Bread, and also at the second supplemental Pasch —in the presence of the faithful, and after consuming the Species.

    "Truly, I had then made the Communion precede the Our Father. For centuries now the opposite has been done, and you believe, O men, that you do well. To do this is not a sin, but reflect: What is the Our Father? The prayer of Jesus to the Father. The divine prayer which I taught to men. The perfect prayer. If there were only that prayer, and nothing else but that were said well, you would have all, O men, for your spirit and for your flesh. And you would give to God that which pleases Him, if you lived the Our Father.

    "I had said: "Our Father". With every right I could say to the First Person: "Father". But you,...although God is your Father—you can say it with much less right. Because too infrequently do you reflect in yourselves and in your works the divine likeness to your Father. Sins and inclinations disfigure the Father's image in you, sometimes even canceling it out. But see: I transfuse Myself into you. I come into you. I assimilate Myself to you. I deify you at My contact. I come in the Species, and I am in you.

    And you—voice of man fused with the voice of the Son of God, and your mind on fire from the love that I bring with Me, you are a sanctified altar (I speak of one who eats the Bread of Heaven without sacrilege) which sings and is fragrant from the Holocaust that radiates upon it: the Body of the Lamb of God—you can say "Father" to the Father, with every right.  For you have in you the Son of the Father and your Brother. You can pray, knowing what you say. You can offer and ask with perfect power: I give you My Power living in you.

    "A holy prayer, the Our Father: because said at the moment that Grace—the Christ—makes of His Body and Blood your food, just as He has transubstantiated the species of bread and wine into His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. Thus the Eucharistic Species are transformed into you: into your blood, into your flesh. You live from Me, even in your mortal flesh... This is why Viaticum for the dying is always Life, even if sometimes it is not additional life added to one's finished life. This is why the Eucharist is the life in you that keeps you alive, Maria, soul of Mine. I am your oil that pours itself into the lamp of your exhausted body and keeps you alive. I am your Physician. I am your Donor of blood. I am your Lord Who wants you to be: My lamp, My echo, in this spent, cold, dark world, mute of blessed voices.

    "The other parts of the Mass are adaptations, sometimes necessary, resulting from heresies that emerged down the ages and had to be fought. Anxious adaptations—oh! all good—these adaptations made by My servants. But through man's own tendency to amplify, tangle, and make things heavy, My servants added, amplified, made heavy, and even entangled—especially for little souls—the so beautiful, simple, initial Breaking of the Bread, and the catacomb Meetings so divinely inspired. But they did it wanting to honor Me, to love Me and make Me loved. And therefore they did a good work, though one not necessary or useful for the Eucharistic Rite.

    "These adaptations are the superstructures from times of religious peace.  Do you think that you Christians today are not in times of religious peace? Just because you are calumniated and scorned? and because some priests fall under the fury of a son of Satan? Oh! You do not know! When the times prophesied have come, those who are believers at that time and know of the present times, will be able to say: "For them there was peace; for us there is an atrocious war." And those superstructures will no longer be possible. They will not withstand the catapults of Satan. Nor will the faithful have time to redo them when they have fallen away. But the essential, the unchangeable will remain: the Breaking of the Bread, the Meeting together of the faithful. Because those come from Me, and from the Holy Spirit Who inspired the Apostles. And that which comes from Us is eternal.  This is the lesson, Maria.

    "You will give these pages to the new Isaac, just as they have been written under My Dictation, reserving for yourself to copy them afterward into the directions.  You will tell him [Isaac] to copy them with the typewriter and to send you the copy for Rome, so that you may transcribe it or join it to the directions.  Thus he will see that I love him, and that when I dictate to you and give you the strength to follow Me—sometimes I do not give it to you fully for My own inscrutable reasons—you do not err in one word.

    "And now rest in your double warmth: of love for Me, and fever for yourself. Stay in peace, soul of Mine.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Fri Jul 02, 2021 10:48 am; edited 4 times in total
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    Post Sat Dec 12, 2020 4:12 pm by Poem

    Notebook: 1943
    Chapter: The Vision of the Beast
    Page: 180 --lower part of page

    July 20, 1943

    Jesus further states:

    "Consider my Splendor and my Beauty in comparison to the black monstrosity of the Beast.

    "Don't be afraid to look, even if it is repellent spectacle. You are in my arms. He cannot approach and harm you. Do you see him? He doesn't even look at you. He already has so many quarries to follow after.

    "Now do you feel you deserve to leave Me to follow him? And yet the world follows him and leaves Me for him.

