Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    The Spirit of the World - The World In Which Man Lives and Breathes.


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    The Spirit of the World - The World In Which Man Lives and Breathes. Empty The Spirit of the World - The World In Which Man Lives and Breathes.

    Post by Poem

    In the Beginning God was the Spirit of the World.  Can you see this?

    He created all things<< {Used on Purpose Instead of EVERYTHING} --And placed man upon the Created Earth Eden, and blessed him along with all of Creation. God was present upon the earth.  Present. There was no other spirit of the world except God.  

    When Satan snuck into the Garden [being the earth] and seduced the woman, Eve, she could have immediately gone to God and confessed and God would have healed her and dealt with Satan, Serpent. {NOTE: This is what is done with the Sacraments. We confess our sins, then go receive Grace and then Holy Jesus in Two Species and we are healed. Adam and Eve had God directly. Grace in the fullness no Sin had been passed on yet to child born of them yet.} When we are in sin, and impregnate a woman, guess what? We do the exact same thing Adam and Eve had done. That is to give Satan a way into your child. Not a good is it? Sin destroys all good. Negates the Blessing of God. Negation. Thus Evil exists.

    Thus when Adam had bitten the poisonous fruit, end of life as Paradise began.  God closed the gates of Heaven.  Paradise ended on earth. Labor began, and little by little Satan became the spirit of the world to where it is today.  This can change if man wants it to.  Free will.  Choice.

    Here is the pause: If Adam said to the woman Eve, why did you do that? God specifically commanded not to eat from that Tree!!  Eve: I saw that it was good to eat and ate it.  Here is definitive point. She let the Monkey into her, she being woman who will bear children.  Poisoned the womb, the blood, the flesh and blood completely. Then
    When Adam also ate, it completed the cycle:  What cycle?  Death. It takes two to make a baby.  All flesh comes from these two.  We are from the First Ones. Passed down through generations to the last man born of a woman.  

    When these two had their boondoggle of an orgy, she became pregnant with child and the son born was, no longer pure and holy.  When they Sinned, that allowed Satan into mans world which God created.  Free will to choose.  Yes, how powerful is free will?
    We are always free to choose. If God is our God and faith, there is no slavery and bondage.  The Holy Spirit gives us his wisdom and alights us and descends into us our spirits and begins the conversion to Seraphim.  A most Awesome Life!! Free!! No slavery. Free to love and become love! Whereas Satan turns our lives into a living Hell upon the earth.  That is what we witness today and everyday.

    What is it like with God at the helm? Spirit of the World?  Charity, love, peace, joy unimaginable.  Fusion of understanding so profound you wouldn't understand until you lived it.  

    Satan is the spirit of the world folks.  Do you get virtues on a daily basis guiding you and teaching you bringing God to you or vices about the world and the flesh?

    Simple deduction here.  What is flesh is always sadness. the life I am referring to here.
    What is spirit is always life and peace regardless of the problem.

    So if you enjoy the spirit of the world who is the instigator of Hell on Earth the anti-Peace the Negative-Peace then you are not thinking correctly nor living free as God wishes you to live.  The constructs of the inner world is opposite to Free.  You live in jail, called Hell. Satan only brings Hell. God brings Heaven.  Choice.

    The Lord gives us choice.  Man chose to listen to Evil bringing evil into our world, --created by God for Man and God to have a spiritual communion till the end of time.  When the last man is born.

    Satan slowly over time became the spirit of the world. He took over became many of mens guide instigating all kinds of malice material attachments. Endless.

    Thus God brought A Saving Grace, Gesu Cristo.  To bring back Paradise a second time.  Yet it is not seen this way.  To restore man back to Origin.  

    Do you want Hell upon the earth as depicted in the Gospel of Matthew and in Apocalypse?  Or do you want love, joy, and peace? Heaven on earth.   Too busy with material gain?  Money to pay for a life of sham?  A false life? Or do you want your own land to care for your own wife and children?  Do want endlessly Satanic rule?  Or do you want God to be the Spirit of the World?  

    When the Antichrist comes about Hell is upon the earth.  There is a pause now.  What do you want?

    You know Hell exists. You know what Hell is and who is its King.  You want to be ruled by Hate become true slaves? You like fire? You enjoy hate and violence? Are you sadistic? Maniacal? Filled with wrong idea of power energy?  Do you know what joy is? Kindness, Sweetness, Tenderness, Cheerfully pure is?

