Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    To Know God is to Love God


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    To Know God is to Love God Empty To Know God is to Love God

    Post by Poem

    This thought comes today which is the result of hours of contemplating how Evil came to be, how it arrived contrary to Good.

    The Good Lord had selected a singular soul to have the knowledge given by Wisdom so others may know what is not written, the gaps found.

    The Good Lord teaches about Judas Iscariot's character. His ways. How he thinks and chooses, what his will is, what is in his heart.

    The good willed souls are attracted to the the Light this is naturally built in to the good, the seek instinctively after the light. They may not know this and that they are instinctively doing so. While on the otherhand, even good willed souls not brought up with the Good Lords teachings in the Good Book, but have thickets of while living for the flesh which are vices, that chokes the soul and turns it into a leper--the soul becomes a leper of sorts--, are actually good willed. They instinctively see good and want to imitate a good seen or done. The sense of sight, that triggers an instinct. Thus Wisdom is needed to teach it what is truly and purely good. So it does not seek after an eclipse, eclipse in this sense is what seems to be good covered by a good sight, but what is only surface.

    A good example is necessary for this accomplishment of what is pure and holy good. A new word for these types. To be able to be a master of souls, one needs to dig deep into ones makeup to find what its instincts are and then teach it what is only good. To teach it that what may look good on the surface is not always good but an eclipse.

    Do they look lost? Making bad decisions? But have instincts for what is good? They are seeking good instinctively. The world as it is a smorgasbord of seemingly good due to illusions of deceit like a beautiful necklace sparkling around others necks, sparkling extravagantly --seemingly, find after having achieved in copying and gaining it, sees it is not this light, but an eclipse, feels fooled and shameful at the least,-- but use your own words here, that person is responding to its instinct of looking for something good, an instinct found in good people. It is actually lured to an eclipse.

    What is this eclipse which the Good Lord reveals? Lets dig deep into this. A definition can be found after contemplating over time.

    Every new thought is a seed. To contemplate it or not.

    The good seeds come from minds and hearts that are formed firmly in good. They have by natural instinct with Higher Guidance been guided and taught where others do not understand how they arrive at this. God works here in every soul and heart that is naturally and instinctively good.
    Thus good willed. To then uncover it by studying souls. Studying souls takes years of experience and the good who choose only good but somehow cannot say why in deep explanations to give those who are seeking to imitate them, have a short answer: "I just see it and choose it". This answer is then not contemplated. What makes them choose only good? They are nourished by the Good Lord and the Good Lord protects their minds and hearts,--nourished here means God fuses like rain into their hearts to maintain good thoughts and choosing only good ways that keeps them from intruding pestilence to polluting their good hearts. Formation. They are being formed to perfection to good only. The work is mysterious but God is the Master Craftsman of souls and hearts. God then deposits these good as examples that Good is real. To some this is called some other names which are and can be most of the time blasphemous, definitely not prudent here is describing.

    The world of Satan is blasphemy, boisterous clamoring, overbearing and always demeans. Never praises one for being of good character and traits. The world of Satan eclipses. Eclipse. Coverups. Seduction. Never true sentiments from a good heart and mind. Always false.

    Pure and genuine souls are always good and speak good naturally, no covering, no eclipse, they imitate the Good Lord in this respect. Honorable, respecting, never violates ones will.

    Overbearing is not in this good person. They may be overly good to some and annoyingly good to others. While some are quiet and see with pure eyes of the heart. What one sees.

    Through sight one sees God. The souls of the pure and good see God, but it is not as it is in Heaven where God is the Grand of sights. This incredible Light which is warm, dispersing rays of Good to nourish the spirits. Rays of graces bombarding spirits, softly, gently. Peaceful.

    This we can have here, but in the lesser portion, awaiting the Grandeur of the immensity.

    I have had these experiences myself. I fell but was taught in a denomination of which my hunger for the Grand turned out to be not properly nourished. An eclipse. Have to have what is true to get the proper.

    The world does not know how to teach this. It is not in God, nor has Grace. God allows man gone astray to find the correct path to achieve this.

