Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    Heretics and False Prophets, False Teachers, Liars Thieves Robbers of Your Faith and Mine


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    Heretics and False Prophets, False Teachers, Liars Thieves Robbers of Your Faith and Mine Empty Heretics and False Prophets, False Teachers, Liars Thieves Robbers of Your Faith and Mine

    Post by Poem

    Let's begin with a lesson from the Acts of the Apostles Book.

    St. Paul who was originally called Saul, who was struck by the hand of Christ and converted to Christ from being a Jew in the Sanhedrin. One of the greatest saints in the history of the Church.

    Now if you have followed along concerning the story of Saul in Book 5 of Poem he was a devout Jew in the Sanhedrin.  He believed he was working for God.  The problem was that the Sanhedrin were heretics, false prophets, self seeking idol worshippers who followed the way of their foreign fathers.  They were satanists in disguise. They held the form of the 'Law' but did not live the 'Law'. The Law of God is about first loving God and then your neighbors.  Who are our neighbors according to God?  Everyone besides ourselves. We love them, even if they are rotten thieves, just don't follow them and do what they do. This is God's wisdom here.  In the world exists: Evil. You and I have evil in us; good and evil resides in each. Thus Christ came to deliver us from our 'evils.' Evil is Death, lust, harm, hatred, all that Negates Good and Love. Salvation from Evil.

    So on to this lesson:

    Acts of the Apostles  Chp. 13

    [6] And when they had gone through the whole island, as far as Paphos, they found a certain man, a magician, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Bar-jesu: [7] Who was with the proconsul Sergius Paulus, a prudent man. He sending for Barnabas and Saul, desired to hear the word of God. [8] But Elymas the magician (for so his name is interpreted) withstood them, seeking to turn away the proconsul from the faith.

    [9] Then Saul, otherwise Paul, filled with the Holy Ghost, looking upon him,

    [10] Said: O full of all guile, and of all deceit, child of the devil, enemy of all justice, thou ceasest not to pervert the right ways of the Lord.

    Now who are the sons of God?  Those who are led by the Spirit of God.
    Read Romans chapter 8. NOTE: The Holy Spirit had Maria dictate on the Book of Romans. This Book is a great guide by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God Jesus.

    "For whosoever are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."
    [Romans 8]

    "For the Spirit himself giveth testimony to our spirit, that we are the sons of God."
    [Romans 8]

    Previous to Saul being convert, he lived as A Devout Jew being a proselyte of the Sanhedrin.  So Paul knows all about being one, a false prophet, heretic.

    Peace be with you always

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    Post Wed Jan 19, 2022 1:06 am by Poem

    A Devout Jew knew the scriptures, memorized them through studying. They were learned of God's word, the holy scriptures.

    A Catholic should know the holy scriptures. A Catholic should be living the Gospel.
    A Catholic is watchful, wise, and knows the difference between a conartist and real ones.
    A Catholic is led by the Spirit of God in all things; life.

    Those who choose to live their one life granted now, forfeit, the Everlasting Life. This is a condition made by God. It is His law.

    So if you decide to live in the world and live carnally, you forfeit eternity with God.
    The carnal lifestyle is enmity with God and has no place with God.

    Peace be with you always


    Post Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:45 am by Poem

    Jesus' words on heretics, heresy what to do and how to act.

    From Book 5
    Chp: 631. The Last Teachings before Ascension-Day.

    Jesus is speaking to the Apostles and some Disciples some days have already passed around 39 days closer to 40.

    « But shall we have to tell them what You taught us? They will not understand anything, because they do not know the Law. »

    « You say so. But did Israel, who knew the Law and the Prophets, understand? »

    « That is true. »

    « But be careful. You will say what the Spirit advises you to say, verbally, without any fear, without wanting to do it by yourselves. When false prophets arise among the believers, and they profess their ideas as if they were inspired, and they are the heretics, then you will have to fight their heretical doctrines with means firmer than words. But do not worry. The Holy Spirit will guide you. I never say anything that may not happen. »

    « And what shall we do with heretics? »

    « Fight the heresy itself with all your strength, but with every means try to convert the heretics to the Lord. Never get tired in looking for the sheep that have gone astray in order to take them back to the Fold. Pray, suffer, get people to pray, to suffer, go around begging the pure, the good, the generous believers for sacrifices and sufferings, because these are the means to convert your brothers. The Passion of Christ continues in Christians. I have not excluded you from this great work, which is the Redemption of the world. You are all members of one single body. Help one another, and let those who are strong and healthy work for the weaker ones, and those who are united stretch out their hands and call their brothers who are far away. »