    From God comes all that is good, joy, peace, kindness, sweetness, gentleness, tenderness, all these wonderful qualities and attributes.  Love.  Love is on the earth, you have children, and your children if not messed up have children.  On and on, the blessing be fruitful and multiply. What about the vegetables and fruits, and animals? Same they are multiplying.
    But what does Satan do to man? Poisons him to use silly ideas that goes against God's blessings: To take away, to NEGATE. To negate really means to die. To counter.

    Satan's ways are always to counter LIFE. Thus He is Death.  To bring death to everything on Earth. The earth was given to Man, not to Satan. So why do you allow Satan still to do stupid things?  Do you not believe? Of course you don't that is why you make stupid inventions to ruin what is good. Satan instigates man decrepit of knowledge, true knowledge to destroy making him think is his going to be great and do a good, it's about your ego. Satan is the First Egoist.  He replicates this in those who act just like him.
    Silly man with no wisdom does himself harm and those of the human family.  

    Come to Life, leave the monkey in hell ignore him.

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Mon Dec 28, 2020 1:44 am; edited 2 times in total
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    Post Tue Dec 15, 2020 3:49 am by Poem

    Notebook 1945-1950
    From Brother Chrys's Site
    Chapter: Man's Two Opposed Memories

    [March 13, 1948]

    JESUS Says:

    In man there are two memories opposed to each other: the memory of the Infinite Good; the memory of the hereditary lustful poison. The first, was left by God for the consolation of man, fallen from his primeval and perfect Grace and Innocence, from that virginity of spirit which, except for Mary, was no longer a dowry among those born of man. The second memory, was left by Satan in the heart of Adam and in those of his descendants, with his assault of the innocent virginity of Adam in Eden.

    Baptism annuls the stain but not the incitement. Grace infuses strength to conquer the incitement but does not annul it. It remains like a secret thorn to irritate the indelible scar of the Fault. Not the wound: the scar. But if you are not vigilant, the scar, if irritated and not treated with supernatural means, becomes a wound again.

    In every man there are then two opposed forces which fight in him from birth till death and which constitute his test, his victory or his defeat with regard to his supernatural destiny.

    You [Maria] ask Me why God leaves this incitement even after the restoration of Grace [in man]? Out of justice. All in God is justice. His every operation is justice and loving justice.

    Has not God perhaps left the memory of Himself in the soul created by Him? That memory which is a mysterious source of light which guides to the Light, though sensed in a different way by every living spirit, as is demonstrated by the moral laws of the best [civilizations] and by the more or less vivid gleams of supernatural light in the various revealed religions. Though these latter possess only fragmentary notions, they already teach the existence of a Supreme Being and the duty to live justly in order to possess Him beyond life.

    Thus similarly, besides this infinite goodness, God leaves [in you] the other memory represented by the thorn of incitement. This keeps your pride at heel. If you felt that you were pure and perfect men, you would become Lucifers, believing that you are equal to God. It keeps your good will vigilant. It makes your love for God heroic. And, through the Father's compassion, it renders your faults less grave in His Eyes. Because, if you did not have in yourselves that incitement which agitates and bites your senses and reason with the cunning of the ancient Serpent, who generates it, you would not be judged "with mercy".

    But much is forgiven you because much in yourselves is aroused not by your pure will, but by the imponderable forces of that incitement—which you do not always succeed in repressing.

    But do not afflict yourself, [Maria]. It, too, serves to give a crown of glory. Because temptation is temptation; it is not sin. Because temptation conquered, is victory. Because enduring that secret thorn, without the will consenting to its seductions, is heroic patience. But the Holy Spirit will speak to you again about this in the Pauline Epistles.

    Stay at peace. And endure. And offer [your sufferings] to save those who do not know how to endure the inherited allurements, without yielding [to them].

    Peace be with you always


    Post Tue Dec 15, 2020 4:03 am by Poem

    The Bite of the Serpent that assaulted Adam's innocence.
    Bit the heart and where all flesh has this. Replicated down through the generations, the fault in all.
    This is a scar.

    The Holy Spirit's 7 Gifts, annuls this. It is not annulled any other way. Man by himself cannot.
    When you receive a gash and stitches, the scar remains.

    The Serpent knowing where to strike and wound Adam knew that this first one is the one to bite then all throughout the generations of man replicate. Transplants do not work. The sin is engrained.

    Sacrament of Holy Communion and the Holy Spirit. What do we receive?

    We receive God. Read two chapters from the Notebook of 1943 The Healing Power of Christ in the Eucharist. Words of St. John the Apostle to Little John.