    "See how glutted and throbbing he is. It is the hour of his feast. But also see how he seeks the shadow to act. He hates the Light--and he was called the 'Light-bearer'! Do you see how he hypnotizes those who are not marked by my Blood? He heaps up his efforts because he knows that this is his hour and that my hour is approaching when he will be eternally defeated.

    "His infernal cunning and Satanic intelligence are a continuous  action of Evil--in opposition to our Triune action of Good--to increase his prey. But cunning and intelligence would not prevail if my Blood were in men, along with their honest will. Man lacks too many things to have weapons to set against the Beast, and the latter knows this and acts openly, without even concealing himself with deceitful appearances.

    "May his repellent ugliness spur you towards ever-greater diligence and ever-greater penance. For yourself and for your unfortunate brothers and sisters, whose souls are blind or seduced and who do not see, or, on seeing him, run to meet the Evil One, provided they can get from him help for an hour to be paid for with an eternity of damnation."

    Maria says:

    I must explain. Otherwise you will understand nothing.

    Since the night of the 18th Jesus has been showing me a horrendous beast--so horrendous that it fills me with disgust and makes me feel like shrieking. Its name is well known. And the good Jesus has me understand that this appearance is still inferior to reality, for no human reality can come to depict supreme Beauty and supreme Ugliness with precision.

    Now I will describe the beast to you.

    I seem to be seeing a big, very deep black hole. I comprehend that it is very deep, but I see only the opening, entirely occupied by a horrible monster. It is not a snake, a crocodile, a dragon, or a bat, but it has some of the qualities of all four of these.

    A long, pointed head without ears and with two sly, ferocious eyes which are always on the hunt for prey, and enormous mouth armed with very sharp teeth, ever intent on instantly snagging some imprudent creature coming within reach of its jaws. In short, the head is much like a serpent's in shape and a crocodile's as regards the teeth. A long, flexible neck giving the tremendous head a lot of agility.

    A big, slippery body covered with skin and like that of eels (to give you some idea)--that is, without scales, with a color ranging from rust and violet to dark gray--it's hard to say. It even has the color of leeches.

    At its shoulders and hips (I say "hips" because that's where the throbbing belly swollen with prey comes to an end and the long tail begins culminating in a point) there are four short legs with webbed feet like a crocodile's. On its back, two bat's wings.

    The beast does not move its big repugnant body. It moves only its tail--which wriggles back and forth in an S-shape--and its horrible head with fascinating eyes and murderous jaws.

    God have mercy! What an ugly beast! From its black cavern in emits darkness and horror. I assure you that yesterday, when I saw it with all the sharpest precision--and did not understand what it was up to there--I felt like screaming with revulsion. It's a good thing that I saw that it never looked towards me, as if out of repugnance.  If anything, a mutual repugnance. If this is a pale representation of Satan, what must he be like? It's enough to make you die twice in a row just to see him!

    It's also a good thing that, if the beast was in a corner, my white, handsome, blond Jesus was very close by.... Light in light! If the luminous, consoling figure of Christ is compared to that of the other--his most gentle, clear gaze, to the malevolent one of the other--there is real reason to feel compassion for the unfortunate sinners destined to the latter because they have rejected Jesus.

    Well then, now that I have seen... I would like not to see him any longer because he is too ugly. I will pray that as few unfortunates as possible end up in his clutches, but I ask the good Lord to take this sight away from me.

    Today it is less intense, and I am most grateful to the Lord. And even more grateful because the dear Voice has me understand that reason for that vision, which terrified me yesterday, when I thought it was destined for me as a warning.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Fri Jul 02, 2021 10:51 am; edited 1 time in total

    Post Sat Dec 12, 2020 4:15 pm by Poem

    Notebook: 1943
    Chapter:  The Healing Power of Christ in the Eucharist
    Page: 94

    Jesus says:

    "To sustain physical strength one must nourish the body. The indigent who cannot buy food beg for it from the rich. They usually ask for bread. Without bread life is impossible.

    "You are poor people needing food for your souls. To your poverty I have given the Eucharistic Bread. It nourishes the medulla of the soul, gives vigor to the spirit, sustains spiritual strength, and increases the power of all the intellectual faculties, for where there is vital energy there is also mental energy.

    "Healthy food imparts health. True food infuses true life. Holy food produces holiness. Divine food gives God. "

    "But, in addition to being poor, you are sick, weak, not only with the weakness caused by a lack of food and ceasing when there is food. You are weak from the illnesses exhausting you. How many illnesses your souls have! How many germs the Evil One injects into you to create these diseases! Whoever is weak and sick needs not only bread, but also wine.

    "In my Eucharist I have left you the two signs of what is needed for your nature as poor men and for your weakness as sick men. Bread that nourishes, wine that fortifies.

