Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Assorted Spiritual Actions, Words, Actively


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    Assorted Spiritual Actions, Words, Actively Empty Assorted Spiritual Actions, Words, Actively

    Post by Poem

    The Lord Jesus has told us that, hordes of men and evil demons, will become wild like beasts, ravaging the world during the time of evil.

    Possessed by evil spirits.

    What's this like?  Read Jesus words about these in the Notebooks in Poem of the Man-God.  Legion and the other called Beelzebub master of the world in the Poem of the Man-God.  Chapters like in Book 4 Diabolical and Divine Possessions.  

    Do you want to exorcise demons? Be an exclusive exorcist for Christ?  How to do this?  

    Jesus teaches the disciples and apostles in the first or second time He sent the them out, either with the 72 or prior to this, and during His first or second year of Mission where He gave them power of miracles to raise the dead, heal the sick, and if they had love, cast out demons to which one of the Apostles did cast out. This was mentioned by one of the disciples or apostle later on in Poem.    

    To have love.  

    Remember that Jesus did not start His mission until He was baptized and received the Holy Spirit.  

    God with Man. Together not God and God, but God and man together, union, fusion.  This is the part that is not really taught and is the point of failure for us all.  The fusion of God to Man.  That is what we should really see in Jesus Christ. The Fusion of God to Man.  Spirit to spirit. Love. God is Absolute Love. Unfathomable Love. God is Love and Light. Two qualities Satan hates and cannot ever win out over.  Satan works to seduce by words and images, visions.   Thus one must possess a stronger than, spiritual mind, the reasoning mind.  Mind over matter of flesh and evil.  A mind just like Christ's.  St. Paul's says the mind of Christ in one of his epistles. St. Paul's goal:> To be just like Christ and St. Paul succeeded.

    Thus to be a full rounded spirit just like Christ, one needs to firmly established in virtues and possess the Holy Spirit.  One cannot give what one does not possess. This goes for spiritual matters as well. If I do not own a shirt but undergarments, I cannot give a shirt but by other means such as asking my neighbor so I can give to someone that is shirtless. Or even a loaf of bread, a slice of pizza, a cup of coffee.

    So in the same token, if I do not possess virtues, Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, the Holy Spirit with His Seven Gifts, How can I give spiritual advice? Raise the dead? Cast out Demons?  cannot.

    Only God can raise the dead. Why? The souls are God's and He puts them where they belong.  Satan does not create souls, but can possess them, mark them, eat them.  The Thief.  Like 'The Big Bad Wolf' in 'Little Red Riding Hood.'  I'll huff and puff and blow your straw house down.  There it went.  Straw. Straw.

    What is wisdom-less words like unto? Straw. Fodder. No light. No spirit to raise and regenerate. Can't feed and nourish. It is filler, like plastic.  

    Jesus said, in one of His comments, that evil once it possesses souls in nations, cities and towns, villages, neighbors, is the same as having evil spirits as your neighbors who torment, crunch and annihilate through them being possessed.  That's all it takes to bring ruin to your area. Thus, Jesus said, many nations are possessed by legions of demons. Whole nations crumble. Then over the ruins stands evil and unclean spirits. Where God shouts His 'enough' and then what happens?

    Thus, when one possesses the Holy Spirit, joined, fused, then one is able to do what Jesus as the Man did.  
    Jesus said, what I do you can do also.  

    One must possess virtues, live according to God's Law, live the faith, live in the Sacraments.  These are the rudiments.  Then one prepares to receive the Holy Spirit.  It is a process which Jesus taught to the Apostles how to have Him.  How to prepare.  

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Tue Feb 06, 2024 1:15 am; edited 3 times in total
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    Post Mon Jan 15, 2024 7:48 pm by Poem

    Notebook 1943 page 461,

    Jesus says, "In you that Bread is transformed into Life and Grace; it is transformed into Salvation, Light, Joy, and Wisdom.  You become all when you are all with the Son of God.  The Word of the Father speaks softly when He remains like a heart in your breast.  And it is my Word that conserves for Eternal Life those who do not forswear their supernatural filiation."

    Notebook 1943 page 94-95,

    Jesus says, "To sustain physical strength one must nourish the body.  The indigent who cannot buy food beg for it from the rich.  They usually ask for 'bread.'  Without bread life is impossible.

