Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    The Simplicity of Life


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    The Simplicity of Life   Empty The Simplicity of Life

    Post by Poem

    The Simplicity of Life

    How It's Supposed To Be

    In Creation Man and God and Angels.

    God created Man to live in Paradise.  Heaven is Paradise.
    God created the earth and placed man on the earthly paradise.

    Not to labor not to pain suffer and die.  

    We know this in our Religion.  We are taught this. But reality of it does not sink in. We are too human in our ways.  The second creation was Satan's instigation. ( A Second Choice created by Satan's Instigation a Lure, Seduction) He said in the day you eat of it you will become wise your eyes being opened and you be as gods!  Meaning what is completely the human side the flesh, emphasizing the senses of human senses. Sense, sentiments and appetites of the flesh and degraded human mind that lost the supernatural mind of the spiritual. To stimulate man and woman, the sexual senses this we do not fully understand and know to where it sinks in deeply and firmly. (Chastity, spiritual love is necessary). What God says, overstimulated senses.  This is called concupiscence, the overstimulated senses to lusts of every kind. A natural inclination to fleshly lusts. To lust after with the human senses. The human side taken over losing the Grace and becoming stained of What God created Unstained and an earthly angel with flesh. A spirit encased in flesh and blood.  A unique creation which is a combination of spirit and material, of corporeal and incorporeal.  Matter and Spirit joined to create Man.

    Man was the earthly angel.  A  Seraphim.  He fell to become earthly mud god's bent on what is entirely earth with no recognition of God and Heaven to this day. There are many who believe and live this way, lost and need to be brought, dragged back to Life.

    God's plan was to return man to this original thought, the true man.  Christ's teaching is all about man returning to this. A spirit encased in flesh and blood. Then on the Final Day, all would have transported directly to the Father's House glorified. The flesh and blood 'glorified' and to live with this glorified body forever in Paradise. No stain, no sin, no death and all it's belongings that come with it.  

    So what is it that God wants man to return to?  To true peace. With no baggage of humanity. All the negative qualities. Such as complaining, being on emotional binges and highs and lows.  True Peace the heart, the soul, the mind, the senses being made null and void. Just like the angels are in Heaven. Just as all the just souls are in heaven. Devoid of emotions and human affections.  

    Heaven is Peace.  None of this Negativity.  True kindness without any other kind of personality disorders.  No depression, no doubts, no despairing, no negative thoughts, pure positive thoughts devoid of negative sentiments and affections. Faith Trust Believing perfectly.  So this is our goal here, to get Heaven into through the Sacraments and the Holy Spirit who is God our Guide, Mentor, Comforter, Perfecter, Teacher, the All Seeing Eye, the Wisdom, the Counselor, the Science Teacher, The Grace of God in all ways we do not conceive of and believe in. If we did, we would all be loving, kind, understanding, no grudges, no lewdness, no profanity, just goodness at the best levels.  Be able to rest in peace, be at perfect peace all the time.  Nothing would disturb our innerself.  Fortitude.  Tempered.  Justice.  Prudent.  He, the Holy Spirit would be upon us to alight us and have His indwelling to form and complete us to His Image, personification, character of true sons of God. Just like God in these ways.  It would be the Holy Spirit who is at work to completely form us to completion.
    The Sacraments brings Heaven to us the Peace of Heaven. The Joy of Heaven. The Justice of Heaven.  Life.  Abundant life. Life is really about loving God and neighbor with personal character, loving kindness all that is good for God, ourselves and our neighbors. Everyone. Universal. Love. Charity. Giving. When we give to each other we all benefit and love flourishes perfectly and this love brings God to bless, nurture and be our provider and Father, just a true father who takes care of his children.

    I have used some simple words for those who are not English proficient. But the words are to help and aid what God is really and wants all of man to enjoy Heaven with Love and kindness, generosity. A world and life rendered pure kindness without malice of any kind. No vices whatsoever.

    Today with all the world and spirit of the world, man's reason for living on this earth has been distorted with many infinite countless false ways.  The result being led away from Paradise with God.  Our Father and Creator.