    "I could have communicated Myself to you without external signs. I can. But you are too dull to grasp what is spiritual. Your external senses need to see. Your souls, your hearts, and your minds surrender only-and still with difficulty-before visible, touchable forms. This is true to the point that, if you go so far as to believe in Me in the consecrated Host, most of you do not admit into yourselves the infusion of the Spirit, from whom quickenings, lights, and impulses towards good works come to you.

    "If you believed with the forcefulness the Mystery is worthy of, you would feel a life entering into you on receiving Me. My drawing one near to you should burn you like coming close to a burning furnace.  My remaining in you should make you sink into an ecstasy which would carry away the depth of your spirit into a heavenly rapture.

    "The fusing of your corrupt humanity with my perfect Humanity would bring you even physical health; sick in body, you would thus withstand diseases until I should say, 'Enough,' in order to open Heaven to you. It would bring you intelligence to understand swiftly and correctly. It would make you impenetrable to the Beast's unbridled assaults or subtle deceits.

    "Instead, I can do little, for I enter where faith is languid, where charity is superficial, where the will is sketchy, where humanity is stronger than the spirit, where, above all, you make no effort to repress the flesh so that the spirit will emerge.

    "You make no effort at all. You expect a miracle from Me. Nothing keeps Me from working one. But I want at least the desire on your part to merit it.

    "To anyone who turns to Me, crying out for help and imitating the faith of the crowds in Galilee, I will communicate Myself, not, only with my Body and my Blood, but with my Charity, my Intelligence, my Strength, my Will, my Perfection, and my Essence.  In the soul that is able to come to Me, I will be as I am in Heaven, in the breast of the Father, from whom I proceed, generation the Spirit who is Charity and the summit of Perfection."

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Sat Jan 23, 2021 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Post Sun Dec 13, 2020 9:40 pm by Poem

    "Because the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you, that you may make atonement with it upon the altar for your souls, and the blood may be for an expiation of the soul."
    [Leviticus 17:11]

    "For the life of all flesh is in the blood: therefore I said to the children of Israel: You shall not eat the blood of any flesh at all, because the life of the flesh is in the blood, and whosoever eateth it, shall be cut off."
    [Leviticus 17:14]

    "In like manner also the chalice, after he had supped, saying: This chalice is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as often as you shall drink, for the commemoration of me."
    [1 Corinthians 11:25]

    "He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day."
    [John 6:55]

    "Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you."
    [John 6:54]

    Now this next verse from St. John is in reference to walking in Grace without having committed sin, to keep sin from reviving, concupiscence; a purification process being reciprocated. Sin is in the flesh, it is being purified as we live daily. Thus the more we eat and drink the more we become purer until we the sin has no more life. It is a disease a serious disease that likes to crop up. Why? The world is in full Sin. It has not been converted. Satan still roams around, demons allover the place. Evidence is everywhere. People still kill, steal, cheat, lie, all kinds of vices. Spirit of the world is Satan and Not God.

    "But if we walk in the light, as he also is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin."
    [1 John 1:7]

    Peace be with you always


    Post Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:23 am by Poem

    St. John's Gospel Chapter Six

    [51] I am the living bread which came down from heaven. [52] If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world. [53] The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying: How can this man give us his flesh to eat? [54] Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. [55] He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day.

    These are the footnotes from Duay Rhiems Bible

    [54] "Eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood": To receive the body and blood of Christ, is a divine precept, insinuated in this text; which the faithful fulfil, though they receive but in one kind; because in one kind they receive both body and blood, which cannot be separated from each other. Hence, life eternal is here promised to the worthy receiving, though but in one kind. Ver. 52. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give, is my flesh for the life of the world. Ver. 58. He that eateth me, the same also shall live by me. Ver. 59. He that eateth this bread, shall live forever.

    The problem is the Bread is the Flesh of God.
    Wine is the Blood of God.

    Thus it is captioned::  Body and Blood.  Separate.  Jesus Makes this distinction clear.  How any one can surmise any different is beyond intellect.
    The Two are given for a specific reason for our good.  

    And Jesus explained that when the Holy Spirit shall come upon you and descend into you, He will amply what I have spoken and more.  Man without the correct teaching and Teacher makes wrong assertions conclusions and the end result is Negation of God's Teachings.  Thus errors.  

    Now if Jesus said, all you have to do is eat this Bread, then He would have presented only that way. But since we are dumb and stupid when it comes to what God wants, He explains precisely by presenting the Bread and the Wine at the Last Supper. He says? What does He say? It is written down for you to read and believe.  Obviously man thinking he is superior to God, has made a wrong deduction.  Oh, in the human heart is blood? How did it get there?
    Next in the flesh of man is blood when you cut yourself you bleed, or just a scrape you bleed.  The whole flesh of man bleeds. Interesting they call themselves Doctors of Scripture but do not listen to what Christ has said and is still repeating it.  Eat this Bread, and Drink this Wine.  Two.