    "You are poor people needing food for your souls. To your poverty I have given the Eucharistic Bread. It nourishes the medulla of the soul, gives vigor to the spirit, sustains spiritual strength, and increases power of all the intellectual faculties, for where there is vital energy there is also mental energy."

    "Healthy food imparts health.  True food infuses true life.  Holy food produces holiness.   Divine food gives God."

    "But, in addition to being poor, you are sick, weak, not only with the weakness caused by a lack of food and ceasing when there is food.   You are weak from the illnesses exhausting you.  How many illnesses your souls have!  How many germs the Evil One injects into you to create these diseases!  Whoever is weak and sick needs not only bread, but also wine."

    "In My Eucharist I have left you the two signs of what is needed for your nature as poor men and for your weakness as sick men.  Bread that nourishes and wine that fortifies."

    "The fusing of your corrupt humanity with my perfect Humanity would bring you even physical health; sick in body, you would thus withstand diseases until I should say, 'Enough,' in order to open Heaven to you.  It would bring you intelligence to understand swiftly and correctly.  It would make you impenetrable to the Beast's unbridled assaults or subtle deceits."

    From the accounts of St. John the Beloved in his gospel handed down over the past two millennia.

    Chapter 6:54, 55

    54 Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you.  55 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day.

    read the rest in the Notebook for this vital nourishment and antidote from the Physician and Doctor of our souls.

    from the same gospel of St. John it is written:

    40 And this is the will of my Father that sent me: that every one who seeth the Son, and believeth in him, may have life everlasting, and I will raise him up in the last day.

    This is a soul of sight thing.  With the eyes of one's soul sees God in Christ, hears God in Christ, a spiritual communion.   He who sees the Son of God or in this case the Second Person Incarnate.  He who sees Me has seen the Father. He who hears Me has heard from the Father.  Therefore, those looking for God, comes to Christ by way of the Father.  No man can come to Me unless the Father calls and grants. The word used is 'draw' them unto Him by the Father. Leads.  

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Tue Jan 16, 2024 5:29 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Post Tue Jan 16, 2024 1:45 am by Poem

    In one of the comments given by Jesus, he states, many are not able to overcome because they are not able to 'see' him.  During Jesus time on earth, many were able to see physically Jesus. But graces came to those who were able to see him as God, the Savior, the Redeemer.  To see God in Christ.  

    Adam and Eve saw, God.  Abraham had faith and probably saw God in some form in his soul.  Moses was able to hear God and would even venture to say, saw God with his soul.  

    Jesus came to raise our souls back up to God to see and hear God.  I came to raise the dead. Dead in this case is our souls struck by sin.  

    Had Jesus not come, there would be no salvation and man would be lost forever.  Jesus redeemed mankind from this end.  This comes over time to understand this.  

    With His Passion, He redeemed man so the Father would continue to create souls.  Sort of like an extension granted here.  Grace. It is an intricate topic.  Justice of God. God is Just.  Jesus is the Mercy. But Mercy has its limits.

    Had Jesus not come, there would be no Blood to cure and wash sins.  Animal blood was temporary. And does not work on the real problem sin has dealt.  The just in God had God as Jesus has stated quite a number of times. But the just in God before Christ and during Christ, were very few.

    Jesus said to His cousin, if I do not do what I came for, your souls would be condemned to exile in Limbo forever.  This includes souls in Purgatory.

    If Jesus had not come, heaven would remain closed.  No souls entering it.  The stain of Original Sin would prohibit a soul from entering.  

    John's Gospel Chapter 6
    The when Jesus says, 36 But I said unto you, that you also have seen me, and you believe not.
    and then, 40 And this is the will of my Father that sent me: that every one who seeth the Son, and believeth in him, may have life everlasting, and I will raise him up in the last day.  
    Here is talking to them at that time. We witness in the Poem John of Endor, Disma, a few elderly men, the young woman, and a few others. They saw and believed.  Grace had come physically to man who had a hard time believing with his own soul. So God came in the Flesh.

    Now for those after His Ascension, this applies. Faith in His words to believe in Him a greater thing happens to those who do not physically see Him but, see Him with the eyes of their souls.  It is all the same.  Because those who believed in Him then, saw Him.  So we through the Breaking of the Bread, which is received by faith, can then see Him.  What struck me was what He said, you do not see Me that is why you fail.  I thought, how?  
    We see and think, humanly with human eyes. That is the problem. Conversion means of our souls. Our souls to see Him.  I hope this aids many of you who are stuck in the same boat I was in.  