    « But will there be any, after they have been brothers in one house? »

    « There will be some. »

    « Why? »

    « For so many reasons. They will still have My Name. And what is even more, they will take pride in that Name. They will work to make it known. They will help in making Me known as far as the extreme boundaries of the Earth. Let them do, because, I remind you, who is not against Me is for Me. But, poor children! their work will always be incomplete, their merits always imperfect. They cannot be in Me if they are separated from the Vine. Their works will always be incomplete. You, I say you, referring to your future successors, must be where they are. Do not say pharisaically: "I am not going in order not to be contaminated". Or lazily: "I am not going, because there already is who preaches the Lord". Or timidly: "I am not going in order not to be driven away by them". Go. I tell you: Go. To all peoples. As far as the boundaries of the world. So that all My Doctrine and My Only Church may be made known and souls may be able to become part of it. »

    Jesus' lesson here is very to the point. Pay attention to way heresies arise.

    Because man chooses to do it of his own mind and not in the Lord, in unison with the Lord. The work of the Spirit.

    Heresies arise when the rational man becomes separated from the Rational God. Reasoning.

    It is never 'us' but 'God' who does the work here on earth. Through His Power, His Spirit, man in union with God.

    The supplanter the Enemy of God and Man, lures man to 'his' 'own' understandings of the Truth.. Thus no longer in the 'Vine' where the vital juices flow and come from.

    IN the 'Vine'.

    Peace be with you always


    Post Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:46 am by Poem

    How extremely vital it is then to be 'In The Vine' as given by the Christ.

    His Gospel, presented to man to follow and have absolute 'Faith' in the Living God.


    Peace be with you always


    Post Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:51 am by Poem

    Book 5
    Chp: 631. The Last Teachings Before Ascension-Day.

    Jesus continues to speak to the Apostles with the 72 Disciples present

    « And shall we tell them or write all your actions? »

    « I have told you. The Holy Spirit will advise you what it is right to say or be quiet about, according to the times. You can see it! What I have done is believed or denied, and at times is used as a weapon against Me, manipulated as it is by hands that hate Me. They have called Me Beelzebub when, as the Master, I worked miracles in the presence of everybody. And what will they say now, when they learn that I have acted in such a supernatural manner? They will curse Me even more. And you would be persecuted before the time. So be silent until it is the time to speak. »

    « But if that hour should come when we, the witnesses, are dead? »

    « In My Church there will always be priests, doctors, prophets, exorcizers, confessors, people who work miracles or are inspired, as is necessary so that peoples may have from the Church what is necessary. Heaven: the Church Triumphant will not leave the Church Teaching all alone, and the latter will assist the Church Militant. They are not three bodies. They are only one Body. There is no division among them, but communion of love and of purpose: to love Charity and enjoy it in Heaven, its Kingdom. And for this reason the Church Militant will have to provide with love for the suffrages on behalf of that part of it which, already destined to the Church Triumphant, is still excluded from it, because of the satisfactory expiation of faults absolved but not entirely expiated with regard to the Perfect Divine Justice. In the mystic Body everything is to be done in love and through love. Because love is the blood that circulates in it. Assist your brothers who are being purified. As I said that the works of corporal mercy achieve a reward for you, in Heaven, so I told you that also the spiritual ones achieve it for you. And I truly tell you that a prayer for the souls of the dead, that they may enter into peace, is a great work of mercy, for which God will bless you and the souls for whom you have prayed will be grateful. When, at the resurrection of the bodies, you are all gathered before Christ Judge, among those whom I will bless, there will be also those who showed love for their brothers who were being purified, making offerings and praying for their peace. I tell you. Not one of the good actions will be left without fruit, and many will shine brightly in Heaven, without having preached, administered, made apostolic journeys, embraced special states, but only because they-prayed and suffered to give peace to the souls that were being purified, to lead men to conversion. They also, priests unknown to the world, unknown apostles, victims whom God alone sees, will receive the reward of the workers of the Lord, as of their lives they made a perpetual sacrifice of love for their brothers and for the glory of God. I truly tell you that one can arrive at eternal life along many ways, and this is one of them, and it is so dear to My Heart. Have you anything else to ask? Speak up. »

    « Lord, yesterday and not only yesterday, we were thinking that You said: "You will sit on twelve thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel". But now we are eleven… »

    « Elect the twelfth. It is your duty, Peter, to do so. »

    « Mine? Not mine, Lord! I ask You to choose him. »

    « I elected My Twelve once and I formed them. Then I appointed their chief. Then I gave them Grace and I infused the Holy Spirit into them. It is their turn now to walk, because they are no longer babies unweaned unable to do so. »

    « But at least tell us where we are to lay our eyes… »

    « Here you are. This is the chosen part of the herd » says Jesus, making a circular gesture on those of the seventy-two who are present.