    Meditate properly. Forget human intelligence it has imperfections. Only when you are replete with the Holy Spirit, can you make proper definition.  Because it is God then who is guiding your intellect.  

    The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

    1 Wisdom
    2 Intelligence
    3 Council
    4 Science
    5 Fortitude
    6 Piety
    7 Holy Fear of God

    Which one then works in this case?  All of them, they teach man how God thinks and wants man to act, behave, live.  That is to be knowledgeable with perfect understanding in what God has set forth.  I can think of many things.

    Even the Church on earth has changed the above Seven Gifts into what they thinks it is. Amazing.  Follow the Leader who is the Leader?

    Oh, the Church is the Authority?  No God is the Authority he asks us to cooperate with him in the salvation of Man.  Cooperate.  
    But what has happened to create Apostate state? Usurping, man interjecting what he thinks it is, not what God says it is.  

    The Church on earth is the mystical Body of Christ. All souls belong to Him.  He sets the rules to follow. We obey. The earth as it is mystical shows that in the future if remaining faithful, you enter into the Heavenly Body, no longer estranged physically speaking.  We are then no longer a mystical body. But a physical union full and complete with body and soul.  To be in the mystical state, God comes to us in the Species. To be in Heaven means we are in the Body fully present physically. No longer mystical.  Heaven is God full and complete. We are no longer mystically nourished and present.  

    Buffoonery can we agree on this?  No you cannot because you think you are the class that is above.  Thus you have raised yourselves above God.
    Just as the Pharisees did in Israel, that was under siege by Romans.  
    So what will happen to lower your pride?  Antichrist.  Babylon is the whole earth it becomes besieged by the Antichrist or Hell comes upon the earth.
    As we could have had Heaven on earth as in the Beginning.  That is what Christ and Mary brought to us.  But faithlessness of souls brings, Satan and Hell comes with him.  

    Failure to follow directions and instructions from Your Lord.   It is written clearly.  Eat this Flesh and Drink this Blood.  Gospel of St. John the Beloved.

    He was filled replete with the Holy Spirit.  Are you?  Obvious question.

    Thus the world plummets because of the holier than thou mentality.  Which comes from?  Satan. Pride.  

    A servant of God is humble and lives in humility. Does not falter, has the Holy Spirit, filled replete.  Do you know what it means to be in the Spirit?

    Obviously not. If you did, you would repeat Christ's ways.  Because Christ as Man was replete with the Holy Spirit. He said I have the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Have to separate God from the Man. At times he had to act as God while as the Man. The Man, born of a Virgin in the flesh, but without Sin.  For our sake. Yet many cannot see this. He was Man upon the earth.
    What then constitutes a man?  He has a flesh body and a soul.  

    But this man was the only man that could reach to eat of the Tree of Life.
    He did it so all men can then have Life from the Tree of Life.  
    Removed the Sin, cancelling Adam and Eve's Negation of Life.
    Adam and Eve produced sin and all the generations afterwards were born with Sin.  Stained.  Could not be removed. So God works the Miracle and it is truly mystical. Only God can explain perfectly. We just need to believe and the rewards and benefits come.  You have changed life internally starting point.  But sin is still present on the earth and as long as sinners are present and Satan roams the earth, you can sin again and again.  Because the earth has not been purged of Sin from newborns. As long as man is being born, they are born in Sin. Stained with Sin.  Thus, Christ and Mary Bless each soul departing to the womb.  It is mystical.  But it is real. The more you think about it the more you get lost in the maze. That is Faith Hope and Charity are necessary to get out of the mind of trying to figure it all out.

    We cannot.  It is beyond all scope. When we enter into Heaven in a flash God will make it all known. Down here we need to aspire to become Seraphs.  Because the world is under Satan's influence.  The ruckus he creates is there to ruin souls.  How much is the need then to have truly pures souls that are living the Faith, Just. Great is this need.

    Peace be with you always


    Post Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:41 pm by Poem

    God desires a perfect spirit. Humble, trusting, faithful, loving, generous, kind. All the virtues.  And not perfect humanity.  

    The life of man is two parts, the flesh being a garment covering his soul.
    Thus Adam and Eve were created with no material clothing that we wear today.  

    Lust is in the blood of man.  The concupiscence that disturbs.

    Peace be with you always

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      Current date/time is Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:33 pm