    In the comments to Maria, Jesus showed her where He stands when Eucharist is presented by the priest.  He stands behind and to one side of the priest.  He said to her, if you believe and have true faith, you will see Me there.  

    The Eucharist is a miracle of great proportions given by Jesus.  If we truly believe and have the faith to believe, we will see Him.  Jesus said the pure in heart shall see God.  Jesus is God with Flesh. Incarnate.  God in Man fusion.  

    When we grow in the Faith to the point of simplicity in all this, we see that what Jesus was on earth, we become. This is the will of the Father.  Thus, Jesus says, return to origin. In the original creation of Man, Adam saw and heard God clearly.
    This is what Jesus brings back to us.  It is pure of heart, good will, love and love and love that elevates our souls to Him.

    As Jesus stated, the just in God had God and God taught them.  Let's take a look and observe Moses.  The Prophets. The Lord Jesus explains in great detail what the Prophets had.  A true union with God.  They were made capable because God chose them to serve Him. And they had to second this choice.  Free will. They had to make a choice.

    The correlation here of Jesus Life in the Poem of the Man-God shows us clearly that Jesus came to give gifts to men from God His Father.  I do my Father's will.   The Will of the Father is for all souls to His Christ. In seeing the Christ, comes great graces and all manner of power, redemption, miracles.  A most incredible grandeur for the life of us.  Our souls.

    The soul is God's child.  

    There's a hymn or spiritual song that implies, 'Lord help us see Jesus', 'we want to see Jesus', to this thought.

    Nothing is impossible for God. The need then is to truly have faith and believe.  Several were granted their miracles because they simply believed, they came to Him.

    A woman said, 'if just touch even the hem of his clothing'. She was healed.

    When we go to Mass and it must be where both are given, we see a wafer and a chalice with wine in it. We eat and drink. However, for those who simply believe, they see it is more than these. Takes a bit of convincing yourself.

    Thought. Our thoughts see humanly what is in front of us. The spirit that truly believes, sees God.

    Sin has deprived man of the vision of God with the eyes of the soul. A film as Jesus calls it, has come over the eyes of the soul. The flesh has become murky rather than a temple. In a true Temple, God rests. It has a ciborium where the host sits. The true temple of a man that has faith in God, his heart is the ciborium where God comes to rest. He wants us to 'see' Him with our souls.

    Peace be with you always


    Post Thu Jan 18, 2024 11:14 pm by Poem

    Notebook 1943, page 127

    July 1

    Jesus says:

    "It should not cause astonishment that a soul experiences temptations.  Indeed, the more the creature has advanced on my Way, the more violent temptation is.

    "Satan is envious and cunning.  He therefore unfolds his intelligence where more effort is needed to snatch a soul away from Heaven.  There is no need to tempt a man of the world who lives for the flesh.  Satan knows that he is already working on his own to kill his soul and lets him act.  But a soul that wants to be God's attracts all of his spite."

    "But souls must no tremble.  They must not lose heart.  To be tempted is not an evil.  It is an evil to yield to temptation.

    "There are big temptations.  In the face of them upright souls place themselves at once in a state of defense.  But there are little temptations which can make you fall without your realizing.  They are the Enemies refined weapons.  He uses them when he sees wary and alert regarding the big ones.  He then overlooks the major instruments and resorts to these, so subtle that they enter you from anywhere."

    "Why do I allow this?  Where would the merit be if there were not struggle?  Could you call yourselves mine if you did not drink from my chalice?

    "What do you think? That my chalice was only that of pain?  No creatures who love Me. Christ--He tells you so to give you courage--experienced temptation before you."

    "Do you think it was the only one in the desert? No.  Then Satan was defeated by major means opposed to his major attempts.  But in truth I tell you that I, the Christ, was tempted on other occasions.  The Gospel does not say so. But, as my Beloved Disciple states, 'If all the miracles worked by Jesus were to be narrated, the earth would not suffice to hold the books.'

    "Reflect, dear disciples.  How often must Satan have tempted the Son of Man to persuade Him to desist from his evangelization?  What do you know of the exhaustion of the flesh wearied in continual wandering about, and of the exhaustion of the soul, which saw and felt itself to be surrounded by enemies and by souls that followed Him out of curiosity or the hope of human gain?  How often, in times of solitude, the Tempter encircled Me with prostration!  And in the night of Gethsemane, can't you imagine the refinement with which he tried to win the last battle between the Savior of the human race and hell?