    We dart around, we miss, we suffer, we are pained, we sometimes, pause saying I give up, but the instinct is still for what is good. It may have run out of juice to find the food. The Good Lord has banners over some places that says, "Never Give Up", wow! I needed that. Encouragement to my instinct of seeking Good to have it, own it, possess it. Then I want them to have it too. Another instinct appears. To then, study your own soul and find its instincts. What one has in the instinct is in others. Our souls all come from One Source. God gives to souls instincts, it is an intrinsic part of the character built right in to the souls.

    Instinct for good. To find then, the Only Good and be led and nourished by it. It then is led to the correct way and then finds it. It learns the ways to nourish it as does the body finds food to be nourished.

    The thickets of vices in the world are all eclipse to lead to, to lure it to destruction. Done finished. Thickets.

    God then, knowing that man would sin, Lucifer would betray and lead man astray and fall into Sin as God says, Sin, which is a nice word rather than condemnation, and condemning, because God does not like terrible words as His mind is only Good and has only good thoughts, God is the Good and Supreme Good. He has to always be this so man and angels are nourished with Good.

    God knowing the future, from start to finish, who would remain and who would be cut off from His Book, allowed Evil to rise, first in His Presence and then in His Universe He created. The Good Lord explains this. He did not want anyone to know Evil as it spreads Death and Destruction which He taught to First Parents of Man. Which presumably He taught to the angels. God knew previous to Creating the First Angel and the First Man.

    Why then would he then create? A good argument or question here, which I ponder on time to time. Because I do not like what is not 'Good.'
    In fact it creates Negative thoughts which pollutes good thoughts to be always without this Negative. A terrible miserable thing.

    Judas Iscariot instinctively sought good as does any person. They find some good in another persons speech, promising, a good life afterwards, but is only eclipsing words of deceit, just like the Devil. Appealing to a selfish gain. Filling with thoughts first to have something, before it is apparent.

    Jesus said to the Apostles, there are many like Judas. In fact today, the world is a thicket of them.

    Jesus says their are Abels as well who are betrayed by Judas's as well to correct the Judas's so they can have Only Good.

    To then study souls as the Master did so as to have these Judas's gain Life Eternal. The Abels are necessary.

    The Good Book in Genesis in so few words from God depicts what occurs on Earth, this continues to the last man born of a woman.

    Patience which the world does not have nor encourages it, cannot save one single soul. They are impatient and listen to the Impatient One who makes demands. There is a difference here. God states be prompt to respond to Him immediately when called upon. God is Special One who presides First and Foremost. God says to have patience for your brothers and sisters because a new thought takes time to form. The way to holiness and purity does not form on a few thoughts to grow petals. A flower does not appear immediately, but only over time as God had ordered it to.

    God orders all things in His Creation. Man is the disorderly in His Creation. Well we are not talking about the Envious One who is a dead thing but has lived on through Sin. Poisoning with his venom to ruin good. Shipwrecks. Thus Judas who needed loving brothers, instead of remarks of his actions, needed to be given a better set of brothers. Which Jesus did. Only Jesus. The rest ridiculed his behavior and never helped to nurture the good portion to overturn the thickets of vices.

    The Good Lord says, we need to tend our gardens to bring forth good fruit. The good fruits from our hearts.

    So now lets correlate the heart which came about from the soil of the earth, mixed with water to form. As we can see here daily the plant life which brings forth petals and fruits. From the soil of the earth. A seed is planted into the soil and with water and sun it grows piercing the surface and then becomes a flower, a shrub, a tree, grass. We want no weeds in our garden. Our hearts when Evil enters has weeds, couchgrass. If not careful have some ivy which is poisonous. Our hearts were formed form the earth. The soil. Which is represented as slime or mud in the Good Book.
    When Grace departs from the soul which is fused to the heart, the soil is slime, due to another imperfect entity, which is vice sown by Envious One.
    He aided the First Parents to turn the heart into slime which becomes hard like granite. So what nourishes the heart to make it not granite and not slime? Grace which had created it. Thus man with no Grace if God did not perform mysteriously, would become granite and a statue, a monument.

    But since Evil exists, this heart turned to slime, becomes the way for the Envious to penetrate and take the soul, turning the soul into his image and likeness, the heart then, becomes not loving but hateful, which God says, a granite stone. It is no longer a beautiful heart which God created and nourishes to bring forth good fruit. Sin then, turns the heart to bringing not good fruit. The heart made a granite stone, and his human brain being controlled to perform acts. Thus the will is bent and tortured along with the soul. The garden corrupted and at this point unable to produce good fruit. It lives devoid of love. It lives according to the dictates of vice. Vice then takes control. Absent of Virtues.

