Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Beatification For Maria Valtorta at the Vatican


    Number of posts : 4197

    Beatification For Maria Valtorta at the Vatican Empty Beatification For Maria Valtorta at the Vatican

    Post by Poem Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:38 am

    Watch the Youtube Video


    Amen. Even if they do not consent, She is a Saint by Jesus' word alone.

    Peace be with you always

    Number of posts : 4197

    Beatification For Maria Valtorta at the Vatican Empty JESUS' GUARANTEE OF MARIA TO BE KNOWN ON EARTH

    Post by Poem Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:03 pm

    August 13, 1943

    Jesus says:

    "You are not Maria and must not be known as Maria. You are a sigh emerging from my Heart, a wind blowing and refreshing brows without their knowing where it comes from or what its name is. Your personality is annulled. You, as a creature, must be nothing. You must not be. In not being, no one must know you as a writer of my Thought, no one except two or three privileged creatures, who are such by my Will. You are the breath of Jesus, and that's all. Later, when I will and no one can harm you, the name of my little voice will be known. But you will then be elsewhere, where human pettiness does not reach and human wickedness does not act.

    "In regard to that soul--and many like it--a superperfect charity must be exercised. As I exercised it many times in my earthly life. They are newly shaped-souls. Everything in them by instinct longs to be perfected, tends towards an increase in size, like the newborn child who feeds, moves about, whimpers, aspiring to know how to nourish himself, move around, and express himself, with real food, real steps, and real words. And they should be treated like the newborn. Without acts of impatience or aversion.

    "But do you know soul of mine, how often I felt my flesh crawl from such an intense disgust that it surfaced from my heart to my flesh when I had to approach sinful beings? And yet, if I had not approached them, could I ever have attracted them to Myself? I could have with a divine violence. But why use it when there is Love, which is the dearest of magnets?

    "I began my public life with a wedding feast, at which I had to hear the usual talk and the usual references during such feasts. I did not decline Matthew's invitation, to the point that I was reproached for it by fault-finders, stained by what they rebuked Me for--having entered that house. I did not reject the sinful woman who consumed, on my Flesh, the last remains of her artifices for seduction and canceled her debt to Grace with an act of contrite and courageous love. I did not scorn speaking with Samaritan woman, who was everyone' and no one's. I was not silent because pagans or sinners were mixed in among the crowds listening to Me. But, rather, precisely for their sake I found the sweetest glances, smiles, and words of love.

    I came and come to gather all my sheep into my sheepfold, and for the sheep that are distant and have taken twisting roads, as a good and tireless Shepherd I go amidst brambles and thorns, shedding tears and dripping blood until I have found and gathered them. If I call others to help Me in the work, these others must act as I do.

    "I know there is a holy modesty and an instinctive jealousy which bring suffering when they are under compulsion. But one must overcome holy modesty and unholy selfishness and let the 'little ones come to Me,' so they can hear my Voice through your work. One must act before them with great love and thoroughgoing freedom as if they were persons convinced of my Law.

    Peace be with you always

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