    Peace Be With You Always


    Post Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:55 am by Poem

    St. Matthews Gospel 24 Chapter for those who do not have the Books and can be used as cross reference.


    Reference to Chapter 631 from Book 5 on this forum:



    Peace be with you always


    Post Sun Feb 06, 2022 10:58 pm by Poem

    « And shall we tell them or write all your actions? »

    « I have told you. The Holy Spirit will advise you what it is right to say or be quiet about, according to the times. You can see it! What I have done is believed or denied, and at times is used as a weapon against Me, manipulated as it is by hands that hate Me. They have called Me Beelzebub when, as the Master, I worked miracles in the presence of everybody. And what will they say now, when they learn that I have acted in such a supernatural manner? They will curse Me even more. And you would be persecuted before the time. So be silent until it is the time to speak. »

    « But if that hour should come when we, the witnesses, are dead? »

    Here is the answer above. Jesus taught them and told them right then.

    It is never us on our own understanding.  It is never human doctrines. It is never human understanding or its ego and will. It is about having man return to Grace then in Grace with Grace man goes about.

    This example is seen with Christ. He went to the river Jordan to be baptized by John the baptist and the Holy Spirit descended to alight him. Jesus later spoke about the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Once to the Pharisees to let them know He was the Chosen One and then to the Apostles to teach them.

    To be fully and completely in Grace, the Holy Spirit the Teacher, the Guide, the Councilor, Consoler, the Counselor, the Paraclete, the Eternal Evangelize.  Jesus Donates Himself for our physical portion, because of what sin had done.  It makes the flesh obedient and sane able to be docile so the spirit can be dominant.  Peaceful, serene.

    The Holy Spirit comes as a burning Fire to show to us that it happened at Pentacost and as a dove for Christ's baptism. The witness then was to write. As the same is in times past. To pass down.

    We return to God in levels and stages, as we become more and more spirit intune with  God's love which forms us into true creatures of God. Jesus teaches us to be just, merciful, peaceful, loving, kind, good, upright, honorable, respectful, virtuous in all our ways. Forgiveness is God's Revenge.

    What is it like then?  

    Lets, start with the reverse.

    First when a man is not in Grace, and is not baptized and has not had any thing to do with God, prior, except some hearing of something that sparked in this person, they are still just flesh.  They are not walking in the Light.

    So to be in the Light means to be in Grace. Which is having the presence of God upon you and in you. Another being is with you possessing you and you possessing him. A two way union with the benefit for all intendeds. God is altruistic, Universal. A Pure Good not about 'self.' Not about personal reasons and agendas. Benign.

    When we read the conversation of the words between Peter and Christ, we have to realize that Peter has not been baptized yet with the Holy Spirit.  The Power to do Christ's work is given by the Holy Spirit.  

    The Holy Spirit comes upon us and descends into our souls, He hovers over us and is in us.  Possession.  He forms us into Christ's Image and Likeness, the Second Adam, and gives us wisdom.  These are fused into us.  

    To love is to live with one's soul united to a single fire to nourish another soul. Then in fusion, understanding takes place.

    This fire is the Fire of Love which the Father and the Son are in union with, making them the Triune God.  God the Fire of Love, God the Father, God the Son.  All unified in the Fire of Love where the Fire circulates and nourishes and each of the Godhead passes its traits to each other and they share in this Love.  Unlike the corporeal fire, but a Spiritual Fire that joins and purifies.

    Altruism, Universal.

    The All comes to make us part of the All. He gifts us with the All so we can have true unity and union with the All.  Then with the All, we go out help others become part of the All.  Joining.

    The All wants and desires all souls to return and be one with.  Love is together.

    As members of the All, all in it are privy to what the All possesses and gives grants.  

    It is lived and experienced in levels and stages.  We grow in levels and stages, we grow as long as we remain in.  If we leave, we shrink and become worse than before.
    Degradation.  We lose justice, mercy, love, faith, hope, all that is good if we leave. So it is death to leave. This is happened to Adam and the Woman when they sinned. They died to Grace. And through Mercy they were saved. They had long expiation, repented, did penance to deserve at long last, Limbo.  They had to work to earn Limbo.  So the latter end is then said to be detrimental when before they had it all.

    They died to Grace.  God's mercy and justice saved them. I can't imagine all the pain and suffering they had to go through, all the work they had to accomplish.  Expiation is suffering and it is a mercy granted to gain back favor.

    Peace be with you always

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