    This heart can be made once again a true flesh heart. The flesh is what became from the soil. The Master Craftsman, crafted with the soil of the earth to create a flesh body for the soul to possess.

    Before Christ came to give Himself as Flesh and Blood to recreate the heart of man, and infuse His own Blood into man, God did mysteriously aid good willed souls, to lead man on the way to inherit the Kingdom of God through teachings to give wisdom and to produce and have good willed souls with good thoughts, just thoughts to form. Formation. Forming the soul, and He tender their gardens.

    With Christ, God giving to man more aids, God expects souls to be better than past. More has been given. But we have poor teaching to correctly give.

    There are many Abels and there probably are a great many more Judas's then Abels. Thus God through Christ, says, bring these Judas's to form them so they can be Abels and find favor with God.

    The world today, the many souls are living their grandeur as Judas wanted, to be flesh rather than spirit as Abel was.

    Jesus can be referred to as an Abel who was killed by his Cains. Judas if not converted, becomes like unto Cain. Cain did not inherit the Kingdom of God. Cain wanted God's favor, but Cain was the first child the product of Sin. So when man and woman copulate what comes about is the product of these two. Their soil which came the flesh, is either good or not good.

    Grace then is for all to form saints and give the way to form Abels. Abel although was killed by his Cain, gained God's Heaven, in His Kingdom.

    The Lord says to study souls, rather than texts and pages, because the soul lives and the pages only tell of some results and they do not teach about the soul who lives day to day. Pages of texts are written and remain only what was written and does not transform to represent as does a soul. The soul is then dynamic, because it lives. Pages represent some findings and some results. Where as a soul, continues on a daily basis.

    Texts are good source such as the Good Book, but they are Good only when God teaches it. He gives Wisdom to live for that soul to grow.

    It is written, but what it is meant for is to transform the soul, from the Sin. To aid the soul to achieve God's favor and conquer and obtain God and His Heaven. Living Soul. We live, and are dynamically living meaning, we are not the same all the time and progress or digress. Texts and pages do not do justice for a living soul as they do not represent the soul in the dynamics of its daily life. Day to Day.

    Some people have diaries and right down their thoughts, events, feeling, etc.,. Which over time if you read them, show a change over time.

    Thus this reveals the dynamics of progress and digress.

    To say you are just this--name that act, trait what was committed--, demeans and without a remedy it is judgment. Thus God commands 'Do not Judge'. Jesus says, to love them, and help correct them, you have to not intimidate them as to make them feel they cannot change.

    Thus Judas had received condemning words for his acts. Instead of helping him not be unfavorable, which he felt he could not be saved nor change and thus was an annihilated souls by Satan. The human response shuns and condemns. The Lord is the Judge.

    We have Mary of Magdalene, Aglae, Syntyche, and many more who were slaves of sin that became saints in God eyes due to the effect Christ had on them which granted them the power to convert. Christ as Man having full possession of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit works miracles on man. The Holy Spirit at work through Christ. God possessed Christ as Man. The Son of the Father to teach man.

    To see this takes time. To see Christ as the Man of God of God in God as a Man and not God takes time. As the soul remains in the fusion of Grace, these are clearly seen. To see Christ born of woman and became a man, and lived as a Man with the Holy Spirit in possession. Thus through the Spirit of God are holy things accomplished. Without the Holy Spirit it is just man who is imperfect to the maximum degree and produces imperfections. The Spirit of God must possess the man entirely so the works in life are the works of a higher nature. Risen man. Working on the plane of the Spirit, which produces spiritual results and ends.

    God presides in this case over the man to lead, guide, counsel, giving him wisdom forming him to act and think as God grants to reflect God, what is just, honorable, good.

    To see God at work through a soul possessed by the Good Lord.

    If God did not care about man, then God would have wiped the whole, end of man.

    We live to find God and inherit the Kingdom of God on a New Earth and a New Heaven where everything is perfected and serene, peaceful, no tribes of men revolting and living contrary to God's will. Where love is the rule.

    Peace be with you always

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