    Then for more supplements, read all Christ talks about the Eucharist.

    Finally when we receive God, we receive Heaven because God is Heaven. God is Spirit and Infinite measurless. God is Heaven. We receive God and His Heaven into our souls, into our beings.
    God is Eternity. We receive Eternity into our souls and into our being. Thus we are united to God.

    This gift is from God for Life. From Death to Life.

    From Book 5
    Chapter 570. At Shechern. Third Parable on Advice.

    A compassionate whisper runs through the crowd and some voices say: « He is the only one who knows how to kiss our innocent children. » And other people say: « See how He loves them? He saved them from the highwaymen, He gave them a home after feeding and clothing them, and He is now kissing them as if they were His own sons. »

    Jesus, Who has put the children down, on the top step, close to Himself, replies to everybody by answering the last anonymous words:

    « Really they are more than My own children to Me. Because I am their father with regard to their souls, which are Mine, not for the time that passes, but for the eternity that remains. I wish I could say that of every man who from Me, the Life, did draw life to come out of death!

    Peace be with you always


    Post Mon Dec 28, 2020 1:52 am by Poem

    The Sins of Adam and Eve are repeated in the generations.
    That is why Grace was given back so we do not produce more Cains and Adams and Eves. This is the intent and goal.

    God Sent Jesus and Mary to cancel their Sin.  If you are outside His House, come and become new.  Be no more Cains, Adams and Eves.

    God sent Jesus to give Life back to Man.  Not Death, but to remove Deaths inevitable separation from Life. The consequence of The Serpents Poison.  
    What is Life then?  
    What is Death?

    It is spirit to live. It is flesh to die.  But if we do not return to God, we remain in Death.

    Death is separation from the true Life. Death and Life are much higher definitions then what is written in man's dictionary. Read God's Dictionary.

    God created Man to fill up Heaven to be His Children.  Not the children of Satan.

    Peace be with you always


    Post Sun Jul 18, 2021 11:55 pm by Poem

    What is the spirit of the world? It has been somewhat a challenge to describe it.

    Here's another description.

    It is the unseen spirit which we do not see with our eyes.  We sense it with spirit your soul that has been Baptized and your spirit that is regenerating and in Grace.  A human being that is not Baptized, and not in Grace cannot know unless the Holy Spirit God makes it so.

    We were at one time like these not Baptized and Not in Grace. And did we know? Could we sense? Could we understand?  No.  Unless God gave the graces.

    The work then is to get man like us so they can see and understand.  This is a definition.

    So what in the world is the 'Spirit of  the World?'

    It is as St. Paul has described, we fight with what?  Spiritual wickedness in high places, in the air, St. Paul says. But this description in our times needs more words of a different kind to describe the true reality of 'Spirit of the World.'

    It the Spirit of the World mimics God as Spirit.  God is invisible though we have Christ as Visible in photos and the Crucifix, along with Mary Our Mother.  To help visually speaking.
    We need visual aids to help put a face.  A body, to build a perfect image internally.

    The Monkey of Hell mimics God. His next trick is to make a visible head >> ANTICHRIST
    at the Vatican to show the world, This is Your God.

    If you read story lines, what is man always trying to do?  Copy someone, Idolize, admire, himself or others.

    So help us Lord Jesus.

    The Spirit of the world is like a gas, it is like a person who we cannot touch with our senses of the flesh.  He invades with thoughts, placing upon our senses of see hear feel touch, visualize, to form an action through sentiments. Using our sentiments to formulate a feeling:  Hateful action is the end result he is looking for, because He is Hate. He hates. he induces through violent sentiments affections feelings in power.  The emotions, feelings to motivate to the ending result.  Rather than through loving inspirations. Kindness, gentleness, sweetness, goodness, tender, soft, caring, supporting each other.

    It is unpleasant and violent. Whereas the Spirit of God is the opposite, He inspires and asks like a Gentleman.  Kindness.  Always, Kindness with a different kind of touch which this part the Dark King cannot ever imitate. The two are different and opposite.  Two different poles of attraction.  One is Heavenly and raises upwards, and the other is always about self action of proud thought.  Such as, you should becomes, I want to bash that person.  the " I ".  becomes yourself. Just as the Dark King had done is doing.  I do not serve you GOD! I serve my own self.  I will stand over the ruins.  A ruin. Which the actions are to move to destroy.  A ruin is the end result of the action destroy.