    He created us to be with Him always.  

    We are separated from Him  The earth was all His Spirit.  All in His Spirit hovering and covering and immersed in souls and everything in the creation on the earth experienced perfect peace, joy and Wisdom.  No imperfection had invaded yet. So the Father sent Jesus to return the earth to beginning days of the earth. Sacraments, Holy Spirit, and all good.  But the Evil One, does not want this and seduces men and women to everything contrary and against Life, Peace, Joy.

    The Father wants and desires all to come to Him and live eternally with Him starting on the Earth and then transport on the Last Day directly to Heaven to live forever in perfection.

    What then is this perfection?  Perfect characters, perfect love. All the qualities, all the character which God is Himself.  Goodness. Our souls come from God. It is our souls that animates our lives encased in flesh and blood. Once the soul departs the body, the heart ceases to beat, the blood does not flow, the brain stops functioning. No movement in the body.  It is becomes lifeless, because what makes it live has departed.  

    We can kill our bodies, causing God to remove the soul.  This is called murder which renders a person dead.  But what Christ has done, is brought life to death. A mystery.
    We cannot know this for some reason. Because it is God's mystery and His creation.

    So there are rules. Do not tempt the Lord Your God. Do not put God to the Test. Do not kill your own selves, in doing so we break the rules just written.
    To love means to not be against Life, which is what Satan has brought. He is the Negation to All Life.  He rejected Life to become Death.  Death means to not have Life, and become malice, lewd, hateful, vicious, vengeful, counteracting, opposing, seductive, lustful, proud, anger, slothful, all the vices.  Everything that is not Good, prudent, just, faithful, hopeful, loving. Kind, sweet, gentle, all the character that is only good and pure.  

    Jesus came to defeat Evil in us. Evil is all that is Negative attitudes and Negative against Life.  It complains, it accuses, it judges, it rails, it profanes, it curses, so on, etc.,.  

    Love does not judge, does not accuse, does say anything negative nor acts negatively.
    Heaven is this way. Perfect attitudes and characters.  There is no mistrust, no doubting, not imperfections of character. They are perfected in every way.

    Peace be with you always

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    Post Thu Jan 28, 2021 2:33 am by Poem

    The Lord's will is for us to love, be intelligent like him in spirit not flesh. The human ego is not of God. This was born from Adam and Eve's Sin.
    Thus creating an ever greater and wider distance from God as spirits.

    The humanity of Man this --the soul which is the intelligence without God in you--, He is around you and us, but not living in us as "Grace".   The Divine Particle of God in us the soul which makes us part of God an identity to God. The soul.

    So what does Satan do? you say?  He mimics God in Evil. He presents himself as a God but in Evil.  

    God wants us to be loving and intelligent children.  
    Satan comes to befriend to allure to what you desire--the noose to strangle you with.  And this line of lures goes on forever.  Did you become, kinder?  Sweeter? More loving?  Charitable? Thought of your God and Neighbor more? Did you aspire for Wisdom? Have cravings to know the Science of Love? Are you meek and humble? Do you love your wife more than yourself? Are you a model of Heaven for your children and those around you?  Do you present Christ to them? Or are you a Demon Judas?  

    Do you live the life of Virtues giving rather than receiving?  Are you bringing souls to God?
    Do you have the great love to the world of man with souls and want to save them as God does? Do you reflect God's ways in your life? Do you live the Gospel?  Forsaking all or are you a hoard and want everything under the sun and live your one life now?  Life is created and you live, you exist. You cannot be erased before the Great God. Your body will die the death return to dust but your soul lives forever.  Where you end up eternally speaking is your choice. But you need help, support, love, care, spiritual guidance. You need true brothers and sisters who are few now.  Been seduced through intelligent cunning crafty ways you cannot fathom because the lie is you have to do it.  This is difficult to comprehend and it takes your spirit to become spiritually adult to be able discern through myriad of mazes presented each day in any given event that is happening in your life.  The decisions.  Do I do this or that?  With God in you, that is Grace upon you and in you, you can see intelligently because the Spirit of God, the Eternal Spirit of God illuminates your intelligence, your mind.  He does it quite well, soft, gentle, kind, sweet, and the Peace who is Jesus is in you.  You are not in a hurry.  You are at perfect peace, perfect pace.  To be in a hurry is chaos and you are perturbed.  God did not create anything in a hurry.  The spirit of the world tells you to be in hurry causing disruption, negation to Peace.  He wants you to bite that fruit from his tree.