    "It is not granted to the human mind to know and penetrate into the secret of that struggle between the divine and the demoniac.  Only I, who have lived through it, am familiar with it, and I thus tell you that I am wherever anyone suffering for the sake of Good is.  I am wherever a follower of Mine is.  I am wherever a little Christ is.  I am wherever sacrifice is consummated."

    "And I tell you, souls that expiate for everyone, I tell you: Fear not.  I am with you until the end.  I, the Christ, have overcome the world, death, and the devil at the price of my Blood.  But I give you, victim souls, my Blood against the venom of Lucifer."

    Next page is 129 from the same 1943 Notebook.

    Notebook 1943
    Page 129

    July 1

    "To know the mystery of God's nature is not granted to your very limited intellectual capacities, to your embryonic spirituality.  But the mystery becomes more knowable for the spiritual, amidst the mass of so-called spiritual.  The mystery is revealed with greater clarity to the lovers of the Son, to those who are truly marked by my Blood, because my Blood is knowledge, and my Predilection is a School."

    "Today is a great feast in Heaven because all Heaven is today singing the Sanctus to the Lamb whose Blood was shed for the Redemption of man.  You are one of the few, too few, creatures who venerate my Blood as it should be venerated; since it was shed that blood has been speaking with words of eternal life and supersensible  knowledge.  If my Blood were more loved and venerated, more invoked and believed in, much of the evil which leads you into the abyss would be dispelled."

    "This Blood spoke when it was not yet represented by the Mosaic lamb, behind the veil of the prophetic words under the sign of the preserving Tau; it spoke, after it was shed, through the mouths of the Apostles; it cries out its power in the Apocalypse; it invites from the mouths of the mystics with its calling. But it is not loved.  It is not remembered.  It is not invoked.  It is not venerated.  My Church has so many feasts.  But a most solemn feast for my Blood is lacking.  And salvation is in my Blood!"

    "Today, the feast of My Blood, I shall clarify a mystery for you.  Say, 'Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,' for it is about Us that I want to speak. Figures have been necessary for your human dullness to conceive the Father and the Spirit, incorporeal beings of infinite beauty, whom you, however, do not conceive with your human senses.  To the point that you do not readily turn to Them, with all the fullness of thought, to invoke Them as you invoke Me, whom you conceive of as God-Man.  You thus do not understand even distantly the incomparable mystery of your Trinity."

    "To conceive of God comparisons to created beings must not be made.  God is not to be compared. He is. In being there is everything. But being has no body, and the eternal Being has no body."

    "Look: God is light. This is the only thing that can still represent God without being antithetical to his spiritual Essence.  The light exists, and yet it is incorporeal.  You see it, but you cannot touch it.  It exists.

    "Our Trinity is light. An unbounded light. The Source of Itself, living by Itself, and acting in Itself.  The universe's greatness does not equal Infinity.  Its essence fills the Heavens, glides over Creation, and holds sway over the infernal caverns.  It does not penetrate you--that would be the end of Hell--but it overwhelms them with its glowing, which is beatific in Heaven, comforting on earth, terrifying in Hell.  Everything is threefold in Us. Forms, effects, and powers."

    "God is light.  A vast, majestic, and peaceful light is given by the Father.  An infinite circle, which has embraced all Creation since the moment when 'Let there be light' was said until forever and ever, for God, who existed eternally, has been embracing the Creation since it existed and will continue to embrace all that--in the final form, the eternal one, after Judgment--well remain of Creation.  He will embrace those who are eternal with Him in Heaven."

    "Within the eternal circle of the Father there is a second circle, begotten by the Father, working differently and yet not working in contrary fashion, for the Essence is one.  It is the Son.  He is light, more vibrant, not only gives life to bodies, but gives Life to souls that had lost it by means of his Sacrifice.  It is a flood of powerful, gentle rays which nourish your humanity and instruct your mind."

    "Within the second circle, produced by the two workings of the first circles, there is the third circle with even more vibrant, inflamed light.  It is the Holy Spirit.  He is the Love produced by the relations of the Father with the Son, intermediary between the Two, and a consequence of the Two, the wonder of wonders."