    He is like the invisible man, but cannot feel with our hands touch with our skin, the bones with flesh and muscles.

    We know when a violent spirit is in the area. An eerie feeling which touches our souls. The  Sixth Sense as some say, But it is our souls, spirits that gives the sense to our flesh bodies which relays to our minds the thought. Ah, an darkness sense is here. And it is so.
    Because we read, St. Paul has also testified to this fact. And the Bible is God's word given to us as testimony of reality on planet Earth.

    So Satan being the God of Destruction, seeks man to build to His ways, for his short reign but futile as one would have it thought out because, It is does not last forever, but the ruins lasts forever. So his goal is trickery feigning to Man that he is a god and he can do whatever he likes.  The end resulting 'Ruins.'   He uses man to create a pleasure paradise, getting man to use technology, to do this. To make things easier and easier for to the end result.  A paradise of fleshly gods.  

    Look around witness these today.  

    But now let's read God's Words..  He says, I made man to fill up Heaven.

    From the earth, I make new sons and daughters to fill up heaven, My chosen.

    He has chosen.  

    So the Spirit of the World has put man on course for total destruction of fleshly gods.
    Doing this through fleshly enticements, the thought of this Spirit of the World is, Paradise on earth for fleshly gods.  

    If we live for the flesh, we die.

    If we live in the spirit for the things of the spirit according to God's word, we live.

    All flesh born of woman must die. So paradise on earth is short lived for many while others still starve to death for sustenance.

    If the Woman Eve did not fall to the Monkey of Hell, we would not be in this situation.
    But we cannot blame her for her selfishness. And this act of theirs has not been annulled.
    Man and woman must create newborns till the end of time. This is the punishment.
    Because the First Ones took it upon themselves to make newborns. Thus God said if you eat from that Tree, you shall die the death. << This has not been annulled. But forgiven only.

    What a mess.  

    So now Jesus and Mary are the New Adam and Eve. Jesus took the Death away.
    Who is Death?  Satan.

    Satan is the Spirit of the World, <> Death and Destruction <> ANTICHRIST <> DEATH.


    Time to Really Make Amends and Make a REAL COMMUNITY OF BELIEVERS

    No more buffoonery.  Wake UP.

    Peace be with you always


    Post Mon Jul 19, 2021 12:09 am by Poem

    Why do you monkey around listening to the Spirit of the World?

    He has taken over all nations, all the leaders all the you name its.

    Sanhedrin ring a bell? It is not just about some group in the past.
    The error spreads to all, this error is in every nation, the seed of Satan.

    The Goal of the Monkey of Hell is to Reign over the Ruins, The ruins being God's created beings called, MAN. The souls of men.

    Smell the coffee yet, it is really hot and smoking.

    The parishes are run over. Time to make Mass in homes with real priests of the One Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church. Return to the old days. Get out of the synagogues of Satan. Lest you be destroyed in the making. Wisdom says, get out!!

    Matthew Chapter 24. What does Jesus say?

    [14] And this gospel of the kingdom, shall be preached in the whole world, for a testimony to all nations, and then shall the consummation come.

    [15] When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth let him understand.

    [16] Then they that are in Judea, let them flee to the mountains:

    [17] And he that is on the housetop, let him not come down to take any thing out of his house:
    [18] And he that is in the field, let him not go back to take his coat.
    [19] And woe to them that are with child, and that give suck in those days.
    [20] But pray that your flight be not in the winter, or on the sabbath.

    [21] For there shall be then great tribulation, such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, neither shall be.
    [22] And unless those days had been shortened, no flesh should be saved: but for the sake of the elect those days shall be shortened.
    [23] Then if any man shall say to you: Lo here is Christ, or there, do not believe him.
    [24] For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect.
    [25] Behold I have told it to you, beforehand.

    Now I am saying, Prepare, Which means, Pray and meditate repose in Christ and Mary
    Contemplate God, get lost in the eddy of contemplating God. Provisions come from God's Bounty.

    Jesus says, His Riches are greater than all the riches of the Universe combined, greater than Pain, greater than Need.

    God provided the earth for man. If there was no Sun and no corn, we would not have this grace. Believing is higher than love, because to believe is highest and brings greater love. Inspirations, active love, love flourishes more and more when we believe. Final result being A greater love with God in Heaven. Through the fire we go, the fire of Trials.

    Jesus has already gone forth and conquered for us. We just have to walk where he walked in the manner with which He walked. Obedience is the true test of love.

    Faith Hope Love(Charity)

    Peace be with you always

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