    You need God to come into you and give Grace to you so you would live starting here on this earth. Give your tether to God and ask Him to lock on to it.  Do not give it to the world, the flesh and never never Satan.  Always ask for God to guide and protect you from the Evil One.
    He is hungry Demon that never ceases to fill his hunger.  The Vampire of souls.

    Satan presents this idea too. But to be Evil children undeserving of Life.  He wants man and woman to be 'dumb' children.  Blind children. Children of darkness minus the intelligence and love.  Sin makes one stupid, ignorant, arrogant and evil lives in them with all its negation.

    Angels of Heaven have none of this. They are pure without Evil they have God. They do not know evil. To know evil means to partake in it in some form the knowledge which brings understanding to act.  To know something means it is understood. To understand something means you have partook in some way. Thus once this knowledge enters it corrupts.  Thus one of the most incredible qualities of Evil is the seduction to make one think and feel it is 'good.'  Thus it is called, "The Knowledge of the Tree of Good and Evil."  The knowledge of good distorted making one believe they are finding and doing a good for themselves. An illusion. It is false good. False living. But you are living in some fashion in what you believe is good.  Oh, it is good to have your fill with women. Indulge in their beauty, take one home, get money, riches power make her happy.  False. All false. Satan does not savor the things of God. He only savors the things of man. Which means he imitates God but is not God only a created being that fell from Grace and became the Evil One.  He lost all his good qualities. There is no good in him but to use the knowledge of Good to seduce to evil reducing you to rubble stubble and hay and then to fill is pasturage of Hell. Billy goats. Become his billy goats. End up in Hell.  Read the Description of Hell here on the forum. Read the description of Satan while you are here.  False hope, False love, False good. Eclipsing Good,  Feigning Good.

    The world is seduced by Satan, the Evil One. Everything in it has his poison spreading infecting, holding hostage, reducing man to an 'idiot'.  Please excuse my strong words, the point is to make a comparison and what is really going on so we can become what God has created us to be:  Seraphs encased in flesh and blood. The new Angels called Man.  Become saints, Seraphs, love God and neighbor. Love always love.  Be kind, merciful, compassionate, giving forget about receiving but from God His Grace and graces. His love. Become a star, become love yourselves. Love and love and love. Love God always Him. Always. Then you will learn knowledge like it should be learned.  To understand.  

    Thus the Knowledge is there about Good.  Because Satan was once Lucifer a Good Angel. He knows what Good Is. He can see it and smell it thousand miles away and comes to destroy your good inside you and all your good works. Your heart, soul, your love, your hopes, your dreams, all your good. For what reason? He is Evil that's what Evil does. Those are the qualities of Evil. The opposite of Good.  Now he is Satan, the Evil monster who began the war with God and His Christ and all good there is.

    Satan's goal which is what Evil is, to wipe out All Good.  Imagine what wars are? Imagine what killing is. Imagine and see it on the news.

    Rather for your own good to discern what this is about Good and Evil and decide for yourself.
    After asking He Who Is Only Good and Purity you will have to make a choice with your better part: Your spirit.  The Human Ego is not of God. Get rid of it.  God created a living soul and placed him in the garden to rule over in love, in union with God and not separated.  God is a Father unlike men and women. He is The Father.  He is God.  He is Love. He gave life to us to have the Life.  To live in His Kingdom Forever starting in this earthly kingdom He created for Man.  What a gift he gave to man. Tremendous.  To know this is important then God can tell you all the Truth undistorted.  To know why God created you is first most important. Then He builds upon it.  Come to Kingdom of Christ and of God. They are the same.  

    Peace be with you always

      Current date/time is Sun Apr 28, 2024 4:44 am