    "Thought created the Word, and Thought and the Word love one another.  Love is the Paraclete.  He acts upon your spirit, your soul, and your flesh.  For He consecrates the whole temple of your person, created by the Father and redeemed by the Son, created in the image and likeness of the Triune God.  The Holy Spirit is the chrism upon the creation of your person, made by the Father; He is grace to benefit from the Sacrifice of the Son; He is knowledge and Light to understand the Word of God.  A more concentrated Light, not because it is limited in comparison to the others, but because it is the spirit of the spirit of God, and because, in its condensation, it is most powerful, as it is most powerful in its effects."

    "That is why I said, 'When the Paraclete comes, He will instruct you.'  Not even I, who am the Father's Thought that has become the Word, can make you understand what the Holy Spirit can make you understand with a single flash."

    "If every knee must bend before the Son, before the Paraclete every spirit must bend, for the Spirit gives life to the spirit.  It is Love that created the Universe, taught the first Servants of God, spurred the Father to give the Commandments, enlightened the Prophets, conceived the Redeemer with Mary, placed Me on the Cross, sustained the Martyrs, governed the Church, and works wonders of grace."

    "A white fire, unbearable for human sight and nature, He concentrates in Himself the Father and the Son and is the incomprehensible Gem, who cannot be gazed upon, of our eternal Beauty.  Fixed in the abyss of Heaven, He draws Himself all the spirits of my triumphant Church and breathes into Himself those who are able to live by the spirit in the Militant Church.

    "Our Trinity, our threefold and single nature is set in a single splendor in that point from which all that is is generated in an eternal being."

    "Say, 'Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.'"

    Peace be with you always

    Last edited by Poem on Thu Feb 08, 2024 6:11 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Post Thu Jan 18, 2024 11:21 pm by Poem

    About the Blood of Christ:

    From the Last Supper in Book 5.

    Jesus sits down. He does not lie down. He sits as we do. And He says: « Now that the old rite has been accomplished, I will celebrate the new one. I have promised you a miracle of love. It is time to work it. That is why I have longed for this Passover. From now on this is the Victim that will be consumed in a perpetual rite of love. My beloved friends, I have loved you throughout the whole life of the Earth. I have loved you for the whole eternity, My children. And I want to love you till the end. There is nothing greater than this. Bear that in mind. I am going away. But we shall remain for ever united through the miracle that I will now work. »

    Jesus takes a loaf still entire and places it on the chalice that has been filled. He blesses and offers both, He then breaks the bread and takes thirteen morsels of it, and gives one to each apostle saying:« Take this and eat it. This is My Body. Do this in remembrance of Me, Who am going away. » He gives the chalice and says: « Take this and drink it. This is My Blood. This is the chalice of the new alliance in My Blood and through My Blood, that will be shed for you, to remit your sins and give you the Life. Do this in remembrance of Me. »

    From the Bible:

    1 Because the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you, that you may make atonement with it upon the altar for your souls, and the blood may be for an expiation of the soul.
    [Leviticus 17:11]

    2 For the life of all flesh is in the blood: therefore I said to the children of Israel: You shall not eat the blood of any flesh at all, because the life of the flesh is in the blood, and whosoever eateth it, shall be cut off.
    [Leviticus 17:14]


    Jesus goes to explain that in spirits is incorporeal blood of a type.

    The Blood of Christ is the purest water as Jesus stated to Maria to write.

    To venerate His Blood, to invoke His Blood upon the earth and souls.

    Peace be with you always


    Post Thu Jan 18, 2024 11:24 pm by Poem

    Notebook: 1943 June 28
    Page: 120
    Chp: Prayer to and Vision of the Divine Blood

    "In the month about to end, I have spoken to you a great deal about my Heart and about my Body in the Sacrament. Now for the month of the Blood I will have you pray to my Blood. Say the following then:

    "'Most Divine Blood that issued forth for us from the veins of God made man, come down like dew of redemption upon the polluted earth and upon the souls that sin renders similar to lepers. See: I receive You, Blood of My Jesus and sprinkle You over the Church, the world, sinners and Purgatory. Help, comfort, cleanse, set aflame, penetrate, and fecundate, O most divine Juice of Life. Nor may indifference and sin set an obstacle in the way of your flow. But, rather for the sake of the few who love You and the numberless ones who die without You, hasten and spread over all, this most divine rain so that people will come to You trustingly in life, through You be forgiven in death and with You enter into the glory of your Kingdom. Amen.'

    "That's enough for now. I offer my open veins to your spiritual thirst. Drink from this fount. You will experience Paradise and the savor of your God, and that savor will never fade for you if you are always able to come to Me with your lips and your soul cleansed by love."

    Peace be with you always

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