Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    To Prepare Ourselves for Heaven At Once


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    To Prepare Ourselves for Heaven At Once Empty To Prepare Ourselves for Heaven At Once

    Post by Poem

    Jesus explained to us through Maria, that God created Heaven to be 'filled' up by Man.

    The Earth as a temporary but real farm for the human body to cloth the soul with.  God created this wondrous Universe, but all temporary.  Meaning, this one and the other one looks the same.  From here, right here, we educate, and teach, to learn of God and learn to love him. To adore and praise Him for granting life and creating it. Giving us great gifts we do not recognize and deny it is from God. Your bodies, your souls. The earth and all that is in it that grows, plant and animal life.

    On the earth are distractions, thousands upon thousands, and thousands of ways, that says: no live for the moment for the earthly days.  Prepare to earn money, get a career, work to earn my spittle and buy many things to adorn yourself with, enjoy the sensations, live, relish, embellish, sate. Forget about about your eternity, it doesn't exist, think of some other thoughts, like the unknown, imagine yourselves in whatever fancy you wish it's yours. But what happens? Man dies. His soul departs and is before God at once.

    The Falsehood of the devil, which doesn't grant you Heaven at once when your soul leaves your carcass behind.

    God did create man to procreate newborns for Heaven to fill it up with Men and Women.  That simple.  Such a simple thought as this is kept from all of humanity due to the Devil's cunning craftiness.  He has all of us fooled, all kinds of ways, tricks, snares, traps to keep man below. His thoughts about this life only.  Darkness. The Devil is Darkness.  Lies, twists God's words around to tell you that is not what God says, or meant. He even has many nations fooled about another idea of eternal life, the supernatural which is all based on not spirit but human concepts. Nothing in their ideas, says, Jesus Christ, Mary Immaculate, God, God-Love, God Father Son Holy Spirit. Nothing about returning man back to Origin. Origin means, sinless and Having Grace, Jesus being the Cure and Medicine, Himself Uncorruptable, giving to us this Uncorruptable, aids us in become Origin again. Simple. Yet, God is Simple. How many cannot believe is it that simple? Thousands. That is why the gates of churches are not trashed from overwhelming trampedes.

    For the Lord's people to prepare themselves to be in Heaven at once. Every day.

    Jesus said, you do not know when you will be called before the Lord.  So, be prepared.  Live holy, just, in truth before God.  Men don't care one way or the other, their interests are about their flesh, what they can heap.  The world.

    Be Prepared to be with God at once.  Jesus said, Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, I cannot raise you up on the last day.
    Two last days here Jesus is talking about. The First one is when the soul departs the carcass and is before God Judge.  This is called pre-judgment. This one is a private one on one. Your soul appears before God. The second is the Final Judgment.  This one all souls appear before God with all our bodies renanimated fully with soul intact.  They, we, All stand at the Judgment at once. All of Adam's children.  This one is the grand judgment.  All human beings ever born, with a soul stands together side by side as one large family before God Judge. If your soul is marked with Jesus Tau, then, off to Heaven at once. If not.... Satan is your king. Purgatory and Limbo will have given up their souls to stand this Final Judgment.

    I recall God's word in the old testament, God stated, the He will cut short His work on earth.  Meaning, man will not live 1000 years each one due to sin. But rather shorten man's lives to below 1000 years to 130 years, and we witness today average life cycle of flesh is around 80+-.  Some live longer.  However many also die younger. So one does not know when they will be called before God at once.

    Thus to prepare to be with God forever, at once. Each day, to live as this is the last and God is calling you up.  Thus live holy, pious, good, loving as best as possible, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, all the qualities of saints, who imitate Christ.

    Jesus said, My Body and My Blood make you 'saints'. There are conditions that apply to become a saint. Virtuous life.

    The world of Satan is the Negation to Sainthood. All those souls are sated, they accept the decrees of Babylon and are its sole slaves. If you don't do what they are doing exactly that way, they deride you, curse you, and all manner of ills come to you for not doing what they do.  Have you ever encountered such immature childish non-sense?  No love, just mechanical robots.  

    If you don't do what they say, it is 'called' hate, not love, to encourage for good will and doing good, but, being proselytes for the Devil. The Hatred. Their mark is the Beasts.

    The Devil is Fat Cow in Hell, if you read the description which Maria dictated at Christ's orders, you would see the overweight fat cow cannot even move he's so fat.  His minions do all the work for him, what a selfish imp.  The fool hardy minions, slaves to Satan.  That is what man is when they follow the Hatred, they are fool hardy slaves of a fat cow, overweight behemoth.  What an obese cow.

    And the world wants this Fat Cow as their Leader and King. Any comedians want to try and make a career on fat cow jokes?

    Life is spiritual whether you see it, believe, feel it or not. God created a living soul that became a slime ball and fell, clipped its wings and became food for the Fat Cow.  

    Prepare for Heaven at once, forget the non-sense of the world and the fat cow. Have your eyes permanently affixed to God. Never lower your gaze even for a split second to what is below.  Garbage is not a pretty sight, nor smell. The slime of the earth. Stench rises to God's nose, ready to sneeze and when God sneezes, upon the entire earth, what happens?  Meditate.

    Peace be with you always

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