Poem Of The Man God The Gospel As Revealed To Me

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    A Vision of the Beast


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    A Vision of the Beast Empty A Vision of the Beast

    Post by Poem Sun Sep 10, 2023 5:43 am

    Notebook 1943
    Chapter: A Vision of the Beast
    Page: 180

    July 20 1943

    Jesus further says:

    “Consider my Splendor and my Beauty in comparison to the black monstrosity of the Beast.

    “Don’t be afraid to look, even if it is a repellent spectacle.  You are in my arms.  He cannot approach and harm you.  Do you see him?  He doesn’t even look at you.  He already has so many quarries to follow after.

    “Now do you feel you deserve to leave Me to follow him?  And yet the world follows him and leaves Me for him.

    “See ho glutted and throbbing he is.  It is the hour of his feast.  But also see how he seeks the shadow to act.  He hates the Light—and he was called the ‘Light-bearer’!  Do you see how he hypnotizes those who are not marked by my Blood?  He heaps up his efforts because he knows that this is his hour and that my hour is approaching when he shall be eternally defeated.

    “He infernal cunning and Satanic intelligence are a continuous action of Evil—in opposition to our Triune action of Good—to increase his prey. But cunning and intelligence would not prevail if my Blood were in men, along with their honest will.  Man lacks too many things to have weapons to set against the Beast, and the latter knows this and acts openly, without even concealing himself with deceitful appearances.

    “May his repellent ugliness spur you towards ever-greater diligence and ever-greater penance.   For yourself and for your unfortunate brothers and sisters, whose souls are blind or seduced and who do not see, or, on seeing him, run to meet the Evil One, provided they can get from him help for an hour to paid for with an eternity of damnation.”

    End of Jesus’ comments concerning the Fat Cow Beast.

    Maria says concerning this vision:

    “I must explain.  Otherwise you *98* will understand nothing.

    “Since the night of the 18th Jesus has been showing me a horrendous beast—so horrendous that if fills me with disgust and makes me feel like shrieking.  Its name is well known.  And the good Jesus has me understand that this appearance is still inferior to reality, for no human reality can come to depict supreme Beauty and supreme Ugliness with precision.

    “Now I will describe the beast to you.

    “I seem to be seeing a big, very deep black hole.  I comprehend that it is very deep, but I see only the opening, entirely occupied by a horrible monster.  It is not a snake, a crocodile, a dragon, or a bat but is has some qualities of all four of these.  

    “A long, pointed head without ears and with two sly, ferocious eyes where are always on the hunt for prey, an enormous mouth armed with sharp teeth, ever intent on instantly snagging some imprudent creature coming within reach of its jaws.  In short, the head is much like a serpents in shape and a crocodile’s as regards the teeth.  A long, flexible neck giving the tremendous head a lot of agility.

    “A big, slippery body covered with skin like that of eels (to give you some idea)—that is, without scales, with a color ranging from rust and violet to dark gray—it’s hard to say.  It even has the color of leeches.

    “At its shoulders and hips (I say “hips” because that’s where the throbbing belly swollen with preys comes to an end and the long tail begins culminating in a point) there are four short legs with webbed feet like a crocodile’s.  On its back, two bat’s wings.
    “The beast does not move its big repugnant body.  It moves only its tail—which wriggles back and forth in an S shape—and its horrible head with fascinating eyes and murderous jaws.

    “God have mercy!  What an ugly beast!  From its black cavern it emits darkness and horror.  I assure you that yesterday, when I saw it with all the sharpest precision—and did not understand what it was up to there—I felt like screaming with revulsion.  It’s a good thing that I saw that it never looked towards me, as if out to repugnance.  If anything, a mutual repugnance.  If this is a pale representation of Satan, what must he be like?  It’s enough to make you did twice in a row just to see him!

    “It’s also good thing that, if the beast was in a corner, my white, handsome, blond Jesus was very close by…Light in light!  If the luminous, consoling figure of Christ is compared to that of the other—his most gentle, clear gaze, to the malevolent one of the other—there is real reason to feel compassion for the unfortunate sinners destined to the latter because they have rejected Jesus.

    “Well then, now that I have seen… I would like not to see him any longer because he is too ugly.  I will pray that as few unfortunates as possible end up in his clutches, but I ask the good Lord to take this sight away from me.

    “Today it is less intense, and I am most grateful to the Lord.  And even more grateful because the dear Voice has me understand the reason for the vision, which terrified me yesterday, when I thought it was destined for me as a warning.”

    Peace be with you always

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 8:40 am